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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 636x464, ethnicdiversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10660403 No.10660403 [Reply] [Original]

>"The “paucity” of UK children’s books featuring an ethnically diverse lineup of characters is set to be laid bare by two Arts Council England-backed studies into representation in children’s literature."

>"ACE [Arts Council England] director for literature Sarah Crown put it on Wednesday, there is a “paucity of high-quality books for children and young adults by and about people from all walks of life”."

>"“BookTrust director of children’s books Jill Coleman was clear that “representation in children’s books is important for all children”. “A lack of diversity impacts on how young readers see themselves and the world around them, on their motivation to read, and on their aspirations to become the writers and illustrators of the future. We hope this research will give us an accurate picture of the present situation, help us to support and encourage a diverse range of talent and, ultimately, to encourage more children to develop a lifelong love of reading,” she said."


Do you agree with fellow white people Sarah Crown and Jill Coleman that British books need to start focusing on kids who aren't White British?

>> No.10660413

why is such agenda being pushed just now? Niggers and gooks existed before current year.

>> No.10660430

What is it with the West and this bullshit? Other highly advanced economies don't have to suffer through this nonsense

>> No.10660446
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No idea.

>> No.10660447
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You know (((why))).

>> No.10660455
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>> No.10660457
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>> No.10660467
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>> No.10660471
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>> No.10660473

Okay jeez we get it

>> No.10660476
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>> No.10660479

Another fucking /pol/ thread.

Yes /pol/, it would be nice if people of colour in children's books in the UK reflected the people who read them.

>> No.10660484

It makes sense if you adopt these maxims:

>equal representation of ethnicities
>these ethnicities being crude/vague/abstracted collections of many diverse subgroups
>even after doing this, if the majority group slice takes up most of the pie you should bump up the ratio of the rest so they're visible at all lel
You could challenge this at each step but political partisans will just screech about "fucking leftists" instead.

The fundamental oddity is that it thinks those crude ethnic groups are a good example of different walks of life. It's ironic because that is a pretty racist interpretation (that race is an important enough factor for what they want to represent). But it's quite easy to see why anti-racism is itself dependant on racism.

>> No.10660489
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He was arrested for saying this.

>> No.10660493
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>mudslimes and niggers are avid readers

>> No.10660495

this desu. I will not rest until there is an exact demographic representation of all groups of people. 14% of all children's novels that have a character from a poorer background being disabled POC when?

>> No.10660497
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>> No.10660499

People of color don't read, though.

>> No.10660501

>You could challenge this at each step

No you couldn't, because the kikes rolling this stuff out don't in the least care about logic and consistency, its all about their mandate of undermining White Christian identity.
Everything else is just mere excuse, challange them on one point and they'll at best just grant you that you're correct and then continue along regardless

>> No.10660503

> the childfree life

That couple knows what's cooking.

>> No.10660505

Holy fuck when will this nonsense end? People keep making up these problems and then faffing about and making a fuss until they're "fixed" which will never happen because they will never be satisfied - just fuck off with this multicultural agenda-pedalling shit, its exhausting. Let kids read what they want, I doubt they give a shit about the racial identity of characters for god's sake.

>> No.10660509

>But it's quite easy to see why anti-racism is itself dependant on racism.
In case anyone wants this in plainish terms. You can find Baudrillard exploring co-dependancy in power-relationships of all kinds (e.g. the police to crime, preservationists to nature, etc) in his middle period books. I think his most famous book concerns it too.

>> No.10660510
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>> No.10660511

This. I know if I saw more disabled people in the media I consumed as a kid, I wouldn't have called old people with one leg a retard until I was 16.

>> No.10660513


Trayvon Martin was innocent and yes, they do read.


Yeah, that's why every ethnicity aside from Afro-Caribbeans (historically oppressed) outperform white British people (which is a problem but they won't stop fucking voting for the Tories who keep them like that) in school.

>> No.10660516

No, mouthbreathers like you challenge them instead and get decimated so proper challenges are too irrelevant.

>> No.10660517
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>plainish terms

>> No.10660522

>arrested for saying this
When did this become allowed? When did """"hate speech"""" actually turn into a criminal offence?

>> No.10660523

It was a joke. Try to calm your boiling emotions.

>> No.10660524


>> No.10660526
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>No goy, if your argument was good we would stop :^)

This is why rat people always need to get gassed in the end

>> No.10660529
File: 424 KB, 800x2225, 1476292145762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you get the experience of living next to your beloved and peaceful Islamic refugees.

>> No.10660530
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>> No.10660532

A racial discrimination note seems immensely harsh but I suppose who cares, just take the field trip. Parents tend to pack a special lunch if they love their kid enough and the kids dig having a day outside of the classroom, it kinda is fun. I remember a trip to a mosque and a synagogue when I was a kid (about 10 years old or something) because we didn't have either in my small seaside town. It was for the religious education subject which kids have to take so it made sense. Don't see why this image is meant to create outrage. The far-right like to complain about how sensitive the far-left is but when I see shit like this and >>10660467 is what pisses off the far-right then I think you guys need to take a long look in the mirror.

>> No.10660536


And here we come to it, old Barb, /pol/'s favorite piece of propaganda. You know its funny, because I went read what Spectre said in context, and guess what? She's talking about how not integrating Muslim immigrants is responsible for rising anti-semitism in Europe. And she goes onto say by multi-culturalism, she means integrating them into European culture. And when she say "the Jews will be resented", do you think, she means by whites? Ha ha no, she's talking about being resented by Muslims for trying to instill European values in them.

Funny what you can learn by reading.


>faked stats

Also, I went to a 50% non-white school in Manchester. Was great.

>> No.10660538

>Yeah just allowed the school to force everyone to go into religious buildings
>don't be so angry about it
>when muslims enforce mandatory prayers in schools you can always just pray for peace or anything

Give them one finger and they take your whole hand.

>> No.10660539

>Also, I went to a 50% non-white school in Manchester. Was great.
How anecdotally significant.

>> No.10660542


>> No.10660543

why does this always happen to be the case. what the hell is wrong with jews? I don't believe there is a Jewish mega plot gong on but why are so many jews pushing this kind of thing

>> No.10660545

I don't want to fight this, I don't want to argue against this over and over in my head. I just want to die.

>> No.10660546

Because people don't need to have a conscious plot to be behaving as if they do. Religion and ethnic identity is deeply buried in our subconsciousness and its foolish to think we are enlightened past it.
As Marx himself said, they don't know what they are doing and yet they are doing it

>> No.10660548

Why should I care if there's brown people in children's books?

>> No.10660550

>she goes onto say by multi-culturalism, she means integrating them into European culture
How successfull were all attempts of this? Almost all muslims living in France perfectly speak French, yet they still don't work, are criminals and teach radical Islamic views in their mosques. White people are rolling backwards for muslims to finally integrate, to finally learn the language and become somewhat useful members of society. How well do you think are muslims behaving in the UK, Sweden, Germany, France, etc.?

>> No.10660551

Christ alive, get your head out of your arse. You're the kind of tosser that will only realise the damage that your kind of mentality has caused once its too late to reverse the damage. Pure selfishness.

>> No.10660553

You shouldn't. You should be fine with governmentally curated art and entertainment.

The books you read are next on the list, by the way.

>> No.10660554

>Also, I went to a 50% non-white school in Manchester
Of course (((you))) did.

>> No.10660558

They don't fit in with a culture but many have the power to fundamentally change the faces and identity of that culture so that no one fits in any longer.

>> No.10660559

Male muslims drink and party, and female muslmas take the kufr dick. You have no idea how Europe works.

