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/lit/ - Literature

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10670014 No.10670014 [Reply] [Original]

It seemed to me like an elongated anecdote. I don't like the use of the word "overrated", but yeah. I liked the beginning, the chapter where the colonel tries to an hero and the final chapter. The rest is meh.

>> No.10670019

It was made by spic, that is why the book is considered important.

>> No.10670023

Good luck getting this shit published with Trump in office

>> No.10670028

All the women stuff, who cares? Those bits read very soap-opera-ish.

>> No.10670038

/pol/tard, wtf does trump have to do with this?

>> No.10670054

OP here, I'm a "spic". I doubt this was a reason, though, there's many other non-Spanish books just as overrated.

>> No.10670098

This book is essentially a Bible. It touches on so much stuff. It's simultaneously metaphysical and deeply individual/personal. The image of the conquistador skeleton with the locket with the hair inside is so, so gorgeous.

>> No.10670103

I mean if you support Trump you also support the silencing of Mexican authors

>> No.10670106
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>> No.10670122

García Márquez is Colombian, not Mexican. Also, why would anyone support Trump after all the shitshow? lol plebs

>> No.10670127

You mean it is important inspite of being made by a spic. lol at these fagets

>> No.10670129

You lost. Really that's all I have to say.

>> No.10670135

everybody lost.

>> No.10670136

Lost what? You don't even know what you hate. The author isn't Mexican, faggot.

>> No.10670144

Not us
I don't hate Marquez I just hate this culture of hate (trump and /pol/)

>> No.10670153

even you.

>> No.10670176


>> No.10670183


>> No.10670189

>elongated anecdote
I guess if you're gonna steal, it should be from the best. I commend your taste in Borges.

>> No.10670257

everyone who voted for trump sold us out to Capital and to techne. he is accelerating the death of the middle class and the planet. totally inconsiderate of climate change and financialization people are so busy trying to impeach him they don’t realize what he’s doing. idiot

>> No.10670271 [DELETED] 


what in the fuck are you even talking about? What was there to win?

>> No.10670273

In what wold is capital and techne a bad thing?

>> No.10670277

The election

>> No.10670279

lol you got me, he put it in words I couldn't find.

>> No.10670290
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>You lost.

>> No.10670293

Oh you thought I was a US Democrat, fucking lol

>> No.10670295

No argument? Or are you saying you one?

>> No.10670299

where was your argument

>> No.10670301
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you don't deserve an argument

>> No.10670308

Either that or a marxist

>> No.10670315


>> No.10670326

Do you prefer postmodernist? Or do you not like being called out?

>> No.10670330

I'm not an American, much less a Democrat. Your president is a joke, though. But no problem, so is mine lol

>> No.10670331

the one where they exterminate the proles after full automation, via euthanasia and soft eugenics and the one where 90% of the fauna are going to die off within the next 300 years and he planet becomes a giant tomb

you keep trying to hide inside liberal schizophrenia, growth has stopped, techne is killing us slowly. we are going to die painful death as a species if we don’t act

>> No.10670342

those are two completely different things

>> No.10670348

You speak of things that are going to happen but nothing that is happening. Doomsday much?

>> No.10670357

...is what a postmodernist/marxist/leftist/liberal/anarchist/etc would say to confuse us

>> No.10670383

Why do both the far left and the far right are always 100% sure there's gonna be some gigantic catastrophe in the west when there are literally no reason to think so? It's like they're extremely butthurt that no one cares about their ideology irl and unconsciously want the world to end.

>> No.10670385

if you find the truth confusing, sure. I guess it kind of is.

>> No.10670404

I know the truth and I also know about all the cofnuison you have to go through to find it

>> No.10670416

When I read it, I felt like I was reading a book for women. Specifically for old women. Don't know why I got this feeling.

>> No.10670538


the romance language cultures raise people to express themselves like utter fucking faggots. i have lived among these people for decades in both europe and south america. even when they try to be clear and rational they eventually crumble into sentimental flowery dogshit if you give them enough rope. have you ever met a frenchman? they are basically the jews of emotion.

>> No.10670580

garcia marquez tends to be flowery, but there are other spanish-language writers like borges or bolaño who aren't like that

>> No.10670591

There was no eco candidate in the US elections that could make any real change though... People who voted didn't sell us out, they're just as trapped as everyone else they have no real agency.

>> No.10670616

>talking about trump on a garcia marquez thread

the absolute state of this board

>> No.10670638

/lit/ ironically is the worst board at detecting bait. I try not to do it too much though because it also leads to some good discussions

>> No.10670651
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For the record, this post is retarded but there's a tiny kernel of truth to it. I've argued with my father in law several times just to see him get like this.

