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10675272 No.10675272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Communism is inherently flawed, these examples where capitalist countries interfered prove it!

>> No.10675288
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>capitalism is bad!

>> No.10675289

Can you fuck off back to /pol/, you faggot

>> No.10675299

>communism failed to spread otherwise as predicted by Marx
I-I-It doesn't count, the theory was still right!
Grow up, this is Utopian Socialism at this point. Marx wouldn't have wanted this.

>> No.10675303
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tankies, communists and pseudo-marxists gtfo of my /lit/ please

>> No.10675310

This. This is a neo-Nazi board

>> No.10675312

I don't understand logic behind posts like these: are you implying that people shouldn't have laptops or be communicating online - what is the single greatest global communication platform in the world - if they dislike the current iteration of economics? This is something that a baby boomer would say.

I'm not even a leftist or a mac owner before you spaz out and meme at me.

>> No.10675315

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.10675316

I know you're kidding but since most of you faggots can't handle theory /lit/ should be as apolitical as possible

>> No.10675323

Yeah, so please report these threads, faggot

>> No.10675329

Don't know what this has to do with /lit/, but here you go.

>Allegedly amazing system of governing and social structuring.
>Can't withstand outside "interference" without becoming horrifically corrupted or collapsing entirely.

>> No.10675333

Should a political theory only be considered in it's domestic implementation? or should it also account for it's ability to compete in international relations?

>> No.10675335

>Communism only works in a vacuum and only under these assumptions A, B, and C.

>> No.10675337

This is a pessimistic reactionary board that hopes for nothing and kinda thinks the past was better because cultural production was better and shit was less convoluted.
That's it.

>> No.10675341
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>Capitalism interfered
>By existing anywhere
And here I was thinking that true communism was never tried because Marxist Leninist doctrine needs a state capitalist stage before it enters into communism.

Oh but that's "red fascism" that's right.

>> No.10675346

A lot of us has a hope after electing Trump and seeing how we forced Brexit and almost got Le Pen elected. We can still achieve a white future with traditional gender roles and no race mixing if we come together, redpilled and kekistanis alike. Don't lose hope

>> No.10675351

This desu.

>> No.10675359

If Communism can't survive something inevitable like other countries interfering maybe it's not a great system.

>> No.10675362

fuck off /leftypol/
>see I can play the boogeyman game too

>> No.10675363

>if only evil capitalists didn't interfere we would achieve our utopia

Git gud, faggot.

>> No.10675393 [DELETED] 

im saying that computers and the internet are products of capitalism ya twat especially overpriced ones

>> No.10675443

Communist countries don't work properly outside of a frictionless vacuum, right?

>> No.10675510
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>kill all the capitalists in your country
>waah evil dictatorship worse than hitler
>be ruined by capitalists instead
>lol umadbro if you can't defend yourself it's not a good system

The USSR didn't "fall apart", the socialist system was steadily replaced by Kruschevite revisionists over two decades, and capitalism was introduced in the worst possible way.
Other countries were directly subverted from the west because they didn't have a Stalin to sort shit out. Yugoslavia was a nice dream but worker participation was minimal and it wasn't socialist by the 80s, and had huge unemployment and debts, only kept afloat because the West needed a buffer between the proper communists.

>> No.10675516

No because obviously we would never develop advanced technology without capitalism /s

>> No.10675519


>> No.10675520


>> No.10675526

Why is it that communism can be ruined by minimal capitalist interference and not the other way around? Gee I wonder which is a stronger system

>> No.10675535
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I’d just like to point out that no one has tried an anachronistic society yet

>> No.10675543

m8, you're not even wrong, but this is the book board.

>> No.10675552

>system so fragile it falls apart from interference by supposedly inferior systems

>> No.10675555

Communism can work, but you need a slave class. Like the Spartans with their helots

>> No.10675567

The only socialism that got started in the 20th century was underdeveloped socialism, due to the way imperialism works. It was never going to rival the major western capitalist states, which had a strong industrial base and a functional society.
If you compare countries with a similar level of development, socialist countries did incredibly well. To deny this is pure propaganda, not even liberal historians believe most of the usual memes.
The main burgeois fallacy is to expect that every country should follow libertarian economics and go through the same stages of progress as England and America. This is clearly not how history works, and underdeveloped states are structurally disadvantaged in the global market.

>> No.10675576

>a communist
>relying the chances of communism on some absurd idea of a platonic form of communism untouched by the practical world
Wew lad

>> No.10675580

There are no communist-friendly laptop manufacturers, but I'm pretty fucking sure that there are better alternatives to Apple. And not only nu-leftists support a very shitty company, they need to show it to everyone, like it is an honor to own an overpriced Macbook.
I have never seen anyone getting bothered by a commie running GNU/Linux.

>> No.10675594
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>Capitalism is inherently flawed, these examples where government interfered prove it!

