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File: 190 KB, 1032x774, Flehmen-Response-Tapir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10669825 No.10669825 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.10669844

An engineering student who does student television on the side wakes up the morning of a shoot with bad laryngitis. He’s hoarse as fuck and has a full day of acting and directing ahead of him. He shows up to the set, where he and his co-producer decide to adlib some lines referencing the weird voice and roll with it. He asks one of the associate producers if she can get him a bunch of decaf green teas. She’s not happy about being reduced to the role of beverage-fetcher, especially given the gender dynamic, which is made worse by the fact that the two of them have an icy relationship because the MC implied she was racist. But the MC assures her that he needs it for the performance and the shoot won’t be productive if he can’t play the part. She begrudgingly agrees and comes back with nine green teas. Because she was barely listening to him and mostly pissed off about having to get the teas in the first place, she neglects to ask for decaf, which is important because the main character is bipolar and caffeine can trigger mania. Over the course of the half-day shoot, the MC drinks nine fully caffeinated green teas, which triggers a manic episode. The novel covers the next four days, in which the manic MC gets into a lot of trouble, interacts with a lot of people, and gets very little sleep.

>> No.10669849

there's this hunter who massacres the entire tapir population

>> No.10669870

Classical/medieval Americas that's actually an entire experiment being made by a Type 2 Human civilization

>> No.10669873


>> No.10669881

A group of chad bodybuilders who study continental philosophy save the day from evil nerds who majored in engineering and computer science.

>> No.10669882

a caged tiger is suddenly released yes

>> No.10669890

A tapir haunted by a vision of a hunter hellbent on the extermination of its species goes into hiding. Nested within this are many outlines of different ideas for novels that the tapir has been collecting.

>> No.10670094

I fucking hate this image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it

>> No.10670102

A dosto style novel about a man who murders a priest then converts to christianity and starts btofing sjws and the modern left.

>> No.10670125

So a drunk, a Jew, and a druggie walk into a bar....

>> No.10670181

A bunch of people on the subway the night of a historic meteor shower wind up in a parallel universe devoid of humans where the urban wildlife are preparing for war.

>> No.10670553

Scientists discover a new Earth like planet that is completely hospitable. World Governments form the New World Order and leave to set up a new, peaceful civilisation on Earth 2.
They leave behind only the criminals, the small group of people who refuse to leave their home planet and the protagonist, who happens to be Earths only superhero.
Its a lonely old life....
But peace on Earth 2 wont last forever....
BOOM! Bestseller

>> No.10670566


>> No.10670621
File: 75 KB, 800x561, kerte__769_sz_newyork1963_800__24485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a young man with a terrible cold has to scrounge together enough money to pay for his jewish girlfriend's nose job so that he can bring her home to his antisemitic parents for christmas. set in nyc against the cuban missile crisis

>> No.10670743

it shall be so

>> No.10670760

a man's neighbors are so loud and fight so many times he goes insane and while screaming from days upon days of no sleep and migraines from the sound of a shrill whore screaming at an ex-jock failed frat faggot for cheating, he summons a dark power from the edges of time to wreak havoc on his town. The man is followed and eventually confronted by a stranger, but is the stranger really a stranger? What do they know about his ritual? Will he be able to stop the Evil before it consumes the world? Or will he submit to his spite and watch as his neighbors and all the people of the city are devoured endlessly by unholy entities from the edge of tiem???????

>> No.10670763
File: 2.70 MB, 320x240, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha bring it u lil bish

>> No.10670773

Please let spite win. Come on, spite! Spite, spite, spite!

>> No.10670825

jesus I don't know

>> No.10670847

Sounds good
But what about the other tigers?

>> No.10671030

has potential
unironically trash and I'm usually pretty lenient

>> No.10671096

A story about a depressed, underachieving man who was called a prodigy in his childhood, but his mental illess got the better of him. Hes now jaded and cynical and blames everyone around him for his shortcomings.

I have passages where its his angry, hateful internal monologue juxtaposed to his pleasant outward manner because he's too scared to be aggressive.

Towards the end of the story, he becomes self aware about his reasons for failing. I haven't decided if I want him to feel like he's too far gone and submits to forever being alone and in pain, or if he should try to work on his deeply rooted issues and figure out the root of the problems

I think the title should be "I am projecting my own life into a story because I am legitimately autiatic and cannot write characters that are not like me"

>> No.10671132

I like the title at least

>> No.10671162

A story of a guy, who get the ability to heal people my touching them, gets famous, but then notices, that the there is a balance and for each instance of healing, someone else he touched got sick. Now people want him to keep healing, but he knows that someone will suffer for it.

