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10674560 No.10674560 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10674586

The only great philosophers who were antisemitic were Jewish themselves

>> No.10674594

Voltaire was really... François-Marie Arouetstein

>> No.10674616


>> No.10674629

He was an honorary Hebrew, like Heidegger

>> No.10674633

No, see this reply >>10674616

Jews have always tried to destroy whiteness and masculinity, and the brightest among us realize this. Great philosophers too.
nonsense, you have to go back, soy

>> No.10674649

Us vegans are redpilled and shredded as hell, you fucking carnist fat titty fuck. I'll throw you down and put my heel into you, like swift-footed Achilles, then harangue you with the polemic, rhetorical skills of swift-minded Odysseus.

>> No.10674653

This is sort of true

Spinoza turned his back on the Jews because they were fucking stupid
Wittgenstein understood and partially sympathised with the Nazis

>> No.10674656

fuck off shill. You will not succeed in subverting the redpill on this board

>> No.10674662

if vegans are so healthy why do all vegasn over 40 looks they have hepatitis? have u seen moby lately? he looks geriatric, hell even tao fucking lin drops anti-vegan redpills in his books like that part with lady who owns a vegan restaurant but had to start eating meat again cuz he doctor said it wasn't healthy, lmao, he sounded sincerely vegan but then puts that in ha ha

>> No.10674685


Lol, do you even know what this word means?

Woah, some fucking dickhead druggie who looked unhealthy when he was young now looks old? Eating meat and dairy isn't necessary, and no doctor would say that unless you were eating shit like Oreos all day. Just get all your protein and vitamins from things like beans and lentils. Iron is important for women, but I think they can have spinach and other greens for that.

>> No.10674705

What a gross and disgusting misrepresentation of philosophers.

Spinoza's rejected all common religious people from Christians to Jews to Muslisms and alligned his thinking only with the philosophical thinkers such as Avveores and Rabbi Moses ben Maimon

>> No.10674708
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>tfw eat both plants and animals

>> No.10674719

I like this meme is the correct literary stance to take, but it's made fun of by simpletons who've invested too much of their life into some arbitrary legal body who's only purpose is to raise funds.

>> No.10674733

>Wittgenstein understood and partially sympathised with the Nazis
Got any proof of that?

>> No.10674737

> Toronto’s Vegetarian Food Festival

yeah i bet they have real strict drug testing at a vegetarian food festival, totally legit record bro

>> No.10674758

This is pretty funny posturing from a badly read person

>> No.10674780

>Wittgenstein caused the Holocaust by bullying Hitler in school

>> No.10674827

Made me think

>> No.10674836

Check the first link then. Olympian.

>> No.10674888


So do they bring up the vegan thing to derail discussion on this subject? Don't usually see vegan posters outside /fit/

>> No.10676206
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>be soyboy nu-male bugman
>mfw i realized this

>> No.10676217

Not really...

t. on the same echelon as Gass while he was writing The Tunnel of being read

>> No.10676225

Even the ones that criticized jews also criticized antisemitism.
Nietzche criticized antisemitism
Fichte lost his job defending jewish students
Heidegger kept his dedicatory to Husserl in the middle of the book and also criticized antisemitism with his dick.

>> No.10676228

>*slightly* antisemitic
Let me guess, the "slightly" here means you can call Nietzsche an antisemite.

>> No.10676234

Or just Jewish.

>> No.10676244

Critisizing a group of people does not mean you are "anti"(group name). Unless you are stormfag with the IQ of grape, which is the logic that OP's post has.

>> No.10676319

maybe the most autistic exchange i've ever read

>> No.10676335

You're the one with the tism, honey.

>> No.10676414

Seig heil my fellow magapepe! Fuck the joos!

>> No.10677039


you should remove simpletons and arbitrary from your brain list of words to use

>> No.10677229

You have to be hopelessly naive to not be slightly antisemitic in some way. Even the Jews themselves are slightly antisemitic.

>> No.10677328


they know what they're system is capable of lol

same way Jay Z walks around looking at everyone as a threat

>> No.10677354

>I know you are but what am I?

>> No.10677399

>Wittgenstein understood and partially sympathised with Nazis

>> No.10677425

Yes, it's a cohencidence.

>> No.10677446

Probably because the Western world in general has basically been anti-semitic to a certain extent since forever. Especially after the Holocaust, I imagine a lot of that died away, especially in the mainstream, but that kind of thing seeps into everything, so if every great philosopher was anti-semitic, I'd venture to guess so was every non-great philosopher and non-philosopher as well.

This kind of thing doesn't say much unless it's "every great philosopher was slightly anti-semitic, but this pattern is different from the rest of society", which you're not. Also [citation needed].