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10666096 No.10666096 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck / Marry / Kill

>> No.10666106

Marry Peterson
Kill the other two

>> No.10666108
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>> No.10666115

Absolute state of the West

>> No.10666125

Kill / Kill / Kill

>> No.10666136

Fuck Zizek, he's like the hot bitch on the block everyone wants to bang or talk shit about.
Kill Peterson, he's the annoying blonde who's actually not hot at all but the turbo nerds like her because she talked to them.
Marry Chomsky, he's like the smart brunette who no one gave a shit about until she got into college and started wearing make up, she's still smart enough to not be money pit, but dumb enough to stay with you.

>> No.10666137

Anal with chomsky
Fellatio with peterson
BDSM with zizek

>> No.10666138

>he's the smart

>> No.10666146

I'm sure you're much smarter than the guy who invented modern linguistics.

>> No.10666150

>all that linguistic work which might be equivalent to oral sex kamasutra
>chomsky lectures on media, propaganda, ideological bearers of "truth", all of which were exposed and exemplified to microscopic levels between 2016-to this day.
>people still think he doesn't know what he's talking about
He does sometimes touch things outside his area of expertise but come on, it's not like he's ben stiller dumb.

>> No.10666157

he's by far the most important thinker alive in cognitive science. Even if you aint a Chomskian...thats how you define yourself.
btw youre talking to 14yr olds holocaust deniers with ADD, it really isnt worth it

>> No.10666160

jordan is actually quite handsome

>> No.10666164

Cognitive science is a meme discipline with no applicable worth

>> No.10666167

Nah he's really weird and gangly looking. Like looking at a person on the wrong aspect ratio

>> No.10666171

Fuck Chomsky, marry Zizek, kill Pete. Zizek would probably divorce me.

>> No.10666180

>says intuitive shit respecting a pretty new field at a time when there are now serious intellectuals
>le brilliant chomsky
Guy can't even write a solid paragraph in English or speak a second language. Even "his" term manufacturing consent was lifted.
Everything he said about society was either obvious or dead wrong. Might as well tell me Huxley was a great intellectual. At least he could discover the source of our problems.

>> No.10666187

Marry Peterson
Kill Chomsky (by drone strike)
Kiss Zizek :3

>> No.10666195

The absolute state of this board

>> No.10666202

Fuck Zizek: he's hot as fuck
Kill father figure guy
Marry Chomsky: I want to be part of the chosen ones

>> No.10666208

I guess you haven't read those papers or seen the docu/movie.
Summarizing it is dangerous since I would uber simplify some ideas and put my understanding into them which is probably wrong in some points, but here it is:
>Chomsky argues that the media has become the truth
>not because it's right or wrong or factual but because whatever they decide to print, enters the mainstream and people are quick to just roll with it
>He goes on to explain how this system of ideology works

It's not about him having precognition you absolute retard. It's about asking the right questions at the time.
He didn't try to predict the future, he was just pointing out how words carry impact, and how the media being the carriers of mainstream thought channel and change a certain ideology.

Fast forward to 2016 you see the election race happen and how the mainstream media is being absolutely ripped apart by the social media chaos. The NYT has lost its position and instead of reacting as the "factual" media it told us it was, it reacted like an emotional machine and the mainstream outlets, them included alongside all other major papers and channels, have started acting like tabloids.
The truth has become something less tangible from what we were used to. "Fake News" or "alternative facts" is an excellent term, not in the simple "because they are fake" way, but because it exposes how news come to be and react, they are not factual, they are emotionally reactive (at this point in time).
>Trump says dumb thing
>Media is still super angry things didn't go their way so they print what trump says with a tabloid spin
>Trump hears about it and says "the fuck, I never meant that" and calls "fake news" again
>Media reacts again and takes a shit
>Trump repeats it

Technology evolved so fast that conveying ideas needs more work than they needed in the past. No system has caught so far and we're left with a mess at the moment. Who bears the truth? who is there to challenge the mainstream?

