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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 534x401, 1412626133000-SIDEWAYS-7686567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10668295 No.10668295 [Reply] [Original]

Post /lit/ kino

>> No.10668323
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>> No.10668325
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>> No.10668338

I have a feeling this is porn.

>> No.10668379

Matt Louer.

>> No.10668384
File: 117 KB, 480x480, searlepickinginterns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10668447
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>> No.10668463

>directed by le dorky ironic jewish wifebeater

>> No.10668466

this photo isnt fucking searle god damnit

>> No.10668472
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>> No.10668480

Plebbiest artform desu

>> No.10668528
File: 193 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMjQyOTcwODIyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDE4OTI4NzE@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10668607

It is porn.

>> No.10668672
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>> No.10668674


>> No.10668676
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Nyrb is pure kino

>> No.10668794
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>> No.10668828
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middlebrow shit


absolute garbage


nothing more than a college kids wet dream


antonioni never made a good western movie stop kidding yourself


baby's first existential crisis set in LA


oh shit AIDs is bad: the propaganda


that movie has no discernible talent

>> No.10668867

herrro mrrr redddiittttt

>> No.10668946

Just about everything Richard Linklater's done

>> No.10668963
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>> No.10669048
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>> No.10669060

In logan professor X has a copy of ulysses on his bedside table

>> No.10669161



>> No.10669190

The screenshot is from the campy crime tv show Person of Interest that likes to sneak in /lit/ every now and then, theres a wiki of all the books

>> No.10669194

This is my favorite movie. Hands down.

>> No.10669195

teshigahara made pretty good adaptations of abe's works
he still made the best choice in this thread
sideways and midnight in paris sicken me

>> No.10669209

>absolute garbage

>> No.10669217

choice referred to the film he posted, not to his assessment of other people's opinions. stalker is pretty low tier tarkovsky anyway

>> No.10669224

Rank Tarkovsky from Low Tier to High Tier

>> No.10669231

hows nancy mitford?

>> No.10669239

Not him, but both Andrei Rublev and Solaris are better.

>> No.10669251

Solaris is his weakest film.

>> No.10669252

been a while, but this is how i remember them
great tier
the mirror
good tier
andrei rublev, solaris
decent tier
nostalghia, stalker, ivan's childhood
haven't watched the sacrifice
what do you think?

>> No.10669255
File: 91 KB, 744x796, Blade.Runner.2049.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AC3-EVO_snahp.it.mkv_snapshot_00.18.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10669263

reddit virtue signaling
the book was never mentioned again for the duration of the movie

>> No.10669270

Shows how much of a brainlet you are. The baseline test uses lines from the poem.

>> No.10669275

I guess we have to agree to disagree haha (:

>> No.10669279

I love this film

>> No.10669282

It's not bad at all! It's just that his other films are better.

>> No.10669301


Teshigahara and Abe pretty much worked on the films together which is why they're such good adaptations.


The Mirror is genuinely the best Tarkovsky. Never gets enough credit.

>> No.10669362
File: 325 KB, 1500x807, 91dhUfdDjpL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Silence of the Lambs

>> No.10669394


>> No.10669398

The Tree Of Middlebrow (2011) by Terrence "I Want To Be Tarkovsky" Mallick

>> No.10669439

It's totally not like Gosling's character is a reinvention of Charles Kinbote and the Zemblan King. But you're a pleb who's never cracked open the book.

>> No.10669446

8/10 would be 10 except
>misspelt babby (and desu every existential crisis is babby's first - how many have YOU had??)
>propaganda wut

>> No.10669456

who is this spunk monk?

>> No.10669465

shut the fuck up you disgusting follower ant

>> No.10669472
File: 1.01 MB, 2155x3240, barton-fink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Coen brothers in general are great but Barton Fink and A Serious Man were my favorites.

>> No.10669471

what are your favorite movies?

>> No.10669492
File: 82 KB, 960x414, beforetrilogy-posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10669500
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>She found herself somebody else.
>...Yes she did.

>> No.10669516

What are some Protestant /lit/ kino?

>> No.10669524

a summers tale is better

>> No.10669539
File: 23 KB, 200x347, 91tyMCL-yEL._RI_SX200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10669540

>omg muh deep philosophical voiceovers, classical OST, and national geopgraphic documents tier shots of nature, malick is truly the jaynius of contemporary cinema

>> No.10669546

Haven't heard of it, I'll check it out

>> No.10669549
File: 20 KB, 250x141, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most /lit/ film in existence tbqf.

>> No.10669560

Please refer to >>10669398 >>10669540

>> No.10669562
File: 28 KB, 230x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europa always reminded me of a book. Especially the ending.


>> No.10669570

Days of Heaven isn't really like Tree of Life though. There's a big difference between early and late Malick.

>> No.10669572

>Terrence "Totally Not Trying to Rip Off 2001" Mallick

>> No.10669576

the Tree of Life is beautiful you asshole

>> No.10669580

The Tree of Life is beautiful. Not the movie of the same name, though.

