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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 464x713, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10623610 No.10623610 [Reply] [Original]

He was right about everything.

>> No.10624261

The true /fitlit/ champion

>> No.10624287

no you’re just gay

>> No.10624755


>> No.10624762

What a cool d00d

>> No.10624763

memes aside is his writing any good

>> No.10624854

He looks like Tao here

>> No.10624860

>memes aside is his writing any good
Yes. I read the first chapter of The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea in a bookstore once and it was quite good.

>> No.10625100

yes, it’s good and very endearing. really glues you to the book even when there’s not much action. he builds up with lots of anecdotes which add layers to whatever he’s talking about.

>> No.10625109

Even the necessity to form a death-cult of personality composed of militia daddiesto fuck you in the ass and cut off your head?

>> No.10625114

runaway horses is one of my favorite novels, and patriotism is incredibly raw

>> No.10625144

the epitome of romanticism

>> No.10625153

*rapidly flips through his stendahl*

>> No.10625186

no dude you’re just a faggot all these masculine obsessed fascists are hungry for cock and man ass or are obsessed with fucking little girls.

>> No.10625237

And he did no wrong.

>> No.10625249


Just killing himself. :^(

>> No.10625253

Where should I start with him?

>> No.10625257

He did what he had to do.

>> No.10625260

follow his lead irl>>10625249

>> No.10625261

>I bet I can get the military to join my in a coup
He wasn't right about everything.

>> No.10625274
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>> No.10625276

Why do you want me to kill myself?

>> No.10625280

"The Sailor Who..." sounds tedious. Maybe I'll just avoid him.

>> No.10625289

you free your mind when you’re androgynous

>> No.10625379
File: 34 KB, 500x498, 1516545019736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does his work contain enough gay shit for my hetero disgust reaction to take hold?

>> No.10625385


>> No.10625387

I agree man, pretty pretentious too. Have you read John Green's latest work? I think that will be right up your alley.

>> No.10625395

nope, it’s tangential. it’s more about the awareness of being a pervert

>> No.10625397

I've read John Green and don't enjoy him. He's very pretentious himself.

>> No.10625408

Yukio Mishima wasn’t trying to be “right about everything” like some epic redpill author
Apart from his general meditations on physical fitness I can’t think of any specific cultural critiques that Westerners would be able to process in factoids like BRO he was rite.....

>> No.10625432

Hetero disgust reaction is concealed homosexuality. It means you are affected by it, that the experience connects to you in the spectrum of repulsion and attraction. Almost every man feels it (repulsion or attraction to it), because homosexuality is taboo. When you grow up though, you identify with where you are and you look at others with respect, so much so that things like this seize to leave such an impressive mark on you. You accept the effect it has on you, without feeling the urge to reaffirm yourself. You would look back at this action of stop reading something because it involves homosexuality and think of it to be is as silly as being afraid to say a curse word as a child.

>> No.10625433

Does his work contain enough gay shit for my homo lust reaction to take hold?

>> No.10625442

Like seriously there’s no good /lit/ gay fiction, is homosexuality a central theme in his work?

>> No.10625513

unironically the gay shit gets a bit autistic sometimes (like fuming rage after accidentally masturbating to a woman) but the rest is something every person discovering sex can reflect themselves into (the lust, the embarrassment, the denial, the perversion, the limerance)

>> No.10625541

Yes, there is. Also what do you mean there’s no good /lit/ gay fiction, you fuckin faggot? Do you even read

>> No.10625565

Please recommend I’m a brainlet

>> No.10625597


I'm going to come over and fuck you in the ass to see if any of this is true.

>> No.10625663
File: 1.04 MB, 1644x3140, homo lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10626224

Especially that

>> No.10626242

Having a selection of plays on this graph is sort of arbitrary. You could just say 'any play ever'.

>> No.10626499

>want little girls
>want burly men
Make up your fucking mind

>> No.10626521

>Hetero disgust reaction is concealed homosexuality
no its a disgust response that indicates membership in a group's identity and being clean. All scientific evidence shows disgust response has basically those two funcitons: I know a man is not a faggot effeminate pussy and I know he is not playing with shit and touching men's genitals. Simple. Its totally natural and good that high test masculine men hate gay stuff and we shouldn't begrudge them for it at all.
no this is just mentally ill consciousness, I'm a male and have a dick, I know I'm a male because I have a dick, i'm masculine and have facial hair, chest hair, enlarged muscle morphology compared to the humans who don't have dicks and I get angry more quickly than they do, am stronger, less sensitive to stress etc
I don't like homosexuals at all
fascists split into two forms of sexual dysfunciton, heterosexual pedophilia which is a daddy-daughter relationship and homosexual handsome athletic boy-big daddy instructor lust

>> No.10626548

>fascists split into two forms of sexual dysfunciton
What about the ones that want child-ready women holding wheat in a field?

>> No.10626805


>> No.10626809

I think you're homo, anon.
>ggrrr fuckin fags... i'm so glad i have the company of men..... with our dicks, and facial hair, and enlarged muscle morphology... so strong...

>> No.10626820

they want child brides so primary of the two sexual proclivities
lol who said I wanted the company of men? I like being with women as long as its not in the workplace or at school. Socially women are lovely, just when they know their place. you can't bait someone into being gay or admitting they harbor secret affections for male sexuality anon, I know that homosexuals think this because they're narcissistic sluts and I know that liberals think this because its a social gaming mechanism to depress people's fitness but its not actually true. All studies done on homophobes show: they're not afraid of gays, they are disgusted by them, they're not gay themselves, they're usually extremely hetereosexual and repulsed by deviance, low openness.

