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/lit/ - Literature

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1065370 No.1065370 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/....what makes good poetry?

From what I understand it's a pretty free form with no real rules....am I completely wrong here? Anyways, what makes 'good' poetry? Is there anything beyond personal preference?

I mean, I can spot bad poetry easily (whiny angsty kinds of stuff), but well, is there anything else I should have an eye for?

Pic related; I don't know a wide variety of poets but I do love me some Yeats.

>> No.1065376

Ones that tell opposed to show.

Shitting on the purpose of poetry.

>> No.1065378

What makes good food?

>> No.1065382

Meter, natural rhymes, diction, and the x-factor all make poetry good.

>> No.1065384


Snobby British fags
Old Americans with beards

that's what it takes.

>> No.1065391

What makes good movies?

>> No.1065392

when it illuminates indescribable aspects of the human condition in ways that are familiar to you. just like any good work of art, ever.

>> No.1065400

OP here.

I see...I suppose I will just read more and keep a critical eye then.

>> No.1065410

Difference between pretentious shit and good shit is that good shit is able to convey something complicated like >>1065392 mentioned in a way that people can understand and appreciate.

For example, from his Quartets; TS Eliot's "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

>> No.1065514

All I know is that bad poetry is written by Robin Mendoza

>> No.1065523

What do you guys think of this?

It is my first poem entitled Skin Hunger:

She lives confined in wards and beds, consigned
For her own good endures the adept touch.
Of Membraned hands that pierce, caress her spine
With porous flesh, that never was alive.

It’s been some years since kinder hands, have reached,
And interlocked and squeezed. Despite no need,
To take her pulse, or reinforce and teach
Her textbook hopes, “Just one more test, you’ll see.”

Scorching skin, that bubbles, and sticks you fast.
A loving touch, from hands un-gloved condemns.
Her hungry Velcro tendrils reach and wrap
And bind you tight, a storm of sobbing thanks.

Beware, you are, her unattainable wish.
For in her bed, they have quietly bred.
Not with needled nails nor antiseptic lips a
Quenchless thirst, a deprived and endless kiss.

>> No.1065539


too many cliches for it to be anything other than "ok".

>> No.1065551


Could you maybe expand on that?

>> No.1065574

Lack of solid meter was distracting and annoying. It seems like you were trying to be "deep" and dark with your word choice but a lot of the descriptive words did not make sense.

>> No.1065583


>> No.1065610
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Didn't rhyme.

>> No.1065617


while not bad, it feels like you're trying too hard. The line that really sticks out as an example of this is

>Beware, you are, her unattainable wish.
For in her bed, they have quietly bred.
Not with needled nails nor antiseptic lips a
Quenchless thirst, a deprived and endless kiss.

"Beware, you are her unattainable wish" sounds much better...the comma is one of the many things that seem uselessly placed. 4chan doesn't have the most sophisticated methods of editing posts though, so I'm kind of lazy and don't want to go deeper.

>> No.1065619
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>> No.1065624


well, you seem to go for the easiest option in every one of your verses. that is either a sign of lazyness or creative bankruptcy.

for example:

>With porous flesh, that never was alive.

lines like this are very boring and lack vigor. as opposed to saying something like: with octopus flesh. A word like octopus in your narrative instantly catches one off guard, and instantly arrouses immagery. catching people off gaurd is good.

>kinder hands, have reached, And interlocked and squeezed.

kind hands is an overused idiom. and, we know that hands reach and squeeze, that is their purpose. why are you bothering to tell us? Write about her hands in ways that one would ever write about hands.

>> No.1065645
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>> No.1065710


your poem is infested with lazy, predictable descriptions. you need to do serious revisions.

>Scorching skin, that bubbles, A loving touch, her unattainable wish, Quenchless thirst, a deprived and endless kiss.

some of these are just cheesy.

>hungry Velcro tendrils

this is nice, but then you ruin it with:

>reach and wrap And bind you tight,

yawn. shes strapped to a bed, we allready knew this. Since you made an allusion to hunger, why not continue to digestion? Hungry Velcro tendrils that eat and digest you, sound alot more captivating than ones that wrap and bind.

>> No.1065717


Flowery language does not make up for substance. Not trying to be harsh.