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10645949 No.10645949 [Reply] [Original]

Im deciding on whether or not this is a good birthday gift for my girlfriend. Any other lit suggestions? I was gonna give her my own personal copy. She hasnt read kafka yet and i want her to get exposed to that. I dont know if it would be a bad idea. Pls provide any other book ideas, im lost.

>> No.10645958

If pic related is your own personal copy then it's a bad idea, if not then it's probably still a bad idea. Give her something romantic like The Castle instead

>> No.10645974

>Give her something romantic like The Castle instead
this, metamorphosis is depressing

>> No.10646608
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>unironically reading a Jew
gas yourself

>> No.10646653

The Castle is romantic?

>> No.10646667

Best writer of the 20th century, though.

>> No.10646673

That's not Celine

>> No.10646674

why would you get your girlfriend kafka....

>> No.10646681

man the normies are breeding like flies

>> No.10646739 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 236x213, silly goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking subhuman Untermensch kike who is not even white
One shekel has been deposited to your bank by (((George Soros))). Thank you for participating in the destruction of the white race and the dissemination of race-mixing, silly goyim! Don't you know it's BIGOTED and RACIST to marry your own race? GOOD GOY.

>> No.10646751
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>provide any other book ideas
Anna Karenina

>> No.10646775

That's normiest thing you can say.

>> No.10646796
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>> No.10646802
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>> No.10646818

happy birthday sweetheart i got you this francis bacon painting and some classic kafka lit

>> No.10646823
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Buy her this.

>> No.10646828
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>> No.10646848
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>> No.10646860
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You're Welcome

>> No.10647488

Any girl that would be willing to read a 1000-page classic doorstopper would not need someone to buy a copy of it for them.

Actually, this goes for guys as well.

>> No.10647533

just give her some woolf shit like to the lighthouse or the waves

>> No.10648450

would it be a cop out if i said that i was being half-joking half-serious ?
maybe more romantic in a traditional sense but really getting any kafka for a significant other seems silly because most of those books are more doom & anxiety filled than anything else

>> No.10648456

No he's not.

>> No.10648531
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Buy her the short stories of Flannery O'Connor if she's into dark humor and brutal depictions of grace. Get her "Kitchen" by Banana Yoshimoto if she's a slightly quirky weeb with a fun sense of levity. Get her "Kassandra" by Christa Wolf if she is turned on by the Greeks (like my wife is). Get her an Alice Munro collection if she's a nice, pensive girl with a deep capacity for sympathy. Get her "Autobiography of Red" if she's into gay shit, like the Greeks. Get her "White Walls" by Tatyana Tolstaya if she likes (or would like) Anna Karenina. Even McCullers is great (as this >>10646823 anon suggested) if she's into 1930s Americana.

If you're hell-bent on giving her Kafka (or if she doesn't fit the mold of any of the above), you have three options:
>Near to the Wild Heart, by Lispector. Good choice if she's a patrician.
>Kristin Lavransdatter, by Undset. Good choice if she's into pastoral doorstoppers that examine medieval life through a modern lens — with sex.
>Actually, scratch that last one, get her The Book of Margery Kempe. That shit made me laugh like no Kafka has ever been able to do.
>The Castle, by Kafka. Good choice if you're an insensitive asshole who has to force his mediocre taste on an unwilling partner. Make sure to get the modern (c. 2005) translation.

>> No.10649544

chicks don't get Kafka