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/lit/ - Literature

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10623237 No.10623237 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you have literary discussions in real life?

>> No.10623252

often. people in my program will see me reading a book and come chat to me.

>> No.10623254


>> No.10623277
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Once in a blue moon

>> No.10623290

butterfly, will you marry me?

>> No.10623298

this but unironically

>> No.10623374

Very seldom. Only a few people I know read, and even then it's mostly detective and YA stuff. I've considered reading stuff they like just for the sake of conversation, but I know I'll just end up shitting on their tastes and I don't really want to do that.

>> No.10623400

It's never a discussion it's me talking at people

>> No.10623402

Kill yourself, fat slut

>> No.10623405

This is extremely annoying. For their sake please stop this habit immediately.

>> No.10623414

I know it's annoying, it's to drive them off

>> No.10623420

>to drive them off
Just stop showering then, thats what I do.

>> No.10623434

>stop showering

>implying I ever started

>> No.10623435

Every now and then my neighbour asks me if I'm reading anything new and recommends me stuff based on my impressions on the book.
He's s kind old man that owns quite a big collection

>> No.10623445

Never. Whenever my housemates enter my room (without being asked to), they see my books and call me pretentious. How am I pretentious if I never advertise my books? It's now ridiculous to own books that were published more than 70 years ago.

>> No.10623459

Hey its me your flatmate, come into the kitchen. We need to talk about your obsessive computer habits.

>> No.10623466

My friends say I have all my books to pick up/impress women
But no woman has ever seen my book collection

>> No.10623471

Fuck off, Ben. I thought you didn't go on 4chan anymore.

>> No.10623475

Rarely, and when it it the case, I get passionate about it and that is boring it seems. Then we go back talking about Kim Kardashian or whatever.

>> No.10623482

People often talk about the books they read, but it's rarely more than
>This person on my [social media platform] said to read it, so I did. Don't know why though, it wasn't interesting and I didn't learn anything.

>> No.10623574


Not as much as I would like. Still once a week at my local pub with a small group of about 6-10 people.

>> No.10623786

You two made me laugh, thank you

>> No.10623793

Yeah pretty much this. People usually (just like on /Lit/) end up talking around the subjects and books, nothing very in-depth.

>> No.10623797

very rarely and they usually devolve into modern politics anyway

>> No.10623805
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i often discuss lines from presocratic poems with my father, though that is about the extent of it

>> No.10623832

Most of my friends are intelligent, but they're engineers and don't care too much about books - it's only me and one other friend who are really into reading. He and I will usually discuss things when larger group convos settle down, and we'll often give one another recs. As for my other friends, I like to give them recommendations and once in a while, if they read what I tell them to, we talk about it. Still, over all, it's not that often that I get to have /lit/ discussions in real life.

>> No.10623892

this is my real life

>> No.10623995

And when was the last time you had a literary discussion on here? I can barely remember.

>> No.10624002

Pessoa vs Eliot

>> No.10624034

What program.

>> No.10624097

it happens every now and then.

i also have them with myself.

>> No.10624113

The only person I ever talk to in real life is my mom and she occasionally listens to me talk about whatever literature or philosophy I'm reading, so I guess sometimes, though her responses are mostly "isn't that nice dear" type of stuff.

>> No.10624125

Cute. What was the last thing you discussed?

>> No.10624144

Never, my friends have their own interests that they're passionate about and I enjoy hanging out with them
When I want to talk about books and complain about Peterson I come to lit

>> No.10624158

i wouldn’t want to discuss lit irl i think its pretentious and effeminate

>> No.10624177

Plato's Republic. She didn't find the philosophy part that interesting but we did have a spirited discussion about whether or not Socrates' statements were mostly recorded truthfully or fictionalized for Plato's purposes.

>> No.10624190

Sounds nice desu

>> No.10624194

Pretty much never

I always want to but too many brain dead college students don't actually go to learn, they just wanna play slapdick their whole way through

>> No.10624212

Almost forgot about this, when I was majoring in English and working on my thesis I would have /lit/ discussions every day during the week. It wasn't as great as it sounds, most of the other students were working on stuff like
>Disassembling the white male: Empowering Transgender Disabled People of Color in 1980s Puerto Rico via Emily Dickinson's Early Poems

>> No.10624269

What are their interests?

>> No.10624279
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I just lay in bed at night before I sleep and talk to some imaginary person.
That's when I talk about all my ideas on life, impressions on books, conversations I've always wanted to have

>> No.10624292

Never because i have no frens
Even if I did have frens I wouldn't anyway because im a brainlet, inarticulate, and i stutter.
I really need to off myself.

>> No.10624296

You’re not the only one, at least.

>> No.10624308

self pity definitely isn't helping your cause then
you seem to be prying for excuses to not be social

>> No.10624397

Same bud. It's almost goes directly into my dreams and then I wake up rambling on in my head.

>> No.10624448

idk how to be social it feels like a foreign concept to me. all ive ever done is go to class then go home, i always feel really out of place.
all relationships ive ever had have always been work related.

>> No.10624461

This is me, except I pace around my room talking to myself instead of doing it in bed.

>> No.10624516

I like to do it in bed because I often cuddle up with a pillow and imagine it's the person I'm talking to

>> No.10624565

You're being social right now.

>> No.10624576

I don't see the point in having deep conversations about books tbqh. Either you read it or you don't, and if you do, then that's fine.

>> No.10624645

I do this too. The imaginary person is actually just my mental image of my best friend who has become something of my inner conscious. Sometimes I try to continue a conversation with him in real life that I'd had with him in my head before I realize that no, I'm just kind of crazy.

>> No.10624970

never. at most I will mention, in short terms, my taste in books, but never discuss specific books. I've yet to meet somone whose literary opinions interest me, and I feel no need to expose myself as the dilettante I am.

>> No.10625042

If we include philosophical discussions, pretty much every day.