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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 105 KB, 1200x800, Cn8Atz3XYAAuukR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10670240 No.10670240[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>has written 19 books

>> No.10670247


>> No.10670252

>but he can't read

>> No.10670260

So have I. Why am I not president?

>> No.10670261

>has paid people to write 19 books under his name

>> No.10670262

We've reached the age where spending two hours coaching a ghost-writer counts as writing a book.

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Fuck off back to /pol/, mongoloid.

>> No.10670265

7 more years faggots

>> No.10670284

I'm not American, I also don't hate Trump, but denying that he didn't write the books under his name is retarded.

>> No.10670287

>s-s-seven m-m-more years

>> No.10670289

Dude, you get like NO pussy

>> No.10670298

Reported and saged.

>> No.10670304
File: 939 KB, 280x210, haha11-1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck off.

>> No.10670312

Lmaoing at how /lit/ is a leftist echo chamber

>> No.10670320

This. When will we get a fashy /lit/? I'm wliing to start a reading thread if you are.

>> No.10670323

It's more of an american navel gazing feedback loop.

>> No.10670333

It’s 3 calm yourself
Ghost writing isn’t writing anon

>> No.10670334

strange how the most knowledgeable board is mostly left-wing

>> No.10670346
File: 43 KB, 411x418, 1500926821510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /pol/ believe 4chan is a hivemind? Will never cease to be amazed at how rustled they become when realize not everyone is a cumguzzling faggot like themselves.

>> No.10670350
File: 35 KB, 324x499, 51+B8cqHZ8L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying he used ghostwriters isn't a political statement. Some of the writers are even on the book covers themselves, others are in the acknowledgements.

>> No.10670355
File: 5 KB, 263x191, 1485451535479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im smart because of my political ideology

>> No.10670358

He's more intelligent and successful than everyone else on this board. FACT

>> No.10670359

Fascism is not /lit/ at all. In fact one of the biggest books in the last century ,1984, criticized fascism. But if you actually read a book you’d know that

>> No.10670362

>i'm smart because of my reading "classics"

>> No.10670363

you just parroted the entirety of the right wing on the internet

>> No.10670366

it's literally not though

>> No.10670367

>one of the biggest books in the last century
yeah ok

>> No.10670371


>> No.10670373

thanks for the replies

>> No.10670374

Don't even reply to that obvious bait

>> No.10670375
File: 105 KB, 1024x822, 1516910936004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they have some kind of order and unity

>> No.10670376

Saying Trump probably hired a ghost writer isn't a political statement. Half of anti-trump shit is from anti-american right leaning euros

>> No.10670377

> intelligent
> successful
If Inheritance was equal to success then sure but really he just went from rich to slightly more rich

>> No.10670378

>Why does /pol/ believe 4chan is a hivemind? Will never cease to be amazed at how rustled they become when realize not everyone is a cumguzzling faggot like themselves.
Because they're autistic loners who spend ALL of their time in their echo-chambers and then when they meet someone who thinks Trump is a retard they simply can't grasp it.

>> No.10670380

Anti-Americans actually support Trump tho.
see: Putin's bots all over the Internet

>> No.10670381

156 IQ
>If Inheritance was equal to success then sure but really he just went from rich to slightly more rich
He's the fucking president of the most powerful nation in the world. You don't get any more successful than that

>> No.10670382

take off the tinfoil hat, anon

>> No.10670384

On 4chan retard don't reply to me if you are going to be so dumb

>> No.10670387
File: 999 KB, 296x259, prs[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess ya got me! Epic troll bro.

>> No.10670388

The entire election was a joke where literally mocking the opposition became his strategy
And you or him saying a number doesn’t make it true anon

>> No.10670389


>> No.10670392

t. Anti american
Can't wait for moloch to crash and burn lol

>> No.10670399

He's the president. You don't get any more successful. Just admit he's successful anon. Why is it so hard?