>> No.10671571

still trying to figure out my horror-comedy epic. It's not fucking working.

so far I've got cartoonish secret organization fucks up, and accidentally unleashes a wave of multidimensional chaos across the north american continent. The secret organization tries to contain the areas where it's obvious (namely a number of small towns that were already liminal spaces) but instead of a neat little dystopian lockdown, they've got a bunch of angry rednecks kicking their ass.

First book centers on one town, and it ends with all the towns being isolated from the "normie" world, but connected to each other, so it's like a mini country running parallel.

A fun idea, I think, and I've got a bunch of fun characters, but for fucks sake, I don't know how to start the fuckin' thing.

>> No.10671686

A story about a person (with no specific gender) who realises one day that everyone is trying desperately to maintain a pantomime. After first thinking that it is all focused around them (because it is forced upon them by others in the community who are bored, and others who are trying their hand at politics) the character figures out that it is all some sort of act that nobody can really figure out the meaning to.

once they get over that they try desperately to fit in with the new choreography in thir life and the whole novel pretty much shifts into a broken dialog between every character the main character interatcs with and doesn't.

All sorts of exciting things happen like the MC goes down tunnels into the darkest parts of the city. And goes to all the places where signs say not to go, and places the signs say to go. Eventually the
MC finds themself as a younger person like a child, but the child is better. The MC then kills the child, or thinks about killing the child. Haven't figured out thst part yet - there is a long monologue where the MC having figured out the who life is an act thing then sits around debating the validity of the murder if he realises that it is no longer a part of the act and the act just changes as they go, but he feel an urge to kill the child.

>> No.10671696

fucking niggers are yelling outside and I can't concentrate on writing

>> No.10671701


turn it into some sort of racist version of If On A Winter's Night, A Traveler

>> No.10671715

sound interesting to me, please do elaborate more.

>> No.10671718

I'm not sure about the entire plot but...

It opens with this great suicide scene. The main character immediately invites the reader into a tirade where he rationalizes his suicide, I've already got it written, it's both haunting and hilarious, it...jars you. I know it works because it jars the reader. And before they can even think about refusing this insane logic it's too late.

Not sure how to follow it up though. I think I might have him land on someone and break half their bones and the story follow this weird sense of obligation to them.

>> No.10671749
File: 30 KB, 474x566, watmoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an idea for a novel based on my own experience with paranoia and obsession

Half of the book will detail how the protagonists paranoid personality has impacted their life, cost them jobs and prevented them from forming close relationships, through a series of short stories told by the protagonist.

An example would be the protagonist telling how they lost a call centre job because they thought the feedback being given by their supervisor was a trick to make them do badly.

You also find out more feelsy stuff like how their family disowned them and how this is basically the basis for their paranoid personality.

The other half will be one long story about how someone took a liking to the protagonist and started trying to date them, and how the protagonist wrestles against their paranoia and wanting to get close to them.

I'm not sure how to end it, i could end it by having them fuck everything up, or i could have them overcome their paranoia, or a mixture of both. What do you think anons?

>> No.10671762

>What do you think anons?
The 2nd half's premise seems a bit flaccid. Why don't you write it as the protagonist was paranoid but people were actually conspiring against him all along, vindicate him after convincing us he's a lunatic. You could even take the romance angle, the result of his paranoia could be the well meaning machinations of a secret love interest that constantly go awry.

>> No.10671775


one of the ways i thought about ending it was them beign paranoid that his love interest would cheat/leave them unexpectedly, and then they actually do.

I definitely want the reader to eventually come round to the protagonists ''side'' and understand them, maybe even agree with them

>> No.10671781

As long as it isn't some self fulfilling prophecy bullshit, mite b cool.

>> No.10671789


yeah i wanted it more along the lines of

>protag is 'weird' because paranoia has prevented them from being close to people/nobody has ever made the effort with them
>Actually makes the effort to get close to someone despite paranoia
>''it was just a phase anon ur 2 weird''

>> No.10671792

I think a "self fulfilling prophecy bullshit twist" might actually be cool, if you make it subtle enough that the reader doesn't immediately realize that it's what it is. Like, he tries really hard to change and overcome his issues and to the reader it SEEMS like it's working, but there's little subtle things he does that undermine his efforts that aren't immediately obvious.

>> No.10671799

>>''it was just a phase anon ur 2 weird''
like imposter syndrome, and the effects of childhood emotional neglect.

