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/lit/ - Literature

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10652434 No.10652434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It’s pretty obvious that Peterson threads are just an excuse to have a culture war thread. I’ve yet to see anyone post a summary of the book, or anything to convince me they’ve actually read it.

>> No.10652451

Ban /pol/posting, Peterson, and Sam Hyde threads

>> No.10652473

I think an ad hoc rule of having one Peterson megathread, with no other Peterson threads allowed until that thread expires, would definitely help clean the place up for a while.

>> No.10652478

This, make a vague rule similar to the /b/ one and then use it to clean

>> No.10652486

This is the way to fix /lit/. Same goes for Rupi Kaur threads and Evola threads. The problem isn't that they're posted, it's that their spammed.

>> No.10652494

That's because none of them have read the book, he's a youtuber. Peterson threads either need to be banned or put into a containment general as >>10652473 suggested, if the mods don't want outright ban him because he's published. Board quality has noticeably declined since he became popular.
Mods plz

>> No.10652511

>I hate peterson threads so much that I click on them all the time and read all the posts and make threads complaining about peterson threads and ooohhhh peterson threads make me so angry!
>What? I've never heard the term "troll" before, what are you talking about? "Feed" the "troll"? I don't understand, it's not like this on reddit!
also hiro shitposting != a justification for your bitching, report/hide and move on retard

>> No.10652514

my nigga

>> No.10652520

>Same goes for Rupi Kaur threads
no shes hot

>> No.10652524

I'd like to add Paglia to this list, please

This is unironically what we need, vague rules enforced by mods with balls. If you make the rules too specific you just invite people to find loopholes.

>> No.10652536

Reporting doesn't matter if the mods don't actually do anything. Plus Peterson threads leak and those posters lower the quality of the rest of the board, even if he's not being discussed.

>> No.10652542

It also lowers the concentration of quality threads so people who actually have interesting things to say stop checking the board

>> No.10652546

Rupi threads are good though. We wouldn't have Nael without Rupi threads

>> No.10652560

/pol/ has shown that containment boards don’t work. I don’t want them here at all.

>> No.10652571

I agree but the mods will never implement this. Containment threads + moderation are better than what we have now, even if it's not the ideal solution

>> No.10652579

Containment threads/thread limits do not work and are nothing more than ways to avoid the stricter moderation required on blue boards. Blanket bans on pop philosophers and politcal/religious bait are the only way to go.

Paglia hasn't been posted in years, imbecile. This isn't being suggested because of some grudge, it's because of constant, off topic shitposting.

>> No.10652584

Its even funnier to see them respond to that kind of call out with a canned picture of a fat communist like anyone opposed to them must be on the other side of the internet political paradigm they are trapped in

>> No.10652587

Not that anon but she gets posted. Obviously she's not spammed as much as Peterson but when she's posted it's always spam.

>> No.10652590

/pol/ was fine for years before the election you whining bitch, so was the news board.

>> No.10652598

mods are moving the threads, but they're moving them to /pol/ or /his/. /his/ is better than /pol/ (who are also being spammed and think he's just another jew to exterminate) but /tv/ or /adv/ are probably closer to what peterson's demographic is about.

what worries me more is that mods are being drawn to /lit/ by reporting the spamming, and from there it's a very short step to them deleting lolita and other genuine /lit/ threads because they don't read either.

>> No.10652622
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>inb4 >>>/qa/
Don't do it mods. I want to post with /lit/, not those faggots on /qa/.

>> No.10652654

Mods would have to be genuinely retarded to not realize Lolita is literature.
I'm worried

>> No.10652664

most mods aren't from /lit/.
they see lolita they assume loli and we're lucky they don't move them to /clg/ or some shit.

>> No.10652715

Something has to be done about this YouTuber influx. There should be a blanket ban on posting YouTube links, Twitter posts, news article headlines, or a screenshot of any of the above. Even if it kills booktuber threads and genuine /lit/ topics, a scorched Earth policy is needed right now to prevent this board being ruined.

>> No.10652730

> before the election
I’m explicitly talking about right now. Having a mainboard was a great smokescreen for normies, but there’s too many of them.

My actual solution would be a /phil/ to absorb all the culture war shit, with the “/lit/ threads need to be centred around a book” being properly enforced, but mods are too dumb for that.

>> No.10652735

>catalyst happens that allows dormant infection to go live and spread virulently through the entire body of the organism killing it quickly
yeah it was clearly fine

>> No.10652756


>> No.10652820

This is the main problem, individual posts can be ignored, but flooding the catalog kills any and all discussion.
This is the correct solution. We also need to remove meme threads and other kinds of spam.
These rules are too broad to be realistically enforceable.

