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10637179 No.10637179 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe it's because I started this book at 1:30 am right now but I have to give up within 15 pages. It is rambling shit.

I read the whole of the brothers Karamazov and saw a load of rambling conversations that went nowhere with half assed philosophy and social commentary sprinkled in. The perfect work for the pseuds to tee off their banal "insights".

Picrelated is exactly the same. I'm not even some ADD guy, I enjoyed almost every bit of war and peace recently.

>> No.10637204

I liked it

>> No.10637211

I hated the Idiot, thought the Brothers Karamazov is okay but very bloated and that and Crime and Punishment and Notes from Underground are masterpieces

>> No.10637214

so stupid, should be smothered in your sleep

>> No.10637222
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don't talk shit about what you don't know, learn Russian, read in original, do some research on the historical and literary context (what they call a "secondary source" in Intro to Literature courses, you should take one) and then get back to me

>> No.10637224

i hated this one too. i also hated moby dick and ulysses.

>> No.10637261


I loved notes from the underground. I grinded through crime and punishment back when I had much more tolerance for boredom and got nothing out of it.


>learn russian

Completely valid point. It's not even fair to say I am reading Dostoevsky.

>historical context and research

LOL. So what? So I can learn about the pseudo profundities of the 19th century in addition to the present time?

I'm not a humanities student. I don't see ornate constipated theology as intelligent. Public debate today is fucking stupid, why would 19th century Russia be different? I understand that for pseudo intellectuals like yourself, you vaccilate between "DUDE HUMAN NATURE NEVER CHANGES" and "DUDE PEOPLE IN THE PAST WERE SMARTER".

>> No.10637297

>pseudo intellectuals
I didn't even call you a pseud my guy, I'm just saying don't judge what you don't fully understand. A pseud is one who dismisses works that contradict his beliefs or tastes out of hand. If the philosophical themes, style or characterization in the flawed translation you read don't appeal to you, then that's totally fine. You don't have to enjoy Dostoevsky, who wasn't a perfect writer by any means. I'm just saying there's a ton to unpack in his life and work, and as a student of Russian history and lit I think it's worth pursuing. But that's just like my opinion man. Also, you're reading Dostoevsky in an extremely naive, straightforward way, if you think it's all "half assed philosophy and social commentary." Not all Dosto fans are Memerson tier "existentialists."

>> No.10637312

>I'm not a humanities student. I don't see ornate constipated theology as intelligent.
Your opinion isn't very important to anybody. Whether or not you're a student of the humanities is irrelevant. You are a short-sighted bozo.

>> No.10637352

So you be saying...
*Becomes animated and hysterical*
we sum kinna...
*saves a prostitute*
...we be like...
*Trashes socialism with a strawman that's like a parody of a parody*
and then we like...
*falls in to bed with a fever for six weeks*
an Jesus says...
*floats the idea of subjective morality with utter disbelief for the fiftieth time that chapter*
an dey be like all...
*repeats a word or phrase incessantly to torment another character (whiskbroom, Von sign)*
ayo hol up lemme see where we at...
*Stupid female characters exist solely to parrot the stupid views of Dostoevsky's time in boring walls of text*