>> No.10675598


>> No.10675604

Did your mom smash the soft spot on top of your head when you were a child? or are you jest stupid? The joke is, is that they want communist, but they ways they advocate it "apple laptop for twitter, apple anything. North face jacket. Buying communist shit off amazon with money"
Is hypocritical of them since the core idea of communism is everything is for the public. So for them to have expensive shit and not give it away, and instead they vouch for the thing they are not doing, is a joke

>> No.10675612

Communism is inherently flawed because all modern communists are neurotic they/them furfags who talk about punching nazis but are too mentally ill to even go out of their rooms. have I mentioned i PUNCH NAZIS XDD! DM me if I say something problematic

>> No.10675638
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>> No.10675639

if your only exposure to the modern left is Occupy Democrat's Logic screencaps from tumblr i can see why you'd think that

>> No.10675652

>le epin strawman
Those aren't leftists, they're just misguided children putting on a pseudo-leftist costume. They think they can have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.10675653

we were not talking about corporate greed, you retard. Kinda ironic on how were on lit, yet you cannot understand a sentence. The post your replaying to, were talking about communism, not corporate greed

>> No.10675656

>too mentally ill to even go out of their rooms
They aren't too mentally ill. If you go outside, you'll need a car to go anywhere. To have a car, you'll need money. To get money, you'll need a job. But they wouldn't want to lower themselves into become a wage slave, so they're stuck.

>> No.10675667

>claim you don't understand the logic behind posts like that
>I try to explain what is the logic behind it
>"Hah, he used o logical fallacy!"
I even pointed out that those images are really against "nu-leftists", is you have put it yourself. What the fuck man? How dumb are you?

>> No.10675676

LITERALLY all far-leftists I've seen, Internet or IRL, have been total freaks.
There are a ton of fat/autistic right-wingers but also plenty that can function in normal society. All "communists", on the other hand, are amalgamations of tumblr/edgy/tranny/fetish cults who care about nothing more than fulfilling a shicking aesthetic and rarely know anything about actual Marxism past SEIZE LE MEANS OF PRODUCTION XDDDD catchphrases

>> No.10675682

The "real" left is either idpol cultists or irony-poisoned ChapoTrapHouse fans

>> No.10675689
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the modern left is entirely composed of self hating neurotics stalin LARPers and degenerates. Thanks, but I'd rather stay a fascist ubermensch. I harbor such a seething contempt for 'trans people' and numale beardos I find myself inexorably driven towards fascism. Sorry to hurt your precious feelings, snowflake, but Fascism is the only way to pursue my rational self interest as an heterosexual white man. Guess I'm just too cool, hip and down with it to be anything other than a literal nazi

>> No.10675691
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This is trivially easy to disprove, you know.

>> No.10675703

These are dangerous lies you're spreading. Why do you feel the need to do so?

>> No.10675748

>posts Trotskyite rape cult acolyte

>> No.10675756

>these examples where capitalist countries interfered prove it!
That's called the world. Interference is the base case, this shit is like saying it'd work except in reality. Lmao, it's a tacit AND overt admission of how fucking stupid commies really are.

>> No.10675761

If communism can't overcome capitalism by power (like Marx predicted), than it is flawed and doomed to fail.

>> No.10675763

Exactally: communism is flawed and is doomed to fail.

>> No.10675766

we don't want him.

>> No.10675769

No system can prevail without overcoming the existent ones. Communism proved it is weaker than capitalism.

>> No.10675771

9/10, impeccable form

>> No.10675818

>hurr durr capitalism is superior
>lets just ignore how it needs to be regulated by the state
>lets ignore how many times the state saved it from complete collapse

>> No.10675824

>getting this involved in pop-politics

>> No.10675826

You expect the state to let it collapse for no reason?

>> No.10675831

>he thinks the state is some distinct and external entity in a capitalist system
get a load of this guy

>> No.10675833


>> No.10675837

market forces would decide what the state would do, and surprise surprise, it's in the state's interest to help the market when required

>> No.10675873
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Marxism doesn't work. Socialism doesn't work. Communism doesn't work.

Capitalism works.

>> No.10675878

Cool this guy underst--

>Quotes Mises

Nevermind, get in your containment board


>> No.10675887
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Aint nothing wrong with Mises nigga

>> No.10675893

>we forced Brexit
No you didn't.

>> No.10675897
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>Capitalism works.

>> No.10675902
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Welp, he doesn't live like royalty that's it capitalism doesn't work.

>> No.10675906

>federal regulations on rent control, minimum wage, housing projects etc. positively fucking a community sideways
>the operations of capitalism

>> No.10675911

Capitalism make the most powerful nations and the most powerful individuals when compared to other regimes.
the most powerful nations, specially when they have the most powerful individuals, necessarily prevail

>> No.10675916

There is plenty wrong with Mises. There are better economists who don't simply use empirical pricing to derive the value of a monetary unit. His philosophy is foolishly, absurdly simplistic. A two-year old could understand his positions. In my mind, Keynes critiqued both Hayek and Mises very well in The General Theory when he said that the Austrian school doesn't even define their terms properly.