>> No.10652871

Mods never deleted lolita threads. Most (99%)of what they delete deserves to be deleted or moved

>> No.10652880

All containment boards do is cause the vermin-like thoughts to propagate. They could surrounded by their own and intense themself and their ideas. That with their big army of rats they go out to the rest of 4chan. The only time containment books have worked is when it resulted in a bann to talk about it anywhere else; for instance MLP.

>> No.10652891

Honestly sick of you morons who keep complaing about the 'state' of the board, if you see a thread that is off topic do not reply to it, the more replies a thread gets the less likley it is to be deleted and more likley it would be moved. Honestly /lit/ has better moderation than /his/ or /mu/, if you want the board to be better stop making shit threads and stop replying to shit threads. fucking idiots.

>> No.10653482

>Mods never deleted lolita threads. Most (99%)of what they delete deserves to be deleted or moved
Yeah they have. Also threads about pedophilia lit charts. It's the standard normie reaction to finding out what's in some books.

Normally though /lit/ kicks up enough shit about it the next one won't get deleted, but there are anons who'll report that shit and mods who'll delete it. A lot of people are uncomfortable with shit that's in books, and there are some books which barely pass the "legal in the US" standard. (The books that don't pass that standard obviously will get deleted, but threads on those are as rare as hen's teeth, whereas a Nabokov thread is a pretty common, legal, example)

>> No.10653855

>the people itt are the ones posting in peterson threads
The problem is that those threads are self-motivating because of the cross-boarders who don't read..

>> No.10653863

>in order to have a higher course of discussion we need to ban /pol/ related things even if they may be literature related
this is what commies actually think

>> No.10653895

Do people actually want to ban all political oriented threads and authors? That sounds retarded

>> No.10653955

Just authors that get spammed tp the point of interrupting the board. Therr used to be a rule aginst posting Ayn Rand because of it.

Someone above mentior Paglia, amd I dont think she should be done away with so long as the thread is about her written works.

>> No.10653967

>rant about jews in the publishing business
>uh guys you can't complain, after all I mentioned books in my thread, are you agaisnt free speech or something xD

>> No.10653971


i'm a philosophy phd student who used to contribute pretty frequently about contemporary phenomenology and it is precisely petersonfags that have driven me away from this board.

>> No.10653989

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.10653991

>Someone above mentior Paglia, amd I dont think she should be done away with so long as the thread is about her written works.
To be fair, most threads about her are just filled with quotes from her work. True they tend to be quotes about French postmodernists being wrong of little value besides philippic, but that is a recognised genre.

The others mentioned like Evola, Rupi Kaur, and Sam Hyde aren't as /lit/less threads and not spammed so much. Kaur gets spammed when she's in the news/just published, but it is a legit /lit/ thread when those happen, unlike Sam Hyde (which is really rare as a thread and that anon is smoking some serious shit if he thinks it's regular outside his head).

>this is what commies actually think
Commies are /pol/. Leftypol is not a board, it's also /pol/. And even Stalin said left and right have no place in literature because they are Party words. He even started the Leave Britney Alone meme, because everyone was trying to get him to arrest Pasternak after the CIA badly translated Zhivago to win the Nobel he didn't accept.

>My actual solution would be a /phil/ to absorb all the culture war shit,
You try this bullshit again and I will ensure the only book that is not considered /phil/ is IJ or Harry Potter. /phil/ won't happen because every novel worth a damn wanted to be philosophical.

>> No.10654010
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>Leftypol is not a board
>4chan is the only imageboard in existence

>> No.10654046

>get the mods to move things to another website which they won't the name of past the wordfilter
Good luck with that.

>> No.10654054

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10654059

someone who doesn't want to sage :^)

>> No.10654061

a lot of really good books are written with political dichotomy as a motif, see Joyce, Dostyoevsky, DFW, etc, the undisputably most talked about authors on /lit/

>> No.10654065

Sorry, DFW is pure literature and he will not be moving to /phil/. Take it up with your counselor.

>> No.10654070

The fact that goatse and a blatant shitpost about vaginas has been on the board for two hours is evidence that we need to change things.

Moderation has gone to shit recently on all the boards

>> No.10654075

Maybe if lefties stopped being so triggered by Peterson they wouldn't flood this board with threads about him.

>> No.10654085

We really need a new site. I’ve been boatshedding an idea for a site where threads have to be linked to a canonical id for some item(IMDB, ISBN, Steam listing, Wikipedia page etc.), with boards centred around the source as a proxy for medium(a /tv/ populated exclusively with IMDB, /lit/ with ISBN, /mu/ with AcoustID fingerprint). It’d help with off topic posts, as well as allowing for subboards to pop up based around popular media(a filter for threads on 12 Rules for Life could be a proxy for a Peterson board).

>> No.10654090

sounds great please leave asap, you can take your collectivist ideas and make your own little utopia to thought police

no one will go on it tho

>> No.10654095
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>> No.10654118

Peterson claims to be a scientist so he belongs on /sci/

>> No.10654136

I am shocked, shocked to find out that /pol/fags can't read

>> No.10654160
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>typing out shitposts
Daawww. How cute. Here, I'll spoonfeed you, oniichan.

