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10630681 No.10630681 [Reply] [Original]

How does one read the Bible?
Where do I begin?
I have the ESV.

>> No.10630708

Begin with genesis

>> No.10630799

But that seems a little ourdated?

>> No.10630804

>when the psalms are sung just right

>> No.10630807


>> No.10630826 [DELETED] 

I did a presentation on that guy's quinque viae today. Afterwards, someone congratulated me on my ability to dodge the professor's questions.

I was embarrassed as fuck. I didn't think I was doing it that transparently.

>> No.10630896

Who's lives is it about

>> No.10630934

Umm, why did you say ESV? You could’ve just said Skyrim you know...also I don’t know how that’s gonna help you read the Bible.

>> No.10630946


>> No.10630955
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Didn't read the op but there isn't a cliff thread; look I found cliff's evil twin.

>> No.10631228

Ecclesiastes is the best book

>> No.10631444

I read the NT and OT simultaneously.
Start with the gospels, work your way to the epistles and acts.
For the OT start with Genesis, make sure to read Job, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, Psalms/Proverbs.
Then fill in the historical blanks as you go.

>> No.10631791

Trips of truth. Read the NT and OT simultaneously.

Something that may be helpful is to understand the structure of the Bible. Both the Old Testament and New Testament are essentially split up into 4 sections:
>Prophecy (Major & Minor Prophets)

This is the most helpful in the Old Testament because - as a whole - it's not in chronological order, but the books within each section are in chronological order:
Genesis - Deuteronomy. Creation, the Flood, God's covenant with Abraham, God's covenant with Jacob (renamed Israel), the 12 sons (tribes of Israel), the Israelites' exodus out of Egypt, revelation of the Law through Moses, and various Israelite shenanigans up until the death of Moses.
Joshua - Esther. Continues chronologically after the events in the previous section. 1 & 2 Chronicles and 1 & 2 Kings occur roughly simultaneously.
Job - Ecclesiastes. Break in continuity. Job was probably written between the events of Genesis and Exodus and is the oldest book in the Bible.
>Major Prophets
Isaiah - Daniel. Break in continuity. Isaiah was written well before Babylonian captivity, Jeremiah & Lamentations right before it, Ezekiel during it, and Daniel at the end and leading out of captivity. Daniel is closely related to Revelation.
>Minor Prophets
Hosea - Malachi. Break in continuity. There is a roughly 200 year gap between Malachi and Matthew where there were no more prophets.

The New Testament is different in that section occurs chronologically after the section before it, but the books within each section occur in no particular order:
Matthew - Mark. This section is referred to as the Gospel and is fundamentally the most important section in the Bible. If the Bible is a narrative, then this is the climax. Each book is about Jesus, written from the point of view of one of his disciples. If nothing else, these 4 books should be read.
Acts. This book details the actions of the disciples and the formation of the Church after Christ's resurrection and ascension to Heaven, and the actions of the Apostle Paul.
Romans - Jude. Also known as the Epistles. These are a collection of letters written by the disciples to the various churches that were founded. The majority of them were written by Paul.
Revelation. This was written by John, and it details prophetic visions given to John. Possibly the most difficult book to interpret and one of the most interesting due to the heavy use of symbolism and its detailing of future events. Keys to decoding portions of it are contained throughout the rest of the Bible, especially in Daniel.

>> No.10631794


>> No.10631846

Consider picking up a copy of the Amplified Bible. It will help you to understand more of what was communicated in the original language each book was written in. Some concepts don't translate directly to English without expounding upon them, and there are instances where multiple words with different meanings in the original language only directly translate to one word in English (e.g. agape, phileo, storge, eros = "love"), so this necessarily breaks some of the "poetic flow" that is (mostly) retained in KJV (which sacrificed clarity in some points in favor of "poetic flow" or direct translation). The Amplified Bible adds clarifying statements [in brackets] and contains a multitude of footnotes that will assist you in studying the Bible.
Personally, I like to read AMP and KJV, and I would like to get a copy of the Greek Interlinear Bible and other versions that preserve the original writings. If anybody has suggestions related to this, I'd love to hear!

>> No.10631868

The Old Testament's Wisdom/Poetic/Principles section spans from Job to Song of Solomon. I always forget about that one. Guess I got hung up on how much I love Ecclesiastes.
>Side note: Ecclesiastes is the best book in the Old Testament and is one of the best philosophical works in terms of its substance/length ratio. Lays the foundations for a Christian take on Stoicism. It brought me back to my faith after a long period of nihilistic agnosticism.

>> No.10631889
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The Gospel spans from Matthew to John... phoneposting is a sin, I'm sorry anons.

>> No.10632097

lol. Read the KJV.

>> No.10632111

In Western books you read left to right, unlike manga

>> No.10632658

Start with the first seven books (Genesis to Judges) so you have a sense of just how retarded and savage the religion is at its core. The Gospels can make Christianity look very attractive if you don't keep in mind that they're ultimately based on this pagan-tier scary man in the sky religion.