>> No.10660561

I've not seen you propose a counter-argument outside of arrogant insults. Return to your /pol/ bubble, anon. You'll get more gratification for your ignorance there.

>> No.10660564

I live in Europe unlike you. Muslims are the biggest welfare leeches while pushing for more and more Sharia friendly laws every day.

>> No.10660566


So its OK for you lot to run around saying things with no evidence like refugees are rapists, people of colour don't read and Muslims are going to rape you but not OK for to recount something I actually lived through.


Literally none of this true. You're just making it up. It doesn't matter anyway, I was showing how dumb /pol/ is that one of their main propaganda pieces is complete bollocks and they'd know that if thy could read.

>> No.10660569

> grr muslims: the thread

/lit/ is for literature, anon.

>> No.10660570

I don't read picture books.

>> No.10660572

God you're a faggot

>> No.10660573


I live in Europe and can say they're not and I've never had a problem or altercation with one despite living around them from birth.

>> No.10660575

What? You gave a nice little anecdote about packed lunches on school trips and call that some kind of argument? But yeah keep throwing around """ignorant!!""" as a valid response, once this country is without any kind of identity then maybe you'll finally have changed your mind.

>> No.10660577

>You're just making it up
Are you fucking retarded? Every German social study has proven that muslim immigrants are the worst in school and didn't integrate over three fucking generations. I've studied in Berlin and even among my students (the more intelligent part of muslims) there were many muslim women wearing burkas and muslim men unable to speak without a thicc accent.

>> No.10660578

Most muslims in Europe live in Europe because they know how fucked their countries are and they're trying to escape it. The ones who want Sharia law and encourage extremism are usually disowned by islamic communities for being cunts. Visit your local mosque and introduce yourself, muslims are very accommodating people. Please don't spread false information to misinform people.

>> No.10660584

>unlike you.
You're talking about another poster I guess, I literally have never left Europe.

Beurettes are kind of famous in France, and immigrants in Sweden don't follow the pious muslim meme. Secularisation, alcohol and sex won.

>> No.10660587

My point is how sensitive people like you are over children taking a field trip to a mosque. It doesn't matter, it's part of the curriculum because most kids learn about christianity, judaism, islam and sikhism while in school in the UK. It's not some immense corrupt conspiracy to flood the country with people you don't like. Get over yourself.

>> No.10660588


>Every German social study

OK, can you show me one?

>there were many muslim women wearing burkas and muslim men unable to speak without a thicc accent.

So fucking what, they might be new immigrants, you don't know that. And wearing a burka or having an accent isn't the crime of century.

>> No.10660589

Okay and how do you explain that over a thousand muslim refugees simultaneously raped/groped white women when they all are so peaceful and secular?

>> No.10660594

>live three generations in Germany
>still don't know the language
>come on, anon. What's the big deal?! Don't be so intolerant!

I'm sick of lefties like you ruining my country.

>> No.10660595

>Your experiences of real life are wrong
Lefties always do this. The people that actually have to live and deal with these new immigrants are always told to shut up or just ignored completely.

>> No.10660596

Can you three faggots please go somewhere else to discuss this shit

>> No.10660600

I live in Italy and muslims are pretty tame especially if you compare them with niggers and romanians (white niggers)

>> No.10660601

>kek reals>feels faggot
>but what about muh experiences!

>> No.10660604

Because they were thirsty losers just like /pol/.

>> No.10660607


Read The Culture of Critique.

>> No.10660609

> this thread

So we going to see OP in the news soon or what

>> No.10660610

Its a slippery slope, sweetheart. If you told people a few decades ago that one day London would no longer be majority white British, or that Birmingham would be predicted to lose its white majority, that fewer than a third of Birmingham schoolchildren are white, that white Brits would end up a minority in Leicester, Luton and Slough then they would have been outraged and wouldn't have even believed you. Yet here we are. It starts with mosque visits, but it will end very differently you smug bastard.
>Get over yourself
Enough with the canned 4chan catchphrases, they're meaningless.

>> No.10660611

Araps (from the levant) aren't that bad, somalis can be horrible.
It's almost like it's an ethnic or cultural issue and not a religious issue.

>> No.10660612

What an insult to the rape victims that reply is. How many more times does this kind of tragedy need to happen before you finally stop this mindless agenda? 100 more children raped and abused? How many?

>> No.10660613

Thats why i said ish. His prose may not be plain but the way he hammers the same points more than once using various examples makes them plain despite the prose style.

>> No.10660615


>see brown people
>assume things about them with no evidence


You literally just told me my anecdote about going to school with many Muslims wasn't valid and now you're fucking whining because I turned around and said "alright, well yours don't either then".

God, arguing with you people is like arguing with someone with late stage Alzheimers.

>> No.10660617

Nothing conspiritorial about it, they have average IQ's 15 points higher than native Europeans so naturally are over-represented in highest levels of society
They are also anti-Nationalist(outside of Israel) just as you would be anti-Nationalism if you lived in Japan or an African nation.
Their interests simply don't align with native-Europeans

>> No.10660619

>Experience isn't reality
I know this is /lit/ but enough with the abstract philosophy

>> No.10660620

>/lit/ is one person

>> No.10660621


London is majority white now, thanks to Polish immigrants. But you /pol/lacks are so fucking stupid, you supported Brexit and now Poles aren't going to be able to travel into the UK freely and it will become majority none white again. You're so thick you can't even do racism right.

>> No.10660623

>Guys there was a muslim kid in my class multiculturalism works!

>> No.10660625

>Guys! Guys? Why doesn't anyone want to hang out with me? Fucking mudslimes!

>> No.10660626

(reddit space)
Agreed, fellow British anon!

>> No.10660627

>my anecdotes > yours
why are you even arguing

>> No.10660630

Because your heavenly experience in the mosque doesn't undo the negative experiences of others. Congrats, it was one of the greatest days of your life but the experiences of people that have seen the damage this kind of immigration and cultural shift can cause are far more important. If you call this a bias then you're not paying attention.

>> No.10660633

The UK has always had immigrants, Birmingham has had a large Caribbean and Asian community for the past 50 years. Sikhs fought for us during WW2.

Sorry, sweetie, but we have browns in towns now. White people rape and murder too.

>> No.10660632

>Projecting this hard

>> No.10660634

>People who disagree with me are losers! haha

>> No.10660635


>> No.10660636

>these experiences are more important because they're bad
you are impressively dumb

>> No.10660639
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Ummm, we wuz here first, sweetie!

>> No.10660640

What, 0.001% of the population or something

>> No.10660641

>Pray tell sirrah, why do you not engage with my greentext devoid of substance?

>> No.10660644

If you are seriously gonna tell me that the situation in modern Britain is anywhere near close to a precedent in recent British history then you are absolutely delusional. Towns losing their white majority is unheard of, stop ignoring facts.

>When you have to import white people to keep your capital's ethnic majority
>Having a mishmash of European whites is the same as a native majority
Oh dear. Also, thanks for assuming I'm a brexiteer, but you're wrong and obviously very upset so I'll leave you to cool down.

>> No.10660649


>> No.10660650

>Let's ignore experiences of rape because most women's experiences haven't involved rape!
Horror stories are vastly more important. Think a bit harder before you fill in the captcha next time.

>> No.10660655

What a nice strawman.
Rape is already illegal, just in case you don't know. And criminals are deported in my country.

>> No.10660656


>get caught out

Don't use anecdotes if you don't want other people to then.


Now you're just strawmanning. You don't having a simgle shred of evidence to "prove" how much "harm" muslim immigration is doing. Muslims don't even make up that many immigrants anymore. According to ONS statics only 30% of immigrants in 2017 were "Asian", and that includes East Asians as well.