You don't have to be so hurt that I hate you and your kind and think you are what you are, defective and ugly in spirit

>> No.10626827


>> No.10626831

What do you expect? Nuance and self reflection mean little, if you're a talented right writer you're redpilled always right godhood. It's a real insult to a lot of great writers.

>> No.10626832

compelling and threatening

>> No.10626906

>if you're a talented right writer you're redpilled always right godhood. It's a real insult to a lot of great writers.
What is this even saying?

>> No.10626912

my nigga

>> No.10626913

there's something quite homoerotic about your fixation on male homosociality and your repulsion for homosexuality.
Also, while I take this wiith a grain of salt, the studies don't "all show" that. Quite the contrary


What's someone like you doing in a Mishima thread, anyway?

>> No.10626920

he means /pol/tards do a disservice to the writers they champion

>> No.10626938

I see I was an idiot and didn't read the reply chain first, so it just looked like gibberish.

>> No.10626941

yeah lol I can see how I was confused until I did that too

>> No.10626944

>keeps trying to suggest a notion i don’t hold and is trying to get into my head
no anon i don’t want to fuck you, maybe watch you die tho
you deserve to flayed
>why u in my thread
i don’t like /pol/ or gays or that /pol/ harbors homoerotic fixations and pederastic ideological descendence and that the left used to, but no longer does, berate them for being homo-faggot boymongering cock gobblers. i also think Mishima is overrated and that he attracts non-lit pseuds

>> No.10626968
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>no anon i don’t want to fuck you, maybe watch you die tho
quite an erotic thing to say in a mishima thread, anon...
you're allowed to shit on the study, but given that i actually provided a citation i'd like you to back up your claim that "all the studies" prove "homophobes" aren't afraid of gays are "extremely heterosexual". where's that male rationality and rigour?

what literature interests you? you have elitist contempt "non-lit pseuds", but it's hard to square that with your rigid masculinism... seems so feminine

>> No.10626973

>no anon i don’t want to fuck you, maybe watch you die tho
What is violence but a form of sex?

>> No.10627225

Everything except how to execute a coup.

>> No.10627252
File: 32 KB, 400x591, Mishima hari kuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't realize he actually committed Hara-Kiri

>> No.10627271

Guy was no joke. All the hacks that talk about death an nihil couldnt perform such a dignifying act like that, the best they could come with is hanging or shotgunning themselves like the cowards they are.

>> No.10627643

That's because only a small portion of his fiction library has been translated, theres a whole swath of political and cultural essays that remain untranslated

>> No.10627667

>He was right about everything.

the emperor is god-king? what kind of weeb do you have to be to think this

>> No.10627679

Yeah, if you're gonna off yourself, hari kiri is the way to do it.

>> No.10628393

Any books that detail man's intellectual disgust and/or physical repulsion for the female body?

no homo

>> No.10628414

I haven't read Forbidden Colours, but I think it might be close to what you're looking for.

>> No.10628421

Thanks, anon.

>tfw not sure if unknowingly homo or just scared of sexuality as a virgin young adult

>> No.10628435

Do males or masculinity in any variety appeal to you in a sexual, erotic or even merely aesthetic sense? Appealing, threatening, benign? Of no real consideration, positive or negative?
An interesting thing about sexuality is its close relationship with disgust, which is closely related with fear. Secondary sexual characteristics are sometimes almost equally objects of fetishisation as they are of revulsion - pubes, ass, boobies, feet. There are a million reasons why you might find female sexuality repulsive, and I don't mean to project or DIAGNOSE you with anything, but it could indeed be closely related to your desires and insecurities surrounding women and your potential sexual relations with them.

>> No.10628455

I mostly find the vagina itself disgusting while the rest of the woman body appealing sexually. And I imagine vaginal intercourse akin to putting your dick in some sort of disgusting foreign, fleshy thing.

As for men, I don't find them sexually arousing, but I'd call a romantic homosexual relationship without sex as being superior since I am a mysoginist and I do not consider it possible as a man to empathize with or 'know' a woman on a deep level & vice versa.

Also, I do consider a healthy and strong male body to be beautiful and the pinnacle of human aesthetics, but, once again, it does not arouse me sexually.

>> No.10628467

Ass and pussy are great, but I do recognize that these desires are irrational, and after sex I often grit my teeth in disgust.

>> No.10628535

>/lit/ - homosexuality and fascism
I don't hate it

>> No.10628549
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Thread book.

>> No.10628635

Those are traditionalists

>> No.10628654

I don't remember it too well, but I think The Maimed by Hermann Ungar contains an exploration of that sentiment.

>> No.10628686

I really enjoyed Sailor and Confessions, but I'm not that into Golden Pavilion. From time to time he delves into really abstract intellectual monologues that I don't quite follow. Am I lacking knowledge in zed buddhism or something?

>> No.10628695

By internalizing his own spiritual uglyness he cannot stand the beauty of the temple. He's an inversion of the heroic ideal.

>> No.10628702

Yeah that is the central point and I get it, but there are some monologues which I dont quite follow. Take Kashiwagi's first monologue as an example. I don't think I understand his line of reasoning the way he presents it.

>> No.10628721

I started with the Golden Pavilion, actually, before I moved onto his other works. Some of that stuff was really interesting, but I understand what you mean when you say a bit of it felt a bit obscure, at least for a non-Buddhist

>> No.10628725

A very good analysis of the book tbqh.

>> No.10628826

Thanks anon, I'll check it out later

>> No.10628934


That's like saying that someone that doesn't like smelling poop or farts really loves it

>> No.10628951

Nah mate disgust reaction are socially learned. They don't need some deep psychoanalytic reason (most of the time).