>> No.10670698

absolutely fucking laughable ignorance and lying by omission:


https://www.mckinsey.com/global-themes/future-of-organizations-and-work/what-the-future-of-work-will-mean-for-jobs-skills-and-wages#part 3


Why do both the far left and the far right are always 100% sure there's gonna be some gigantic catastrophe in the west when there are literally no reason to think so?
but there is, and anyone who has studied automation, business cycles and ecology knows we're heading for a wall
>It's like they're extremely butthurt that no one cares about their ideology irl and unconsciously want the world to end
this is pure ideology erring towards propaganda, definitely stupid and meant to deflect from the ignorance of your rebuttal

>> No.10670817

the fuck is this thread

anyway marquez sucks monkey ass he sucks engorged red baboon ass.

>> No.10670843

>the romance language cultures raise people to express themselves like utter fucking faggots
this is the feeling i get from most french novels

i read the other day that they still treat autism with psychoanalysis in france, unironically "you're a tard because le oedipal desire to fuck mom" i feel like this is all connected somehow

>> No.10670893
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Never change, /lit/.

>> No.10670903

france is... weird. I saw one of their movies the other day, Elle, it's called. I couldn't understand the woman.

>> No.10670910

>3. Will there be enough work in the future?
>Today there is a growing concern about whether there will be enough jobs for workers, given potential automation. History would suggest that such fears may be unfounded: over time, labor markets adjust to changes in demand for workers from technological disruptions, although at times with depressed real wages
Wtf totally a doomsday scenario. I want to seize the memes of production now.

>> No.10670929

>the romance language cultures raise people to express themselves like utter fucking faggots.
This. It has benefits and demerits like everything else but overall I prefer it to the cold autistic sterility of the anglophones.
>all bachelors are unmarried

>> No.10670942

I would prefer this as opposed to the culture of sterile, pseudo-gruff ADHD minimalism the english language has been reduced to...
hemingway you fucking thief of culture
*rapes his fucking corpse*
bitch !!

>> No.10670948

the director isn’t french and most of that movie is satire

>> No.10670962

Section two states that about 275 million jobs will be created plus a possible additional 85 million jobs during this period, combining these numbers we get 360 million new jobs. However, in section 1 they admit that a low figure of 400 million jobs lost is likely, and a high figure of 800 million jobs is also conceivable. This would mean that either we will just barely not cover the amount of jobs automated away OR we will face a massive onslaught of unemployment. If you would read the second employment link, the Brookings institute fellow acknowledges that we will likely need to plan for a large amount of permanently unemployed workers
>ignores the climate study
>gives the libertarian meme answer
serious question for you: why on Earth would things be getting better if the biome is dying and how do you account for the 25-400 million jobs that will not be compensated for by the new industrial revolution? It almost seems like you're insane and just ignoring what I'm bringing up to you.

>> No.10670967

reply broken

>> No.10671023

I'm going to read the other two articles later, now I'm going to sleep. Anyway, just two things real short real quick (nigga)
1- We don't know if automation is going to happen as you probably immagine It, or if it's going to happen on a massive scale at all. Just because it is possible to replace workers it doesn't mean it is economically advantageous to do so.
2- We actually don't have the faintest idea of what it's going to happen. Our predictions are all based on interpolations from past technological revolutions, and as you can imagine the conditions, considering that we now have globalism, the internet and a bunch of other stuff are very different.

>> No.10671026

As for the environment, you're right, that needs to be addressed. Hopefully Americans will stop voting imbeciles into the white house.

>> No.10671027

>We don't know if automation is going to happen as you probably immagine It, or if it's going to happen on a massive scale at all
we do tho, this is just ignorance
>Just because it is possible to replace workers it doesn't mean it is economically advantageous to do so
flies in the face of what firms have done historically, more distancing
>Our predictions are all based on interpolations from past technological revolutions, and as you can imagine the conditions, considering that we now have globalism, the internet and a bunch of other stuff are very different
yes, things will be far worse. I gave you a study from two neo-liberal institutes McKinsey and Co and Brookings, those aren't even biased against Capital or automation or Globalism, they both commend those forces. Do the math 25-400 million people unemployed by 2030

>> No.10671055

>we do tho
Eh no, we really don't.
>flies in the face of what firms have done historically
Again, just because it is possible it doesn't mean it is profitable (even though sometimes companies choose automation in spite of it being unprofitable). The question you should be asking is: will it ever stop being unprofitable?
I'll read the other studies later, good night.

>> No.10671136

wtf is this thread, why cant you fags stay on topic? Stop mentioning the retard who's ruling you.