>>When you have to import white people to keep your capital's ethnic majority

Yeah, they do. Why? Because white British people would rather live in upper working or middle class suburbs. I don't know if you know this, but where all those "non-white British" people are living are low quality housing and have been since the 19th century. So blame the white British people moving to Essex and shit, not the people moving in to replace them.

>> No.10660658

Cool. The illegality and deportation really helped those women, didn't it?

>> No.10660659

Yes, I too remember the time we deported every adult male from the country.
You should do some thinking before posting as well.

>> No.10660665
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why are all niggers and spics the color of shit? they smell like shit too.

so undiverse :/

>> No.10660667

What do you want done exactly. List your legislative wishes.

>> No.10660675

Why would I bother giving evidence? You and like-minded people gladly wave away any stats such as these >>10660529 all the time. Also even if racial minorities were completely without sin, countries deserve to have their native populations remain as the secure majority. Every nation on Earth outside of the West does this (Singapore stops immigration in order to balance ethnicities, Japan refuses asylum seekers even when the UN demands they take them etc.) so why is Britain different? Why do we not deserve to have a nation look like its natives?
>Because white British people would rather live in upper working or middle class suburbs.
Its called white flight. Would you fancy being the only white family in an entire area of arabic-speaking foreigners in London? Would that be a pleasant community environment for you? No it would be isolating and people don't want to be a foreigner in their own street.

>> No.10660677


You're just being stupid now.

>> No.10660679

You're both fucking retards

>> No.10660682

Jpgs created by the /pol/ think-thank aren't genuine facts or statistics :^)

>> No.10660683

Atrocious strawman. Not all adult men rape, and the Brits that do aren't foreigners to they are this country's responsibility. Where would we send them? The Arctic?
Don't accept droves of foreigners with very different views of women's rights into you home country. Its really not very complex.

>> No.10660686

White flight is a proven phenomenon which kinda disproves your anecdote desu

>> No.10660688

Sometimes I think /pol/tards and egilitarians alike should be gassed. All they do is complain about their favoured groups being repressed. Repression is just natures way of ensuring the strong and powerful are able to give society direction. No one needs saved, if someone was worth saving then they wouldn't need saving in the first place. That's the law of power, intelligence, health. Especially as globalism allows greater exchanges and weighings of power than before.

The two authors of the OP may be complaining about silly shit but at least they are college educated and the work they do is placating a large number of people who help power the economy with their unexciting drudgery (which is why im just kidding about the gassing, i only see this shit in their respective safe spaces, not much in real life).

Whereas /pol/tards are uneducated dispossessed who help fuel the fire of slave revolts like Brexit. At least these are mostly run by people like themselves (uneducated or senile, statistically) and therefore end up being nothings.jpg and in their own way pacify themselves through the illusion that they are actually reversing globalism (sorry but the truth is it cant be stopped because it is the unleashing of fair, immoral competition).

So yeah, both of these groups should just continue with their ineffective screeching while rich, educated people (e.g. non self-hating Jews doing finance in the USA, privileged young white students in general) or even just people with something to offer the world economy (rags to riches) thrive.

>> No.10660690

Oh look, you're waving evidence away just like I said! This link includes an official German study into violent refugee crime as a PDF, enjoy: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-01-03/germany-must-come-to-terms-with-refugee-crime

>> No.10660699

>Why do we not deserve to have a nation look like its natives?
Britain is mostly white. If you weren't a poor uneducated /pol/tard you would hardly see non-natives who are distributed mostly in the dirty grimy cities. Read this >>10660688

>> No.10660703

>Atrocious strawman. Not all adult men rape
yes, shithead, just like not all foreigners/muslims/<insert group> rape
so be honest with yourself and say the truth - it's not rape, it's them, their skin, their accent, their religion, their otherness and difference

>> No.10660706

>few posters
>no discussion
>instant image dump about jews, niggers and sjws
You have to go back.

>> No.10660708

So when are they going to start placing smart people in low performing countries to get them on track for the globalist train?

>> No.10660714

Oh look, more facts.

Populist far-right voters have lower IQ:

"We know that there is a close connection between immigrant attitudes and low education levels. It is common in all countries, says Anders Todal Jenssen. "

>> No.10660715

>So yeah, both of these groups should just continue with their ineffective screeching while rich, educated people (e.g. non self-hating Jews doing finance in the USA, privileged young white students in general) or even just people with something to offer the world economy (rags to riches) thrive.
in a globalized economy where your nation is basically just a mall for every ethnicity to walk through there wont be any meaningful political projects, it'll all be run by international monetary incentives. homogeneity and social cohesion is very useful when hitting those sweet low gini coefficient numbers, uplifting the poorest in your society.
what I'm trying to say is that all "progressives" should be lined up against a wall

>> No.10660718
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>Repression is just natures way of ensuring the strong and powerful are able to give society direction

>> No.10660721

>If you weren't a poor uneducated /pol/tard
I'm a middle-class uni graduate with a job, but I appreciate the classist snobbery that permeates your """tolerant""" kind.
>Dirty poor cities don't deserve ethnic uniformity
Sure thing, pal. Thank God you live in a nice little suburb, eh?
We didn't import white British men to come and rape women, did we? Stop allowing entry to people who are so much more prone to rape (whether thats for cultural or racial reasons it doesn't matter) you thick idiot.

>> No.10660722

They already do. It's the practise of foreign investment by 1st world businesses (although /pol/tards and "marxists" might prefer to call it a jewish conspiracy or exploitation).

>> No.10660723
File: 41 KB, 426x510, 1509958892501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least these are mostly run by people like themselves (uneducated or senile, statistically) and therefore end up being nothings.jpg and in their own way pacify themselves through the illusion that they are actually reversing globalism (sorry but the truth is it cant be stopped because it is the unleashing of fair, immoral competition).

this yid is FUMING

>> No.10660725

/pol/tards aren't hillbillies shitposting from their dunny retard. Most of them are 18 year old in college

>> No.10660729

>Migrants are increasing crime rate

>yeah! well! People with similar views have an average of 2 lower IQ points! Take that!

>> No.10660731

>Is shown accurate statistics to demonstrate his position is incorrect
>But what about your IQ?!??!?!?!
This is absolutely laughable and a useless attempt at debate. If you want to talk about IQ in a thread like this then you are just opening yourself up to white supremacists who will beat you at your own game. How about you respond to the stats I gave?

I used to be a braindead smug leftie like you, then I got sick of ignoring facts.

>> No.10660732
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>Might makes right

>> No.10660733

>what I'm trying to say is that all "progressives" should be lined up against a wall
No. At least they are college educated unlike /pol/tards. They progressive work they do pacifies many groups. The economy rewards progressives and the economy only cares about power, not the ideological "we need help from this" of the /pol/tards.

>> No.10660734


Because its a jpg without a source or context. It might be enough evidence for the idiot teenagers and Kekistan retards at /pol/, but for anyone who completed high school education, you need an actual academic study.

>> No.10660736

Or listen to Steven Pinker's latest controversy

>> No.10660737

>How about you respond to the stats I gave?
the article you posted itself responds to those stats

>> No.10660738
File: 30 KB, 640x426, george soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((the economy))) rewards progressives

lmao. all leftist cultural production is sterile and unpopular in current year. every sale they get is multiplied by 100 from progressive globalist slush funds put in place by kikes like pic related.

and they're still losing the culture war.