>> No.10670406

To be frank, they are probably all surrounded by people who hate Trump because they're all millennial/ Gen X who live in a world where they are surrounded by twitter instagram normies who hate Trump almost as much as they hate people who publicly support them. To be truthful, I live in a red state and voted for Trump and in class I would never publicly get into an argument with anyone about politics much less because most of them are rabid about hating Trump and will call u racist start huge shitstorm etc. So /pol/ is the only place these diehard people whom hate the status quo so much that their opinion will never be changed can talk to each other. Even further, even boards on their are in total dissent, people hardly ever agree with each other on anything and are constantly arguing, even if its meaningless dribble amerimutt/europoor memes.
I personally go on /pol/ a couple times of month while in the bath or something to read funny things but im not some fucking nazi sitting in his moms basement shitposting for 8 hours a day either. /lit/ is by far my most visited board. Generalizing people is never going to be a valid argument no matter which side you're on.

>> No.10670408
File: 70 KB, 800x499, swq1nocy6161qzotqx8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>156 IQ
right, and he also weighs 239 lbs

>> No.10670412

damn he thicc

>> No.10670413

He was intelligent enough to win the election despite basically everyone being against him

>> No.10670415

You lost. Don't reply to me or >>10670399

>> No.10670417

Because he is literally the last person who should have gotten the position. Jeb bush was better than this impulsive idiot. The Syrian missile incident told me that he’d get us killed eventually

>> No.10670419

>trump's """""intelligence""""" won the election
how narrow minded can you be?

>> No.10670425

If he topples a government and pushes a country into anarchy he might be a great leader right?

>> No.10670426

Well excuse me sweetie but I don't think you should be fat-shaming our beautiful president he's a beautiful man just the way he is and I don't think you should be imposing your unrealistic standards of beauty on him he's also the proof that you can be curvy and have a normal life with kids and a beautiful partner so fuck you loser virgin hater :PPPPPP

>> No.10670430

Irrelevant. He's was successful. He is successful. Just admit it to us anon. It's not so hard. This is an anonymous forum. Be a big boy

>> No.10670431

>implying iq isn't as useless as Myers-Briggs

>> No.10670439

Well I didn't see anyone else (except maybe Bernie Sanders) be able to tap into the issues of the 5 states that matter anywhere in elections nearly as well as Trump

>> No.10670442
File: 111 KB, 472x624, maga feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 more years of leftist butthurt

>> No.10670447

citation needed

>> No.10670455

You have to be over 18 to post

>> No.10670456

> implying he won’t get shot at down the line

>> No.10670460

Come on mods, do your fucking job.

>> No.10670461

I found out today I might have cancer. Can we just stop arguing tonight.

>> No.10670462

>Implying daddy isn't keeping THICC to prevent a bullet from reaching any vitals

>> No.10670468

lol the trump curse is real

>> No.10670473

Maybe it was all that soy

>> No.10670474

That's what you get for browsing 4chan

>> No.10670490

sink the ship to kill the captain

>> No.10670502
File: 218 KB, 300x366, 1461250416964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>markets at all time highs
>all fundamentals are great

soylent drinkers on suicide watch

>> No.10670508

Look at the markets some time

>> No.10670510
File: 28 KB, 480x336, B46568AE-99F7-4E92-950B-629CA6CED320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> every country in the world is either laughing at us or hating us
We’re going to die because of this oversized umpalumpa

>> No.10670517

>bragging about bush era manipulation of interest rates
>doesn’t follow the stock market
look at the market these past two months faggot

>> No.10670519

Hope you go to hell.

>> No.10670520

stock market high but your broke ass still lives with your grandparents

>> No.10670524
File: 784 KB, 1774x1774, maga6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaah a bunch of socialists are laughing at us
who cares about losers? America is winning.

Markets at all time highs, keep drinking your soylent faggot.

>> No.10670526

Stay classy leftists

>> No.10670531

Russia, Israel, and Vietnam still like us.

>> No.10670534

drumftrads don't show class so why should i show them class?

>> No.10670536

I liked the americans better when they didn't care what the world thought of them.
You sound like a pussy

>> No.10670548

And the rest of the civilized world is neoliberal shitters seeing who can suck chinas dick the hardest and let in as much third world rabble as it can

>> No.10670552

>he was successful
because of his connections and heritage
>he’s successful
at what? signing deals that all liberal presidents would make? letting russia bomb syria into submission? arming the border patrol, DEA and ICE with unlimited authority? what is he successful at? Pumping the stock market to enrich his friends while unemployment stagnates, automation presses forward, money is being devalued by legitimacy crises? you fucking bootlicker

>> No.10670558

mmm really ejaculates the sperm

>> No.10670567

>not neoliberal

>> No.10670572

UK, Netherlands, Germany, Italy are all neolibs
Probably way more if I dug into it more

>> No.10670573
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>> No.10670577
File: 155 KB, 552x736, maga3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is successful. You're a loser he's the president of the United States.

