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/lit/ - Literature

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10646640 No.10646640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential reading that a 26 year old virgin should read?

>> No.10646662


>> No.10646685

you’re pathetic dude

>> No.10646707
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>> No.10646765


Why are you bullying virgins?

>> No.10646777


>> No.10646855

My Diary Desu: Why Did I Say Desu? by Me

>> No.10646934

you should go out and try to get social interaction or you'll be a 27 year old virgin who read a bit

>> No.10646945

be nice pls

>> No.10646966
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>mfw 30yo virgin who hasn't read a bit

>> No.10646967
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Are you referencing your virginity as something you want to end, and want recommendations on books to help end it, or are you asking us for recommendations for things that a 26 year old virgin would like?

If it's the former, read any account of fatal adventure or hardship that gets your head into a place where you can truly conceptualize the fact of your impermanence in the world. The sooner you embrace the fact that you will die, the sooner you will shake the things keeping you from interacting with women.

If it's the latter, head on over to any philosophy thread on this fine board.

>> No.10646982
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>> No.10647123
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>da most important thing in life is sticking wille in vagin

>> No.10647209

A man of virtue is quite rare in this time and age. You should applaud yourself, of you own ability to hold the lush of the flesh back. Read "islam between east and west - by Alija Izetbegović". He goes through the modern age materialism vs man and spirituality.

>> No.10647283
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>> No.10647397
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Here ya go OP

>> No.10647411

A Confederacy of Dunces

This will do you more good than any other.

>> No.10647550

factually, that is the case, as in there is massive social / cultural pressure to do so

see Whatever, Michel Houellebecq

>> No.10647578

Manga, obviously. It's what all the virgins are reading.

>> No.10647605

Is this one guy who's creating all these memerson threads? You must be really small-souled to waste so much time attacking a Canadian self-help guru nobody cares anything about.

>> No.10647652

>30 year old virgin posting underage anime girls
You're a lost cause

>> No.10647687

get out normalfags

>> No.10647719

Seconding this. One can only watch anime up to a certain age, which is 16

>> No.10647759

>which is 6

>> No.10647807

The 48 Laws of Power
The Iliad
20 Love Poems by Pablo Neruda

This will help you on the path to uncucking yourself.

>> No.10647812
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guys pls this anime boards go home

>> No.10647813

the game by neil strauss

>> No.10647818

How about a 31 year old virgin?

>> No.10647840

no u

>> No.10647842

this is a literature and self-help board now

>> No.10647873

shit advice desu. You can socialize all you want and it won't do anything if you have social phobia like most virgins do. You have to consciously fight your cognitive distortions. When in doubt it's always better to assume that you're normal and that the person you're talking to likes you. It takes a serious effort to internalize this.