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/lit/ - Literature

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10670658 No.10670658 [Reply] [Original]

In terms of just sheer quantity, who has the most books on /lit?

I don’t think it matters or whatever, just curious...

Also pic is not my bookcase.

>> No.10670680

I think I have about 400 but I haven't counted in a while, could be more.

>> No.10670682

I also wonder this. I'm that asshole with a stack of books on the mantel. I think the most I've seen is the dude with 3 or 4 tall shelves in the corner by a desk.

>> No.10670684

I own over 2,000 books of literary fiction, poetry, plays, and philosophy

>> No.10670687

I think I have about 500 but I haven't counted in a while, could be more.

>> No.10670691

I own over 3,000 books of literary fiction, poetry, plays, and philosophy

>> No.10670694

I own about 600, with 200 or so being valuable and on display. I don't have room for everything now, but I hope to soon. The sad fact that I've only read about 320 of then should not be left out.

>> No.10670696

When I own a place of my own I'll get a good old enormous as shit home library.

The last time I moved I was so sick of carrying boxes of books I swore I won't keep more than a hundred and sold off most of them. Right now I have less than three shelves.

>> No.10670702


>not organizing books by author -> series -> chronological order

this person deserves to be tortured

>> No.10670705

I've never really thought about it. Definitely thousands. They're in about 10 cases over two houses.

>> No.10670739

I've been reading seriously for the past 12 years and I've collected around 10,000.

>> No.10670757


I don’t even know what 10,000 books would even look like

You don’t have any pics or anything do you?

>> No.10670786
File: 111 KB, 1500x750, Germain MOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Count St. Germain/Christian Rosenkreuz so I have more books than you

>> No.10670802

Most of them are in boxes in my basement or garage along with other stuff. I went through a long depression and decided if I'm going to spend my life in bed I'll spend it reading. I started buying a bunch online but when I ran out of money I would go to a used book store in the city and steal one or two. Half of my collection is probably stolen. I read at a rate of one novella a day or one novel every two to three days. I used some of the shittier books as fuel for the fires I'd cook whitefish on. I now make a decent amount of change selling boxes of old books on ebay. At least enough to keep me alive.

>> No.10670806

Just to clarify: I steal from several stores, not just one.

>> No.10670821

you're a piece of shit.

>> No.10670827


>I don’t even know what 10,000 books would even look like

just walk into a library dude

>> No.10670834


>> No.10670851

>I would go to a used book store in the city and steal one or two
absolutely fucking based, I miss it so much anon but I got in trouble and the risk is no longer worth the reward. you just made me smile nostalgically

>> No.10670870

>tfw I only buy books when I have read and really enjoyed them
I long to be a person with a bookshelf like that, to have fallen in love with so many books

>> No.10670886

Don't. Do you really think that person loves every single one of those books and has read them multiple times?

>> No.10670908

>A second shock of banality occurs to many people in my condition—that is, people who possess a fairly sizable library (large enough in my case that someone entering our house can't help but notice it; actually, it takes up the whole place). The visitor enters and says, "What a lot of books! Have you read them all?" At first I thought that the question characterized only people who had scant familiarity with books, people accustomed to seeing a couple of shelves with five paperback mysteries and a children's encyclopedia, bought in installments. But experience has taught me that the same words can be uttered also by people above suspicion. It could be said that they are still people who consider a bookshelf as a mere storage place for already-read books and do not think of the library as a working tool. But there is more to it than that. I believe that, confronted by a vast array of books, anyone will be seized by the anguish of learning, and will inevitably lapse into asking the question that expresses his torment and his remorse.

>he problem is that when someone says, "Eco? You're the one who always answers," you can reply with a little laugh and, at most, if you want to be polite, with "That's a good one!" But the question about your books has to be answered, while your jaw stiffens and rivulets of cold sweat trickle down your spine. In the past I adopted a tone of contemptuous sarcasm. "I haven't read any of them; otherwise, why would I keep them here?" But this is a dangerous answer because it invites the obvious follow-up: "And where do you put them after you've read them?" The best answer is the one always used by Roberto Leydi: "And more, dear sir, many more," which freezes the adversary and plunges him into a state of awed admiration. But I find it merciless and angst-generating. Now I have fallen back on the riposte: "No, these are the ones I have to read by the end of the month. I keep the others in my office," a reply that on the one hand suggests a sublime ergonomic strategy, and on the other leads the visitor to hasten the moment of his departure.

From Umberto Eco, How to Justify a Private Library

>> No.10670911
File: 824 KB, 2912x1718, wHeJqEf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys really have thousands of books?

pic related: its a 1,000 book collection (not mine)

if you really have 2x, 3x etc. more than that, then post pics

no way you do

>> No.10670930

>organizing your fucking bookshelf by color
I sincerely mean this when I say I hope you die horribly and soon.

>> No.10670939

But that doesn't justify anything. He's just saying people who ask why he has so many books are retarded.

>> No.10670943

I'm >>10670705, definitely have way more than that. I probably had about that many when I was a teenager. Have bought a lot of new books since then, and also inherited some of my father's.

>> No.10670949

He says the justification in the first paragraph, the library is a research tool

>> No.10670961

I guarantee you the majority of people with large collections (see OP) don't use them for research

>> No.10670965

i remember some fag from like cornell (associate professor?) had like... thousands. indexed. he was apparently dying. he also had some gayass blogpage. might have been a roleplay.

>> No.10671811

>pic related: its a 1,000 book collection (not mine)
That looks like 1500+ books tho.

>> No.10671825

I only have 257

>> No.10671904

I have around 100-150 books. Read most book audio or digitally.

>> No.10671956
File: 1.48 MB, 4032x3024, 8ddEfAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i own a lot of books

>> No.10673074

great bait image. the fact that someone, somewhere owns this is horrendously depressing.

>> No.10673104

I inherited my parents collection so about 2k

>> No.10673153

>organized by color but not in rainbow order
fuck that guy

>> No.10673179

I don't have that many because I'm a tightwad. I only buy certain philosophy books or things that I plan on reading multiple times throughout my life. The only fiction that I own are Tolkien. Another reason I don't have a lot of books because I didn't start reading regularly until a few years ago and I had an e-reader and learned how to pirate from the beginning.

>> No.10673752

>ayn rand
>stephen king
>the walking dead

mama mia

>> No.10673778

nice collection

>> No.10673800

About 50 or so books. Mostly poetry, essay collections, and a few novels. I only buy something if I can't get it at the library, or plan on reading and rereading very often.

>> No.10674072

Never bothered to count in detail. It wouldn't serve any purpose. Guesstimating, 6 bookcases + 1 full wall of builtin shelves, with random stacks piled around in my main house. 2 bookcases + more random stacks at my pied-a-terre in the city. I avoid bookstores, yard sales, flea markets and the like, because I'll always walk away with an arm load of stuff I just couldn't leave behind. But, stuff keeps showing up.

>> No.10674142

Fucking street rat.