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/lit/ - Literature

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10629668 No.10629668 [Reply] [Original]

What did you major in, /lit/? Was it related to literature or philosophy or not? How did you get into philosophy/lit?

>> No.10629682

I majored in philosophy with a minor in lit and a concentration on modernist lit. Unfortunately my modernist lit seminar was taught by a lesbian woman so all we read was Achebe and some female authors who wrote some shit books about WW1. And Ishiguro. And some Woolf.

She never uttered a word about any of the modernist giants we talk about on this board.

>> No.10629683

Business Management

I read a lot of books when I was a wee lad, stopped sometime in my early teens, and started again in college

>> No.10629704

>going to seminars taught by women
You should've known better.

>> No.10629715

Philosophy. I got into philosophy when I realized that some guys actually took all the time to figure out what I was confounded by.

>> No.10629727

Yes and my philosophy seminar was also taught by a woman, though she was B A S E D and–after getting to know her–intensely redpilled.

>> No.10629731

what made her red pilled?

>> No.10629732

Turned you into a fascist?

>> No.10629734

lol le based female XD

>> No.10629755

Major in chemistry and minor in screenwriting. I turned toward the Great Books after converting to Catholicism.

>> No.10629762

Well she had a small stroke near the end of the semester, that helped. Also:
>Pro Assad
>Pro Putin
>Pro Yugoslavia
>Anti feminist
>Moon Landing was faked
>Schizophrenics > non-schizophrenics
>Hyper Christian, quoted Kierkegaard by the chapter
>Atheists should be exiled
>Came to my party
On and on

>> No.10629767

>Moon Landing was faked

>> No.10629776

she sounds like a kook desu. But she went to your party so that's cool. Was she bangable?

>> No.10629780

Everything I disagreed with I attributed to the stroke

>> No.10629786


>> No.10629794

Yes she was, but very knowledgeable on Kierkegaard which is all I wanted.

She was incredibly cute. When she came to my party, she had forgotten my name. She said “Sorry I’m bad with names but I’ll never forget that face.” I came, right there in the doorway.

>> No.10629808

The words “James Joyce” never once came out of her mouth.

>> No.10629844

whats it like having a female acknowledge you

>> No.10629850

Like the bliss of self negation

>> No.10629970

>I just like to read. I'm not pretentious about it either, most of what I read I'd be called a pleb on here for

>> No.10629994

I got into lit because I accidentally clicked on /lit/ when I was drunkbrowsing /sp/ six years ago and it got me back into reading

>> No.10630001

Molecular biofag here. What do you specialize in?

>> No.10630103

Double major in computer science and theoretical mathematics. Not that I didn't enjoy learning about both, but I probably wouldn't do the latter if I had it to do over again.

>> No.10630122

Never went to school couldnt afford it and didnt like the ideas of loans. Kinda regret it now but I got my job doing shit for low voltage electrician work so eh. I'm not much of a philosophy buff but I liked the few greek works I read.

>> No.10630137


>> No.10630139

Le BASED fellow female 'pede MAGA bros!

>> No.10630176
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>> No.10630188

Ask me how i know that you're a fag

>> No.10630205
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>> No.10630250
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>posting worst girl

>> No.10630256

I double-major in neuroscience and psychology.

Wish I hadn't.

>> No.10630284


>> No.10630308


When I was fresh out of high school, I figured I'd go to medical school.

Now that I'm in my mid-twenties, I realize that I've no interest in becoming a physician. Neither, for that matter, would I want a career in research or clinical psychology.

I'd love to live in a small village in India, working with an NGO and assisting with educational and agricultural projects. Money ins't that important to me. I lived in South Asia for a couple years already -- I'm white, if it matters -- and want nothing more than to go back again.

Whenever I take classes on the subjects I give two shits about, I excel. I gave a 45-minute presentation on a particular topic and was selected best out of a massive class -- my professor even invited me to speak at a conference, if the opportunity ever came around.

And instead of getting to do shit like that, or learn about things that interest me, I've progressed too far toward my BSc in Neuroscience and Psychology to turn back.

