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/lit/ - Literature

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10639790 No.10639790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10639803

I don't think there's anything wrong with contractions.

>> No.10639804

I've been an avid reader for 14 years but have never finished a novel. I've read a few story collections in their entirety and plenty of non fiction but none of the hundreds of novels I've sampled have sustained my interest to the end.

>> No.10639808

That's ironic and wrong.

You can't be avid and not be motivated. Also it's "non-fiction" not "non fiction." You missed a comma, etc.

You sound like you have ADHD, and you aren't an avid reader if you can't finish a book.

>hundreds of novels I've "sampled"
What did you read, 10 pages in each? There are probably people here who have read more than you in a day than you have in "14 years."

>> No.10639809

I dont read and only buy books to pretend that I'm smart

>> No.10639817

I sometimes use adverbs, and have written in passive before.

>> No.10639842

You're a triggered fag lol.

>> No.10639847
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U mad bro?

>> No.10639852
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Intellectuals, with some exceptions to famous precisely because of their exceptionality, have always served as skilled apologists for the classes who control their funding, career advancement and social elevation.

>> No.10639853

Obviously not since I was laughing at how mad you are.

>> No.10639855

We have these threads too often, I have nothing more to confess.

>> No.10639859
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So you ARE mad?

>> No.10639862

I'm writing some weird as shit short stories but I'm finding them a little stupid now and I don't know if I should continue.

>> No.10639890

I'm more excited about buying books and imagining what they will look like on my shelf than reading them, though I still enjoy the reading part.

>> No.10639961

I dislike Dostoyevsky, and I think his /lit/ fans are brainlet christian retards

>> No.10639969

Also I'm black

>> No.10640021

I think the reason Peterson has become such a hit is because he skirts away from the more opaque language that academics and philosopher tend to employ and seems to go over people's head for the most time. And while a lot of contemporary philosophy is about destroying barriers or at least attempting to pull the wool from one's eyes, Peterson seems to be fine with mediocrity and sells that well so his fan are cool with that because they cannot reach the heights of more difficult ideas other more rigorous philosophies tend to veer towards

>> No.10640024

I used to do that, but it's a fleeting happiness that never satisfies. Reading and really connecting with a book brings much deeper happiness. I'm looking forward to reading everything I own before I even think of buying something new.

>> No.10640042

>not promoting sexualization of underaged kids and Islam is mediocrity
I want you to die.

>> No.10640045

Sometimes I buy books in a vain hope that they'll change my life.

They never do and I'm running out of money

>> No.10640054

Dumb nigger

>> No.10640061

What are you talking about

>> No.10640071
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>> No.10640079

I miss Samposting

>> No.10640080

That's the libshit agenda Peterson is fighting against, and which you consider to be 'of higher intellect' clearly.

>> No.10640182
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I...have read the last paragraph of the book I'm currently reading
..a-and I didn't finish it yet...
Have mercy ples

>> No.10640187
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>> No.10640316

I need to affirm or I can't sleep

>> No.10640549

I like Paradise Lost and Blake's weird Jerusalem mythos better than anything in the actual Bible

>> No.10640579

Is this abnormal?

>> No.10640588

I never learned how to read or write.

>> No.10640596

I never learned how to read either
I must re-learn how to write though

>> No.10640946

I only read because it deprives me of stimulus and makes me appreciate tv shows and movies more when I haven't watched anything for weeks.

>> No.10641073

Nice assumption faggot. So I can't critique a public figure without having an agenda in mind? Dumb amerimutt

>> No.10641084
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I was correct though. You assumed higher intellect to what Peterson is against. I told you what he is against. You still maintain child fucking is higher intellect.

Pic related, gas yourself.

>> No.10641099

I don't get this Jordan Peterson hysteria either. He seems like a self-help author for conservatives with small minds. He's just cashing in on a movement.

And I say this as someone who leans pretty right. I just don't see what is so exceptional about anything he says.

>> No.10641113

Never once advocated for pederasty; that's your own paranoia rearing its retarded head

>> No.10641121

You advocate it by simply assuming that the agenda Peterson is against is of higher intellect. Now I told you what that liberal-progressive agenda is.

Now you are upset that you've been found out.

>> No.10641131

When I feel I am getting way to authoritharian, I read Enrico Malatesta to calm down.
It always works, tho lately the effect has been getting weaker.

>> No.10641144
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Oh I am laffing. I'm detailing the hype behind Peterson, not critiquing him directly and why he's resonating with people.

You're clearly insane

>> No.10641147

I feel better that I am not the only one who feels this way from time to time.