>> No.10666211

>no-one realising killing peterson will make a martytr of him
if you think its bad now

>> No.10666214

>people believe the media and it therefore has influence
Wow, what a fucking genius. I am embarrassed to exist simultaneously with you

>> No.10666216

Gas Chomsky
Kiss Peterson
Marry Zizek

>> No.10666229

>le biology man brings the autismo atheism era
>le biology man replaced by hippy countercultural ben stiller
>ben stiller shitposts all the time, we wonder who will stop this madman
>gets replaced by a soft spoken religious family values man who sells self improvement books
I wonder who will be the next fedora messiah.

>> No.10666232

you forgot Milo and Sargon of Akkad. These are two important steps in the path of the internet pseud.

>> No.10666236
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How does it feel to be homeschooled?

>> No.10666242
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Fuck Stirner
Marry Stirner
Kill everyone else

>> No.10666245

Pretty sure he's fluent in Hebrew, and if you've watched the Foucault debate you can that see he understands French without needing a translator.

>> No.10666248

Oh I bet you're much smarter my guy. After all, you read! (Naomi Klein, Ha-Joon Chang, etc)

>> No.10666252

Hell yeah

>> No.10666258

marry chomski since he will soon be dead anyway. kill peterson because he’s a fag. fistfuck Žižek for banter

>> No.10666259

marriage is a spook

>> No.10666804

I'm embarrassed for you, getting into arguments on the internet about people whose Wikipedia articles you obviously haven't even skimmed

>> No.10666812

Marry my boi Chomsky
Kill Peterson, he's a pseud and his fans are creepily cultish
Fuck Ziz, because we all know he's a real freak

>> No.10666820

Kill Zizek in a strange turn of events. (I kill him for his own good, a type of comitragedy.)

Marry Peterson in a strange turn of events, I'm obviously a communist, so I would take him home each evening and beat him with a 12" stick the Imam told me was halal to use when he gets out of hand, mumbling about archetypes and lobsters.

Fuck Chomsky. Obviously, his hole has not been touched since that warm night in Netherlands with F*ucault a.k.a. that night as "My Shill Fuckhole". Chomsky seems to be very vanilla, and I wouldn't mind corrupting that Semitic bottom for the good of Gomorrah and Sodom.

>> No.10666821

Fuck Chomsky
Marry Peterson because he's rich and I'm a coalburner
Kill Zizek, he's hideous.

>> No.10666826

Is Beterson a quadroon?

>> No.10666836

Ah fuck. Meant to say gold digger.

>> No.10666840

These are the posts I come to these shitty threads for

>> No.10667005

>all the plebs rejecting peterson because they havent seen him with beard
look it up.

>> No.10667019
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>not marrying/fucking this

>> No.10667023

chomsky die sooner though

>> No.10667029

>marrying/fucking your dad
Seek help anon.

>> No.10667250

Chomsky is by far the most accomplished intellectual of all three, no contest.

>> No.10667254

objectively correct answer

>> No.10667417
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Peterson and Chomsky seem like shy pussys in bed whereas Zizek would give you a good passionate fucking. He has the most alpha personality where the others come off as timid bitches in comparison.

>> No.10667434

Marry Mark Hamil
Don't know about the other two, who are they?

>> No.10667463
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Fuck / Marry / Kill

>> No.10667738

Fuck, kill, marry

>> No.10667748

>I would take him home each evening and beat him with a 12" stick
very nice

>> No.10667778

anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy

>> No.10667813

Funny those are the choices

>> No.10667872

>Chomsky fanboys skim wikipedia

>> No.10667896


>> No.10669715

>replication crisis
>haha some results are wrong, lets just give up this entire science stuff lol buncha nerds amirite

>> No.10669854

kill zizi

>> No.10669860

wait i just realized there's no dfw in the picture.

>> No.10669864
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Fuck Zizek, marry Chomsky, kill Peterson.

>> No.10671397

Peterson for all three.