>> No.10660740

> The economy rewards progressives
>Conservatives have a higher average income

>> No.10660749

Read this then, an official study into violent refugee crime in Germany is included as a PDF: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-01-03/germany-must-come-to-terms-with-refugee-crime

>> No.10660752

>white supremacists who will beat you at your own game
Not really, since I already gave you a study that shows they don't have any education. To put it in terms /pol/tards can understand: White supremacists are the somalis of the white race.

>> No.10660753

In an unconvincing way. Can't you come up with anything better or have you just completely given up? I notice your responses becoming shorter and shorter. Its okay to change your mind about things, matey.

>> No.10660758

>Or listen to Steven Pinker's latest controversy
steven pinker is a retard who thinks "sunlight is the best disinfectant" is a profound thought instead of a feelgood phrase

>> No.10660761


Leftists do well because they're the only people actually producing cultural output. Conservatives have no intellectual wing because their entire position is "nothing should ever change". They're shit at philosophy and most are uneducated in anything except shitty journalism. And when they are educated, they still get basic shit wrong or outright lie like Jordon Peterson does. The reason you do poorly in academia is because you're not part of it. No-one with an actual degree is going to consider Sargon or Black Pidgeon Speaks as an intellectual, because they'll actually read the articles they're quoting and discover its bullshit. And even when right wingers do penetrate academia like Herman Hans Hoppe, they still produce nothing but wing nuttery.

>> No.10660764

Thats a separate issue, and I'm not a supremacist anyway. Stop sidelining and admit you were wrong about those statistics and ignored the realities that people have to face with regards to these "harmless" refugees.

>> No.10660766

I'm not the guy you were talking with
>In an unconvincing way
whether you will be convinced or not is a function of your ideological makeup
if someone thinks beating women is fine, there aren't really any arguments you can deploy to stop them abusing their wife/girlfriend other than "you'll end up in jail"

>> No.10660767
File: 144 KB, 800x600, 1517882301588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post
has to be a troll

>> No.10660768

He's also a harvard prof you disingenuous faggot

What is the point of coming into these threads if you aren't willing to at least be open to other views?

>> No.10660774

I hope this is bait because this is impressively retarded

>> No.10660776

obviously less able people will try to leverage their tribe against a borderless world of imported labour and endless competition. what a shocker
high IQ people are smart enough to get with the program and they already know they're a part of the ruling class, or at least they count on it
the economy is run by aesthetic illiterates, their crowning achievement is a vapid hollywood production and a big coke

>> No.10660778

Thats seriously your best reply? The solution to the problem is obviously that we have no obligation to welcome in these foreign people who also cause great harm to our countries' citizens, so lets stop doing it.

>> No.10660779

lol, who cares about him working at harvard, that doesn't mean anything
>if you aren't willing to at least be open to other views
who says I'm not open? I didn't recommend banning him or you, I merely called him a retard

>> No.10660781

>One huge strawman: The Post

>> No.10660787

>fucking Jews repressing us!
Honestly just think about this rationally for a second. How fucking degenerate, ugly, poor and uneducated would you have to be to feel OPPRESSED by the very people who represent the purest expression of victimhood as a religion? These Jews were slave race of Rome, and you claim to be oppressed by them? It's like complaining that a literal retard won't stop bullying you intellectually.

Our globalist society is an ecosystem where talented successful bankers, many of whom are Jews, are taking on risk and investing in diverse things such as companies taking us to space or 3D printing human organs. You are the leftovers of this process, the dispossessed left behind, the excrement.

Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll eventually find ways of turning outcasts and genetic failures into skilled and evem educated workers through biology and psychology. Even our societal excrement will be potent fuel.

>> No.10660792

like I said, it's ideological. the reason why the recommendations and answers in the article and the study itself don't "convince" you is because your basic condition for accepting a solution is that it includes deportation/scrapping asylum rights and similar items

>> No.10660794

Don't see why Overwatch and Nintendo Switches are left-wing.

>> No.10660797
File: 130 KB, 638x586, early communist russia Jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha lol :)

almost like the internationalist bolshevist jews killed hundreds of millions by intellectualizing and then forcing their sick anti-human ideology on the populace in the last century lol :)

and now you're trying again :)

can't wait to see you flayed in the streets :)))

>> No.10660798

I'm mostly concerned by the aesthetics of it. jews have a high verbal IQ but they're second rate-artists. the societies they envision are endlessly banal and ugly

>> No.10660800

I'm sure you'd be speaking in much less abstract terms if one those crimes had affected you or a loved one, but oh well. Not in your backyard so who cares?

>> No.10660801

lmao drink bleach

>> No.10660802

>Unironically defending Sargon of a Cuck
>Calling anyone else a soyboy

>> No.10660803
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>> No.10660805

I never meant to say refugees are harmless, people aren't harmless. 'Refugees' is too big of a statistical group regardless, just like 'muslim' which includes countless countries. This is clearly whataboutism: But Poles are also more criminal than native populations. That's what happens without education or stable work.

>> No.10660807

I find it hilarious that you're left wing and complaining about others apparent feeling of oppression

>> No.10660810

Have the lefties all fled the thread now? They put up an atrocious attempt at a response today, truly pitiful.

>> No.10660813

No one is defending Sargon you retard

Why are you even posting

You've went from talking about muslim kids in your class to saying that people who disagree with you are dumb

Embarrassing desu

>> No.10660814

>Being an extremely well respected psychologist at one of the most prestigious schools doesnt mean anything

Idk how many lads I can wew

>> No.10660816


But if you read the article, it tells you why the crime is linked to refugees.

>the rise in violent crime can partially be explained by the new arrivals' demographic structure. About 27 percent of them were men between the ages of 14 and 30; that group made up just 9 percent of Lower Saxony's general population in 2014. And it is young men who commit about half the violent crimes in Germany.

So the group that commits the most crime, young men, is over represented in the refugee community and under-represented in the citizen Lower Saxony population. This would explain why Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi refugees commit a *lower* amount of crime than citizens, but why North Africans from what should be less traumatizing and violent backgrounds are way over represented and the article offers and explanation:

>The North Africans' low probability of being allowed to stay and an especially large share of young males in their ranks.

This is what I mean, statistics only mean anything in context. You can't just look at at a graph or bunch of numbers and say "aha!".

>> No.10660818

Different poster

>> No.10660820

>leverage their tribe against a borderless world
Thailand does the same in fact, and have severe limitations in what foreigners can do, how is that working out?

>> No.10660821

But Poles haven't committed entire city-sweeping acts of gang rape as in Germany, have they? Thats muslim immigrants exclusively, so stop with the socioeconomic nonsense please, and start supporting an end to this kind of immigration into Britain and Europe.

>> No.10660822

Idc you're both retards and this has been an embarrassing discussion and I feel both personally ashamed and aggrieved that the moderators have not answered my prayers

>> No.10660825
File: 117 KB, 992x768, 1506267729956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you explain this, goldberg?

>> No.10660828

In one way it makes sense.

The truth is, black people aren't oppressed in the UK, but they sure as hell act like they are. So it's just another failed attempt at trying to make them feel more equal from a young age.

>> No.10660829

well they offer solutions in the article and the study
but you don't like them because you're not really worried about rapes, they're just a cudgel you can beat the left with

>> No.10660832

This is seriously becoming a big problem. I've been writing pretty seriously for about 6 years. Got my first genuine interest from a story (detective, no bully). Told me if I was willing to add more female police, journalists, and "diversity"(not specified) I could "be on to a winner".

At what fucking point do we recognize this for what it is: a censorship board. I'm an oldfag, who is not at all a POLtard, but there really does seem to be an attempt to kill artistic freedom in publishing. That, and the fact that the four different people who commented on the manuscript were women. I haven't had one rejection letter signed by a man. It's as if there are no men in publishing anymore.

