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10625057 No.10625057 [Reply] [Original]

I enjoyed this and thought it was easy to read and want to read further into this subject. Hit me with your best recommendations as to where I should go next because I don't want to be forever stuck in midwit zone

>> No.10625129

>where I should go next
what do you want to focus on?

>> No.10625142

bumping for similar advice
don't want to be a mere midwit

>> No.10625152

more focus on the major leaps forward in civilization and what caused them, like the renaissance, mass production, and electronics

>> No.10625159

was for >>10625129

>> No.10625165
File: 22 KB, 220x335, 220px-The_10,000_Year_Explosion_(Cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How come at no point does Diamond address the glaring issue of selective pressures?
He even makes some confused point on how Papuans could have more IQ potential than Europeans because the "jungle is complex".
Proceed to pic related for some proper critiques of this hack.

>> No.10625175

You cant do this with history, and diamond has been cheerfully btfo for the last 15 years.

Why Nations Fail and Political Order and Political Decay are two books that do a bit better, but ultimately you cant cheat and read a pop book and expect to understand history. There are no macro-currents.

>> No.10625198

thanks for the rec
thanks as well

>> No.10625206

too bad this book has major flaws, in particular its reliance on referencing studies which were widely discredited before the book was written

>> No.10625227

yes, this book is good

>> No.10625242


I have the pdf too. But lit is probably against copyright infringement.

>> No.10625292
File: 46 KB, 465x683, 1000 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked this a lot. good citations, interesting perspective.

>> No.10625318

don't sweat it bro, I know how to surf the web pretty well

>> No.10625748
File: 80 KB, 318x474, 9704856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> very accessible, its written in clear language, and mostly assumes no prior knowledge of the academic jargon
> very ambitious in scope, attempts a sort of synthesis of social science to explain how the modern forms of government came about, why there exists such differences between countries, etc
> weaves in an pretty good amount of relevant theories, approaches (all the biggest ones anyway) and cites a lot of research, so if any claim or subject interests you, you can go down that rabbit hole by looking at the citations

pretty long to read as it totals like 1400 pages across both volumes, but the individual chapters are decently self-contained and short, so its really not too bad

>> No.10627356

>where I should go next

Go back to the beginning and read a theory that hasn't been completely debunked by mainstream academics

>> No.10628171
File: 51 KB, 325x499, why nations fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot recommend this book enough!

>> No.10628221

Keep your wits about you if you read this OP. It's written by two of the biggest HBD proponents, who write pretty disturbing things elsewhere. Don't leave your mind so open that literal white supremacists cuck your brain.

>> No.10628229

facts are dangerous sometimes, but they're still facts

>> No.10628236

I thought that GGS was correct but only because its ultimate thesis was such a vague broad brush stroke. Not to say I think there's something better. It seems like a bullshitty question and area in general.

IQ is incidental to this as well imo. Try starting rome in the Australian outback.

Bug history seems doomed to plebdom