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10645466 No.10645466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tfw /ourguy/ BTFO's Peter Pan


>> No.10645510

Holy shit nigga I'd never watched a Peterson lecture before but it's so fucking bad.

>> No.10645550

this is so me.
how do I grow up?

>> No.10645560

yes im sure this one 7 minute lecture abstracted from years of work and research is enough to dismiss him. Have you gone to university? He's at least an above average lecturer. Most teachers are indifferent husks preaching dead ideology masquerading as knowledge

>> No.10645569

get off this board you youtube watching imbeciles

>> No.10646547

I'd be king of the lost boys.

>> No.10646559

michael jackson >>>>>>>>>>>>>> peterson

>> No.10646596

WHAT BOOK I THIS????!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10646605

Show me your favourite parquet /lit/

>> No.10646785

holy shit you must have gone to an awful university. sad.

btw old jordan here is literally preaching dead ideology, hence he is in his own view the archetypal hero rescuing his father from the belly of the whale (yes, he thinks speaking in these tired metaphors is profound and interesting)

>> No.10646797

Clean your room, bucko.

>> No.10646865

And that's that

>> No.10646901

the reason he's talking about children's fiction is because it's foundational in many ways. if your kids are consuming any mainstream media (pixar, disney, harry potter) they're actively engaging with this "dead" ideology.

>> No.10646931

love to imagine peterson poring over pixar cartoons and scribbling furiously in a notebook about the deeply layered neomarxist postmodernist attitudes of the mr potato head character from toy story

>> No.10646942

We already have Zizek with Kung Fu Panda

>> No.10646943

>Remember the Alaskan Bull Worm from Spongebob? That's the dragon of chaos, it's an archetypal image

>> No.10646947

>holy shit you must have gone to an awful university. sad.
lmao nigga most top tier public research universities have shit tier humanities lecturers, doesn't mean they're not good scholars

>> No.10646948

Your IQ is very low.

>> No.10646956

Yeah he needs to look up Harvard’s current humanities staff. It’s fucking bad. And no, most of them are not good scholars either, hence the non-effect they have on academia.

>> No.10646995

very possible, and I'm still more reasonable than a petersonfag

>> No.10646996

I don't remember toy story very well but if I remember correctly it was pretty much about individuation. the cowboy has to find his "self" once he realizes that centering his self-image around being the boy's favorite toy is an untenable situation. the spaceman has to realize that he's a toy.

>> No.10646999

Christ on the cross, why do you people like this guy? "He has to settle for Tinkerbell, she doesn't even exist!" None of them fucking exist.

>> No.10647008

He’s one of the only working North American scholars who has any effect on popular culture. It’s been a while since someone like him has cropped up. He’s good, and we’re lucky he’s not an insane leftist.

>> No.10647029

>Watch Peterson lecture about how women are more successful than basement dwellers with no goals because they're more agreeable rather than more disciplined than a bunch of NEETfags who go from mummy to college and don't know how to look after themselves because someone else has done it for them their whole lives
>JP ignores this and tries to rub his social darwinism semi against my thigh
>muh unagreeable rebellious men
>Wall of drooling chalk-eaters under the video talking about how he saved them.
>Bunch of MGTOW bullshit
He's like watching Roosh V with elbow patches.

>> No.10647031

>He’s good
>we’re lucky he’s not an insane leftist.

thank you for your attention

>> No.10647036

I’m gonna need more than that. It would be better if he was an insane leftist like most of his coworkers? Universities are already echo-chambers, anyone who disrupts that should be lauded.

>> No.10647044

Does he actually teach psychology at some point though? I've yet to hear him make a single mention of the words schema or availability heuristic, which incidentally is what most of his lectures seem to stem from.

>> No.10647048
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>Jungian approach to Christianity

Reminder that Jordan Peterson is a HERETIC and is not to be taken seriously by believing Christians.

>> No.10647055

>I’m gonna need more than that.
>It would be better if he was an insane leftist like most of his coworkers?
>Universities are already echo-chambers, anyone who disrupts that should be lauded.

>> No.10647056

I don't even know what you're trying to say. he's acknowledging the fact that this is what's happening. at best he's telling neets to be more disciplined and less resentful because it's a bad thing to have a bunch of bitter men walking around

>> No.10647057

I’m not sure. I’ve never taken his classes.


>> No.10647065

hurrdurr potato head is marxist lol this is what peterson sounds like

>> No.10647068

U mad he’s the most popular scholar of our time?

>> No.10647084

He's this generation's Sir Walter Scott.

>> No.10647085

no I was just imitating that guy, should've greentexted it. I think it's great that we have a White Man showing these nancy boys what for

>> No.10647092


Hey you guys listen, there is a collective on this site, it has lots of ideas. /pol/ is where it's at. Trust me it's amazing.


>> No.10647097

If only we could all be so lucky.

>> No.10647101

Don't forget to go to the 4chan IRC and let the mods know about the Peterson spam.

>> No.10647109

Snitch ass faggot ass rat

>> No.10647180

not yet, hopefully soon
may the light of reason illuminate your wretched soul, do not despair for even unto you the riches of intellect shall be bequeathed once I defeat the dragon and save my father

>> No.10647242

nu-uh petey boy i get to stay a child forever

>> No.10647260

the accusations of him being racist or transphobic are more on target t b h. /lit/ jerking off over the fact that he's middlebrow or a pseud is some effete soyboy shit

>> No.10647268

is that a fucking shamrock shake?