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10652426 No.10652426 [Reply] [Original]

If I had to pick one book, it would be this one (This edition, too; it's a good translation by Robert Powell with an accompanying afterword by Cardinal Hans Ur von Balthasar).

The reason is simple... it's the rare book that is both stylistically supreme, beautiful, and replete with the profoundest philosophical insights. Both theoretically & practically enriching.

It's infinitely better than anything Eastern.

There have been other books that attempted to be the perfect marriage of wisdom and beauty. Thus Spake Zarathustra IMO is a complete failure (it's quite a failure stylistically... ironically, Nietzsche was a terrible writer when he tried to be one: his ugly poems, or his Zarathustra and its pathetic, exaggerated metaphors... BUT Nietzsche was a masterful writer WHEN he wrote prose / aphorisms).

As I said, there have been other attempts at art+philosophy synergy and all I'm aware of were failures, I won't even go into things like Sartre (eww!) or Camus.

Tomberg is unparalleled.

Hart, Feser, and other modern Christian philosophers and theologians are like dog poop compared to Tomberg's heavenly fragrance.

Jewish texts, too, can't hold a candle to Tomberg... with their tedious Kabbalistic exegesis.

This is the highest text humanity has ever produced, except perhaps the Bible upon which it co-depends. Yet nobody studies it, except the cliche divination shit.

Don't be faggots and study this, do yourself a favor. You'll thank me later.

>> No.10652438

OK sell me on it. what's the most important thing you've learnt from your study of this book?

>> No.10652440
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>replete with the profoundest philosophical insights. Both theoretically & practically enriching.

Give me three examples.

>> No.10653066

Seconding these

Is it some /x/ tier shit?

>> No.10653084

its the chink book pasta but changed to tarot.

>> No.10653295


Kys faggot.

>> No.10653327

This book has allowed me to make peace with my historical embededness in a post-Catholic world.
Well, if you are interested I would suggest the first couple letters. The book is written as a series of anonymous letters that meditate on particular cards within the major arcana. The whole book is interwoven with an Esoteric Catholicism, however, that should be instantly recognizable as inspired within the first few pages. The explanations of the difference between mysticism, gnosis, magic, and philosophy were particularly enlightening.
Not /x/-tier, no. Here is a good article on it:


No trolls, pls.

>> No.10653782
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>Thus Spake Zarathustra IMO is a complete failure (it's quite a failure stylistically... [...])
>t. reads translations
>t. probably read the Common translation as well

>> No.10653835

That said, I am intrigued by this. What should I be familiar with before diving in?

>> No.10653870

It's a relatively modern take on Christian Theosophy, a current of Western Esotericism that started with Jakob Boehme and was important in continental Europe between 16th - 19th centuries.

>> No.10653874

Side note: Christian Theosophy should not be confused with the Theosophical Order founded by H.P. Blavatsky.

>> No.10654117

looks good anon. stop writing in reddit format though

>> No.10654130

Hello, Unknown Friend.

>> No.10654660

Any number of writers have projected their philosophical convictions onto the tarot: Aleister Crowley, Oswald Wirth, Paul Foster Case and Eliphas Levi to name just a few. Why is this any better? Is it purely because it supports your own preconceptions?

>> No.10654677

>>It's infinitely better than anything Eastern.
white people everyone

>> No.10655023

I would laugh if it weren't so true.
Where can I find you on tumblr?

>> No.10656126

Unlike Crowley and other occultists who monger in secrets and lies, Tomberg is a sober and lucid writer who is capable of exploring deep topics in the history of western esotericism and reaching sublime truths without narcissistic self-aggrandizement. The book is in fact published Anonymous and post-humously so one can tell without doubt the intentions behind it are pure. While the Christianity may put some off, the truths revealed are of such universal and practical nature as to be of value to anyone.

>> No.10656676
File: 132 KB, 1200x630, Meinvielle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Occult shit
>foreword by a borderline heretic

Read orthodox thomists instead of that jewry..

>> No.10656946

>Anno Domini 2018
>being a Thomist
>not following the unwritten doctrines of Christ

>> No.10657045

Not OP, but for example, that book explained how self-negation and the negative in general works much better than other texsts I've read. And it really is a p. good read desu.

>> No.10658046

>Christian Hermeticism
I'm intrigued and planning to purchase this book. That being said, Google gave really insufficient answers when searching for the comparability between Hermeticism and Christianity. If an anon would be willing to give me a brief explanation or their thoughts on it, that would be great desu.

>> No.10658215

>Thus Spake Zarathustra IMO is a complete failure (it's quite a failure stylistically... ironically, Nietzsche was a terrible writer when he tried to be one: his ugly poems, or his Zarathustra and its pathetic, exaggerated metaphors... BUT Nietzsche was a masterful writer WHEN he wrote prose / aphorisms).

You'd make a good critic. You have no criticism of the philosophy Nietzsche articulates in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, because you probably didn't understand the book.

>> No.10659019

Moses, Hermes, and Plato were supplanted by Christ.
>wahhh muh slave morality
Read Hegel and Marx

>> No.10659228

>wahh muh Hegel and Marx
Read Schopenhauer and Heidegger

>> No.10660360

Many other tarot treatises were published anonymously or under pseudonyms (Levi, Etellia, Papus etc.) Crowley only printed 200 copies of his Book of Thoth, so plainly wasn't in it for the publicity.

>secrets and lies
>sublime truths
Kek. For centuries the tarot has been a screen for the projection of belief systems. The book you cite is just another one. If it works for you, great. Other systems are available.