/end blog.

>> No.10660835

yes, it doesn't mean anything, even a respected harvard psychologist can be wrong
especially a psychologist, it's the softest science there is

>> No.10660836

All that is just a resentful way of saying that the economy rewards progressives, since they pacify many of our workers.

You blame everything on intelligent and rich people like Soros. As if their position of power alone does not validate their position. Soros only got into the position he is in because the economy rewarded his power for analysis and risk.

Only a uneducated /pol/tard would characterise the analysis and risk of investors like Soros as "destructive" (i guess the weak useless shit he speculates against might have been providing menial jobs to them) when the economy he presides over is performing Godlike feats such as spacetravel and organ printing.

>> No.10660841

This is in no way a reason to accept the movement of these people into Europe. Just because young men are more violent doesn't do away with the fact or damage of these violent acts at all, you're just manipulating stats here.

>> No.10660843
File: 37 KB, 391x391, 37eb28a8b3450503e0125cb3ae396cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw right-wingers still can't comprehend that the most successful way to resist globalisation is to cut yourself off from global capital and develop national communism
You idiots are still so thick that you embrace libertarian economics in the guise of conservatism. Yeah, that sure is working out well lmao.

>> No.10660846

Contemporary conservatives are always just the progressives of yesterday who finally got old and rich. Thats to speak of the masses, but even the contemporary richest of the rich individuals are all progressive for some reason.

>> No.10660847
File: 318 KB, 971x924, 1508141691481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you yids constantly pretend to be white? are you insecure about something?

does it worry you that every day more and more European Whites wake up to how you've been behaving in the last few years? decades? centuries?

imagine how quickly you'd be snuffed out if all Whites turned against the programming

>> No.10660849

b-but much freedumbs from the gubrnemend

>> No.10660851

>The private companies whose profit hinges on selling books should be forced to buy my brilliant novel about an MI5 agent working with a former SAS squaddie to find out which one of Princess Kate's former lovers is the real father of her child and not insist on tailoring this modern classic into something that might sell more than a handful of copies

>> No.10660853

How long have you been on /lit/? British or American?

>> No.10660855

>just a cudgel you can beat the left with
You meant to say "arguments that debunk the specious arguments of the left." Doesn't matter what you think my personal investment in anti-rape aims are, your position is wrong and the articles responses were unconvincing.

>> No.10660856

Steven Pinker claimed that the difference between the alt-rights origins (the internet) has resulted in a far different demographic than what we would typically think of as neo-nazis (fat, old, rural, uneducated)

He claims that they are, by the result of how they were founded, young, tech-savvy, intelligent. Either college educated or in college. Closeted college faculty, or work in a professional environment

Why do you disagree with this assessment>

>> No.10660857

Irish, selling to British publisher.
On and off 10 years. Disgusting, I know.

>> No.10660862

What are you talking about retard conservatives, on average, earn higher incomes

>> No.10660866

>Why do you disagree with this assessment
why do you think I disagree with that assessment? are you incapable of talking without putting words in someone's mouth?

>> No.10660867

Would normally agree with you, but I've been told they'll publish me if I change characters to be mostly female, and "diverse". Don't want to give myself away but it's set in Northern Ireland in the 80s. i.e. No women, non-stereotypical Irish/British.

I'm of two minds, because I'm desperate for any form of publishing.

>> No.10660870

>Thats muslim immigrants exclusively
Absolutely hysterical. How many pray the salah?

>> No.10660872

Do you agree then? I think it was a fair assumption on my half given that you dismissed him as a retard after calling /pol/acks uneducated

>> No.10660875

>I'm mostly concerned by the aesthetics of it. jews have a high verbal IQ but they're second rate-artists. the societies they envision are endlessly banal and ugly
They why do you prefer the impotent germanic nationalist style of the plebs to the virile progressive elitist style that the jews and all educated people today inherited from the french.

You complain about art that has action, virility, intellect.

>> No.10660876

tourism is like 17% of their GDP so it depends entirely on what they want their country to look like. they should be free to slaughter every fat sex tourist and plant some rice in them for all I care
once again, I don't care about the "beautiful" visions of aesthetically inept jews. just like I don't care about insanely rich venture capitalists from china. there's more to culture than the ability to accumulate resources and placating the dumb masses

>> No.10660877


>> No.10660878

Our position is wrong because you strawman the fuck out of, this all makes sense however, since you statistically have lower IQ. :^)

>> No.10660879

>what is rotherham
muslims overwhelmingly pull this shit and they exclusively target White European working class girls

>> No.10660881

for fuck's sake, do as they want and get it published or are you that disgusted with writing a woman character
just write her like you would a man and you'll be celebrated as a feminist author

>> No.10660887

Oh god

>> No.10660888

I agree with his assertion about the kind of people the modern neonazis and that's all

>> No.10660894

Take what you can mate, and good luck to you. And that is horrific if true. Have you tried Stinging Fly etc? A few Irish publishing houses seem decent just now.

>> No.10660895

This reminds me of the comic with the guy with his arms folding saying WELL CHRISTIANS DO IT TOO

>> No.10660896

This doesn't make any sense retard

>Hi I'm from Korea so (you) anon have a statistically lower IQ

>> No.10660898

>action, virility, intellect.

>> No.10660899

Sure. You'll change your mind eventually. The power of goalpost moving is limited and you'll one day accept what you now consider "TOTALLY MENTAL IGNORANT /POL/TARRRD RUBBISH HAHAHA" as I did. This country is killing itself and its identity in the name of nothing.

>> No.10660902

of course they are, the same way as your posts are "unconvincing" to me, because of basic ideological differences - you don't want to see brown people outside, while I don't give a shit

>> No.10660903


>> No.10660907

or he can find a rinky dink publisher and get near-zero attention

>> No.10660910

I'm siding towards that, but I based the characters on RUC, MI6, UDA that actually existed in an attempt to copy the Red Riding series, honestly.
There were no women in these organizations, and only one woman journalist in N.Ireland back then (I've put her in).

So, it's basically creative non-fiction(stretch), being told to put women and "diverse" characters(not really sure what they want there honestly, only thing I've thought would be faithful would be gay men).

Ultimately, I'm sure I'll bend over backwards, but it is simply a censor board. I know for the next time to keep it current, heavily female with more diverse characters. But, it's a bit fucked up to have to do that.I'd be grand with it if it was based on marketing demographics, but white males are 95% of the detective fiction(etc) market in Britain.

>> No.10660911


Oh look, the source goes to a Jared Taylor article. Luckily, he gives the source.


Its just a police report with statistics. They give no commentary on the causes, which districts these statistics were pulled from or why this disparity happens. This context that is desperately needed, as if the statistics were pulled from all police departments randomly as it appears they are, there will bias in the results. For instance, African Americans tend to live in mostly African American neighborhoods, in fact, 2/5 african americans in new york live in Brooklyn. If you randomly pull statistics from all police departments, the Brooklyn police department's statistics are going to over represent blacks, because most people who live there are black while populations that are more diluted such as Indian Americans or Whites will be under represented.

I don't know if that's what happened, but this is the sort of thing *academics* do, you know, people who are interested in the facts rather than agenda. You can't just take statistics out of context.

You know, what's odd is that although black people

>> No.10660915

>the origin of slave morality
>inherent supremacy in their identity
>believe all goyim will become their slaves
>long history of greed and usury (even they confirm)
>long history of oppression and suffering at the hands of host nations
>anti-natural, anti-earthly spiritual worldview
even if you dont buy into the conspiracy (i dont personally), all of these things are empirically true.

