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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 324 KB, 800x600, whatdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10625477 No.10625477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

trips decide what i do with it

also what is your opinion of this man

>> No.10625481

>also what is your opinion of this man
Have you been here for literally a matter of minutes?

>> No.10625482

nut on page 32

>> No.10625486

open the book about half way through and clamp it on your dick as hard and fast as you possibly can

>> No.10625490

put it down and read Nicomachean Ethics instead

no real opinion on him

>> No.10625491

return it and buy a really good hamburger instead

he hasn’t contributed anything meaningful to intelligent thought

>> No.10625495
File: 21 KB, 461x319, Garbage day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck it in the trash

>> No.10625499

Jiz on photo

>> No.10625510

Ejaculate on it

>> No.10625530

Chuck it in the fucking bin where it belongs, written by a genuine moron. Peterson is a special kind of 'academic' that only American institutions could produce.

>> No.10625534

record yourself reading it and post it on /lit/

>> No.10625535

open it up to page 33 and cum on it

>> No.10625542

Eat it

>> No.10625547

He’s Canadian l

>> No.10625553

each page up your ass

>> No.10625556

poo on it

>> No.10625557

sort yourself out, then read it.

>> No.10625560

Cum on it and send a tweet of it to Jordan with the text "Help me sort me out ;-)"

>> No.10625561

I read the other day that Peterson is babby's first rationalist and it kicked me in the nuts because it rung true for me. He's the reason I started reading again.
I think /lit/ hates him because his fans have flooded the board with newfags, but they should appreciate him for exposing so many people to good books. give it 3 months when he's no longer FOTM and the people looking for a father figure move on to the next cult of personality, so we won't have 5 concurrent fucking threads on him every day. Meanwhile, the people who he re-ignited a love of reading in like me will stick around.

This. the people buying "12 rules" are basically using him as a psychiatric help, which while good, isn't why anybody should be on /lit/.
I decided I wanted to read Nietzsche because of his psychiatry lectures and /lit/ told me to read the Greeks first. it was a great investment and now I feel much more confident reading harder works.

>> No.10625562

Place it in the toilet. Check em

>> No.10625566

Fold it in half and insert in your ass

>> No.10625570

read it and use it to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life

>> No.10625573

Read it

>> No.10625581


>> No.10625598

post the pages online...to us the people

>> No.10625610

so close

>> No.10625618

do we really need 4 threads of this schmuck on the front page


>> No.10625642

Eh, my bad. I get a distinctly American vibe from him though.

>> No.10625647

just fucking read it gently
also, record yourself reading it and post it here

>> No.10625665

send it to hell

>> No.10625667


>> No.10625675
File: 200 KB, 378x333, 1506795203831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you recommend, or what did you read in specific before reading harder works?

>> No.10625686

Rip out every page, Papier-mâché them into a noose, and then hang yourself with it.

>> No.10625702

Read it and post a well thought out review here.

>> No.10625706

Burn it.

>> No.10625728

"start with the greeks" is still a meme because it's true, anon.
most people will tell you that you need to read literally everything written by a Greek but I just read Odyssey & Illiad, Plato's republic and the trail of Socrates, and Nicomachean ethics. also lurk moar for a filled out group.
I regret not reading meditations by Aurelius

>> No.10625735

even if you absorb none of it, it's really good to read translated works to get used to it.

>> No.10625771

Great timestamp OP

>> No.10625774

>Read it and post a well thought out review here.

>> No.10625789

give to a bum to wipe his bum

>> No.10625804

open book
poop a little on it
close it

>> No.10625830


>> No.10625892


>> No.10625907

tear out the pages stick them between your toes and light them on fire

>> No.10625925

Open it to about the middle and and pee on it.

>> No.10625966

Take a shit on it

>> No.10625969

poo on it

>> No.10625982

number chexk

>> No.10625988

Give it to your father.

>> No.10625996

These trips command you to read it and write a review for /lit/

>> No.10625997

This has to be it.

>> No.10625998

whatever the first person who responds to this wants

>> No.10626003

read it and review

>> No.10626023

off by one kys

>> No.10626101

It will be the last book you ever read.

>> No.10626109

eat it

>> No.10626128

Read it for eternity

>> No.10626203

eat every page and livestream it

>> No.10626208

eat as many pages as you can and livestream it

>> No.10626216

pls make OP eat it and provide valid proof

>> No.10626428

trips betch

>> No.10626457

read it and take everything seriously

>> No.10626468

get it signed by zizek

>> No.10626619
File: 69 KB, 800x554, 21317471_10159464925625637_4462010260652814571_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is great the only people who keep spamming hate are Muslims, neo nazis and libtards

>> No.10626632
File: 559 KB, 632x767, [burning intensifies].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate him because his interpretation of Christianity is deeply wrong.

>> No.10626746

Not in the least. The stories in the bible would have no meaning to us if they had no underlying message . Who cares if there are giants and mermaids in the bible if those stories reveal to us a manner of being which we should follow. If you remove the underlying meaning of the stories then it's nothing but YA fictional garbage.
All he does is try to extract the meaning from each story in the bible to try and find out what it's really trying to tell us. I think that's more useful for us today than having some tv evangelist telling us we're all going to hell if we're not mroe like him.