"all of my friends hate me. they only call me and ask me to come over out of pity"
"everyone says they like my work, but that's just because they only saw a couple of my stuff. If they read more, they'd realize that I'm actually garbage and they'll be disgusted by me"
"I said something weird, now all of my friends hate me"

>> No.10671801


it would also be more realistic as to what usually happens irl

>> No.10671824


yeah I could also have the love interest doing nothing wrong but the protagonist ends up distancing themselves anyway because they convince themselves they secretly hate them

>> No.10671835

unironically interesting desu. please elaborate

>> No.10671947

A group of children goes into the woods to hunt a monster rumoured to lurk there, none of them truly believe it though, its just playtime
Then they got lost in the woods and the monster turns out to be real and the protagonist must escape, witnessing many of her friends being raped/tortured/killed along the way

>> No.10671957

A man lives in an apartment that he can't leave. The doors won't open and the windows are mainly frosted glass. It always is night or raining and stormy so can't see outside. He lives with 4 cats and details his day to day activities and trying to understand the state of his being. Eventually he talk to the cats and hallucinates them communicating with him. Eventually the cats convince him to kill himself. The whole thing being an allegory for limbo and the cats representing the four Arch-angels convincing him to move on into Heaven.

>> No.10671962


>writing about children getting raped

you sure you wanna do that?

>> No.10671963

I'd read that, sounds like the kind of thing I would really enjoy

>> No.10671966

It's not like i'll be doing pages upon pages detailing it. I'll just have it be known that it happened

>> No.10671977

I've been meaning to write this for ages but I think I lack the stamina to actually do it. I think the idea is quite solid though, I'm glad you like it

>> No.10671981

a dystopian cyberpunk novel where a rouge hacker reprograms sex robots to rape, from the point of view of chemically castrated private investigator

>> No.10672002
File: 14 KB, 214x317, buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>set in nyc against the cuban missile crisis

That is gold, whether intentional or not.

>> No.10672027


>thought their supervisor's feedback was a trick to make them do badly

This is good material.

>his family disowning him is the basis for his paranoia

Sure, but why was he disowned in the first place? There must be some other issues too, or is it just dysfunctional parents?


I don't think it should be everyone conspiring, just one minor run-of-the-mill betrayal; the kind that all people experience, but because we aren't all paranoid, we are better able to get over it.

I like OP's example better, of a love interest cheating or drifting away from him to spend more time with an "old friend" who doesn't have bad intentions but can give the girl more emotional reciprocation.

And I LOVE the idea that the protagonist doesn't recognize it as a betrayal, and even when he does, he doesn't respond the same. Instead of being fearful and paranoid, he's more discouraged because he recognizes that maybe he's not as bad as he thought and that life kind of tends towards betrayal and disappointment generally.

Anyway, good stuff. Keep at it.

>> No.10672102
File: 228 KB, 750x749, 9237B2FF-BC86-4307-8B67-3E4C6C8D7503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

57k words.
I slacked off this week. :(

>> No.10672107



Is this a novel or a film?

...or both?

>> No.10672113

Could be both

>> No.10672118
File: 3.15 MB, 3264x2448, 19AB88CB-0D4E-4592-BAE7-47830D9CD5D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10672147

This is basically pasta by now

>> No.10672216

I'm still waiting on it anon. chop chop motherfucker.

>> No.10672245

I like

>> No.10672285
File: 44 KB, 500x583, D8C9D14B-567A-4203-A335-A99CE9BF2B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give email and I’ll send ya something if you want

>> No.10672330

cool. I'll critique it, if you want.

>> No.10672333

Seems pretty promising, as long as the prose is on point

>> No.10672358

Did you forget to attach it? I don't see it anywhere.

>> No.10672373

It’s there. Word.docx

>> No.10672390

thanks, but sorry dude. my computer says it's dangerous.

>> No.10672406

Well I don’t know what to tell you then. It’s a word file. It’s got a story in it, not malware to steal your shekels.

>> No.10672428

yeah, I can't even open them

>> No.10672452

Well I’m sorry. There’s nothing deviant about the file.

>> No.10672475

A deppresed gunslinger finds his youngself killed in the battlefield, realizing the Gods have broken some time loop he was involved with. He loses his will to live until his pupil pushes him to suicide after loading his guns with fake bullets. Then he takes determination to make his pupil a great warrior and then die for his own hands, so he feels humanity is already a loss and the only thing he has to offer is violence and death . However, he hears about an ancient prophet who was silent for almost 40 years until recently, when he started to scream about "The Dying Thunder", which is the gunslinger nickname as a mercenary. Knowing that the prophet can talk to the Gods, he journeys to the southwest in order to confront the Gods so They can destroy the world, and humanity, for good

>> No.10672505

Well, thanks for trying anyway. Would you put a part on pastebin?