Keep drinking that soylent.

>> No.10670578

Literally any book which is written by a celebrity ‘and x person’ means that it was ghost written by that other person. This is /lit/ we know how fucking books work. Its just a statement of fact. Trying to say that trump has written a ton of books as proof that he’s anything is just bizarre.

>> No.10670583

Damn she's hot. And she supports Trump? I think I'm in love...

>> No.10670588

Are you referring to Scandinavian countries? Because they're way more business friendly and pro-property rights than the US lmao

>> No.10670589
File: 61 KB, 750x783, maga30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only ugly women are leftists.

>> No.10670594

who's the soyboy on the left

>> No.10670598
File: 78 KB, 900x572, 1508514627887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fiscal compact
>Borderline social democracy in Germany, France, Italy, Belgium with labour laws codes that are hundreds of pages long
>Outright social democracy in the nordic countries
>Shit-ton of EU approved laws and regulations
>Massive political intervention in the economy
Imagine actually being THIS economically illiterate

>> No.10670599

The US is arguably more socially liberal than most western states lmao what is this bullshit. Look up attitudes for immigrants and diversity, compare when they legalised fag marriage, abortion laws, etc

>> No.10670602

It helps that he inherited a vast fortune and that he doesn't care about fucking people over. Conscience is the thing that holds most people back from political positions, and Trump doesn't really have one. If anything, he's like a magpie, constantly seeing shiny things he wants and shouting and banging his fists until he gets them. With the right backing, inheritance and lack of conscience, your average neckbeard would get at least some support running for President.

>> No.10670603

>Literally an open border, free trade union

>> No.10670605
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>> No.10670608

But muh free healthcare and school make dem social democrats!

>> No.10670610

They are.
Maybe not after the next election but they certainly have been

>> No.10670612

shill faggot

>> No.10670613

Are you joking? As a leftist I’m loving this. I hate the FBI and I’m glad that his various idiot machinations are gonna wreck the place. A whole generation of state Department talent gone, the government is just bleeding talent they spend decades cultivating. And you know what it means? China is diplomatically extending itself around the globe, with every step in America takes, China takes one step out. You know because of the troubles with NAFTA China has started negotiating deals with both Canada and Mexico? They’ve also starting increasing a diplomatic presence in Cuba.

Xi is the real leader of the world now, and I’m endlessly thankful to America for electing an oaf who is going to make the China’s ascent so much easier.

>> No.10670617

The EU is the definition of neoliberal

>> No.10670625

he won, fucking get over it. If it's so easy then you do it.

>> No.10670626


>> No.10670627

Exactly. It's literally

>muh welfare
>muh free shit
>muh income equality (despite the fact that wealth inequality is as high as it is in the US)

from socdems while they suck corporate dick harder than 95% of other countries on earth

>> No.10670631

>The entire election was a joke where literally mocking the opposition became his strategy
and he won
this is the state of democracy

has democracy failed us

>> No.10670635

They teach me that Europe is a dying old man

>> No.10670636

no, democracy is keeping the plutocracy in check

>> No.10670640

I'm done.
I'm literally fucking done.
Italy is neoliberal according to burgers.
I can't take this anymore. Never again I'll try to discuss economics with you fucking illiterate mongoloid burgers. Fucking hell.

>> No.10670644

Literally no one gives a shit about italy in 2014 + 4

>> No.10670645

Neoliberal is a political term, not an economic one if you're going to sperg out on the burgers at least be educated

>> No.10670647

>european talking economics

>> No.10670649

at least I'm not a bloated, orange Russian puppet

>> No.10670650
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>> No.10670652

Europoors are so neoliberal they think politics and economics are the same thing

>> No.10670655

Amerimutts actually unironically voted for the orange retard to be their president. Talking about politics with them is useless.

