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10672694 No.10672694 [Reply] [Original]

>Ha! I'm so witty!

>> No.10672707

>The Fault
>in Our Stars
>omg Shakespeare reference so witty

>> No.10672942

I want to get Rid of that Hag

>> No.10672962

At least that was the era when she just did slightly unoriginal kid's adventure books with puns in, rather than try to make everything Dark and Epic™ while doing vague gestures to progressive politics without having the guts to actually include them in the story itself.

>> No.10672974

>The Sound and the Fury

>> No.10673039

>Infinite Jest

>> No.10673041

The progressive politics was retroactively added in via Twitter.
Although I imagine in a few years she will officially update the books with a new printing that adds in all the new progressive lore, namely that Harry is trans.

>> No.10673048

>Pale Fire
holy crap!

>> No.10673077

JK Rowling when nobody's paid attention to her for five minutes:

"I'd like to announce that-"
*spins wheel* "-Cho Chang was-"
*throws dart* "-A non-binary femme, and-"
*flips book to random page* "-African American"

>> No.10673105

Fuck this bitch, to make it worse everyone worships her and HP is everywhere.

>> No.10673125

>Wait till they get a load of this!

>> No.10673175

That's (mainly) what I mean by "vague gestures", yeah.

>Lupin's werewolf contagion is a metaphor for AIDS you know! (Never mind exploring that, let's kill him in a pointless battle for Shock Value™)
>Hermione could be black guise! (I never actually mentioned anything that would lead you to think that, and OK'd Emma Watson for the films, but maybe!)
and most recently
>Dumbledore was gay the whole time, and never mentioned it because of a tragically failed relationship with Grindelwald (Don't worry though, the prequel film with him and Grindelwald will have zero gay content).

>> No.10673188


>> No.10673191

>The progressive politics was retroactively added in via Twitter.

and then removed again in all subsequent Harry Potter material that has come out. There is no mention of Dumbledore being gay in the Fantastic Beasts movies because JK Rowling is just trying to pander to as large as an audience as she can.

>> No.10673216

Damn I feel stupid for not getting this until I read >>10673188

>> No.10673226

>worships her
I remember when her and Piers Morgan were at each other's throats. Piers wrecked her with logic and her comeback was "Clearly you didn't read my books :^)". Then the public went ape shit and declared her the winner.

>> No.10673239

I find it hilarious how terrified she is of Jeremy Corbyn, too

>> No.10673403
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The general public was a mistake

>> No.10673424

Why is she scared of Jezza?

>> No.10673443

What Diagon Alley means?

>> No.10673465


>> No.10673479
File: 85 KB, 492x280, doubt-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piers Morgan

>> No.10673581

JK browses /lit/?

>> No.10673584
File: 231 KB, 420x314, rowling_potter_corbyn_dumbledore_twitter_labour-420x314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual neolib stuff, thinks he's turining Labour full communist, antisemitic, misogynist, any other label that'll stick. Except with 300% more cringe inducing references to her own books.

>> No.10673599

The essence of that tweet is what pisses me off about her. She acts like her book is a model for life. For some reason she thinks all the answers to life lie within her children's books. What the fuck is wrong with her? How bruised does your ego have to be to try to tie your book into every real world situation. Like she literally tweeted shit in the vein of "If only people paid more attention to Harry Potter, Trump would not be elected". This bitch is crazy.

>> No.10673858

Noctrn alley

>> No.10673878

Nabokov makes fun of it at least

>> No.10675405

>Fuck this bitch
Would gladly in all holes