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10669324 No.10669324 [Reply] [Original]

What's a great, quick-read novel? I keep picking up 1984, but I don't feel motivated enough to continue reading past chapter 2.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.10669346

>In Watermelon Sugar
>The Pearl
>The Old Man and The Sea
>No Longer Human

>> No.10669353

>can't even make it through high school lit
maybe try >>>/tv/ or >>>/v/

>> No.10669373

The internet has screwed me over. I used to read constantly. Now I have the intention span of a five-year-old desu.

>> No.10669389

We're getting ready to read Pick Up by Charles Willeford in my American Crime novel class. My professor says it's one of those rare books where you have to read it in one sitting.

>> No.10669393

Nah mate, that's a defeatist attitude. You're not going to succeed in returning to reading if your mindset from the beginning is that you're screwed. Just sit down and read, power through it, force yourself to continue when your instincts are begging to check your phone. It will get easier over time

>> No.10669400

>I used to read Magic Treehouse, Lemony Snickett, and Harry Potter
Damn anon, what a repertoire you have for a background in reading

>> No.10669402

read Kleists short stories

Michael Kohlhaas and the marquise of O are two of his best

>> No.10669410

wake up early and read first thing

>> No.10669424

Thanks for the suggestions and tips

>> No.10669433

You can do, you will do
If only believe

>> No.10670105

Pastures of Heaven. Any Steinbeck novel/novella, really.

>> No.10670206

notes from underground

>> No.10670215

The Old man and The Sea is a novella and it's shit

>> No.10670233

The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.10670235

Of Mice and Men is really short, profound, and easy to grasp. Catcher in the Rye is a bit longer, but the prose is super engaging if you have a short attention span. The Stranger by Camus is nice to read and then return to later for a more in depth look. It's short and simple if you don't worry about it too much on the first read.
>Inb4 those are all shit and entry level kys faggot

>> No.10670291

Don Quixote

>> No.10670314

1984 is overrated

>> No.10670338
File: 75 KB, 736x709, bigpoppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-o h-o h-o we got a live one here, another Hemingway hater, well lemme give you a word to the wise, friendo, BIG POPPA don't give two cat shits what you think about his work, and he's got plenty to spare.

>> No.10671106

Animal Farm
It's like 1984 but more to the point

>> No.10671625

t. barely understood 1984

>> No.10672883

Agree on Vonnegut. Most of his books are easy to read in one sitting. Didn't care for Sirens, though. If you've already knocked out Slaughterhouse Five, I'd then recommend Mother Night.

Also, why not consider a play? These are designed to be experienced in one sitting. The Henriad is fucking amazing and not many have read it. I read A Streetcar Named Desire a week or two ago, and it's pretty good.