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/lit/ - Literature

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10672949 No.10672949 [Reply] [Original]

>creative writing class general

I have to write a 2000 word short story for my creative writing class and I can't think of anything. I don't want to look stupid, you guys.

>> No.10672981

Just write a Kafkaesque short story.

>> No.10672990

This. Write about a man trapped in a dark room with a dog or something who can't get out. The padding opportunities are infinite

>> No.10672993

that is the single best cosplay I have ever seen.

also, just write a dream you had and add christ allegories.

one time I had a dream that everytime I went into a river I came back out in an alternate reality. It was really innocuous, because they were just little things. one of my friends didn't know who I was, that kind of thing. by the end of my dream I was frantically flinging myself into the water to try and find my own reality again, and my friend pulled me out, but I knew she didn't remember me.

>> No.10672995

just copy something by someone obscure like Breece Pancake

>> No.10673010

write a story about a guy writing a story who thinks he's so clever but just blatantly plagiarizes famous authors

>> No.10673019


...why have you not written this yet? That sounds awesome.

>> No.10673025

just copy dune or one of those other shitty sci-fi books

>> No.10673118

I write down most of my dreams, and I've got a couple that I want to write more. that dream wasn't actually that impressive.

The one I want to write most is this one:

Ricky is a highschool loser, typical, archetype, really. He's at a highschool party, gets into a fight with his best friend. The cops show up shortly thereafter and Ricky's neck gets broken and he dies in the ensuing chaos. Officially he died from the fight, but nobody believes it. Sometimes Ricky follows his best friend around, who is trying to find out what really happened, sometimes he's back at the party venue, meeting ghosts and demons who haunt those kinds of places: like one demon who'll give drunk girls actual lucky pennies if they flash their tits at her. Sometimes he's suddenly in the body of someone who keeps trying to kill themselves. In the end, his death was just an accident. He just slipped and fell. There's no one to blame, and it was just something stupid and tragic that happened for no reason at all.

>> No.10673124


The prof. says it has to be literary fiction, and he suggests that I base it off my every day life. Little does he know, a story based on my own life would be about 4chan and masturbation. How do I tell my professor I have no life?

>> No.10673137

>a story based on my own life would be about 4chan and masturbation.
I'm sure you could spin this into something interesting. Get creative. It's a creative writing class, after all.

>> No.10673186


I like the river one better. Its more my taste. This one reminds me the Sandman series by Niel Gaiman. It would probably make a great graphic novel, though.

I had a dream once where I was out on a date with a guy who I had a crush on. I was also dating someone at the time though, and that guilt carried over to my dream self. We were at a bar, watching a documentary about the witches of Salem on one of the TVs.
Everytime one of us made a move, a witch would be burned in sharp detail, and I was very uncomfortable with the fact that she was burning.
Finally, I start making out with my crush, and he pulls his head back and in my boyfriend's voice asks me "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?" and then I woke up.

I think there's a story in there someone. I don't understand what my mind was getting at with the Witches.

>> No.10673211


He doesn't get mentioned much on /lit/, but you might want to look to someone like Fowles for inspiration on this.

Half the story is about you being stuck in the pit of shitposting and fapping, you discover some mysterious females and a powerful elder and they initiate you into some mysterious order involving a mystical experience with some natural wonder close to where you live.

>> No.10674272

Dosto did it.

>> No.10674289

Sometimes you need to fail and feel stupid. It will be good for your character.

>> No.10674298

Start writing faggot. If the deadline is tomorrow stay up all night.

You have no excuses. Writing someone else's idea wont work, and sitting to think wont work either.