>> No.10660916

I don't see why you wouldn't have an issue with this. Pretty obvious that it isn't being driven by profit motive

>> No.10660918

>Stinging Fly
Rejected sadly. On numerous occasions.

>> No.10660920
File: 282 KB, 843x843, transracial adoption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok how about this one

>> No.10660925


No I'm not manipulating stats, its called actually doing the fucking research and quoting the article. You're ignorant of statistics and seem to think that a bunch of numbers proves anything when any who's taken a statics course knows this isn't true. You need the background, otherwise, they're nonsense.

>> No.10660926

You haven't explained away anything desu

>> No.10660931

Okay then, maybe when the majority of your home community speaks a different language, looks completely different from you, celebrates totally different festivals, believes in fundamentally different ways of organising a society (far less tolerantly no doubt) and you have become isolated from your own home then you will give a shit. Fingers crossed that moment won’t come too late teehee

>> No.10660935
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>You know, what's odd is that although black people-

uh oh looks like JIDF is in full panic mode

>> No.10660936

I'm kinda lost in this debate. Someone points that the refugees cause crime rates to skyrocket, and that's why they don't want refugees. You countered with pointing out that they commit crimes because they are young males. This doesn't invalidate the other anon's point whatsoever

>> No.10660937

how is it pretty obivous? would you say the same if a woman was asked to have a bit deeper cleavage in a commercial?
if it sells, if it attracts customers, and it obviously does - then that's what they want.

>> No.10660938

What a nice literature thread!

>> No.10660943

>most people who live in brooklyn are black

wait, what? even before gentrification it was mostly jewish, just because all the murders and crime in the black areas make the news doesn't mean all of brooklyn is like that, lol u might be displaying what obama and hillary called "implicit bias" there, examine urself

>> No.10660944

People reading detective novels are almost certainly middle aged white men. In Ireland the non-white population is less than 5%

>> No.10660946

sounds reasonable, have you explained that to them? you'll probably have to bend since that's how it is. maybe if you were a recognized author with a few good selling novels under your belt you'd have some leeway. sorry about the "are you disgusted with writing a woman character" comment, it was unnecessary.

>> No.10660947

the absolute state of the UK

>> No.10660948

That sounds great, I support it 100% as long as I don't have to deal with /pol/tards.

>> No.10660951


I don't need to because the stats didn't explain anything in the first place. This is what pisses me off about the alt-right and modernists in general, they just see stats and leap to the conclusions they want to. They have no interest in the actual nuances or background of the conversation.

This is why academia appears to be conspiratorial or strange to you, because you don't understand the rigor necessary to prove something significant. Statistics are useful, but they can be very misleading if you don't know any background and can't prove a link.

For example, white British people under-perform in British schools compared to most ethnicities. Are British people just inherently stupid? Of course not, its just the migrants are most often middle class high achievers in their own countries, which is what gives them the impetus to move in the first place. You cannot look at statistics and just say "see, this proves something!" and any peer review council or scientist would laugh at you and throw your paper in the bin if you did that.

>> No.10660954

If you left the internet you would never have to deal with them again

>> No.10660956


I was going to start "Its odd that black people are also over-represented as victims as well" to show there's something screwy about it, but I didn't need to.

>> No.10660960

Mozart expresses the age of Louis XIV.
Classic Hollywood represents the strength and exceptionalism of the US during those decades.

Germanic art is the opposite, crude, moralising and a mish-mash of aesthetic standards. The aesthetic theories of the Nazis are hilarious to any fan of classical music with their bungling of different concepts.

>> No.10660963
File: 45 KB, 1000x800, libvcon birth rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>factual statistics arent real lol

cant wait until you worthless urbanite subhumans cease to exist in a few decades

provided we dont take defensive measures before then of course

>> No.10660964

"almost certainly" doesn't cut it. I'm not saying that they're 100% not doing it out of political correctness but it's more logical that they're doing it for better profits, just like people used to put scantily clad women everywhere because sex sells. also, I don't see the point in the 5% comment, it's not like the main consumers of woke shit are only nonwhite people, most of it is probably consumed by whites.

>> No.10660972


>> No.10660973

You're throwing out a lot of assumptions about me anon. I very much doubt that the influx of refugees and the influx in crime rates can be explained away by adjusting for variables. If someone was arguing for that crime rate being due to genetic factors, then yes, but as far as I'm aware no one has

>> No.10660974

You can stop posting and get the same effect

>> No.10660981

then leave lol

>> No.10660982

He's talking complete bullshit, forget about him.

>> No.10660987

You can explain the background that he keeps complaining about not existing and he won't acknowledge it. He's made up his mind and has xer's agenda

>> No.10660998

Basically, they have "meta metrics" (haven't a notion what they mean by this), which are outside the normal commercial concerns. So it is ideologically motivated. I've explained it's based on real historic events, with characters heavily influence by real people. I've been told how that's interesting, it's a policy to encourage as much diversity, and female characters.

Which is a bit shit, as I'm a "soyboy" in my outlook normally, but history is history. No point falsifying. But be assured, I will certainly roll over to get in published.

>> No.10661000


Way to just hand wave away what I said.


Well it wasn't hand waved away because the article *you* linked explained *why* the statistics are the way they are and showed refugees from more desperate backgrounds don't commit as much crime as citizens while asylum seekers who have little chance of being accepted or are over represented in a population that already has a higher chance of committing crime among all ethnicities do. This is why its useless debating with you lot and why everyone just tells you to go back to /pol/, because you've already made your mind up and will come up with any way to justify what you already think. That's fine on /pol/, but this is a slow academic board, not a shitposting board.

>> No.10661007
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, still with her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why everyone just tells you to go back to /pol/

this has to be a fucking larp

>> No.10661012

well, shit
good luck then, hope you make it

>> No.10661028

/lit/ needs more than one mod

>> No.10661040

Was nice to see /pol/ rage against me for pointing out how deplorable one must be to resent and feel oppressed by the very people who coded pure victimhood into a religion.

>> No.10661052

That feel when I'm a post-modern neomarxist urbanite, and I support feminism (because I hate men) and immigration (Because we need to destroy the west)

The Islamic communist caliphate will rise, we are winning, brothers, soon the white race is doomed and we can dance and piss on it's rotting corpse just like Hillary intended. The /pol/tards will cry in the corner as we cuck them, and force their sisters to wear the hijab and read Derrida.

>> No.10661057

nobody "raged against" you. they just tut-tutted you like a mother has to scold her autistic infant.

>> No.10661066

Why are you so butthurt dude

>> No.10661070

Your points have changed literally nothing, you giant retard.

>> No.10661073


>> No.10661094

Yeesh, Is this what liberal pseuds think is """"witty""""

>> No.10661126

Clearly it's the people that had to go out of their way to seek the opposite point of view to the mainstream one where diversity and tolerance are taught from a young age as being the highest virtues that are indoctrinated

>> No.10661129

The witty thing is your distorted world-view.

>> No.10661140
File: 52 KB, 1552x314, pol raiding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


False-flagging now are we? Give up, no-one here cares about your pseud politics.

>> No.10661144

never said he was indoctrinated dumbass

>> No.10661150

What board is this from lol

>> No.10661153

>basic conditioning

>> No.10661164

Idk maybe I'm just not smart enough to gaslight myself....

>> No.10661166

ahaha lmao, holy shit

let me guess: you are a marxist jew, right?

