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/lit/ - Literature

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10637680 No.10637680 [Reply] [Original]

Has chan culture produced any good works of literature?

>> No.10637687

Of course not.

>> No.10637694

someone posted the other day that absolutely nothing good comes from mass movements, so no, and it won't ever

>> No.10637703

tfw no unhinged chan gf

>> No.10637705

4chan it self is going to be bot mined through hash detection signs, data examined for posts of extreme quality.

4chan is going to produce works so great, only AI will be able to contemplate the inquizitries.

humans had a birth, and we try examine it nearest as possible, as so will they, the ones will live beyond dna, the ones of the cyber waves.

>> No.10637724

The electrical infetterence pasta is a classic.

>> No.10639325

Polish chan culture has produced some good shit, there was one copypasta about Wojciech Cejrowski stealing anon's shoes which ultimately spanned 6 chapters and 30 pages

>> No.10639403

This guy is right - Polacks managed to create literary shittons of copypastas.
I remember, there was a guy who was collecting them in one pdf file - my version from around '14 has about 500 pages. And they all are rather quality and funny/feels

>> No.10639432

I dont think chan culture has produced any work of literature other than hypersphere and tundra

>> No.10639537

Okay, I'm gonna take a shoot at translating, here goes nothing

Hello, fellow anons, this is my way: I approach a girl on a bus and I put a ruler in her hand. "Take it", I say. She opens her mouth wide and examines me with a face as if she was wondering if I wouldn't want to eat her father by chance. And I, leaning against the window in the bus, tell her that my name is Andrzej. "What the fuck is this about?", she asks. "Measure out 22 centimeters on the ruler". With a nonchalant smile, I move my eysight from her terrified face onto the blinking pine trees and shimmering wheat fields behind the glass. I knit my eyebrows for 7 seconds in a certain way, to look like a fearsome American actor, then I look in her eyes profoundly. She understood everything. With a dash of excitement and a pinch of desire she asks surprised, "Is this how long your penis is?" And I answer, "No baby", I make a step towards the door, "this is how long my foot is." Then I leave, because of course I approached her 34 and a half seconds before my stop, like always. I walk down the steps slowly, not looking behind, I put my hands in the pockets of my expensive, faggoty jacket, and I walk away whistling. She runs to look through the window one more time, I know it. The mysterious silhouette of a traveller drifting away pierces her body with a spasm of lust. Homo viator, she thinks. She doesn't know that I take off my jacket filled with rulers behind the corner. When she returns home, she masturbates with the ruler, the only thing left behind me. One day she shines an ultraviolet light upon the ruler, and she finds a number, of course written in Latin words. She deciphers it and calls it, and it's my friend's number, who is a pedophile. They meet up and the girl gets raped. My friend brings me her antlers, which I hang in my basement, I get another ruler from the container, and I live the room. It's time to start the hunt. It is I, The Rulerman, one of the surviving members of the crew of the Greek tanker Lotus.

>> No.10639551

>I live the room
I leave* the room, fuck

>> No.10639701

that shakespeare style thing someone posted the other day about that tiger poem was pretty good

>> No.10639713

Katawa Shoujo

>> No.10639891
File: 64 KB, 1312x290, uma delicia poetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really but there are some entertaining things all over the site, the unhinged and ad hoc creativity is valuable

>> No.10639910

the game where you fuck crippled chicks

>> No.10639915

>what is hypersphere?
>what is legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra?
>what is my diary desu?

>> No.10639916
File: 232 KB, 723x1193, 1414969183351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking newfags