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10648628 No.10648628 [Reply] [Original]

100pgs in and this is fucking great so much better than V. why did faggots meme me into thinking Pynchon sucked every other page there is psychadelic poetics and for that I wouldn't mind there not being ANY plot

>> No.10648641

It gets worse in the later parts of the book, unfortunately. But there are spectacular moments throughout.

>> No.10648660

oh thats a shame, what is it with him and maximalism, there is so much talent he could make a great concise piece like Nabokov novels which are usual 200-300pgs but consistent as a result
I wish there were poets with that psychadelic abstract absurd style

>> No.10648702

I have this book but I haven't made any attempts to read it, is it worth reading? Also was he really on acid while writing?

>> No.10648704

I didn't like the prose of V at all. Should I still read Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.10648715

no it doesn't
it actually gets better

>> No.10648723

I’m at page 145 and I love it. It’s definitely a book I will be re reading in the coming years, mainly to soak up his prose, vocabulary, sentance style and of course his zany characters.
Yes please read it!
Yes its a bit different.

>> No.10648729

That was the point of this thread. I think GR is a lot better, I disliked V. though not for the prose, you might think it gets "worse" actually

>> No.10648730

240 pages in myself and it's been pretty consistently great so far. I can already tell I'm going to need to reread it, though.

He was certainly on something, probably a few different things. Amphetamine and this book certainly go together well. Wasn't the whole thing conceived when he was partying a bunch in Mexico?

>> No.10648762

he smoked pot
never wrote while on lsd... that's a rumour started by some writer whose gf was fucked by Pynch in the 60s.
GR, M&D were started at roughly the same time... and every Pynchon book seems to inhabit its own style. He's a lot more concise, meticulous, and talented than you give him credit for. Chalking it up to a lame, immature "whooa whacky 60s wizard drug guy whoaa" really underminds his genius.

>> No.10649000

Wrong, part 1 is the worst part of the book.

>> No.10649019

The greater themes that surround this book seem lame as fuck. Weird sex? Control? Conspiracy theories? Queerness? I'm a hundred pages in and so far and while there are some brilliant passages, the wider themes and ideas are Berkeley SOC 101 tier.

>> No.10649026

I don't think the presence of weird sex makes weird sex a "theme" of the novel.

>> No.10649032

I can 1000000% guarantee you that Pynchon was smoking weed when Slothrop was and was snorting coke when Slothrop was on coke.

Those are the only drugs Slothrop does, so Acid doesn't enter into the equation. First time I read this I was smoking shitloads of weed but only during the part when Slothrop was conveniently, so I had a blast.

>> No.10649033

Considering it was written in 1973, it is probably an intended theme.

>> No.10649153

>I'm a hundred pages in
Keep reading or stop posting
That's not a very good line of thought

>> No.10649170

I finished it thanks to the lit reading group. I enjoyed it

>> No.10649372

so you wouldn't have finished it otherwise do you think?

>> No.10649383
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It's a book written right around the height of the sexual revolution. The reconfiguration of sexual roles and norms is definitely a theme, just as I would expect books written in the 80s and 90's to have themes relating to consumerism and corporatism.

>> No.10649387

100 rpgs? im pretty sure even that payload wasnt in the book, but it's nonetheless a tragic story

>> No.10649424


>> No.10649809

Fuck off, pseud.

>> No.10649953

It's good, try it.

>> No.10649965


>> No.10649994

I really enjoy Pynchon's writing.

Crying, of course is what I recommend to newbies.

Bleeding Edge was a thrill ride.

Vice captures some true things about So Cal culture, taught me a few more but it's tainted by a movie that didn't try hard enough to capture the spirit of the thing: where was the eye on Doc's door, the receptionist for the downstairs "B-12" clinic, the anything-you-want pizza, door to suit the occassion, i.e. this variety makes one talkative, etc.

>> No.10650006

I would not have finished a 900page novel if I didn't enjoy reading it, correct

>> No.10650250

>the wider themes and ideas are Berkeley SOC 101 tier.
what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book? What would be Harvard/Yale/Stanford SOC 999?

Or beyond etc.

>> No.10650282

the problem is it never lets up, after 400 pages of psychedelic poetics you get exhausted and you're only halfway thru

>> No.10650349

Ass eating 101

>> No.10650485

pretty sure thats contained in the book, anything else?

>> No.10650544

I'm finishing up the end of Part 3 this week. I really liked it up to this point but I'm getting kind of sick of it, to be honest. When I finally finish it I hope that I find that it was worth my time. I'm not looking for any sense of closure plot-wise, obviously. After this I'm definitely taking a break from Mr. Pinecone, though.

>> No.10650551

he had started V., Lot 49, GR, and M&D, around the same time apparently

>> No.10650568

No one on /lit/ has read it they just pretend to - that's why faggots memed you into thinking Pynchon sucked. Size-queen women don't exist. Only faggots. Like /lit/.

>> No.10650774

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

>> No.10650776

>Size-queen women don't exist
t. little dick boy

>> No.10650797

the only knock I have against V. is the South Africa chapter. What didn't you all like?

>> No.10650807
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>> No.10650839

fart jokes, right

>> No.10651003

>The greater themes that surround this book seem lame as fuck. Weird sex? Control? Conspiracy theories? Queerness?
what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

what are the highest and greatest possible themes of a book?

>> No.10651009

size-queen women are either hyper sexual 8/10’s or unattractive 5/10’s who have a donk and take meds to function. there’s no in between. and my dick is just about 7” so i could give a fuck what you call me mate im 5’9 and have a bigger dick than most aryan euros

>> No.10651245

>Size-queen women don't exist.
>size-queen women are either hyper sexual 8/10’s or unattractive 5/10’s who have a donk and take meds to function.
I see

>> No.10651362

Yeah it was written while he was living in Mexico and California. Apparently he's a fan of Mexican cuisine.