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/lit/ - Literature

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1063877 No.1063877 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest novels since 1990 - 2010. Novels that didn't necessarily win Pulitzers and shit, but were just really good, as easy to get into as a movie, but not Lehane or Koontzesque. Like a modern day "The Stranger", or a "Fight Club" without being anything like "Fight Club".

I'd also prefer they were originally written in English.

>> No.1063881

Jonathan Safran Foer

>> No.1063885

inb4 hipster pynchon fans

>> No.1063897
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I could probably get behind that.

I don't want any fantasy worlds with sequels, for sure. And the novel doesn't have to be short either, but not some rambling Infinite Jest crap. Like an American or British "Crime and Punishment", not necessarily involving murder.

I'd also prefer omniscient narrators, so maybe Stranger and Fight Club were bad first examples...

>> No.1063898

The Road.

Inb4 House of Leaves

>> No.1063901

2666. No contest whatsoever.

>> No.1063923
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Mm. I've read "No Country" and some of "Blood Meridian", and they were decent.

I'm really looking for a comedy, or an insightful, non-sappy drama. A mix would be great. Like the novel equivalent of Little Miss Sunshine.

I'm also obsessed with the film In Bruges, so I've been reading McDonagh's plays and one of his other screenplays, and it's really some of the best stuff I've ever read. Anyone know of anything like that?

>> No.1063931
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>OP is searching for modern classic

>American or British Crime and Punishment without murder
>Crime and Punishment without murder

>says he's really looking for a comedy or drama
>uses Little Miss Sunshine as an example
>implying any elements of Little Miss Sunshine would ever be in a classic novel

What the fuck?

>> No.1063933


LMS is a great script. How about the novel equivalent of American Psycho, just not the actual novel?

>> No.1063937
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John dies at the end by david wong.

>> No.1063938
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>Greatest novels since 1990 - 201
>Like a modern day "Fight Club"

5/10 because you actually got replies. I mean what the fuck.

>> No.1063945

> the novel equivalent of American Psycho, just not the actual novel
>as easy to get into as a movie
>not Lehane or Koontzesque
>Like a modern day "The Stranger", or a "Fight Club" without being anything like "Fight Club".
>I don't want any fantasy worlds with sequels, for sure
>Like an American or British "Crime and Punishment", not necessarily involving murder.
>I'd also prefer omniscient narrators
>I'm also obsessed with the film In Bruges

So a comedic murder that is American Psycho and Crime and Punishment like that doesn't involve murder, with anarchistic themes, hitmen, and kind of like The Stranger, but originally in english and with an omniscient narrator?

>> No.1063946
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How about the novel equiv of 500 Days of Summer, since you have such a hard on for Joseph Gordon?


No, sir. I'm looking for reading material. I meant a modern day "The Stranger", and just a book as good as "Fight Club" before it was tainted by the rest of Palahniuk's shit. 0/10 for being the boy who cried "troll".

>> No.1063950


Yep. Not necessarily in one book.

>> No.1063951

I hope you realize how terrible all of that sounds.

>> No.1063952
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Never seen the movie so I don't know what a novel equivalent would be like.

OP is either a fucktard with aspergers or a troll.

>> No.1063958


Sounds good.

>> No.1063959

it goes in every field, faggot

>> No.1063962


What did you do this wonderful Saturday night?

>> No.1063969


'The Ask' - Sam Lipstye
'The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay' - Micheal Chabon
'A Thousand Years of Good Prayers' - Yiyun Li

Quite a few more but i'm not near my bookshelf at the moment. Modern literature is alive and well people.

>> No.1063974
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Ah, thank you for a non-jaded reply. I've been planning to read that Kavalier and Clay book.