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10667979 No.10667979 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who wants to discuss the works of L. Ron Hubbard?

>> No.10668795

hey ive be wondering if there is some book or source that gives an impartial overview about that guys work?

>> No.10668849

I actually have a couple of his books. I have dianetics and Scientology: Fundamentals of thought. I got like 3/4s of the way through dianetics before my BS meter just kind of exploded and I couldn't force myself to finish it. I understand people who are drawn to it, I don't agree, but I understand.

>> No.10668872

Memes aside, is Scientology really just a scam or is there any Gnostic/spiritual bases to it? For example I know wacky, severely lacking Mormonism was probably born out of an occult experience.

>> No.10668925

is it readable if youre not in the quest for a spiritual leader? im just curious about what he is proposing but i dont wanna read persuasive shit, just a descriptive overview.

>> No.10669207


Scientology isn't really a religion in the sense that most people think of the word. It's a philosophical system and like any other system you take what is useful or true for you and disregard the rest. Nobody asks you to take anything on faith or accept something that you don't believe is true.

People get the wrong idea about Scientology because the critics really don't know what they're talking about. Even the people who used to be in the church will talk out of their ass because they've become blinded by their own bias. This sort of thing seems to happen with any sort of religion or philosophy. Ex-Christians will propagate the stupid misconceptions they had of the bible when they were Christian in an effort to criticize Christianity and in the process non Christians will get the wrong idea of what Christians actually believe. This effect is amplified for Scientology because it's new.

>> No.10669257

Are you serious? The orginization that labels anyone who doesn't agree with you as a supressive person if you don't agree with scientiology is not take what you need.

It doesn't get a bad rap, it's a fucking extortion racket, the religion is in how much money can be taken.

Some of the things Scientologists do are even more aggressive the goat fucking muslims.

>> No.10669286


They don't excommunicate people for disagreeing with them. That's absurd, they excommunicate people for acting against them just like most other major religions. Furthermore, they don't make anyone do anything. Everyone is free to associate with whoever they want regardless of what the church says. Don't you think everyone should have the right to free association? People shouldn't have to associate with people they don't want to be around and that's all the church is doing when they excommunicate people.

I didn't simply say the church is getting a bad rap, which is true. I said the people have let their bias blind them so they mislead others into having a lot of misconceptions about Scientology is and what they teach and you demonstrated that for everyone here. You don't know what it means to be declared supressive but you don't let that stop you from having strong opinions.

>> No.10669334

Tell David Miscavige hello you little fuck.

They excommunicate anyone who criticizes them and compare Leah Remini to Adolf Hitler.

The only thing that bitch is guilty of is being on that horrible King Of Queens remake.

I'm reading the Scientology definition of supressive, you may have read it, (you may have written it,) my favorite part is at the end when you preemptively defend it.

Tell me why Scientologists attack people on unrelated charges whenever they critique scientology?

>> No.10669368

True to some extent but there are some very serious problems with its organisation and doctrines. It would be unreadable to hand wave every criticism on the grounds of imperfection equallying complete falsehood.

For instance do you think the children who were raped by priests were blinded by bias to the problems in he Catholic Church? Should we say there was no issues of corruption in the church of 1500s because all the ex Catholics just had the wrong idea about indulgences and absentee bishops ?

Likewise it has a lot of doctrines and teachings that are religious rather than philosophical. Things like thetans and engrams for instance are faith based principles. Likewise there is also a strong insistence on loyalty to an organisation/ church rather than the ideas. For instance teachings and practices are held to be illigtimate if they are not delivered by the organisation, likewise only Hubbard was able to make discoveries and developments regarding the operating thetan levels- hence having a role more akin to a prophet than a researcher.

>> No.10669385

Not that a on but it’s not completely free association - the principle of potential trouble sources mean that if one maintains contact with a person who maintains contact with a supressive person the practices will loose or have no efficacy. Imagine if a muslims prayers worked on similar principle.

>> No.10669391

muslims and christians believe that tho, associating with sin makes you a sinner

>> No.10669396

seems to be based off the self help books a science fiction writer used to self treat his wackiness

>> No.10669412

Muslims believe that sure, Christians have essentially stripped the religion of everything that doesn't fit into their worldview. Which is good, because most of the religion was fucking stupid.

>> No.10669458

Christians believe as per Romans that every single person is a sinner - what they do not believe is that associating with someone who associates with a sinner has any effect on their salvation of efficacy of their sacrements. Were it otherwise salvation would be impossible by definition and Christ’s sacrifice pointless.