>> No.10669591

how is it /pol/ when the guy is literally the most overrated hack in entire Hollywood

oh right, anon pointed his ethnicity while listing adjectives about him. surely he hates jews!

>> No.10669597
File: 209 KB, 220x343, bruges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like a fucking fairy tale!

>> No.10669603

is this really in stalker? tark is a fucking hack

>> No.10669625

no bergman? no seventh seal?

even tarkovsky is pleb, why the fuck yall posting?

>> No.10669648

People are calling Tarkovsky a pleb but not naming any directors better than him.

>> No.10669655

It is Searle-- the pic is from an academic site that deleted the page, but I wouldn't expect a false flagging NEET to know that

>> No.10669671


ralph fiennes shines hard in this movie. love it

>> No.10669687
File: 695 KB, 800x1200, 11170038_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snappy dialogue, funny, good pace, solid plot and it's all hardboiled detective themed and inspired
so good

>> No.10669694

>"Oh Man! No one is posting the GOAT Bergman"
>"Let me post an GOAT example of an GOAT Bergman film!"
>The seventh seal

>> No.10669700

Memes aside. His 50s work pales in comparison to his 60s work.

>> No.10669705

Not him but i agree, all of his films felt like posturing to me besides Monika and Wild Strawberries.

t. writer-musician who can't into film at all

>> No.10669760


>> No.10669810

Missing the obvious O Brother Where Art Thou

>> No.10669885

it's normie-tier but its pretty fuckin comfy.

>> No.10669893

No country for old men, boi

>> No.10669900

I've been disappointed with McDonagh's work after this. I feel like he may have been a one hit wonder unfortunately.

>> No.10669905
File: 61 KB, 629x481, ordet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f "Dreyer"
>zero results

Fucking plebes

>> No.10669912
File: 88 KB, 310x327, tovarischeplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>references make up for the terrible writing, the stale, repetitive shot composition, and the wooden acting

>> No.10669917

Andrai Rublev>mirror>stalker>solaris>nostalgia>Ivans childhood>The sacrifice

>> No.10669925
File: 28 KB, 279x402, garda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried his brothers?

I didn't like Seven Psychopaths, but loved Three Billboards tho

>> No.10669932

The Guard is the best movie either McDonagh has ever made. More people should see this

>> No.10669939

I enjoyed Calvary

>> No.10669945
File: 114 KB, 520x737, paterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10669960
File: 281 KB, 827x1181, A-Single-Man-poster-a-single-man-22582033-827-1181[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and tell me it wasn't excellent, I dare you

>> No.10669968

Whe I saw bits of this at the age of 11 and saw Colin Firht kissing the other man I couldn't help but laugh
Then I turned out to be faggot

>> No.10670002
File: 62 KB, 1265x860, 1501361105553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10670003

Changing of the Guard (twilight zone episode)

>> No.10670012

It was the whole point of the movie, jesus.

>> No.10670016

tw*tch.tv/ charlscarroll
/lit/ as fuck

>> No.10670031
File: 122 KB, 540x724, Harakiri_movie_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese film

>> No.10670049
File: 112 KB, 1200x675, Naked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Thewlis is our guy.

>> No.10670055

just put a gun to your mouth already and do us all a favor

>> No.10670066
File: 56 KB, 1400x786, Total Eclipse (David Thewlis 3)[(001213)01-19-17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Thewlis is /ourguy/.

>> No.10670101

He was great in Dragonheart.

>> No.10670110
File: 100 KB, 400x600, start with the greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10670622

my cousin made this

>> No.10670628

no. its not you fat faggot

>> No.10671078

I mean yeah its one of the most famous japanese films, although the human condition trilogy would be a better pick if we were doing kobayashi

>> No.10671084

how elitist do you have to be to discount harakiri like this

>> No.10671113

what he said doesnt seem elitist at all
mad about having only seen 1 jap film, cuck?

>> No.10671134

this is about /lit/ kino fgt
Harakiri is both /lit/ and kino, if I wanted to choose something even more /lit/ I'd choose Ran

>> No.10671145

/tv/ is leaking again

>> No.10671620
File: 99 KB, 800x572, rock twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"kino" is a cross-board meme now. like "based".

and tbf (to be frank) "kino" has become, dare i say it, top notch meme kino.

>> No.10671804

good movie but I have seen it more times than is healthy. Mostly because I have shown it to other people. I have seen it at least ten times and I never want to watch it again.

>> No.10671809

o brother where art thou is /lit/ i guess but after I re-watched it recently I realized it isn't that great

>> No.10672230

Most /lit/ kino are probably from the work of Bresson, Tarkovsky or Bergman.

Squid and the Whale probably is /lit/ kino too imo. one of the character speaks about whether one is well-cultured, or philistine.

had only seen Mirror and Stalker, both are high tier

as a non-english speaker, this is a film that introduces me to DFW. i just started to read his essays.

the original blade runner is like 3 times a better film than 2049.

i haven't seen any of Rohmer film, need to start watching his films.

