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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 790x960, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10645696 No.10645696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is this board full of angry, young men?
why are you all so insecure?

>> No.10645700

I posted that image first. Stop stealing it.

Btw, it's because we didn't watch Jordan Peterson

>> No.10645715
File: 199 KB, 790x960, 1517856270383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10645717

>only 2 boxes checked
>still a total loser
maybe I was never gifted :/

>> No.10645733

Aren't you tired of making the same threads every day?

>> No.10645744

>ownership over a classic meme

yeah ok fag

>> No.10645750

this is literally the first time this was posted as a thread

this image shows up in peterson threads to btfo the obvious narcissists he attracts

t. daily lurker for about 4 years

>> No.10645755

fuck off commie soyboy the meme is mine

>> No.10645761
File: 14 KB, 480x319, 27655456_1589412414488803_9118749407789562093_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fag confirmed

>> No.10645766
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What do I win?

>> No.10645775

a clinical diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder (not even kidding, it's all the big symptoms... which is why people get so uncomfortable around this meme)

>> No.10645777

What's wrong with being young and angry? Doesn't necessarily make me insecure.

>> No.10645788

yes, but its an undercurrent of neo-reactionary nonsense and bitter resentment about post-modernism and Liberalism.

>> No.10645798
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1312, sketch-1517857204070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose interest in things that don't come naturally after several months when I don't get better.
Everything else is unticked due to self-loathing stopping it.

>> No.10645800

you dont need the dash, friendo

i dont even know what you're trying to say. speak english!

>> No.10645801

What does dsm5 mean? That I have a diagnosis or that I read it?

>> No.10645806

/lit/ est un site francais putain

>> No.10645807

that you claim to own one/reference it/talk about it

>> No.10645812
File: 1.36 MB, 1400x1701, D4F55D2F-AABD-4A9B-A8AA-9F59B9E08EF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes mate. i didn’t win tho :\

>> No.10645815

I'd have to check every single one except drugs, am I in trouble?

>> No.10645826

welcome to 4chan newfag. everyone is an angry white male here.

>> No.10645827
File: 201 KB, 790x960, fart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk. A lot of times here, out of boredom, I'll shit on an author or book I like for no reason other than trying to elicit responses from fellow autists. I love a (you) from someone telling me what an uncultured pseud I am.

>> No.10645828

well... you're a narcissistic. that much is obvious. humble yourself to the immense complexity that inundates everything around you.

Literally thank your computer right now; the actual device; think of the elements that were mined and shipped over vast distances; the skilled men who made it all possible; the systems in place, all to make you comfy.

you're nothing.

>> No.10645833
File: 674 KB, 790x960, shithead bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because getting work can be hard and when someone doesn't have work your brain strains itself further. Then you see the druggies or easily distracted black guys getting work when you're not getting too far ahead and start to obsess over stuff like the flood of women into the work force or diversity hire being what holds you back and growing angrier. Doesn't help that humor has become so race, sex or even just group judgement based. Much like how lying enough makes something true, I think jokes works the same way.

>> No.10645854

>it's everyone else's fault but mine

/pol/ is literally just another psych op to bomb the minds of the smartest subset of the population (ones who strive for truth, leads them to places of open discussion)

>> No.10645903
File: 254 KB, 790x960, 1517856270383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not THAT bad.

Anyway, literature is the best form of escapism for alienated 18 to 25's. You get to vicariously live more meaningful lives, discover more meaningful thoughts AND feel like you're better and smarter than your peers, the very ones that you're terrified of.

>> No.10645908

western society has fallen into a deep trance, to ever have a chance to wake these people up would be cruel to do so

>> No.10645937

you do realize that the talking points of "we have to rescue western civilization" have been around forever? literally one hundred years ago it was "in a trance" as well, threatened by the turks.

>> No.10646024

its a quote first of all, second of all jusr fucking lol at this Soviet style “its always been said!” garbage. nothing at all like what’s happening now has been seen in the history of our species, and Decline of the West and Nietzsche predicted this as it began to take shape at the turn of the last century. No one said that the West was dead in 1700, no one said this in the quattrocento, no one said this in the Gothic era, no one said this in 7 AD, no one said this in Athens ~400 BCE, we are on the brink of a psychotic break as the only culture whose fate matters. The precipice is nearing and every single generation from the Gen Z abomination onward is in grave peril, likely to die earlier than its predecessors and every single biomarker and threshold has been lit up or crossed that tells of disaster, catastrophe in our near future. Humans are all corrupt and all fated for hell. This is the beginning of the unbecoming of the race, we failed and the Earth will drag us into the abyss cursing our image for all of time. Your shrill, uptalking, episodic consciousness will be blown out with the breath of the Outside and nations will fracture, collapse into themselves, become slaughterhouses and rape factories. The first seal will break when they plug the insect people’s brains directly into VR, the second will break when they engineer permanent insects, the third will break when the computers start talking back to us, the fourth will break when the plankton and microbiota vanish or reach critical levels, the fifth will break when the sexes no longer require one another, the sixth will break when the machines ask us to merge with them and the seventh when they decide we’re unworthy and begin liquidating us. You don’t take anything seriously, you have been bred, for generations to man work stations inside of giant death machines that spew waste into the market and the environment for poisoning germ lines permanently. The fish are filled with plastics and drugs, the babies are neotenous, weak and autistic, the politicians are rapist pedophiles, blood drinking murderers, liars, feeble minded addicts, the people are ugly, stupid, witless, cowardly, spiritless, stink of disease and fear. The herds are too big, they choke each other to death on the fumes of feces and bile spilling out of their dysfunctioning guts, the last age of life on Earth marked by the scent of irremovable decay and sewage. You wade through others vomit, the pleasantries of socializing scrambling the architecture of the Soul each moment wasted in the sight of ungodly people burnt to a crisp in the light of Mammon and Leviathan the forces that rule the new Megalopolis of the Weatern Desert. White terror breeds black terror, the cycle of security encroachment upon human sovereignty, the closing of the frontier of the interior with pharmakos and entertainment media is certain. All the people’s tongues produce the same exact sounds, the words mean nothing now