As with Islam whilst they teach you not to take non believers as guardians/ or friends depending on the interpreation of the Arabic they do not hold that associating with someone who associates with someone who is a non believer will invalidate their adherence to the 5 pillars.

>> No.10669493


You're conflating a potential trouble source with a suppresive person. They're not the same thing. Every SP is a PTS but not every PTS is an SP and there isn't any sort of restriction against people associating with a potential trouble source. Only a supressive person could cause somebody "spiritual difficulties."

>> No.10669509

Spiritual Difficulties = Damage to the bottom line

>> No.10669521

go along to a scientology center and ask them how much it will cost to become "clear". they'll lie to you at first, but eventually they'll roll out a program that will cost around two hundred thousand dollars, over time.

enjoy being a slave to the Rondroids. don't forget to ask them about the electric batteries powering the force-field that holds Xenu in prison.

>> No.10669526



>> No.10669534

isn't it odd how people just "show up" to these threads with a complete knowledge of scientology terms?


>> No.10669538


By analogy, a supressive person is like how a Christian would think of demons. You wouldn't want to associate with demons because they're malevolent and are constantly trying to tempt or mislead you into sin. They will cause you spiritual difficulties. To think that has anything to do with money is crazy. It's hard to respect critics when they act like this.

>> No.10669554


You seem to be under the impression that I'm trying to hide that I'm a Scientologist. Why are you guys so nutty about this shit?

>> No.10669609
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How so? Pic related is my citation.

>> No.10669621

Supressive persons aren't like demons because demons are nonredeemable and supressives are considered fine again as soon as they apologize for renouncing their faith and go back to being good little foot slaves for Tom Cruise.

That's one reason.

Demons are more like thetans, there's an analogy for you. It doesn't work very well because you don't have to pay the church to get rid of your demons, and the only reasons Christians take any money is to use it for the public good. They abuse this yes, but at least this is what the intended purpose is.

They way you describe demons, trying to tempt and mislead? Sounds like my local Scientology Headquarters.

>It's hard to respect critics.
That must be why no Scientologist has never done such a thing.

>> No.10669630

man it would be so easy to make a cult

>> No.10669637

i only know that the deep-core of scientology phylosophy is black magick

>> No.10669645

If it were easy, every youtube faggot would have a cult. First you have to be a peice of shit and actually think that it's a good idea, then you have to think up lie after lie and you have to charismatic enough to fool idiots.

Hubbard was a shameless self promoter and somehow managed to convince people even after his retarded magic tricks didn't work. That is not easy. The other thing about Hubbard that was hard was his cock when he was around children.

>> No.10669656

>there any Gnostic/spiritual bases to it?
Yes, unlocking power ones innate control over matter, energy, space and time which humans as immortal spiritual beings all posses through their secret teachings.

>> No.10669673

Has John Travolta unlocked the powers to make himself not gay anymore? I mean how long does it take?

>> No.10669690

They put you on the E Meter during your first session. The E Meter is a polygraph machine. Who would fail to see the type of relationship you are going to have with a church that puts you on a polygraph the first time you attend?

>> No.10669899

Bump hoping the scientologist faggot returns

>> No.10669929


I assume you're referring to me. I haven't left.

>> No.10669943

When will you, I want to give thanks to Xenu when you go.

How come scientoloshits can't ever respond to their criticism without hand waving and then defensiveness. It's as if you know it's retarded.

>> No.10669959


I can't speak for other Scientologist but I respond to people however and whenever I please because I don't owe you anything. I don't put effort into stupid shit.

>> No.10669971

Not that anon but do you plan on continuing the discussion on PTS? I provided you with a source that indicates there might be some problems with your understanding of it.

>> No.10669974


No I won't hold your hand so stop begging for attention.

>> No.10669983

But your a Scientologist. You literally do put effort into stupid shit.

>> No.10669990


Oh nice, a coherent post. That's a change.

>> No.10669997

Different anon then the one you were arguing with.
I just came to laugh at you. I really do hope you show that other guy what for tho.

Just give me like, Five minutes to get some popcorn ready. I'd love to hear your actual argument against him.

>> No.10669998

The man was a self-medicating manchild with a hard on for the Navy. He never wrote anything worth discussing honestly.

>> No.10670005


I don't really argue against irrational critics anymore. That got boring real fast. It's always the same infantile attitude mixed with an arrogance that only a truly ignorant person could have.