>> No.10661167

basic condition
fucks sake

>> No.10661168


/pol/. And don't even deny they're raiding us. >>>159701006

>> No.10661171

Oh dear it's a stray redditor

>> No.10661172

thats not even 4chan

>> No.10661198

>let me guess: you are a marxist jew, right?
Not sure why you would think that when my main point here is that people like poltards and marxists label stuff as oppression when really in fact that is just the natural play of power which has been ensuring the progression of our species.

>> No.10661222
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nothing about the current "ruling class" is natural. they will hang for what they've done.

>> No.10661229

>let day of le rope

>> No.10661232

leave your urbanite safe space bubble. meet real people in the countryside. a revolution is brewing- in fact it's already taking place.

>> No.10661235

I do live in the countryside. Sorry but it isn't happening.

>> No.10661240

the absolute state of philo-semites
it's like pointing to mongolian horseback riders as an example the great beauty. maybe if you're into equestrianism. you're making a normative claim based on domineering prowess. in the case with jews, their ability of placating the unwashed masses

spielberg is the greatest symbol of jewish art par excellence. a small-souled confectionist

>> No.10661246
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>> No.10661253
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>spielberg is the greatest symbol of jewish art par excellence. a small-souled confectionist

>> No.10661258

>Trump will stop the jews
Top zoz @ your levels of delusion m8

>> No.10661268
File: 873 KB, 1754x1372, gramsci britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just the leftist jews and their pets like you

>> No.10661277

do you realize not every person who votes republican has their brain fried on stormtard shit

>> No.10661289
File: 997 KB, 908x716, 1507326429894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the choice is "stormtard" vs pic related (you), the average person overwhelmingly goes with stormtard.

and then you realize that EVERY gun owner goes with stormtard.... uh oh!!!

>> No.10661306

because while I used to think American exceptionalism in this regard was bullshit, we are in fact the only major western developed nation with hard free speech (i.e. no hate speech) codified in our constitution. Basically it's not hard in most European countries for the legislature to start narrowing the definition of free speech and imposing hate speech laws.

>> No.10661320

you mean pretty much every white man and every white woman over the age of 30 is a stormfagger right this is what you are trying to say

>> No.10661321
File: 28 KB, 640x640, 1506916386052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who I hate more, stormfags making shitty infographs and soros posting or all the desperate cucks shilling for multicult ITT

>> No.10661326
File: 46 KB, 600x457, 773_2w010_773_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of stormtards, lmao.
Btw Gramsci wasn't popular in 60s, he got discovered by anglos way later than that.
He also wasn't some kind of sketchy figure who wanted to pervert culture by god knows what means, he was pretty upfront about his views as he founded the PCI who had the support of a lot of Italian workers before and after WW2. Picture related, Italian workers who demanded occupied a factory (my grandfather is somewhere in there).
Also "transexuals" didn't even exist in the time Gramsci wrote. Have you stormtards changed idea on the frangfart skool now? You know that Gramsci wasn't Jewish right?

>> No.10661327

>doesn't cook his own food
>can't even do the "labour" of taking out the trash

>> No.10661336


>> No.10661337

>Also "transexuals" didn't even exist in the time Gramsci wrote.
do you really think transsexualism is an invention of the late 20th/early 21st century

>> No.10661339

>when the choice is "stormtard" vs pic related (you)
False dichotomy. Also most people think stormtards are retarded, sorry.

>> No.10661341

>leftniggers in charge of reading comprehension

this is why she lost sweetie ;)

why did orange hitler win?

>> No.10661344

most people think communists are retarded too, don't think you're any better than them you fucking try hard pseud

>> No.10661351

No. But it was such a rare phenomenon that the average person didn't even know it was possible, it wasn't a concern (especially for someone who wanted to free the workers and spent a shit ton of time in prison.)

>> No.10661357

I'm not a commie. You're obsessed lmao.
>No arguments
As usual with stormniggers.

>> No.10661362

cross dressing was a thing for a long time, but even they knew that their hobby was not acceptable in public circles and generally had no problems accepting that, what someone does in their private life shouldn't be a concern. The modern "tranny" is an invention of the computer age

>> No.10661363

transsexualism is by definition an impossibility though

sorry for your parents

my arguments are just reality, comrade. sorry you cant argue with objective fact.

>> No.10661365

it's still rare (I think transpeople are like 0.1% of the population or something), it's just that the proliferation of connectedness and information media like the internet (and advocacy groups I suppose) have made it much more visible

>> No.10661378

>not acceptable in public circles
That's pretty funny considering Roman emperors.
The truth is straight people are a modern invention.

>> No.10661381

Mostly, crossdressing is one thing but the trans movements is mostly sign of the times plus a big surplus for the pharma industry who profit the most of mentally unstable people

>> No.10661384

>my arguments are just reality
You didn't make any.
I'm not a commie.
That's cool and everything, but what I'm saying is that Gramsci never gave a shit about transexuals.

>> No.10661387
File: 164 KB, 1138x784, PANTIFA ACTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my argument is:
>your side lost the election and culture war because people dislike leftists

objective reality

>> No.10661390
File: 5 KB, 263x191, 1485451535479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight people are a modern invention
yes anon we are all rapebabies of san franciscan lesbian crackheads

>> No.10661398

>Your side
Can you even fucking read? I'm not even american you dumb fucking faggot. And there's a big difference between disliking american liberals and being a retarded stormfag.

>> No.10661409
File: 332 KB, 650x515, jh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop pretending you're not a buttflustered leftist nigger kike.

only leftshits unironically whine about "muh STORMFAGS" on 4chan. and jidf yids.

>> No.10661416
File: 84 KB, 500x350, modern-diogenes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is a non-issue. I'll never understand why any of you fucks pay any attention to it.

The lower ranks of society (i.e. 95% of it) will always be indoctrinated fools no matter what age they are raised in or what they are taught when children. Meanwhile, the upper rank will always prevail, even if taught "diversified" or censored garbage, because through laborious hard work, the same truths always emerge, which are in conflict with all egalitarian propaganda. Such people are immune to indoctrination and always have been, and they emerge in every society, because laborious hard work is a large part of society's function.

>> No.10661418

Shut up you dumb stormfag lmao
>only leftshits unironically whine about "muh STORMFAGS" on 4chan.
r-reeee my safespace g-gas the kikes

>> No.10661421
File: 159 KB, 1050x741, 1518002640950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to yiddit

>> No.10661428

>says the literal redditor from /the_pol/

>> No.10661432
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>> No.10661438

>he says while he posts another reddit tier pic
I'm curious, how many of these LEFTISTS REKT pics do you have on your computer? It's ridiculous how you let them live rent-free in your head.

>> No.10661457
File: 1.71 MB, 854x480, 1517682455441.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10661459
File: 164 KB, 1168x1236, 1501443505733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i see you doing this on multiple board, /v/, /tv/, /lit/

im pretty sure you're one of the faggot mods of this website lmao


>> No.10661466
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>> No.10661472

>i see you doing this on multiple board, /v/, /tv/, /lit/
Seek help friend.

>> No.10661479

>im pretty sure you're one of the faggot mods of this website lmao
Didn't you say I was a redditor? Damn that schizofrenia really hit you hard.

>> No.10661482
File: 103 KB, 1024x1024, 1505397554904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting baited this hard
leftist scum lmao

>> No.10661486

>"We know that there is a close connection between immigrant attitudes and low education levels. It is common in all countries, says Anders Todal Jenssen. "
Is that really a surprise when all western colleges are leftist indoctrination chambers? If anything it's an argument against these "educated" persons.

