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/lit/ - Literature

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10663178 No.10663178 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.10663194

i have heard so much poison shit about her that i am never going to read it.

>> No.10663219
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>> No.10664238

>everyone says it's bad therefore it's bad

>> No.10664248

I don't know a single intellectual that thinks she's good. So why should I waste my time?

>> No.10664323

H'es right imo

>> No.10664331

This is exactly the reason that I did read it

>> No.10664356

Her entire philosophy is born from her getting BTFO by the Bolsheviks. It's her irrational desperate response to attack the people that traumatised her, when the Bolsheviks took her daddies property and money.

>> No.10664441

Don't waste your time reading Ayn Rand. I'm serious.
Not only does her writing spout off bad ideas such as that of objectivism, it's also simply just bad writing. One of her shorter works, Anthem, can be summarized as the following:
-"Collectivist" dystopia, a dark age, everyone is assigned roles at a certain age, everyone has god awful names that are random words mixed with numbers such as "Liberty-2358"
-Protagonist accidentally discovers electricity while cutting into a dead frog in a sewer
-Experiments, literally re-invents the light bulb
-Shows it to the high up inventors council, gets shamed, runs off to the woods with lover to start a new life
All in all, it's trash. No single person has been the "Penultimate inventor" responsible for inventing the greatest of great inventions.
Even Thomas Edison's light bulb was based on 40 years worth of ideas before him.
Ayn Rand's reading is good to read, if you're only beginning to really, truly, think for yourself. Many that read Ayn Rand and believe heavily in its philosophy don't expand past Rand.
If you already know how to think for yourself, don't bother with reading her work as it's simply a waste of time.

>> No.10664463

i'd be pissed too, but im more of a take a shit on your doorstep kind of guy and not a shit talker through books

>> No.10664467

>even edison's light bulb was based on 40 years worth of ideas before him

He saw an electric flash light up a room and had a dream about a city lit by electricity, then proceeded to do ten-thousand experiments to create a light-bulb.
The fuck have you done exactly pseud?

>> No.10664572

Lots of lefties in this board, keep that in mind next time you ask about something related to this cunt

>> No.10665087


>> No.10665091

Why do we have this thread every single day?

>> No.10665122
File: 166 KB, 795x799, stirnerSUCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1200 pages of pseudointellectual drivel. Hackneyed archetypes like the valiant outlaw repurposed to the end of jejune propaganda. A 60-paged speech in which the speaker essentially does nothing but shriek "A IS A, THEREFORE I'M RIGHT." A fanciful capitalist utopia which is literally an invisible oasis of cornucopic plenty conjured in the middle of a desert.

Your time is better spent reading Stirner.

>> No.10665127


>> No.10665213

if you're going to make constant Rand threads, at least come up with something interesting for the OPs, not just "what does /lit/ think of Rand/Atlas Shrugged?"

>> No.10665224

her books are way too long. her prose is godawful. she should have got a good editor and worked for a harlequin romance publisher, she'd have made more money and got into hollywood.

a better example of this is the fountainhead. it's based on frank llyod wright's life, and it has a rape scene eventually somewhere near the end. go look at wright's wikipedia and realize how much more fucked up shit i should have been able to mention in that sentence instead of one rape 500 pages in. she reuses trite phrases and words so often, it gets like jk rowling and "stretched his legs" to hear "bromide" one more time.

she needed an editor and she wrote fanfic. read stirner instead. he's better at picking quotations, and his prose is appropriate to his point in length, clarity, and innovation.

>> No.10665250

this is the best description of Rand

>> No.10665254

Both Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead are pretty good, but if you want a more concise experience than i would recommend the fountainhead.

>> No.10665298

Why do people who dislike her do it so aggressively? Why do they so vehemently discourage people from even reading her? Sounds a little suspicious to me.

>> No.10665301

I liked it, and her writing. Anyone who wants to whinge too much is just a pseud who has to take things too seriously. The ideas presented by her in most books speak volumes more than literary style holds it back.

>> No.10665630

t. Ayntologist