>> No.10670027

You criticise people for being ignorant of Scientology and then when your own ideas contradict the writings of Hubbard directly you accuse others of begging for attention instead of dealing with the problem? How is this rational?

>> No.10670043

>I don't really argue against irrational critics anymore...It's always the same infantile attitude mixed with an arrogance that only a truly ignorant person could have.
The irony here is astounding.

>> No.10670044


You don't understand what is being said and I'm not going to hold your hand. Following me through the thread to keep asking me to respond to you is begging for attention. It's pathetic.

>> No.10670072

Throw insults all you like but you literally stated that only a supressive person could cause somebody "spiritual difficulties." Hubbard's own writings show you to be ignorant of a basic teaching.

All I ask is that you hold yourself to the standards you wish to hold others to.

>> No.10670078

Your entire religion is violent opposition to non believers and pedophilia! Are you sure you aren't a muslim?

>> No.10670079

I know RIGHT!
Look looser the only reason i came in here is the chance to see you take the concept of faith and try and justify the churches actions with it.

If you want section yourself off into your cult like polite lunatics fine by me, But just because you can't muster up the boy bouncsy's to put your faith to words doesn't make other people ignorant.

It makes you unable to preform.

>> No.10670092

I'm only irrational because I'm a spritual alien soul in the body of a human who hasn't been cleared of my thetans which are cleared once your account is cleared. How's California btw?

>> No.10670096



This is the second time you spelled lose with two O's. You can't spell, you can't type coherently, you don't know what you're talking about, is it really any wonder why I people aren't interested in having a conversation with you? By the way, I have no problem "preforming."

>> No.10670108

It's really is amazing how incapable people are at managing their horizon when it comes to Scientology. They listen to some retarded critic and they think they know something.

>> No.10670112

something like scientology is the inevitable conclusion of materialist thought, it just came around too early. Every religion goes through phases of activity where things "work" and everyone understands what's going on, before hardening into absurd and senseless dogma as the life behind the original structure dies and only an elite know how it really works. Aliens and sci fi are perfect vehicles for this in materialism.

>> No.10670115

What are you talking about faggot. Your kiddie touching, autistic woman beating, slave driving, prone to bullshit, proven wrong, worse than flat earthers, greedy, evil, manipulative, cultist leader who was disowned by his own fucking son was the only person who was ever unable to preform in every fucking thing that he did from the navy to science fiction so he created a fake fucking religion and even that was a colossal failure because everyone hates it.

Go sit on a fucking E meter, so you can fully measure all of the thetans that my mean words must be putting deep inside you.

>> No.10670116

Phone posting, don't care enough about you to fix typo's.

How could you even rise to such a bait as a performance shot?
Dear god man you are the most pathetic fanatic i've ever met. Since it's clear i'm not going to get to jerk off watching you twist in the wind against a maelstrom of theological assholes who've lied in wait for just such an occasion i can at least get my jollys knowing you couldn't get it up enough to defend those belief's with anything more then a cheap set of excuses and a limp dick.

Now i have to go and read all your silly books just so i can take the fight to the next rally you asshats show up to near me. Enjoy your cuck porn.

>> No.10670117


the hysteria with climate change/global warming is very similar to scientology, Nobody really understands any of the shit they spew about it (I'm literally a climatology grad student so inb4 wrong) and it has religious elements of original sin, etc.

>> No.10670121

Friendly fire mate.

Reading comprehension. Do you have it? no. Double check your posts.

>> No.10670134

Wow I'd never believe to find a Scientology recruitment thread where someone said something even more stupid than what the Scientologist said.

>> No.10670137

wow i've never seen a close minded brainlet on this board before

>> No.10670139

Read your post again and actually read it.

>> No.10670149

> I'm actualy arguing against sociology
> No your not, read your post you clearly state

I'm not sure your big enough for this conversation. At least i was trying to be interesting for the cultist.

>> No.10670151

Damn do all the other scientists get impressed when you forget the fucking first thing about science which is that anecdotal evidence is not really evidence?
Dim your screen settings til you can see your reflection then, cunt.

>> No.10670161

Interesting because you are so fucking illiterate that you make the Scientologist seem intelligent and cause everyone else to wonder in amazement about what your posts are supposed to mean.

>> No.10670162

Have you met scientests?

The best scientists are the only ones worth talking about because every other one is a autist with a lab coat and dangerous hardware.