>> No.10661495

>leftist indoctrination

you mean reality, you stupid hick

>> No.10661513
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>> No.10661523

I just wanted to see how many of those pics you have kek

>> No.10661531

>disagree with me? well ur just indoctrinated then (I know this because I browse the internet and watch youtube videos btw)

>> No.10661538


>> No.10661551
File: 200 KB, 1434x724, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not indoctrinated at all lmao you are
>civilization was built by diversity respect my daily pronoun womyn of colyr are oppressed daily by kyriarchy communism has never been tried free speech is hate speech

>> No.10661562

>stop disagreeing with meeeee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>here's a strawman of you btw haha rekt

>> No.10661565
File: 88 KB, 280x291, 1514441719054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread made 1 hour 42 minutes ago
>305 replies
>42 posters
what in the Lord's fucking name

>> No.10661572

can someone make or link if it already exists a diversity ain't free meme, thanks

>> No.10661574
File: 51 KB, 866x644, 1506220731897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EPIC own of that r/T_D grandma xDDD! fuck the magapedes comrade!

>> No.10661580

political discussion should be banned here imo

>> No.10661587

Take a guess what happened

>> No.10661590

>here's another strawman of you btw
Seriously HOW MANY of those do you have? I won't leave the thread until you tell me.

>> No.10661598

/pol/raids and americans

>> No.10661599
File: 274 KB, 1079x1044, yjl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha he has images saved on his hard drive for use on 4chan! LMAO epic #rekt ANTIFA POWER

>> No.10661602

I just want to know HOW MANY of them you have you fucking moron

>> No.10661605

>What is it with the West and this bullshit? Other highly advanced economies don't have to suffer through this nonsense
Success is somehow a point of guilt now.

>> No.10661611
File: 71 KB, 958x538, 1507373926828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fascism has been smashed on this today. COMRADES UNITE PANTYHOSE PARTY TONITE

>> No.10661623

I'll keep replying until you tell me the exact number.

>> No.10661627
File: 41 KB, 702x525, 1506214899402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slay these toxic drumpfles comrade

>> No.10661630


>> No.10661632


Why shouldn't black characters be represented in children's books? Has it occurred to you there might be black kids looking for someone to identify with and have the same right to that as the ethnic majority? You /pol/ fags are so sensitive. Literal sjw tier

>> No.10661642

if you cant identify with the ethnic majority you should be removed from the nation

>> No.10661645
File: 127 KB, 800x568, Mussolini_e_Petacci_a_Piazzale_Loreto,_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shoots you and then hangs you in public plaza*

>> No.10661647

wrong. listen to her youtube then.

>> No.10661649
File: 57 KB, 1024x499, no guns soyboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"*shoots you*"

good luck bolshevist

>> No.10661656

triggered lol

>> No.10661662
File: 240 KB, 1000x810, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-t-triggered.... hehe.... dont hurt me.....

>> No.10661673

over time, "diversity" on a small scale destroys diversity on larger scales. only a brainlet cannot see how "multiculti diversity" destroys actual long-standing diversity.

>> No.10661675
File: 26 KB, 313x316, 28int01f2_0_MGTHUMB-INTERNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol triggered

>> No.10661681
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>> No.10661687

what you're saying is it has to be large-scale from the beginning, go hard or go home

>> No.10661689

It's over. I won. Go to bed now.

>> No.10661691
File: 453 KB, 1349x1349, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i won

>> No.10661694

How can you say your school being 50% non native British is good? Grow some balls you absolute faggot

>> No.10661699

so predictabo..

>> No.10661703

I dont think you have any idea about the beliefs of most people

>> No.10661705

europe from north to south and from east to west is diverse on that scale.

if everyone starts fucking brownies, we all be the same in a few generations. like americans in the near future.

>> No.10661707
File: 74 KB, 550x565, polls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can prognosticate far into the future!!!

last time you leftshits tried that...

>> No.10661710

lol trolled hard

>> No.10661713

what a surprise, you were bullshitting

>> No.10661715
File: 392 KB, 626x399, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10661726

Yes but Britain in the - near - future will not be. Why do you all have to be paki apologists

>> No.10661735

>One Twitter post proves a worldwide conspiracy theory

You people are insane

>> No.10661739

funny you're not arguing the point. because you can't. it's the truth. forcing "diversity" onto small nations in europe will lead to everyone becoming brown and the same. also, adding to that, whiteness is about as recessive as it gets. it's a one-way street. when we're gone, we're gone for good.

>> No.10661759

like http://content.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,19931118,00.html
but more negroid and ugly of course. diversity, actually, creates monolithic brown nations. there are plenty of examples for such brown-"diversified" nations. everyone looks the fucking same and you can't tell the nations apart.

>> No.10661765

if it means your ugly mug will be breeded out of the gene pool even better

>> No.10661798

Fuck off soyboy.

>> No.10661803

You sound brown and bitter, fuck off

>> No.10661804

>mouthbreathers like you
Speak for yourself you faggot. Grow a pair and stop defending other races on the internet

>> No.10661811

>just as you would be anti-Nationalism if you lived in Japan or an African nation.
Implying I would want japan flooded with blacks and pakis

>> No.10661817

>destroying a whole race is better than being racist

>> No.10661822

you sound like an accidental fart, humiliating and shameful, leaving devastation in your wake

>> No.10661832

people fucking each other of their own free will isn't destruction, white genocide is a retarded idea, eat shit

>> No.10661836

If you're reading this and you feel sorry for a race other than your own, grow some balls and stop being such a 'paki lover' as we call them.

>> No.10661838

t. Mixed race 'American'
Pathetic hahahahaha

>> No.10661841

Haha you sound just like Stephen Colbert - he’s my favorite!

>> No.10661846

You sound like someone that wears rainbow bride suspenders while wearing a belt

>> No.10661858

>Let the whole world be brown!

>> No.10661865

>white genocide is a retarded
Oy vey

>> No.10661877
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1513112953702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll finally be able to get white wymen once the evil white males are gone

>> No.10661889


>> No.10661893


Fuck off, gimps

>> No.10661901

>Someone responded to a lame post
>They must be triggered!
What a cope

>> No.10661907

'Thanks for the gold kind stranger'

>> No.10661922

>So what if my race completely disappears forever in my own home country? Love is love!

>> No.10661937
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>> No.10661939

>heh tyrone? You wont fuck my girlfriend too hard next time, will you?

>> No.10661948

>maybe if a post a picture of my own race being mixed maybe I can finally annoy those damn racists!!!!

>> No.10661965

he'll fuck you till you love him, faggot

>> No.10661968

Dont call me a faggot

>> No.10661984

what're you gonna do about it

>> No.10661991

Break your legs

>> No.10662021

come on then
trafalgar square, 8PM, I'll be at the entrance
6'2'', red jacket, white, subtly handsome, shapely calves

>> No.10662064

I’ll be the one in arseless chaps

>> No.10662322
File: 6 KB, 250x235, 1489211167096s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a retort from the True Morality only makes you lose a tenth

>> No.10662500

>And wearing a burka or having an accent isn't the crime of century.

Can the left please explain to me how radical Islamic views while being unable to speak the language after several generations aren't seen as problematic at all? Do you think these burka wearing women will march for LGBT rights or women's rights? I simply don't understand what great value you see in these people that you voluntarily want to import millions over millions of them no matter how many people are raped or murdered by muslim extremism.

>> No.10662591

becaz ur racis ge beck to pole natzey, unlike u i realize the horreble crimes of my race and feel sickened when i see a white babby.

>> No.10662854

But that's racist!

>> No.10663320

Sorry I missed u lad. How about, croydon kfc bins. I'll be there, 6 foot 6, blonde hair, blue eyes, absolutely fucking ripped. I'll have u for supper my son