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/lit/ - Literature

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10630882 No.10630882 [Reply] [Original]

Have the French produced any worthwhile right-wing literature?

>> No.10630906

What makes literature right-wing?

>> No.10630912

Wasn't Celine right wing?

>> No.10630914
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>> No.10630918
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>Who is Joseph de maistre

>> No.10630920

yes he was a tradboi and a hyper antisemite

>> No.10630923

Muh right wing muh right wing
Yes the French probably moreso than anyone, actually. Lots of authors with reactionary or Action Francaise sympathies and that sorta shit. It’s kind of a nice thing about French society, their level of political interest (also deadly lol)

>> No.10630927

theyre the only country to have produced valuable right-wing literature
the right-wing originated there...

>> No.10630935


>> No.10630941
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>> No.10630953

i was mostly joking but why do you dispute what i said specifically?

>> No.10630957

There's nothing traditional about Celine, anon.

>> No.10630966

>he thinks his retarded opinions are jokes

>> No.10630975
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>implying good rightwinged literature can be good

>> No.10630982

oh ok could you expand on what you mean though? i feel like you’re still not selling the point to me, are you saying Celine was socially progressive?
it was a joking statement meant to contribute to a bad thread for pseud rw’s who i hate and have no respect for, would you mind explaining why Celine is not socially conservative or trad and how he could be called socially progressive? id like to know, mind you i don’t care very much but itd be nice

>> No.10630983

oh ffs meant to write "implying rightwinged literature can be good

>> No.10630989

fuck off pseud

>> No.10630999
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What a fuckin retard.
>durrr he not tradition? y u say he progressive...
Authors who associated themselves with fascism were not “trads” in almost any sense of the word, apart from certain Catholics and conservative anti communists. Knut Hamsun, Wyndham Lewis, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Ezra Pound - they’re all modernists. Their dissatisfaction with both the traditional structures of their society and the left-wing response to it are what motivated them to align themselves with fascism.

>> No.10631001

a sad case, every time I see it.

>> No.10631006

lol retard
ah so you’re being a pretentious fop i see, ok well then trad means somethig different than what i intended. sorry for not respecting the different periods of literati wankery. you can go back to gargling Wyndham Lewis’ balls now faggot

>> No.10631017

Ah so “trad” means nothing in your vocabulary. They were not political, literary or cultural traditionalists.

>> No.10631031

You're an idiot. There is no "modernism", or "modernity". Left-wing and right-wing are false dichotomies. Neck yourself you stupid, Hemingway loving, underaged boy ass fucking, pseudo-intellectual shitbird. Promoters of the ancient-medieval-modern scheme like you should remove yourself from the gene pool because you produce more brainlet offsprings into the world.

>> No.10631037

Alain Benoist, but again, there is no "right-wing". He's pro-European, anti-kike, authoritarian and socialist.

>> No.10631038

no trad just means faggots on twitter who want mommy-gf to milk them and squirt in their faces and hold them tight and to garden on sunny days with the children playing in the village streets and i was just making light of them and the sense of Céline’s longing for this kind of existence. I wasn’t actually saying he was a traditionalist you fucking pseud fop faggot. I could care less what movement academics place him in, and Modernism isn’t just RW you pea brained partisan nigger

>> No.10631045

I think you’re confused. Of course left-wing and right-wing are false dichotomies. Don’t know what you’re on about with your modernity spiel.

>> No.10631048

>I wasn’t actually saying he was a traditionalist

>> No.10631053

celine, balzac, la rochefoucauld, baudelaire, to name a few.

>> No.10631067
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heh heh... leftwinged and rightwinged r a false dickchotomy.... heh heh heee.... SCREEEEEEECH

>> No.10631093

who was that one Belgian guy? Degrelle? I don't think that's who I'm thinking of. His flag was the hashtag

>> No.10631588

Chateaubriand is as right wing as fuck

>> No.10631595
File: 83 KB, 447x640, Céline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our French Republic is no more than a great gullet swallowing the negroizing of the French at the command of the Jews. Our governors are a clique of sadistic yids and yellow-bellied masons sworn to swallow us up, to bastardize us further, to boil us down by all the grotesque, primitive means of inter-mixture, part negro, part yellow, part white, part red, part monkey, part Jewish, part everything.

He was /pol/ incarnate.

>> No.10631602

De Maistre is the GOAT reactionary

>> No.10631915

>the entire nouvelle droite isn't deemed right wing by OP

>> No.10631920


Finkelkraut, Onfray, Zemmour, Maurras and many others.

>> No.10632710

why do these fags always hate masons?

>> No.10633088

>You're an idiot. There is no "modernism", or "modernity".
You're a spastic

>> No.10633092

>underaged boy ass
Negro detected

>> No.10633096

>who is mitchell hollaback

>> No.10633116

Bertrand de Jouvenel.
Raymond Aron.
>Rousseau (nobody seems to actually read him)
Jean-Baptiste Say.
Antoine Destutt de Tracy.
>Alain de Benoist

>> No.10633675

that's a good question actually

>> No.10633695

Because they're an enlightenment cult.

>> No.10633705

>it's the tenth right wing literature thread this week
go create a general you faggots

>> No.10633721


>> No.10633798

>one thread for half of the political spectrum

50% of threads should be rightwing threads.

>> No.10633815

Right-wing threads just repeat the same handful of memes, they're not serious.

>> No.10633827

That's what the commies were saying in Germany 1932

>> No.10633860

Good point but do you think 4chan will declare war on the internet?

>> No.10633910

we president now

>> No.10633925

>electing Trump is WW3

>> No.10633945

The natsocs did plenty between 1932 and WW2

>> No.10633958

What do you fear, anon?

>> No.10633964

But 4chan IS the internet

>> No.10634080

I think he's fearmongereing, actually.