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10644890 No.10644890 [Reply] [Original]

>Kaur eventually published two books of poetry, the first of which had sales exceeding The Odyssey’s ten-fold in 2016.
>“No matter where I am,” she told the Globe and Mail, “folks always tell me that ‘You put the words to this feeling that I’ve always had, that I didn’t really know how to define.’”


Who is in the wrong here? People for buying such garbage, or her for producing it?

>> No.10644899

The education system for not giving people the tools to enjoy real literature.

>> No.10644918


People, as always. We are not entirely the product of environmental conditioning: most people are just born with bad taste.

>> No.10644922

My gf bought one of her books the other day, but she’s a STEM nerd who, like basically all women, gets her opinions on everything from her Facebook feed.

I haven’t bothered to read any of it myself
but I can’t help feeling
there’s more to poetry
than hitting the enter button
and being female
with dark skin and
an ethnic name.

>> No.10644926

these "woke" poos in the loos with an attitude and with an history of """rape""" are really getting on my nerves. the future will be insufferable.

>> No.10645031

I need the kind of love
that is draining
the semen from
my dick and ballsack

>> No.10645055

People. I only know one person who's bought her work, and it's a guy who has openly admitted that he mostly buys books for hipster cred and because he likes the covers.

>> No.10645060

>rapes ur women on a public bus
heh.... nothin personnel, kid

>> No.10645064

People struggle to say incredibly banal and basic things.
How far we have fallen.

>> No.10645066

That's buitiful, really captures the longing and need for intimacy that is part of the human condition. Not only love for others, but being close to them and sharing an experience.

Fantastic ;_;

>> No.10645072

Like bees to honey
Your optimism
Hypnotises me
But I have to
To the hive

>> No.10645074

It’s the jews. Yet again.

>> No.10645852

i buy books for /lit/ cred. its why I have an unread copy of Ulysses and Lolita.

>> No.10645866

Quasi-Chinese imagist poetry is perhaps the perfect form for our age. So she is on the right lines. However, she is definitely lacking in the talent. The solution is not to condemn her, but to surpass and make her obsolete.

>> No.10645879

its just more evidence that humans are not by default worthy of life

>> No.10645886

Poetry that connects with people and sells or supposedly patrician taste incels who publish poor derivatives of works that've been relevant hundreds of years ago...hmmm

The problem isnt Rupi Kaur. The problem are cannon slaves with narcissistic tendencies. The world has moved on. Melville had his run. Joyce had his run. Let.It.Go. Try to control your ego. You're not the next Faulkner either. And give up on your notions of a literary lifestyle.

>> No.10645906


"It begins to rain, and so we head toward the Strand. The publicist has warned me in advance that this could be a challenging place to speak — “They adore her,” so she may be obliged to sign books — but we are able to browse undisturbed."


"Kaur does not like to read when she is writing, and says that she hasn’t finished a book all year."


"On a cart at the Strand, Milk and Honey sits alongside Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay, Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit, and Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates. Kaur read half of Between the World and Me. “I had to take notes,” she says — it was “more academic” than her typical reading. Recently she got Notorious RBG, and she’s been enjoying that."


"“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer."


>> No.10645922


>> No.10645935

Let us try to out-Rupi Rupi Kaur.

I have a universe inside me.
Your face is the sun.
Your body is the moon.
Your hairs are the stars.
Your heart is the earth I rest in.
Your soul moves the universe.

>> No.10645936

>yfw there is a strong chance, since oldfags are all gone, that this is in fact not bait but a redditor a disgusting subhuman from India and Mexico or a Nigger or even more depressingly a reduced Caucasoid

>> No.10645944

Actually, that last line should be

I have a universe inside me.
Your face is the sun.
Your body is the moon.
Your hairs are the stars.
Your heart is the earth I rest in.
Your soul moves the whole universe inside me.

>> No.10645993


>using punctuation
>using capitalization
my dude

>> No.10646011

she was a plug socket
but he had his electricity cut off

>> No.10646027

a flaming fire churns
deeply inside the recesses
of my butthole
revenge from last nights
mexican food fiesta

>> No.10646081

she writes like this
because chad men
would not go near
her stinky curry forest

>> No.10647095

I thought you were cherry-picking a particularly bad one. Nope. She's really that bad.

Women of colour are a scourge in the art world.

>> No.10647196

Writing quality is a tool of white oppression.

>> No.10647245

he liked fish
but she smelled
like curry

>> No.10647259


>> No.10647347

We live in an era without much time for introspection or at least one where it's hard to find the time with all the distractions (like this board I'm posting on right now, this is a waste of time and productivity but w/e). People feel increasingly disconnected from their peers and lonely despite everyone being a finger tap away, which isn't a baby boomer fearmonger rumor like the "video games make kids violent" bullshit. Social media makes people depressed and feel lonely and it's insanely pervasive, it's where people find news, derive their sense of humor, keep in touch with friends (just call them, dipshit).
The current economy bleeds the young dry as opportunities and wages dry up. 70% of people hate their job, a place where they spend a third of their waking hours. Of course most people don't know how to articulate their own emotions, they practically have to turn themselves off 33% of their life lest they endure 8 hours a day of pure seething disappointment in their lives. The dead faces on the bus in the morning are a necessity. Have you ever tried being emotionally present at work? It's horrifying, bet your ass I'm turning my back on my feelings for 8 hours.