>> No.10672521

I can probably swing that. Gonna be awhile though

>> No.10672524

Would be cool for a furry graphic novel (with some adjustments)

>> No.10672757


>This is good material.

thanks, it's actually something i thought myself at one point

>Sure, but why was he disowned in the first place? There must be some other issues too, or is it just dysfunctional parents?

This is something i've actually put thought into, his parents are neglectful and make it very clear that their love for him is conditional. This is what causes him to develop a paranoid personality in the first place, since every child needs the stability of knowing their parents will be there for them, without that, the child starts feeling insecure.

Then around the age of 14 his paranoid behaviour causes him to get into a fight with his brother where he breaks his brothers nose, this is the final straw that inspires his parents to disown him.

>And I LOVE the idea that the protagonist doesn't recognize it as a betrayal, and even when he does, he doesn't respond the same. Instead of being fearful and paranoid, he's more discouraged because he recognizes that maybe he's not as bad as he thought and that life kind of tends towards betrayal and disappointment generally.

yeah i thought of having it basically ending with him realising he has the choice to be paranoid or not, even though he got betrayed, he was able to control his paranoia for a bit and he could do it again.

>> No.10672759

Shit, I'd read the fuck out of that.
ignore anon. do not make it a furry comic.

>> No.10673178
File: 108 KB, 900x835, 1509350175995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set in a shitty fundamentalist Christian high school in rural Tennessee. Various musings on faith and existentialism and modernity and meaning. A wizard crashes in the woods behind the school and imparts esoteric knowledge to one of the students. Another is taken on a psychic trip through the future of humanity by a sentient smartfridge.

>> No.10673892
File: 51 KB, 700x220, tapirCalf1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your baby tapir name ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.


>> No.10674627

A young American man afflicted with bipolar disorder lives homeless and suicidal in Singapore after disrobing from a Thai monastery

>> No.10674830

Notes from Underground for the 20th century
In many ways a thinly veiled manifesto with a considerable distance between my self and the main character and a healthy dose of self-examination and candidness about just whose fault it is that the main character lives the way he does
Just like Dusty's book

>> No.10674835

We can meme this boyos
Something novel related

>> No.10675476
File: 104 KB, 494x536, 1517149915805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tapir. Now shut up!

>> No.10675865

Have people find his body, tell their stories, also afterwards narrate the story from third person, but make it unreliable third person

>> No.10675869

Homeless people having sex

>> No.10676473
File: 3.76 MB, 3264x2448, 438D75A8-8B0E-4EFE-BD02-24BE14F771C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10676480


>> No.10676521
File: 177 KB, 667x876, 1509580358660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10676602
File: 315 KB, 484x430, tapir 59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an absurdist novella about a tapir named chico who steals food and lives by crawling into peoples houses through telephone wires, using 'wetwire' abilities. he starves after landlines become less prevalent and resorts to street banditry and is shot by a hoodlum

>> No.10676725

I already wrote three novels in the series, but I suppose I'll throw out my synopsis:

Court martialed for treason, Private Dustin Dumont obtains a top-notch criminal attorney to keep him from being executed. However, she’ll only represent him if he can prove his innocence to her. That’s a problem, because he’s guilty.
Private Dumont has the ability to see magic but lacks the ability to use magic effectively, which makes him a pariah in the military. After his convoy is ambushed on its way to Camp Aether, a Special Forces base dedicated to unearthing the grand artifact known as The Hanging Gardens, he is caught in the middle of a deadly conspiracy to steal it. Worse, his squad leader was poisoned during the ambush and will die in a seven days unless Dustin can figure out who the traitor is. Private Dumont must brave the trap-filled ruins of Nineveh and activate the artifact in order to lure the traitor out. But will Dustin’s True Sight be enough to stop a traitor with powerful magic and Special Forces training?

>> No.10676840

A post appocalyptic novel about the last remaining people in the world. These are the same people who set off the buttons to start the last apolyptic war. They are stuck in a bunker waiting for the radiation to settle down. They all slowly go mad as they wait in the concrete box, constantly going over the alternative ways thry could have stopped what happened while at the same time excited by what happened. A few people commit suicide, a few others die of unknow diseases.