>> No.10646051

who will read this?

>> No.10646069
File: 668 KB, 790x960, bingoed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I award myself the specialest snowflake award

>> No.10646094

>Anon's apocalyptic fantasy n. 373718372937293729193
so boring

>> No.10646095

so am i supposed to cross the dsm one too?

>> No.10646101

it doesn’t matter at all

>> No.10646149

They get uncomfortable because it captures them well. Symptoms here might as well just of a regular depressed person or adolescent.

Also, symptoms for all personality disorders are really similar and were made to fit everyone somewhere thanks to insurance companies. If you go see a psychiatrist, you'll almost definitely be diagnosed just so that you could continue treatment, even if the psychiatrists don't immediately know what is wrong with you. It started as an innocent 50 page long guide book and became a 100000 page nightmare.

>> No.10646156

missing a be*

>> No.10646161
File: 114 KB, 347x344, 1513958853680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the horror.... the horror...

>> No.10646194
File: 600 KB, 790x960, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is 4chan full of angry, young men?
>why are you all so insecure?
because normies ruined our lives

>> No.10646196
File: 661 KB, 778x960, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get it, the problem is my big fucking ego, the fact that i never really had to struggle for anything and the lack of any meaningful relationships in my life which im afraid of because i think that nobody could possibly like me since i im a constant disapointment
All i am is a big fraud

>> No.10646271
File: 12 KB, 640x320, the-fall-and-decline-of-sex-and-emotional-relationships--illustrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lack of any meaningful relationships in my life which im afraid of because i think that nobody could possibly like me since i im a constant disapointment
Don't worry, you are just a statistic in an increasingly dysfunctional world. You aren't alone.

>> No.10646293

Why am I always tired?

>> No.10646298

i know that, i wouldnt be able to get away with it if it was just me
that just makes me wosre, at least if it was just me i would suck in an original way instead of relying in everyones complicity

>> No.10646314

too much blue light. Seriously dont look at your phone/computer etc a few hours before bed. It interrupts your sleeping cycles and has averse effects

>> No.10646333

this hit way too close to home for me..

>> No.10646345

There are apps and programs that can make your screen less blue as the day goes on.

>> No.10646348
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1511912046294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
thanks dude I'm fucking triggered now

at least I have my bachelors

>> No.10646357

Fuck. Pic related is me.

>> No.10646369
File: 223 KB, 790x960, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bingo. How do I live up to my potential, guys? is there no real potential to live up to?

>> No.10646408
File: 398 KB, 790x960, 20180205_144125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried weed like 5 times but I didnt count it

>> No.10646422
File: 753 KB, 2019x1674, waffles-hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with wikipedia

>> No.10646431

What the other guy said. Additionally you can use an Android app called Twilight to decrease blue levels in your screen.

>> No.10646435

I thought everyone here was a 420 lmao. Guess I was projecting

>> No.10646472
File: 93 KB, 344x181, 825f558cc902f429aaca1167819c1b8d2cff1582761c4766c9afb1b652f325f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interest in pyschology

>> No.10646480

Damn, and you call others shrill

Frankly alarming

So when you want to accomplish something, then you take steps towards doing so

>> No.10646545
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>> No.10646589

it's always a brief intro to a topic... and people usually don't seek out the sources in the articles afterwards.

>> No.10646654
File: 225 KB, 790x960, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even get a bingo

>> No.10646694
File: 586 KB, 1440x1750, 1517856270383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting better. Glad to have some solidarity in this condition

>> No.10646716
File: 255 KB, 790x960, 1517856270383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.10646782

you're really immature

>> No.10646815
File: 666 KB, 774x960, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the workforce and try to use your degree

>> No.10646821

I wish I'd never been in GT. All of my childhood friends are Ivy league grads, engineers, academics, physicists. Meanwhile I am a NEET schizoid defective who dropped out of a third tier art school and constantly thinks about suicide. The other day my mom told me I was supposed to have been a doctor or a lawyer or something, not whatever it is I am. I have irrevocably damaged my life and thrown away every opportunity I was ever given, which was just about all anybody could ask for

>> No.10646822
File: 231 KB, 790x960, boihebouttodoit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say I'm pretty well balanced :)

>> No.10646833
File: 72 KB, 290x271, Dryl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No psychedelics or goofy drugs

>> No.10646839

yeah man my Gran Turismo addiction really fucked with me a lot
went through like 3 PS2s in one year desu

not as bad as u tho i only have carpel tunnel

>> No.10646840
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>> No.10646842

Excellent post

>> No.10646849
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