>> No.10670657
File: 36 KB, 724x720, ZdjpodM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Markets at all time highs

>> No.10670659

>Fiscal compact
Yes, a very neoliberal policy indeed. I tip my maga hat to you fellow magapede. We should go eat some burgers at McDonald's sometimes, Tyrone actually said that I was getting thin so I should try and get a bit of meat on these bones :) (and she might accuse me of not being body positive enough lol)

>> No.10670667

So hows canada/australia chang?

>> No.10670669

That would be Milo "Dangerous" Yiannopoulos

Keep putting soy in your body.

China is a fucking black hole just waiting to explode.

>muh CHYNA

China is fucking nothing.

>> No.10670693

What the fuck lol

>> No.10670697

What the fuck is not neoliberal to you? Polpot? Is the power of 4chan political discourse?

>> No.10670704

The quality of this board has gone to absolute shit. Are you proud of yourselves?

>> No.10670709

Do you need a hug

>> No.10670710

back to plebbit with you, you're showing symptoms of withdrawal

>> No.10670711

Almost got me

>> No.10670713

>has written 0 books

>> No.10670718

Ah, it was bait then. Thank God I was actually going to kill one of my pets for all the accumulated anger.

>> No.10670720

So essentially you've got a poopy but.... and you like it?

>> No.10670722

Trump is literally a Zionist shill. You guys are confused, go home.

>> No.10670726

No I'm serious, you post like someone from plebbit, I advise you to go back

>> No.10670730

Europoor autism is one hell of a fucking drug

>> No.10670733

What the actual fuck am I reading?

>> No.10670737

>Trump is literally a Zionist shill. You guys are confused, go home.
This. I'll never understand how the biggest "muh Jews" conspiracy /pol/shits are supporting Trump of all people.

>> No.10670738

keep sucking down the cock of a corporate fascist who hates your class you dumb fucking cuck bitch
>china is gonna die but the US economy is fine
>i'm a retarded propagandist

>> No.10670741
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>Chinas economy will take over the world

>> No.10670750

Technological development, population is huge, higher IQ, zero ethical fucks. They were basically on the level of Africa 40 years ago and they already surpassed us on the technological development.
Speaking of Africa, they're probably going to take primary resources from there in the future.

>> No.10670751

Ah yes china is quite renown for loving their lower class

>> No.10670758


>> No.10670765

>says the thing I didn't say
>posts the corporate fascist murdoch bot from the ZOG box

>> No.10670767

Their economy is incredibly unstable, it's top down heavy. They literally waste resources building ghost cities for the sake of GDP growth.

Very inefficient use of capital, malinvestments wreck the economy

>> No.10670774
File: 54 KB, 626x602, 1487980240219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chink shill

>> No.10670788

yeah, If only they went the neoliberal route... like Italians... *sharts*

>> No.10670790
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1517893661328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>libtards reacting to this

>> No.10670795

our economy is incredibly unstable and built off of finance and oil, and currency that isn't worth anything, a stock market that's inflated artificially and military dominance that's waning you fucknigger!
>look mom I posted it again

>> No.10670799

>when the americans come to infect another discussion with their neurotic
why do you guys identify so strongly with your presidents.... perverse blind loyalty or psychotic hatred... drumpf infect mind brain neuron drumpf-cell prion-infection mass neurology-deficit mass american infection mass american brain damage personality erasure demonic drumpf demon-cells

>> No.10670807
File: 25 KB, 443x495, diversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10670808

Nothing that can't be fixed, or that is necessary to continue their economical growth.

>> No.10670815

Sweden at the forefront of cuckery as always.

>> No.10670818

quiet, hole

>> No.10670820

Why do all the commies on lit get triggered so easily?

>> No.10670845
File: 311 KB, 1280x1791, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A school of fish has order and unity.
>It's still the least harmful group in the ocean, fucko.

>> No.10670850

>most knowledgeable
the /lit/tard, at the height of his delusion, will actually believe this

>> No.10670866

The man's actually had testing to determine >140 IQ, which is considered "genius."

Like it or not, anon, he's been broke at least 3 times I know of in the past 40 years, and he still came back up to be a billionaire and then a fucking president. One who marries and fucks models.