It is set over their lifetimes as the slowly die out. There are scene of them having to have sex just to produce children, but they cant look at each other because of the bombing. The children grow up learning about the dysfunction and nothing else.

I guess it is kind of like what the people would have sort of gone through in fallout.

>> No.10677053

sounds like some catcher and the rye shit

not that theres anything inherently wrong with that anon-kun

>> No.10677543

I'd read both

>> No.10677555

Hey, random question guys, but where would you go to get first hand accounts of cultures you're not a part of? Are there websites?

One of the main cast of my next story is indigenous, and I want to make her character authentic.

>> No.10677572

just don't

>> No.10677579

It's not a big part of the story. It's hardly ever mentioned, beyond what she looks like, because she's an ambiguous character anyway, but I just don't want to make any throwaway comments that are wrong.

>> No.10678794


Dragons arguing

>> No.10679699


>> No.10679796

Idaho man becomes famous for no reason. It's fun four awhile until he gets wrapped up in the dark side of fame, not just drugs and drinking, but abuse of power, child molestation and human sacrifice. He is close to exposing it until someone finally find what he did to get famous

>> No.10679863

I want to write a novel about a castrato [young boys who were castrated to keep their pre-pubescent voices to be opera singers as adults], emphasis on the castrato's emotional development growing up struggling with having traded in his ability to ever grow up as a man, have a romantic/sexual relationship, have a family, etc, in exchange for wealth and renown.

>> No.10679902



>> No.10680260

Three astronauts abandon their craft after a malfunction sparked a fire.
Their escape pod crash lands on a strange tropical planet completely inhabited by females.
Then, gratuitous sex scenes until the women serve them up as a sacrifice to Venus or whatever shit.

>> No.10680269
File: 59 KB, 560x564, 1463039932850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any ideas be truly called novel?

>> No.10680297

straight from the 1950s

>> No.10680501

Wonder Woman.

>> No.10680798

Essentially the idea is a cookbook. But each recipe is a diffrernt thing - there are sections on landscapes and scens, there are sections on personalities, and there are sections on murder, rape, love, joy, each is added to the other and from the other. I don't know if there is a plot, but I like the form. Have been thinking of an online part where peoplle can put in their own deatails and make scenes from them. That is a hard thing to do though because the book idea has a static formula, but the online thing, if it is going to be really dynamic has to be very complicated.

>> No.10681192


You could off course make your own version.

>> No.10681568
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I'm in this thread is to steal ideas.
"A good artist borrows, a great artist steals."
t. someone

>> No.10681859

The idea is that god are walking around on the earth, and everyone wants to pester them for favours all the time. The gods spend all their time trying to find somewhere to hide, but there is this cinstant fight going on where the gods just fight with each other so they set people onto other gods, and vice versa, all the while nothing really happens anywhere and all people really do is run around in circles hoping to find a god. When they find something that is unsusal they attribute it as a god and proceed from there pestering and abusing what ever it was insisting thst it is a god and forcing it to madness. Essentially it is the onky way people know how to get anything done. Everything is attributed to being for a god or by a god.

The main character tries to get away from it, but the people don't like it and just go around trying to drife them mad, while not letting them leave and telling them that it is their fault.

>> No.10681896

I have an idea for a light novel. It's anime as fuck but this is a chinese sewing patterns website so here it is:

A Boy is down on his luck. After being rejected by his crush, he gets into a terrible accident! Miraculously, he wakes up in the hospital with no injuries. As he tries to get back to his normal every-day life, he starts having these weird dreams...where his crush is his girlfriend! So comes an unromantic-comedy of a boy trying to make the girlfriend of his dreams a reality.

Idk, been writing it out for fun but it feels like it could totally be an anime one day.

I can post some of it if anyone's interested.
I'd appreciate the criticism.

>> No.10681919

Historical Fiction
Leif Erikson establishes colonies upon his discovering of America. The book follows how America's history would be different given a Nordic colonial background as opposed to the Anglo dominated colonialism experienced in this timeline. The only titles that come to mind would be Anordica or Nordica.

>> No.10681961

Set your self a reasonable goal such as "write 200 words a day" you'll be surprised how into it you will get and how far it will come in a short time

>> No.10682368

>Iceland 2: Bigger, Badder and Hotter

>> No.10682400

Stephen King has already written this story. The child sex part and all.

>> No.10682448

fuck off Kolsti I know it's you.
I am personally going to drive to UT and beat the shit out of you.

>> No.10682494

>"A good artist borrows, a great artist steals."
>t. someone
>not t. me
jeeze, you can't even do that right.