>> No.10654448


>> No.10654464

/lit/ is the most reddit board on 4chan it's full of /r/dankcommunistmeme tier fags (like yourself) who try way too hard to fit in

>> No.10654473

Get another website. We're taking over now. Mods are under our wraps.

>> No.10654479
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>mommy please censor the evil righties! they always beat me in arguments because they believe in facts and evidence! it triggers me!!!!

hahaha leftist filth is not welcome on 4chan

>> No.10654485
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>funposting is reddit
go aaaawwwwaaaaayyyy.

>> No.10654497

You can't ban something topical from discussion just because it becomes popular. Anyway, 4chan would be meaningless without constant arguing.

>> No.10654505

post a link to a deleted lolita thread from the lit archive now

>> No.10654508

subtle false flag

>> No.10654513

>The Redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.10654515
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>> No.10654522

I think this strange Ulysses guy with the glasses is much more worse. Anons that meme him can't even into English most of the times.

>> No.10654550
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Nom nom. This pasta is very good, oniisan!

>> No.10654558

>not just filtering out Peterson

Do yourself a favor.

>> No.10654662

>thinking ignoring a problem will make it go away

>> No.10654672

Well the only other solution is this >>10652473

But open up /lit/ to the scourge of the "generals" can also end up to be lethal.

>> No.10654724

But the genrefiction general seems to work as a container. Though it probably helps that they're not completely retarded.
But I agree, /pol/posters should be banned.

>> No.10654910

>/lit/ is the most reddit board
/pol/turd who doesn't know his home board is the most reddit of them all detected
I bet you think the majority of redditors are lefties too

>> No.10655010

>he genuinely believes his homesite (reddit) isn't majority left-leaning

>> No.10655036

Paglia isn't really a problem. The fact that she's associated with the whole YouTube celeb thing is annoying, but barely bothers us - and Sexual Personae is worth talking about.

>> No.10655042


>> No.10655116

this one is even specifically *not* about lolita

>> No.10655224

You do know the mods don't give a shit.

>> No.10655270

>haha dude what are some books that are like this /tv/ movie

>> No.10655277

>the movie has no themes
The guy put the thread back up. It's in the catalog now. He left out
>inb4 Lolita

The only response is Lolita. Which is not the revenge tale that Leon is. Lrn2themse

>> No.10655490

It won't, but it's all you can do.
Things are already better than they were when this mess first started, just keep making literature threads.

>> No.10655946

>this entire thread
from whence you came, faggots

>> No.10655989
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Sure thing, faggot.

>> No.10656014

You know, I told you to take your peterson obsession back to r*ddit, and then you posted an image implying that you would take your peterson obsession back to redd*t, yet I get the feeling that you're not going back to re**it, despite the fact that you belong there, on ******. I get this impression from your "snarky" response, and the faint odor of cum on your breath.
For the mouthbreathers like you too stupid to understand the necessity of suicide, here's a spoonfeed: 4chan comes equipped with a hide button, and even a report button, for when the stick up your ass is particularly itchy. You're allowed to use them whenever you want. Go ahead, try it. Then, try bleach.

>> No.10656040

What would be the pronunciation of hir?

>> No.10656051

or "khchkchkcir" like that phlegmy russian consonant

>> No.10656053

>Peterson threads are just an excuse to have a culture war
I endorse this solution.

>> No.10656066
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sage and hide bad thread, stop crying to mods you immature faggots, if the community can't solve things on its own it deserves to die

>> No.10656067

>people complaining about mods
i wonder what this place would be like without them. you curse them because you do not understand the privilege of having them around.

>> No.10656076

top kek
mods are faggots and we don't need them or want them

>> No.10656081

you boy

you fool

>> No.10656083

half of the threads are not even about /lit/
are you seriously implying they do their job?

>> No.10656085

>no shes hot
[Citation Needed]

>> No.10656106

I want you to stop and think for a moment.

Not only does literature have a connotation of vagueness to it beyond explicitly referencing books- what do you think would happen if 'half those threads' which are not /lit/ according to you, got deleted?

If you want overzealous mods who enforced the rules to a tee, go to reddit, and I don't mean that with contempt, seriously go to reddit.

The shitposts get deleted, go check the archive, there is only so much people can do in the sense of moderation. The rest is up to what the community wants to discuss, and with it comes others who say it is not literature related.

If you honestly want this board to be better, report things that break the rules and do not reply to threads that you do not like, it really is that simple.

>> No.10656249

Is Peterson liberal or conservative?

>> No.10656264

He's North American, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.10656721

why don't you eat some beans? if we were wolves you'd be 2nd in command or lower