>> No.10675924

>the most powerful individuals who are corporate wage slaves
I think you need to drink a little more Kool-aid. Individuals will only be powerful when they aren't forced to work to survive.

>> No.10675925
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Now I do agree that critique can be applied to Mises, but I wouldn't say you should go so far as to ignore him. Simplicity isn't something negative per se.

>> No.10675932

Are you...are you..are you the Guy that Nothing Gets Past?

>> No.10675945

Yeah, lots of free market states have done well for themselves. But do you know who else has done well under the rather narrow terms we are discussing? China and the USSR. These 2 are the most impressive examples of social engineering and command-growth, ever, as well as good examples of a common misperception- that it’s individual economic choices (capitalist, socialist, etc.) which are primarily responsible for a nation’s most dramatic growth as opposed to the simple shift from feudalism to industrialism. Russia literally went from a potential vassal state with a near-feudal economy in 1900 to a superpower in 1945, to a somewhat cosmopolitan, decaying welfare state by the 1970s/80s. China was almost prehistoric in 1949. Today it is the world’s largest economy and has managed double-digit growth for years. Much of this is obviously the result of ‘opening up.’ Yet it is not an ‘opening up’ done in a way that Mises would approve of.

>> No.10675949

So there aren't wage slaves in socialism and fascism? There are. But capitalist slaves are more powerful over themselves, against their masters and over nature than they are in fascism and socialism.
Not to mention a great deal of people don't need to work to survive using assistencialist politics like food stamps.

>> No.10675958

I'm not so much arguing for socialism, but some system in which "work" is not a concept that exists. Of course, that is just a crazy ideal I have, that probably won't be possible for many, many years, when most jobs have been automated away.

>> No.10675960

Indeed, but one has to remember growth isn't binary. There are many ways economies can grow, they can take the longer natural route like the western worlds dominating today or they can "cheat" if you will, take the faster route. We saw how that ended for the Soviet Union and we will soon see how badly it turned out for China.

Yes China is a large economy, GDP per capita however is incredibly low compared to any western state and that really says it all. It's high on numbers and we know how much Beijing interference there is, it's not healthy, it's not natural and it surely isn't viable.

>> No.10675972

I understand. We shouldn't refrain from imagining new possibilities. But I suppose that would still be capitalism if the means of production are in the hands of private agents.

>> No.10675993
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It is when you're analyzing an economy. Look, I simply plain don't agree with Mises. I think he raises some valid points about Capital injections, and who the fiduciary unit gets distributed to. That's about it. I like his terms of money, as well, and the history he knows is extensive.

His philosophy of how he analyzes the economic system sucks.

>> No.10675999

most jobs under our postindustrial hell economy amount to nothing more than pointless busywork. Production has been outsourced away to the periphery. we, the lucky ones, condemned to the endless reproduction of an absurd postfordist social reality.

>> No.10676040

Try again, Last Man.
Nope. Try again, Last Man.

>> No.10676065

>being rightwing only because the left is degenerate
this is why the right won't win
Evola was right and I was he wasn't
kill me

>> No.10676088
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>political economy
what are you gonna tell us to read Polanyi and some IPE next?

>> No.10676111

John Stuart Mill's book is a good read if you're interested in the history of economic thought. Like I said though, you might not be. If you're into just the basic theory at the very least read Carl Menger and John Maynard Keynes.

>> No.10676147

>lol trust me read keynes its the best way to learn economics haha im neutral

>> No.10676161

keynes did nothing wrong
his ideas have been misapplied
he understood his shit

>> No.10676245

>recommending John Stewart Mill unironically

>> No.10676347

>doesn't understand Utilitarianism

If you liked that book, you'd find his stance on Economics absolutely fascinating. It is a bit verbose though, so it would be a waste of time unless you were interested in the history a fair deal.

>> No.10676368

Here's the difference between a capitalist and a communist. Its fair to say both have caused problems but when you talk to a capitalist, no one ever defends the bad guys. We don't have college kids reading Leopold of Belgium's memoirs on how he fucked up the Congo, a communist however will quickly deny and argue that the mass murderers of Stalin and Mao were okay guys and it was the dirty capitalists who forced them to execute millions of dissenters.

>> No.10676395

what the fuck is an anachronistic society?
did you mean anarchist?

>> No.10676427

People who are time travelling like assholes.




>> No.10676670

>implying communism is even a worthwhile cause to pursue
Okay congrats, you seized the means of production. Now what?

Oh right, you still show up at work on Monday, except for it’s comrade political leader Stephan from the local cooperative in charge of you instead of Ted your old shift manager.

It has literally no impact on anything in anyone’s life except now resources are now allocated in a much shittier manner.