>> No.10641227

I still much prefer nonfiction over fiction. I barely finished the trial, and am forcing myself to read IJ.

>> No.10641270

wait did that dude kill himself by mistake or was it intended? i mean at some point he asks what could go wrong and thats a bit misleading

>> No.10641281
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Dude fucking died, rest in peace.

>> No.10641286
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ohhh you know i really liked that girl yesterday she was cute and pretty and it made me feel awful! because there was something wrong with her you know and its abrasive at first but just becomes sad when you think of how and why she is like that i mean she definitely doesnt talk like that in fact i bet she hardly talks at all and probably just stares erratically and walks nervously you know i think thats adorable but she obviously lacks fundamental social awareness that comes to a head with a maybe re directed desire to express herself and on the internet she can- then everyone knows shes smart and they're impressed and she thinks "thats me!"- not the nervous girl sitting in music class but the interesting intelligent one on the internet and can you imagine what her professors must think of her papers that is a hard position then she gets it back and she thought it was masterpiece but the teacher bends the rubric just to give something above a D
and it makes me feel really bad because i want to help her because shes weird and im weird and we are interested in the same niche stuff and she tries to write in Greek and jumble it with Deleuzian-Land buzzwords thats CUTE and she is cute but i know that even if i had the chance to help her- i never could- no one can help her and that is what makes me sad

>> No.10641307
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It's probably a mistake since he had the gas mask. He thought he could survive if he had it on.

>> No.10641327

In a post Daily Show and Southpark world, yeah. All discussion is about not contradicting yourself and eventually turning rhetoric into "I'm a hardcore centrist who's opinion is 'middle I guess'."

>> No.10641339

sorry...uhh...it was pretty hard to believe that someone could be that clueless
i feel rly bad for him now
why so many namefigs?

>> No.10641455

Just read A Farewell to Arms and it was shit.

>> No.10641461


I'm pretty much entirely dependent on books to think and without them my brain turns to mush and I become a gibbering retard

>> No.10641466


Why is Father Wojak fat?

>> No.10641474

I prefer comics.

>> No.10641645

I prefer Slavic and Caucasian Literature over Western literature.
Gogol can't write a decent novel (or short stories)
Anglo lit from the 17th century to the 18th century is boring.
I read more non-fiction than I do fiction
history, theology and military history > fiction

>> No.10641836

Am a brainlet who hasn't read a book in years .

>> No.10641845

Reading is not a hobby for me. I would much rather binge youtubing. But I’m aspired to be a professional writer and reading is a big part in being good at it.

>> No.10641855

What? But both of them are western i believe? If you’re white or slavic, does that not make you part of the western society?

>> No.10641971

Caucasian refers to the Caucasus: consisting of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Adgyea, Circassia, etc. I'm interested in Georgian Lit, like Rustaveli or Armenian Lit, Davit Sassunsky

>> No.10642916

i dont see any reason to read Heidegger

>> No.10643006

I can only read genre fiction. Everything else bores me to tears.

>> No.10643022

I'm thinking of killing myself. But something still stops me, even though I fully realize what a failure I am. Maybe not today. But soon.

>> No.10643605

More people need to confess

>> No.10643642

My dreams are more pleasant than my real life even though they're nightmares

>> No.10643673
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I watched porn, masturbated, didn't study for my algebra exam (gonna drop the class and switch majors to avoid any sort of effort in my academic career) and I am going to write a love letter to my LDR girlfriend for Valentine's who I've cheated on countless times in my imagination. At least I got her the new Charlotte Gainesbourg album, but she deserves better, and I have squandered God's blessings for pointless consumption and fruitless sloth.

I broke down a new, old car, yesterday through juvenile incompetence that has been a staple of my existence. I haven't worked an honest day, or any day for nearly a year. Now I've decided that I'll be a writer because I've never put forth the dedication to bear artistic fruit in my other "passions" and it's easy to spill my guts on paper. It's all trash, but it's what I've got in the pigsty of my mind.

>> No.10643738

I think you are getting it wrong. He is the first 'reasonable' conservative a lot of his followers have ever heard. Imagine being surrounded by evangelical Christians your whole life and suddenly get introduced to the 60s counter culture before it imploded on itself. Peterson is a big deal because he is a breath of fresh air to a generation which grew up under Obama.

>> No.10643749

I think everything has a formula that can be cracked down. So i decided to be a writer, because i think i can figure it out im short time. Will test what i learn in a writing contest thats coming soon, 1st price is $3.000 so pretty nice motivation.

>> No.10643752

Im still unsure if my ex was actually cheating with a writer she knew, and which was the reason we brokeup. But im becoming now a writer, because im mad at all this situation.