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10625064 No.10625064 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you average per year?

How many books is a respectable number to read in an year?

inb4 the "I read one book for six months because I take notes and think about it" faggots appear

>> No.10625084

Anywhere between 25-40.

Depends on what is on the reading list, really.

I do think that making it a challenge or a number devalues the experience of reading a bit.

>> No.10625188

Last year was like 35
Will probably be about 50 this year
There's nothing wrong with taking your time on a great book or single writer. In fact it's more respectable because you're reading for content and understanding, not notches on your bedpost

>> No.10625195

if you aggregate the pages and parse them out into novels of average length, probably 2.5/month

>> No.10625220


About 40 last year.

No more than 20 the year before. Probably less.

Last month I read 6.

It varies dramatically due to time, interest, and content of the book. Also what my reason for reading is.

Additionally, I read many short stories, articles, essays, poems, etc. last year. There was a point where I was just reading to make a stack of read books, to get myself back into the habit and discipline. Since I've left academia, I've few to talk to, and since I've ceased adderall, I've no artificial intrinsic push to simply achieve. It was an accomplishment of willpower to get back into reading while I'd no need. Now I need a project.

Fuck, I'm aimless.

>> No.10625228

So like 1000 pages a month? That's about how much I do if I'm reading fiction

>> No.10625229

I read 71 books last year. I started in June, so I'll probably read 150+ this year.

>> No.10625235

>1000 pages a month
Wtf? I read 300 pages a day if I'm reading fiction.

>> No.10625245

Is it bad to listen to music maybe like ambient music or somthing? It's hard for me to really concentrate on reading with my tinnitus

>> No.10625290

it isn't "bad" to do anything if it helps you read and absorb

try white noise

>> No.10625291

Probably a hundred or so. Last month I finished 11 and some of them were doorstoppers but that's a little more than usual.

>> No.10625302

> Steinbeck's worst novel in the image

I average about sixty books per year. Read as much as you can though; nobody cares about how many books you read.

>> No.10625305
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>tfw read only 9 books last year

At least I finished one book last month and will finish another in two days and probably will break my record this year. But Jesus how do you guys read so many books, do you guys read fulltime or something?

>> No.10625313


I spend a few hours per day doing things other than reading. I need a job.

>> No.10625324

I read like a half hour before bed every night as well as sometimes if I have a break during the day. I'm doing like a book a week
helps that I'm going through classics so the average length of a book is like 200 pages

>> No.10625347


I have a full time job and I waste most of my time. I've started biting into my "time wasted" with "time reading", but I probably only average about 3 hours of reading a day, +/- 1 depending on the week.

I should probably go back into academia to make reading and writing and talking about this shit my job, but I've no direction where to go. Digression. All it takes is cutting out a little time each day. 20 pages an hour makes 10 hours for 200 pages. You read 1 hour each day that's a (small) book in 10 days. 2 hours, if you're enjoying the book, and that's 1 book in 5. It's not terribly hard.

>> No.10625352
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I don't play vidya, watch very little tv, and dedicate one night a week to watching movies. my only other real time waster is listening to music/internet.
pretty easy to knock out a book a week along with work/ eating/ exercise. also I avoid clingy gfs

>> No.10625377

>not dating a reader
>not cuddling and reading
you're not living your best life, anon

>> No.10625523
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>their not robbing you of your essence and precious fluids while pretending to read

>> No.10625532

>not having somebody to bounce your random musings off of during reading
jesus no wonder you're here

>> No.10625572
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if I wanted to speak to a dimwitted female mammal I would talk to my cats about lit, which I do

>> No.10625600

but you can't fuck your cat anon.
it doesn't pass the Harkness test

>> No.10625616

do you understand what you read?