>> No.10670165

>anecdotal evidence is not really evidence
I'm not gonna argue this shit b/c you're clearly stuck in your mode of seeing reality. If you want to break free here's a hint: stop a priori assuming that you have to relate to the world through empiricism and physicalism, it's limiting and just a fucking stupid way to live.

>> No.10670170

I can't help but notice how unreasonably angry anti-Scientologists are. It's one thing to disagree with the religion or not like the church but what the hell are swearing at people for? That's not going to accomplish anything and it makes you guys look like emotionally unstable retards. If you can't even admit the possibility of you being wrong about Scientology in any way then it's a good indicator that you're being irrational.

inb4 I get accused of being David Miscavige

>> No.10670177

If your that desperate for intellect maybe you should suck off a librarian. Maybe he can give you some book marks so you can find your place.

No ones fault but your own. It's not that hard to follow along, but sure, act like a cunt then throw shit for being called out for it, you and the Scientologist would make good friends.

>> No.10670185

Your confusing anger for sarcasm.
Easy to do but really the internet is a child at heart. I'd rather argue with someone for hours then call them a cuck for not arguing. It just so happens the Scientologist was one. Neat.

>> No.10670202

Please learn to be coherent damn.
The difference is that when great thinkers are confronted with the knowledge of their existence they move mankind forward, not slap their wives around and say that there are alien ghosts in people.

When Descartes was confronted with it, he said "I think, therefore I am."

When Hubbard was confronted with it, he wrote pedophilia fanfics and pretended to know magic basically.

>> No.10670226

This is true for most Scientologists, but people on the OT levels have a totally different experience of the religion.

>> No.10670231

>inb4 I get accused of being David Miscavige
Well you have to admit it does sound like a prepared response.

>> No.10670237

People are concerned about how you treat your brainwashed slaves.

Watch going clear or Louis Theroux's Scientology if you want to see some angry people, on the Scientology side exclusively.

>> No.10670246


Why do you think I'm a Scientologist?

>> No.10670258

There is no part there that says you are.

I am convinced most of the people on this board can't actually read.

>> No.10670259


>> No.10670267

Nope wait i was retard on that one. Full admit

>> No.10670269


You're concerned with how I treat my brainwashed salves. Doesn't that imply something?

>> No.10670275

Salves should generally be kept in a cool, dark area with their containers firmly sealed.

>> No.10670297

Scientologists love to manipulate. If you aren't just a Scientologist pretending to play devil's advocate, well then I'm wrong there. But I'm just giving this person shit because they always pretend the obvious abuses of the church aren't obvious. There's more to reason with a flat Earther than a Scientologist. So really I'm just trying to see how long he can put up with GLORIOUS LEADER being called a faggot kiddie toucher.

>> No.10670303

As a Catholic, I've dealt with the cognitive dissonance of the leaders of my religion being faggot kiddie touchers. I image that Scientologists have also come to terms with the fact that L. Ron was a faggot kiddie toucher.

>> No.10670309


I think you're a knob

>> No.10670311

Neither you or the Scientologists have come to terms at all. But at least there's no evidence that Miscavige does it. I'll see you when the next pedophilia case drops and you ask the priest to say a hail mary for every kid he touched.

>> No.10670318

How fitting, I think you are a soft cunt.

>> No.10670322
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>see scientology
>whatever lol
>see number of replies

>> No.10670339

If you had a choice between calling someone a faggot and debating literature.
What would you choose?

>> No.10670353

>debating literature
>in a scientology thread

>> No.10670354

There wasn't a choice for literature in this thread.

Also, You can post on more than one thread.

>> No.10670485

I absolutely support criminal charges for pedophile priests. I've come to terms with the fact that Gods representatives on earth are fallible. Maybe it's harder for scientologists, given that it wasn't just a priest, but the prophet of their religion that was fucking kids.

>> No.10670560

Of course you do, nobody is saying that catholics enjoy it when the priests fuck kids, it's just that the church is a fan on pretending not to know.

>> No.10670568

sh-shut up you heathen the church is perfect and the pope is my platonically husbando

>> No.10670592

Catholics that support the church suppressing pedophilia allegations should not be calling themselves Christian. I don't know that Scientologists feel the same, because they can't really repudiate L. Ron without compromising the religion.

>> No.10671548

L Ron Hubbard was a black man, his real name is L Ron Hoyabembe

>> No.10671794


>> No.10671817

>huh huhuh xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu xenu lolololololol

>> No.10671820
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Captain Bill Robertson did nothing wrong.