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10621445 No.10621445 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw it all comes back to hinduism

>> No.10621458
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They are the biggest we wuzzers

>> No.10621468
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>> No.10621472

pretty stupid thread rbh

>> No.10621486

Hinduism honestly barely exists. An anon a bit back made a post about how Buddhism doesn't exist and is just a wide collection of different beliefs vaguely based around the figure of the Buddha, and I called him out for being reductive and stupid. But this criticism can genuinely be made towards Hinduism. If Buddhism is widely scattered, Hinduism is even more so. Which Hinduism are you talking about? The meme Hinduism brought over to westerners by frauds and gurus trying to make a buck? The obscure practices of a little village who believes in sorcery and worships Shiva? The Mahabharata? Hinduism has no founder, the people who wrote the Mahabharata and Vedas did not think of themselves as Hindus. The idea of "Hinduism" is probably the worst and most hackneyed concepts Western scholarship has ever come up with, they see something almost too broad to classify, so they misleadingly slap it under one name to make it easier.

>> No.10621503
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>> No.10621745

>The meme Hinduism brought over to westerners by frauds and gurus trying to make a buck?
Yeah I'm sure OP was talking about that one. Or possibly OP wanted to discuss psychic surgeons in Bangladesh.

>> No.10621749

I mean you are not wrong OP.
But the starting point isn't the end point

>> No.10621778

Didn't the Nazis have a hard on for Hinduism?

>> No.10622663

it actually comes back to the proto-indo-european religion

it is the source of the river for all of european thought

>> No.10623288
File: 764 KB, 2052x2679, Shiva_adtubeindia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10623297

Just because I'm not a christcuck, it doesn't mean I'm a LARPagan either.

>> No.10623671

The people that claim Jesus was buried in Kashmir are part of the Ahmadiyya movement of Islam, which is funny because the Qur'an states Jesus was ascended to Heaven and did not die on Earth, and was thusly not buried. Why are Indians so incapable of anything good? They can't even read... Nuke India.