What have you done with your life?
>Something tells me nothing you've done makes you fit to judge the average human, let alone Trump.
>Even if he is a complete tool.

>> No.10670868

The U.S. economy is 10000 times stronger than China's economy ever will be. If you think the U.S. economy is inflated artificially you shouldn't even mention the economy of China lmfao, during their stock crash 3 years ago they literally had people put in jail who sold their stocks, as an example.

It will crumble, that's inevitable because it's foundation is shaky as fuck. It's basically a ponzi.

>> No.10670883

>The man's actually had testing to determine >140 IQ, which is considered "genius."
Where is confirmation of this. I believe Bush having a high IQ, not Drumpf

>> No.10670898

>the US economy is 10000x>China
no, this is just propaganda. You're shilling for the ruling and owner classes, 1/3 of whom are Jews, and you're doing it with no irony (probably for money or because you feel an obligation to defend the regime, like a slave)

>> No.10670902
File: 808 KB, 225x249, hahawait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see trump OP
>settle in for some comfy shitposting
>wait a minute
>this isn't /int/
>mfw just walked into a /lefty/pol/ containment thread
thanks for reading blog, like comment subscibe

>> No.10670934

nobody cares for your comment.

>> No.10670966
File: 42 KB, 800x430, Smug-Donald-Trump-800x430[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ivy League graduate
>real estate sensation, majorly developed his family's business
>made billions
>elected president of the fucking US despite being disparaged by basically every single public entity in the whole country
>confirmed genius-level IQ
>banged several celebrities, models and so on

the /lit/erati
>didn't make it into an Ivy
>English degree from some state school
>merely above average intelligence
>may self-publish a book someday, probably won't
>destined for wageslaving
>stalks his oneitis on instagram

This same anon will have the abysmal self-consciousness to dare calling Trump a stupid loser lmfao

>> No.10670982
File: 374 KB, 1440x1920, 2fb586cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh jews

>> No.10671005

same fagging so much its despicable
lol at you

>> No.10671016

thx for (You)!

>> No.10671020

A true renaissance man, the world sees very few people of this caliber

>> No.10671033


>> No.10671046
File: 717 KB, 1080x1493, 20171125_113157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smartest board lit is left
>dumbest board pol is right
Makes me think.
Fuck conservatives.

>> No.10671047
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1517332194631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeeee unfair mommy tell me it's just bad dreams f-f-f-fucking connections and heritage communist revolution when waaaaaaa

>> No.10671050

>being this triggered
Why are Trumpcucks so thin skinned?

>> No.10671058
File: 31 KB, 596x417, donald-trump-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they were all shite.

Anyone can publish 19 books when you were born with a golden spoon.

>> No.10671063
File: 8 KB, 200x200, Hammer_and_sickle_red_on_transparent.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will not be spared when the revolution comes.

>> No.10671072
File: 352 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-899868633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a good amount.

>> No.10671077
File: 268 KB, 1200x758, 1517627444739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the communist propaganda going around can be a bit disconcerting, but then there are millions of armed (and organized, through churches, veterans groups, gun ranges etc) republican's who worship at the altar of capitalism (not saying that is necessarily negative) in every state - at least here in the usa. Maybe we should do more to warn people like you that you are being led to a slaughter, or maybe it's just nature sorting out the weak the only way it can now that we live so sheltered in this world (or subconscious suicide as in the rat utopia?).

>> No.10671080

Fuck yeah, seven more years of watching you gloat about things that don't even benefit you, because muh Hilary and muh deep state.

>> No.10671083

Le revolution commies are just larpers with no guns. Not to be taken serious

>> No.10671101

>trump pamphlets
>don't tread on me flag
I can picture and hate you

>> No.10671105

Poor quality b8. /lit/ is politically unafilliated. It’s a Catholic board and has a minor obsession with Junger and Evola. Nationalism, stoicism, and Catholicism are all common philosophies here.

>> No.10671117

>I know better than you
lol keep doing this

>> No.10671121

>The Syrian missile incident
holy shit how fucking deluded are you. That shit was so irrelevant.

>> No.10671124

No he hasn't OP, they're ghost written. The writer of his first book is now a big critic of him.

