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10643351 No.10643351 [Reply] [Original]

How can we learn to write such realistic characters as Carver's?

>> No.10643360
File: 657 KB, 1000x1600, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10643364

is there a problem, bucko?

>> No.10643371

ya, i spelled "contemporary" wrong, my bad

>> No.10643390
File: 130 KB, 900x900, IMG_2358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10643394

yeah, you wanted to jest, but you were the joke all along.

>> No.10643406
File: 259 KB, 532x700, james-ensor-hop-frogs-revenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you say, your majesty

>> No.10643465

been meaning to read Carver for quite sometime.

what do you reccomend

>> No.10643486


>> No.10643565

hey, that's a todd hido photograph.

>> No.10643594

Live in it. Get a job. Get a real job, not on your daddy's money. Interact with people. Interact with recent veterans. Bathe in racial differences. Observe them, write them, but do not judge.
Be a janitor. Wipe some bars. Offer to wipe some bars for free. Learn what it is to write on your downtime. No procrastination, no waiting, because you gotta get up to wipe bars in the morning.
Be born working class. If you were not born working class, get your MFA faggot and move somewhere; somewhere you gotta wipe bars down to live. Fuck some barback, fuck some barmaid. Fuck some waitress, get her pregnant, ditch her, and learn to live with the shame of having fathered someone in a worse position than you.
Drink until you wanna die, and then maybe die.

Maybe then you can glimpse the reality of a Carver story, until then you're just pretending.

>> No.10643603

Write literal garbage then pay $$$ to Gordon Lish to make it good

>> No.10643609

i hate being dissapointed

>> No.10643661

Todd Kino amirite?

>> No.10643715

you're right

>> No.10643716

What an interesting story.

>> No.10643724

>Fuck some barback
Did you mean bareback?

>> No.10643754

It's exactly what Carver did...

>> No.10643769

I was refering to what actually happened, not to anons post. But to anons post too. Interesting stuff, its very ridiculous this "purism", read like 3 articles on the subject and people were outraged because of the editors work. So what? All art is like that, there are editors, curators, there are very, very specific cases where an artist has a hand on 100% of the output. The contrary is the norm.