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/lit/ - Literature

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10673338 No.10673338 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here actually published anything?

>> No.10673342


>> No.10673346

Self published a short story on Kindle, deleted it a few months later out of shame.

>> No.10673406

Why? What was so bad about it?

>> No.10673441

technically anything we put on 4chan will be considered published by the major journals

>> No.10673518

you think anyone gives a fuck about what every dumb reddit-exiled nigger on a masturbatory cartoon network has to say?

fuck you

>> No.10673521

Many people in here have had short stories and poems published, of which I am one of them. Idk how many people have gotten full novels published or had book deals, that seems much more rare here.

>> No.10673531

Maybe noone bought it?

>> No.10673549

hypersphere, legacy of totalitarianism

>> No.10673640

i recently put out a novel with one of my country's leading publishing houses it has sold 478 copies ama

>> No.10673653

country, genre?

>> No.10673671

Someone spell it out. How can I get a book traditionally published? Sorting throught the internet is just full of blogs that read like junk and people who did indepedent publishing or self-publishing. How do I get someone like Viking on my team?

>> No.10673705

One reasonably non-terrible story in a fanzine, otherwise nah.

Start with a smaller publisher, even semi-pro markets, and do short fiction first so you'll have something on the resume (and a way of refining the needed skills) when it comes novel time.

>> No.10673719

I have and I regret it.

Wrote a novel aged 21 / 22. Publishing house liked it, but I withdrew (thank god) because I realized it was trash.

Aged 25 wrote two short stories in 4 days and they were published but none of the spelling mistakes etc I subsequently noticed and acted to be corrected were in fact corrected. Meaning I rushed two stories, had both accepted, but now even thinking of reading them (which I refuse to do) makes me want to kill myself immediately.

Lesson: don't rush things folks

>> No.10673745

Thank! I switched to this method in November.

I figured I have a back log of novels, so I should focus on my short form.

I haven't got anything published yet, but a few emails from editors offering tips.

Any advice on how to match short story to literary market? Been using submission grinder.

>> No.10673779

hard truth for yung writers out there: unless you're writing fantasy or erotica ebooks you have to be a brand who lives and breathes exposure in every shape and form. it's the only way to break into the industry without old school connections

>> No.10673782

Four times... only really proud of one. Was a national writing comp with biggish name judges attached. There was only 6 or so first place spots in the categories, out of over 160 entries. I won the prose category, which is great because I considered it a prose poem.
Huge boost of confidence. A little boost of ego.
Took a lot of time to internalize it, and begin to submit more poetry/short stories, since a big fear of failure came after.

It was nice though... got a lot of people in my life to take my writing seriously, since the famous judge impresses normies, and I bet out a lot of boomers who had been writing all their lives.

>> No.10673786

beat out***

>> No.10673998

>pic related

Lmao I just found out the same guy did the weird fucked up mouse bondage meme. What a story.

>> No.10674064

Why not just create a pseudonym? No way I'm publishing anything under my real name.

>> No.10674068

I publish smut for teen girls under a female pseudonym, and make 6 figures doing it.

>> No.10674075

How do you write about the feeling of the female orgasm and penetration?

>> No.10674085

I just make it up. Looks like it works

>> No.10674105

>it has sold 478 copies ama
Give us some context, man. How big is the country and for how long did those copies got sold.

>> No.10674115

Self published on Kindle/CreateSpace. It's still up there but it's technically YA because that was the audience I was writing for at the time.

I used a pen name because my name is essentially John Smith.

>> No.10674118

It’s so nice having old school connections

>> No.10674125

What are all of your novels about? Plot synopsis?

>> No.10674127

>Publish on kindle
>Sell it for cheap
>If people actually buy it, which they won't, then raise the prices
Is this a good idea?

>> No.10674130
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hand them over

>> No.10674132
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When your name is Kayla and your writing is shit...

>> No.10674138
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>> No.10674144
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When you work at Publix and try to make it as an author... JK Rowling, give me the power...