>> No.10626760

poop right in the middle of the book and close it really fast

>> No.10626774

Make the best use of it and shove it up your faggot ass

>> No.10626810


>> No.10626957

poop right in the middle of the book and close it really fast

>> No.10626958

Take a naked body pic of it with the book covering your junk (can obscure face), then DM it to Peterson on Twitter.

>> No.10626982

read it :^)

>> No.10627003

You must write a line by line rebuttal.

>> No.10627005

it's a meme because it's dumb and no one sold do it

>> No.10627012

nice try

>> No.10627029

strap it to your bare chest and film yourself professing the gospel of peterson while walking through your nearest city centre

>> No.10627034

Open it to the middle and titty fuck it to completion on livestream, then close it and use the book like a shovel to clean your room with

>> No.10627051
File: 146 KB, 965x1025, 1492785899929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip out page 69 and eat it.

>> No.10627058


Just read it.

>> No.10627075

eat it and livestream it

>> No.10627160

Sweep the floor of your bedroom and use it as a dustpan.

>> No.10627166

eat as much of it as possible and livestream it

>> No.10627190

All of the above.

>> No.10627201

make noise, howl, defile, scream and shout anon!

he's a bum, a dandy and a fiend

>> No.10627219

Record a video of you burning it and send it to him with the message, “you’re a faggot”

>> No.10627340
File: 188 KB, 540x716, kek 4chin memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it.

>> No.10627359

Keep it and cherish it.

>> No.10627403

Place a dangerous spider on it

>> No.10627410

Jerk off on it

>> No.10627442

Read it

>> No.10627448

Read it.

>> No.10627697

Follow the book and try to make a positive mark on the world /nb

>> No.10627889

burn it on the streets

>> No.10627896


>> No.10627898

Slit your throat.

>> No.10627905
File: 37 KB, 440x440, slavoj-zizek-copy-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to a homeless guy

>> No.10627910


>> No.10627916

Read it

>> No.10627917

for fucks sake

>> No.10627918

pinch ur foreskin with it

>> No.10627919

send random pages of it to addresses selected from the local phone booth. sign them captain a t tappman.

>> No.10627922

>authorial intent
>of the bible


>> No.10627924

make it into paper aeroplanes and dispatch them from the top of the highest building you can find

>> No.10627925

It's a good book. Read it.

>> No.10627932

produce a thousand cranes from its pages and send them to a dying girl

>> No.10627937

shred it and serve it as "smart tea" to anyone who will take it from outside the local supermarket

>> No.10627945

investigate whether you can catch farmed trout with it

>> No.10627952

make sailor hats with it and dispense to the masses, assure them they will all make admiral if they reassemble it

>> No.10627959

eat it

>> No.10627961

plant it in a flowerbed with a notice asking passersby to record any of the eight signs of life developing from the 12 rules of it

>> No.10627967

eat it and livestream it

>> No.10627976

block out words until it forms an erotic love letter to peterson. return it to him.

>> No.10627982

eat it and post video

>> No.10627988

Eat it then shit it out and eat it again

>> No.10627989

livestream yourself reading each page before ripping it out and eating it

>> No.10627990

Read it and then clean your room and then build a shrine dedicated to Jordan Peterson

>> No.10627992

I think eating it and recording it is the way to go

>> No.10627999

Watch all of suits and post review

>> No.10628002

eat it video it

>> No.10628003

Eat it and film. You must also eat 1 cheese slice for every page

>> No.10628005

you cunt, you ruin everything good

>> No.10628014

This was OP with bot.

>> No.10628027


>> No.10628119

Record a video of you praying like a Muslim to it.

>> No.10628120

Got em

>> No.10628293

this is a fucking roll thread
why are mods allowing that?

>> No.10628298

This place has mods?

>> No.10628299

There are mods?

>> No.10628301

because it's hilarious to watch one of the slowest boards fail to get a get repeatedly. plus we need to wait on OP's review of suits now.

>> No.10628304

eat it

>> No.10628313


If dubs, you eat it
If trips, you do an audiobook of it on Youtube

>> No.10628334

read it

>> No.10628339
File: 33 KB, 250x347, 250px-Buddha_Beipu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off by 1 :3

>> No.10628340

how is that related to the book?

>> No.10628346

It's a trash book. No need to read it.

>> No.10628395

He has to watch it with the book

>> No.10628400

Suits is an American television drama series created by Aaron Korsh, which premiered on June 23, 2011 on the USA Network. It revolves around Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) and Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht), two lawyers at a high-profile New York corporate law firm. Harvey is one of the city's top attorneys. He chooses to take on Mike as his associate, although Mike never attended Harvard—the only school from which the firm hires—or indeed any law school at all. Ross relies on his photographic memory and intelligence to succeed.

>> No.10628430

Because they both make you want to kill yourself

>> No.10628446

>zeta lambda lambda eight
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10630018

use it as toilet paper

>> No.10630261

Read it and make up your own mind about the contents.

>> No.10630279

roll 12 joints with the pages, go through each of the 12 rules and do something that opposes the rule directly while smoking one of the joints

>> No.10630314

donate it to your local library
with a note inside that reads "start with the greeks"

>> No.10630323
File: 62 KB, 500x578, 23s6xb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10630354

Piss on it

>> No.10630697

op better be watching suits right now

>> No.10630701

In some pics he looks quite lean but in others a bit bloated. Why?

>> No.10630851

Over the past couple years he lost a lot of weight. He's pretty lean now.

>> No.10630855


>> No.10631040

Read the whole book then read it backwards.