>> No.10672244

such a shit fucking film

>> No.10672257

again not being elitist, just saying the other film from the director being a better fit

>> No.10672284

offret is my personal favourite

>> No.10672294

Loved that history on the thirty years war

>> No.10672300
File: 14 KB, 300x450, 5816C41E-081C-4E41-9DDE-D390E06376B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have good taste and liked this movie a very lot

>> No.10672312

Breaking The Waves and Dekalog is a pure /lit/ kino

>> No.10672329

>he can't even get the false accusation correct

>> No.10672341
File: 141 KB, 293x244, alfsvoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never thought I would say this but /tv/really kicks this boards ass when it comes to movies. really ya'll wanna bitch about Dreyer, Bergman, and Tarkovsky not being shilled? is >>10669945
really what you watch for a good time when not reading? pull your head from your asses you tryhards

>> No.10672355

I forgot Tarr, he is lit af

Satantango is cinema great masterpiece

>> No.10672382

It's comfy and a lot of fun, but it isn't great cinema.
I actually just started The Sun King last night.
Takes itself too seriously to be comfy/fun, but too focused on muh middle brow platitudes to even be close to being worthwhile.
It's because Harold r smart. It's why he talks kind of funny and wears nice suits. Smrt ppl do smrt lookn thngs
Probably their most underrated film. >>10669597
Loved it.
Have you seen Three Billboards yet? At the very least I think it's better than everything else he has made since In Bruges.
You could have much worse taste in men the Firth.
This thread is better than any discussion /tv/ has had on film and you know it. >>10672230
Squid and the Whale is too close to home for /lit/ imo

>> No.10672389

Is woody allen /ourguy/?

>> No.10672392

So basically your defense of /tv/ is that /lit/'s fairly middlebrow taste isn't easy enough for you?
Do you go on /ck/ and shill for fast food?

>> No.10672395
File: 1.17 MB, 1228x1771, Duras_kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose films by acclaimed authors are pretty lit

>> No.10672398

billboards was actual trash

>> No.10672414

low quality bait

>> No.10672541
File: 75 KB, 645x729, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who has better taste than me must be faking it

>> No.10672577

fuck right off you tell me why it isn't a good movie

>> No.10672586

only retort is regurgitated meme
eat shit fuckhole I own you

>> No.10672601

Three Billboards was such a frustrating film and I'm a fan of the director.

I felt his cheap penchant for nihilism destroyed any attempt at a meaningful exploration of three of the biggest topics in America (Police brutality, rape culture, race relations) and miniaturized the work into something even smaller and more ridiculous than his dwarfs.

And on the subject of dwarfs, I find it funny the way he plays them. They're fully humanized semi-functional characters who illicit amusement due primarily to their size, any other quality is always secondary to this, and their inescapable trap forces them into being infantilized. The date scene was brilliant, because it brought out the smallness of the protagonist, and the audience too. I think McCillan is making the point that we're not much bigger, only, less obvious.

And I think in many ways he took this cynical approach with Three Billboards to try and humanize those inescapalbe and defining moments of pain and smallness. But the subject matter to me was so grandiose in it's delivery actually warrant the same comedy. Lines like "nigger torturing buisiness" and "WE'RE NOT ALL YOUR ENEMY" have this strong moralizing quality that just doesn't jar with the rest of the movies more absurd (and very well-delivered moments). I was left with this awful tension for the movie to go somewhere, to make the little sad details of that particular world bigger and less cruel, and was give the same treatment as the drunken dwarf.

Perhaps that was the point of the movie. But if you make a cheap world, you make a cheap film. Any lazy director without the same panache for dialogue could achieve it.

Honestly, he's better mirroring Playboy of the Western World Synge style comedy within Ireland. I'd like to see him do Belfast.

>> No.10672608
File: 1.81 MB, 1079x2559, movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've posted this before

>> No.10672625
File: 49 KB, 640x360, WIN_20180127_00_54_18_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am snoring

>> No.10672642


>>>/literally any other board/

>> No.10672643
File: 177 KB, 550x768, 8B82E72B-4E69-4F59-8DF2-D800B4B0957D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched pic related yesterday, pretty good imo

>> No.10672648
File: 91 KB, 1000x561, naked-1993-007-david-thewlis-looking-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good answer is Mikle Leigh's Naked.

>> No.10672662

That was such a shitty pretentious movie. Anyone who thinks it was deep is a pseud.

>> No.10672671
File: 47 KB, 640x360, WIN_20180127_00_54_21_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you put on a movie night that is actually entertaining. stop pushing your pedantic tryhard tripe

>> No.10672683


I like how you've created a strawman. Check the title of the thread.

>> No.10672706
File: 44 KB, 640x360, WIN_20180127_00_54_24_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread has no title

>> No.10672725


I'd end this with a fight to the death but I have the flu so I'm going to bow out.

>> No.10672775


This is the most /litkino/ thing you will ever see.

>> No.10672789

until we meet again

>> No.10672820

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/13975130