>> No.10674155

country size between 5-10 million
books been out for approx one month

>> No.10674192

i'll teach you how to write if you show me them titties

>> No.10674194

Not bad at all. What genre is the book?

>> No.10674204
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>> No.10674206

This guy doesn't have old school connections.

Don't fall for it!

>> No.10674281

Read it for yourself. Of course I would take this reddit shit down. I wrote it for a local sci-fi anthology to get paid, but the guy didn't accept it, so I put it on kindle.


>> No.10674288

>The name leaves some strange feeling on the tongue, that is, if I had a tongue.

I literally spat my coffee out. Good lord wtf

>> No.10674295

Very reddit first paragraph.

>> No.10674312

Are you still writing currently?

>> No.10674326

I think I was trying to steal that Lolita line with "Ar-ty" lol.

>> No.10674332

I helped edit and publish a literary arts journal w/ poetry & prose

>> No.10674334

Not so much, I've been busy, but I wrote a 13,000 word story that I wanted to be a novel last year. I wrote a bit today about some gay dandies smoking drugs but it was mostly tongue-in-cheek. How about yourself? You write?

>> No.10674354
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Bookmark this link, anons.
Whenever you write and wonder if it's good or not, just remember the story of Arty.

>Ah, you fool! Too hot, take it back. I’ve now burnt my tongue! In front of eweryone viewing this. How embowassing. I’m wed-faced now, awen’t I? Well, wet’s end thish. Weer goin’ ta scuttol whatever of the ship is weft, taking back whate’er wemains for wesearch on homewold. Kwisis awerted. Mission compwete. And sho on. End o’ Thtar Wog. … Transmission ended.

>> No.10674378

You'd think someone with a reaction folder of a children's game would appreciate my child-tier comedy.

>> No.10674527

>quirky "not like other girls"
>meets Chad
>they fuck

You know the relationship from the first season of Stranger Things? I've published that about 10 times with names and places shifted around. Teen girls aren't sentient.

>> No.10674547

>just for the record, my name is Odysseus!!!

>> No.10674567

does a scientific paper count?

>> No.10674632

not if it's about spiders no

>> No.10674902

Who's Noone?

>> No.10674929


I've published several hundred articles on a legal blog, but I get paid for that.

I've also been published in two magazines, one of which I was a regular contributor to for a year. The editor loved me, but I could never get my submissions in on time.

>> No.10674938

I made $35,000 for the treatment of a screenplay.

>> No.10674945

How did you get here from reddit, and why don't you go back?

>> No.10674954

4chan has had amas for years.

>> No.10674974

that's some nice money. are you doing any more screenplays? did the movie get made (and released)?

>> No.10674989

No, some weeks after receiving the money my sister had a big health problem and I sunk into a huge depression, so I ended up delivering shit and the project was never made.

I have an idea now and I think it could work out, but I'm too lazy to actually start writing it and I don't have much time between work and classes.

>> No.10674997
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good looordd

>> No.10675003

howd u line up the deal anyway? agent?

>> No.10675013
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yes. ama

>> No.10675014

It was pretty obvious, lol.

By the way, you don't write too badly. You should ditch that teenager, dumb sci-fi and the 3rd person, but you can make phrases, which is more than many other "writers" can do.

>> No.10675035

dang that sucks. hope you and your sis are doing better

out of curiosity, what are some of your favorite screenplays?

>> No.10675043

Yeah, I have no idea how that works. I guess í should get in contact with an agent and they would take their share. As long as they read the screenplay and move it around, I don't care about it.

The difficult part is to write and translate it into English. Once that's done, I think I would have a shot.

>> No.10675059

Mmm I don't think much about the screenplay when I watch a movie, but some movies I like for different reasons are Match Point, Pierrot le fou, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind or The life of the others. I think all those are good stories. Match Point is based on Crime and Punishment, by the way.

Thanks for your kind words too.

>> No.10675286

Yes. Biggest regret of my life desu.

>> No.10675296

Why was it the biggest regret? Explain.