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/lit/ - Literature

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10655849 No.10655849 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of books on, for example, philosophy should I read as someone with a verbal IQ at 100?

Although I can read translations of various old works, I imagine that I'm losing out on a lot, and struggle with grasping in full what I do pick up.

Are there any respectable book series on such for the average joe?

>> No.10655908

Option A: Take your time going through texts.
Nothing embarassing about that.
Option B: Read companions. Blackwell, Cambridge and Routledge are the ones you'll find most often on libgen.

>> No.10655909

You start with the Greeks just like anyone else. What is the point of reading if you are not challenging yourself? Might as well stick to genre fiction otherwise.

>> No.10655940

Obscurantists like Derrida. Derrida has a low level of philosophical argumentation, but he obscures it with overwrought prose and false profundity.

You'll "understand" Derrida's bullshit just the same as anyone else

>> No.10656146

You really just think it's a matter of effort?

Figured there would be posts like this.

>> No.10656169

>You really just think it's a matter of effort?
Yes. Look now. You say you're struggling with the text you read, no shit, you're SUPPOSED to. We all did. This is not womens' magazine articles we're talking about here, but serious philosophy. Not casual reading. You don't read the text, you fight the text.

>> No.10657111
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The Greeks - Aristotle and Plato wrote in a clear and concise.

Stay away Jews and meme philosophers like Nietzsche and Heidegger.

>> No.10657137

Not to mention that it's not so much about reading a text as rereading it. Time is an ally, not an enemy. And we often grasp something better second time around, anyway. It is impossible to read literature once.

>> No.10657161

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintanence