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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 897x800, DVJBFDwVQAA8ewD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10643387 No.10643387 [Reply] [Original]

If you saw this, would you call the police?

>> No.10643391

no i'd call him a faggot for trying to be super edgy in the real world

>> No.10643392

Why? It's not like they'd arrest him

>> No.10643398

Maybe he's learning to usurp the next Hitler

>> No.10643407

Who says he's not doing neutral research? I'm sure some liberal like Pynchon has read more about Hitler than those few books on the table.

>> No.10643411

He could be a student
Anyone who calls the cops on him for genuine concern and not because they're trying to be funny is a grade A cunt

>> No.10643413
File: 111 KB, 500x500, 1514512413994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading the Ford or Stalag translation of Mein Kampf

>> No.10643420
File: 49 KB, 204x193, 39b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can tell what edition he's reading at a glance

>> No.10643429

>Don't call the cops
>He shoots up the place

Still feeling good?

>> No.10643438

When was the last time one of these Fedora Reich fuckers actually tried something? Breivik?

>> No.10643444

>becoming hitler
Oh mien gott.

>> No.10643454

uh bro hitler is a historical figure and sometimes people do research on historical figures for reasons like homework or personal interest. cool your social justice jets, there, nosy.

>> No.10643456


Last in the pile that it might cap his ascent.

>> No.10643459

>falling for a print-on-demand scam "translation" author's marketing spam-posts on forums and self-authored reviews

>> No.10643475

>Anyone who calls the cops on him is an American


>> No.10643479

Why would he have a stack that big? just read one nigga

>> No.10643484

>Assuming that just because someone is educated and really intelligent that they've extensively studied every random field you can name.

I imagine he devotes more time to STEM and philosophy, although he obviously knows his history too.

>> No.10643494

only the fashion police

>> No.10643498

I'd just be like, "So THAT'S the guy who's always spamming all the Nazi threads on /lit/."

>> No.10643499

probably some sjw cuck

doesn't have real history like Irving

>> No.10643700

Walk up and fling his stack off the table

>> No.10643732

>Call the cops on a guy for reading in the library

>> No.10643735

Why even bring all of those books with him? It's not like he can read them all in one sitting. Even if he were using them for reference for serious study, wouldn't it be better to do your research in a library instead of a coffee shop? This can only be the mark of a pretentious person.

>> No.10643746
File: 227 KB, 500x375, the_nightmare_never_ends.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute STATE of /lit/

>> No.10643750

is this keanu reeves?

>> No.10643786


>we can rebuild him

>> No.10643799

Because from the position of the books with the spines facing the camera and the chin stroking pose this is most likely staged for meme potential with the camera man in on the joke

>> No.10643838

Of course I would. Everyone else in this thread is just being edgy.

>> No.10643845

>Call the police on someone who literally did nothing wrong
>Calls everyone else in the thread edgy

>> No.10643850

>I'd just be like

>> No.10643858

True, though it's also conceivable he wants to compare how each book treats a single specific event.

>> No.10643863

>poster in the background says Portland
This guy is probably an antifa member doing some homework for once. Or more likely, pretending to understand shit.

>> No.10643872

>literally defending the possibility of a new holocaust
Sounds like edgy adolescent behavior to me.

>> No.10644529


>> No.10644555

Yeah they're double parked.

>> No.10644557

>Adolf Hitler - Youth (Age 0 - 25)

>Adolf Hitler - First World War (Age 25 - 29)

>Adolf Hitler - Rise to Power (Age 29 - 43)

>> No.10644558


>> No.10644559


>> No.10644562

Cliff's evil twin.

>> No.10644618

None of those books have visible university bookstore labels. I would expect to see stickers on the spines and cracks from previous use if they are from a university bookstore.

>> No.10644621

Thats a cool stack, my library doesnt let me have more than a 4 book stack after the last hitler shoot up oh well :(

>> No.10644622

Yes, but solely for the purpose of the lulz

>> No.10644643

No because he's not doing anything illegal, You filthy degenerate faggot.
The law doesn't exist just to impose your agendas, it exists to protect law avidi ho citizens and punishment dangerous elements.
YOU are the only dangerous elements in this situation because You would wield a The Law as If it was a weapon against your personal enemies.

>> No.10644659

wtf, where did you find this picture of me?

>> No.10644671

I'd pat him on the shoulder

>> No.10644751

I wonder how many people in that library started to hum Hava Nagila and hop a little when they were near him.

>> No.10644758

You think Pynchon studies more philosophy and STEM than history? Are ya kidding me, guy?

>> No.10644777

The far right at this point is just looking for confrontation. Look at how the little whore has the spines aligned.

>> No.10644933

>Hello, 911?
>There’s this guy reading some books I don’t like.

>> No.10644957
File: 497 KB, 1430x912, knausgaardstudioguardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more Pepsi.

>> No.10644963

Maybe he's doing a paper on Hitler

>> No.10644964

didn't mean to reply, was dazzled by the trips I guess

>> No.10644970


>> No.10644975

The funniest thing is that he's some 20 pages into the very first volume. He's bitten off more than he can chew I think.

>> No.10645008

Yes, he's stroking his chin, by God!

>> No.10645015

Yeah I always give up on books if I've read less than half of them before I even start.

>> No.10645050


>> No.10645121
File: 88 KB, 310x327, 1516106570947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the mother fuck is this entire post?

>> No.10645179

>a weapon against your personal enemies.
Maybe he's centralizing his allies in prison.

>> No.10645190

Hitlers a pretty big and important historical figure. Could just be doing research. And if hes a neonazi fag then who cares let him feel good about himself hell likely never amount to anything

>> No.10645197


If I read Plato does that make me a Platonist?

>> No.10645203

yes, absolutely

>> No.10645222
File: 122 KB, 800x1281, hitler_by_volker_ullrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volker Ullrich's Hitler
Patrician if he actually reads it.

>> No.10645252

>call cops
>they shoot up the place

>> No.10645267

damn, this guy is reading about hitler, he must be a nazi

damn, this guy is reading moby dick, he must be going on a whaling expedition

damn, this guy is reading the iliad, he must be a bronze age achaean warrior

>> No.10645361

damn, this guy is reading Houellebecq, he must be a virgin

damn, nevermind

>> No.10645408

I don't get this meme, what is so virginal about Houellebecq? He's a complete sexual degenerate.

>> No.10645428

>Buying your books from the uni bookstore

Fuck that I'm not paying .5x more the price

>> No.10645590

That's literally how I want to live

>> No.10645613


>> No.10646013

its not a crime, idiot

>> No.10646021


>> No.10647292
File: 900 KB, 847x847, 1508281774279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id make his acquaintance- strike up a conversation with a like-minded Western deracinated man.

>> No.10647393

>reading about a great figure and time of history
>this kills the 20 year old lefts of the literature board

>> No.10648157

>not reading books in the original language

>> No.10648250

this thread was literally created by a 20 year old right to insinuate that and portray a false victimization narrative about anyone who reads about Hitler

you fags really are just as bad as you claim the left is

>> No.10648252


>> No.10648262

Lol he keeps Pepsi max in his study

>> No.10648264

Innocent until proven guilty, fascist!

>> No.10648269

>Pepsi Max
Papa bless

>> No.10648275

>ill fitting leather jacket

>> No.10648277

Are there even attacks of neonazis these days?

>> No.10648279

One happened in Italy like yesterday.

>> No.10648280

The enlightened Ubermensch, fueled by cigarettes and Pepsi Max

>> No.10648288

1) that would achieve nothing "oh no officer he's reading bukssss
2) You don't know what his intentions are
3) he's reading fucking books

you're an idiot

>> No.10648294

why does her face look like buffered wood

>> No.10648303

and I thought when they said John Wick 3 was going to have a kill count of 6 million but looks like they are not joking

>> No.10648307


>> No.10649001

>falling for kike lies about the Ford translation

>> No.10649007


>> No.10649015


>> No.10649024

is that clifford lee sergeant?

>> No.10649034


I'd call him my friendo