Not really a big problem, though. I just want to be done, at this point.

>> No.10630315

Bachelor in computer science, masters in physics, PhD in cryptography.

To be honest, if you do any kind of reading you eventually arrive at philosophy.

I got into politics, which led me to political philosophers like Thomas Hobbes.

I then started reading economics and learned about Robert Nozick.

Once you reach any kind of philosopher you eventually want to find out about the counterarguments, and you get sucked in, of course, having to go back all the way Thales of Miletus.

>> No.10630317

music, performance related

i just also liked reading books

>> No.10630412

currently a mathematics major with a concentration in either applied mathematics or pure mathematics

I just really enjoy writing

>> No.10630426

Philosophy and Classics (languages) with a minor in Poli Sci. I liked to read.

>> No.10630427

She wanted the D, faggot.

>> No.10630609


Doing a BA in phil. Was one of the worst in my class. Started on diploma and got neurotic symptoms trying to write. This year I'm doing some bio classes so I can fuck off to pseud bio MA. Or I could just end it all.

>> No.10630610

I'm a brazilian history teacher. Redpilling a student at a time.

I always liked philosophy and literature more than history, but oh well, life is hard...

>> No.10630638
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I majored in electrical engineering. I got into philosophy/lit by trying to figure out what Yes was talking about in their album Close to the Edge. Turns out some of the influences were from the book Siddhartha by Hesse. I read that, got into eastern philosophy for a bit and then went hard on western phil, lit, humanities, etc. Minored in phil (school was analytic heavy..David Lewis and shit). Did a little graduate work on the continental side.

>> No.10630760

She obviously knew your name, she was being coy. The right move in this game is to mirror her but go twice as hard. You should have pretended she was a stranger who was intruding and then forcibly ejected her from your party

>> No.10632408


Curiosity/Boredom/Friends harassing me

>> No.10632435

chemical engineering. I got into /lit after realizing I fucking hate chemical engineering and chemical engineers in general. Not the subject material mind you, just the fact that in todays economy it invariably leads to consulting and other acts of flushing your soul down the toilet.

>> No.10632470

Business and German. I loved writing poetry, realized it sucked, and knew the only way to get better was to read better poetry. I eventually started liking it and lit in general, by the end of the last 3.5 years I've read a masters in comp lit worth of literature. I'm into it and have stayed into it (lit and phil), because I want to be the best American author of all time.
accepted full-time at a big four
feel my pain

>> No.10632622
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>> No.10632655
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I majored in philosophy. I can successfully say it was a good decision on the part of satisfying my soul. Though I am now a NEET in debt-- only downside.

I got into it because I was going through an existential crisis and I thought learning about philosophy would help dissolve that, and it did to some extent.

Along the way I discovered the value in literary fiction as well, through a course that I took on literary theory and a previous affinity for sci-fi, fantasy, and horror novels.

I'm probably at least 5 IQ points higher now than I was before I engaged in either of these interests. I doubt I would be the person I am today (part of the NEET intelligentsia) had I majored in something like business.

>> No.10632661

what was the name of the shit school with this shit faculty that you attended?

>> No.10632668

No. I unironically like "worst" girl's strong jawline. She fucking fine dawg.

>> No.10632674

>implying it was some shitty adjunct they paid a couple grand to teach ops shitty intro to phil survey

>> No.10632706

>Pro Yugoslavia
does she know?

>> No.10632766

>Trained to become an electrician
>went back and studied philosophy
>now started an MFA program this past year

>> No.10632995

how the fuck is that pidgeon alive?

>> No.10633005

Chemical Engineering

Doing my Masters now; really glad I did. Gives you a good framework for problem-solving, very marketable. Aiming for management consulting, MBB looking like a realistic goal. Would've done Mathematics if I could do my time again, but I worried it wasn't as marketable.

Wish I didn't double major in Finance though. You meet the worst kind of people there, and I didn't really enjoy it, should've done Art History or Philosophy.

>> No.10633698

Post pic

>> No.10633768

Good luck on MBB man. My school's applicants get thrown in the trash immediately, (even though i have a 3.95 and 2 F25 internships)