So is it no wonder that people who've been so thoroughly disconnected from a large range of human connection and experience are emotionally retarded enough that Milk & Honey seems deep and profound and lofty? I think, yes.

>> No.10647514

Will universities analyze Kaur's writings in a few decades' time?

>> No.10647613

The way academia is going - yes, obsessively.

>> No.10647637

Someone write a Kaurian version of the Tiger.

>> No.10647648

>feeling i've always had

Being a self-pitying victim who is nonetheless awesome and amazing and all criticism aimed at me is wrong????

>> No.10647658

i was a cage
but the tiger of your essence escaped

No YES allowed due to capitalization

>> No.10647678


I want to be
as orange as
the tiger
as fierce and
as free

>> No.10647702

>Look up author

We need a northern border wall too.

>> No.10647796

that's too complex

>> No.10647803

bang on

>> No.10647823

Now just write a few more of those,
come up with a female black/mexican/poo-in-loo
you’re ready to go.

>> No.10647836

how difficulyt would it be to pull up such stunt?

>> No.10647871

uh guys?

my heart woke me crying last night

how can i help i begged

my heart said

write the book

how is it so easy for you

to be kind to people he asked
milk and honey dripped

from my lips as i answered
cause people have not

been kind to me


the first boy that kissed me

held my shoulders down

like the handlebars of

the first bicycle

he ever rode

i was five
he had the smell of

starvation on his lips

which he picked up from

his father feasting on his mother at 4 a.m.
he was the first boy

to teach me my body was

for giving to those that wanted

that i should feel anything

less than whole
and my god

did i feel as empty

as his mother at 4:25 a.m.


it is your blood

in my veins

tell me how i’m

supposed to forget


>> No.10647879

the therapist places

the doll in front of you

it is the size of girls

your uncles like touching
point to where his hands were
you point to the spot

between its legs the one

he fingered out of you

like a confession
how’re you feeling
you pull the lump

in your throat out

with your teeth

and say fine

numb really

- midweek sessions


he was supposed to be

the first male love of your life

you still search for him


- father


you were so afraid

of my voice

i decided to be

afraid of it too


she was a rose

in the hands of those

who had no intention

of keeping her


every time you

tell your daughter

you yell at her

out of love

you teach her to confuse

anger with kindness

which seems like a good idea

till she grows up to

trust men who hurt her

cause they look so much

like you

- to fathers with daughters


i’ve had sex she said

but i don’t know

what making love

feels like


>> No.10647888

i think im getting what are people seeing in this garbage. people are super saturated of memes and ironic communication, everything is ironic, post ironic, tongue in cheek but self aware, etc. then she came and wrote the most obvious platitudes on earth, and people clicked with it.

>> No.10647891

Couldn’t be that hard. There was that one white dude who won that literary award while writing under a fake Asian name. The publishing industry is scrambling to find non-white authors but the problem is that almost all of them suck balls at writing, so you’d probably only have to actually do some pretty average white man writing to have them consider it to be great provided they think you’re black/brown. I mean why do you think that Jamaican dude won the Booker Prize for that shitty ebonics novel?

>> No.10647923

It wasn't an award. He got featured alongside 75 other poems in BAP 2015

>> No.10648851


>> No.10648905

>doesn't capitalize I
this tells me something

>> No.10649249

Why would you want this back?

I'm doing a Creative Writing course this semester on "Making Poetry". I can only hope there's going to be Kauresque Insta Poet Thots there for me to melange my semen with. The course outline doesn't have any set texts or readers yet, but they say we're going to study "contemporary poetry" like "block poetry" and internet stuff. Hopefully there's some Kaur poems I can read to the class and vibrate some hymens.

>> No.10649345

The masses, obviously. You can not blame an idiot for being an idiot, but you can blame a herd of idiots for supporting garbage.

>> No.10649381
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I don't know anything about poetry. Seriously, nothing. Can somebody tell me exactly why hers is so bad (or good)? I can't honestly tell the difference in quality between this and that poem about the wheelbarrow and white chickens.

>> No.10649513

I have no knowledge of poetry myself, but even I can tell this is garbage. She just wrote four lines in a pretty font, and with line breaks. There's no rhytm, no rhyme, no imagery or symbolism or depth - everything there is, is on the surface. I could have written this in two minutes, and I'm no poet.

>> No.10650108

Super underrated

>> No.10650167

Just read Lolita, dude. It's accessible and a solid 9/10. Genuinely great book.

>> No.10650174

sometimes i need to poo
when i visit the loo
but when i can't go
i want to feel i'm in the know
to never be drained of
emotional strength and
power of length
the birth of the girth
out of my asshole's dirge

MS paint picture of a poopy

>> No.10650182

she is selling well and bathing in the adoration of plebs for that shit
so no, shes doing no wrong imo

>> No.10650331

>tfw you unironically liked that 6 year old boy's poem more than hers