>> No.10671129

Lol these faggots probably took a few classes or maybe even got a degree in some gay ass shit like economics and dismisses all criticisms of the system because of semantics.

>> No.10671182

>you aren't allowed to question The Dead Leader
Yeah, fuck that desu.

>> No.10671189

but it is he’s a fake billionaire you can try to project onto me but ultimately im vindicated by historical record, he got anywhere from a $1-4 loan and was hooked up with shady ass fucking people in his dad’s industry
>LARPers with no firearms
keep telling yourself this man

>> No.10671194

$1-4 M obviously

>> No.10671233
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, 5152d99eb0c00daf94f11f4ce61e9636b423bd91d49781843bb65aa2a2e57967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seven more years of seeing the system crash

>> No.10671243

I don't like liberals but I don't like Trump either because he is a Zionist shill working for his Jewish masters. /pol/ is full of retards though who will never come to an agreement even if they have the same opinion as you.

>> No.10671248

sci is smartest and they're conservative.

>> No.10671251
File: 69 KB, 609x720, 1511323389793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sci is smartest and they're conservative.

>> No.10671258

>he doesn't want to be the ruin-gazer
That's not very /lit/ of you.

>> No.10671444
File: 94 KB, 785x442, trumpreadingfeature_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously tho, how many books do you think he reads in (let's say) an year?

>> No.10671565

certainly more than the average /lit/ poster

>> No.10671569

would you be able to turn 1-4M into billions?
do you think it's an easy task?

>> No.10671572


>> No.10671575

Holy shit you fags are still arguing

Mod (singular) do your job

>> No.10671577

2010 called

>> No.10671582

this desu

>> No.10671586

It's basically three people as well lmao

>> No.10671590


>> No.10671668

Mods hire more mods

Or at least buy an alert filter for threads with 30 instances of "trump"

>> No.10671752

>would you be able to turn 1-4M into billions?
He inherited the family business for hundreds of millions (even more in today's money) when he was 25. Fuck this "self-made man" bullshit.

>> No.10671987

Calm down, Stephen.

>> No.10671991

Get a job.

>> No.10672004

I wish. Sadly it's now comprised mostly of people like you.

>> No.10672007

He's said himself that he doesn't read, and claims his favorite books are his own and the bible (an obvious lie).

>> No.10672015

I know you're being ironic but please shoot me.

>> No.10672196

Ooohh, who's a little authoritarian?

>> No.10672308


I hate Americans and American politics.

>> No.10672454

>muh memes never lie
there is no confirmation outside of memes posted on facebook and the rest of the internet
everything he does and says makes it clear he's not exactly burdened with the weight of a great mind (KEK)
his opinions about everything range from plebeian regurgitations to mind-numbingly obtuse, but original, sharts of wisdom
his words speak for themselves, so his IQ is irrelevant. but having measured IQ for a living, i doubt it's higher than the 110s-low 120s (doubtful, to be honest) that is standard for particularly successful entrepreneurs and people in professional occupations

>> No.10672456

Are you enjoying your extra $5 a week?


Good to see the orange peasant has done nothing and will do nothing.

>> No.10672480

You assured me that I'd be fine if I complied.

>> No.10672488

/fit/ is low-key the most knowledgeable board

>> No.10672503

Yeah because onions totally boost test anon

>> No.10672509

i've written over 20 books but none have been published because no one has ever given me a small loan of a million dollars

capitalism. isn't. fucking. working.

>> No.10672534

Why do you need $1M to publish a book?

>> No.10672560
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, 1490367818826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our future first female, blonde AND aryan jewish President

>> No.10672659

there's no such thing as "capitalism isn't working." It's nothing more then freedom of exchange, a free market. It's is the total lack of an economic system being imposed. If none of your books are published then it's your fault because nobody wants to read them.

>> No.10672660

neither did Socrates

>> No.10672667

mate, use CNNs own tax cut calculator and find that you'll be saving $2-3k a year if you're middle class

>> No.10672702

Although his case is because he’s a shit writer, capitalism doesn’t work. The class division is massive and wealth distribution is all fucked up in recent years

>> No.10672720


>> No.10672761


>> No.10672802
File: 60 KB, 991x902, 1493367465772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
