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/lit/ - Literature

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10620737 No.10620737 [Reply] [Original]

>Gass, Wilbur, Ashbury, Salinger, Updike all deceased
>Pynchon and Bloom in their 80s
>White and Banville in their 70s

There's not going to be anything readable for a long time. Why is this generation so shit that we only have the works of leftovers from previous ones to look forward to?

>> No.10620811

Don't worry, eventually things will get violent and scary again and wake up all us sleepyheads and then there'll be art and passion and all that again. We're just sort of in a lull right now. It happens. A good war will fix things up.

>> No.10620908

lol this generation is so fucked. It's 80% brainlets who majored in humanities because they couldn't do stem but still want to say they went to college, 15% oversensitive saps who read for "the social message," 5% neurotics who consider literature as some all important sacred cow and want to be among the "prophets" tennyson and melville etc

>> No.10621311

Stockholm syndrome

>> No.10621332

t. sanctimonious stemfag

>> No.10621337

More like he's a distraught humanitiesboi

>> No.10621350

What he said was the exact opposite of Stockholm Syndrome though, he wants to escape the passionless, artless prison we're currently in.

>> No.10621416

You're mom gay

>> No.10621420

She had me, she can't be gay. At worst she's a bisexual, but then a lot of women are. You on the other hand are 100% fag

>> No.10621482

>this artificial inseminate spawn calls his mom bisexual

>> No.10621496

ur dad gay

>> No.10621657

He's got huge hands

>> No.10621659
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Excuse me.

>> No.10621680

The dominant mode of thought is conducive to the creation of bland "art" that is mediocre at best, and those that oppose it lack the skills to create art of any kind.

>> No.10621684

It's interesting to see people still going to university to take STEM courses.

>> No.10621734

Never said humanities themselves were bad

>> No.10622279

>when your picture of the literary world is based on /lit/ memes

>> No.10622412


>> No.10622424
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>> No.10622795

what's up dike

>> No.10623706

>He hasn't discovered the sublime poetry of Rupi Kuar

>> No.10624319

You genuinely believe that this generation is as good as the Salinger's? How did you pass the captcha?

>> No.10624494

didn't say that at all

>> No.10624514

nah you fit right in

>> No.10624528

You're deeply stupid desu

>> No.10625288

Literature fucking sucks now... all the good 'literature' or philosophy is in the arts (film, moving images mostly) and politics.

>> No.10625356

>le humanities bad
>le stem good

>> No.10626206
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>make thread inquiring as to the expectedquality of literature to come
>leave for a day
>come back to you're mom gay and a bunch of shitposting
I hate this board so fucking much.

>> No.10627052
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>Why is this generation so shit
Estrogen pumped up males.

>TFW Bloom is joo and worked to preserve the western canon better than any other white man.

Legit feel sad for this old man.

>> No.10627088
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>In an oral biography titled Salinger, authors David Shields and Shane Salerno assert that the author had left specific instructions authorizing a timetable, to start between 2015 and 2020, for the release of several unpublished works. According to the authors and their sources, these include five new Glass-family stories; a novel based on Salinger's relationship with his first wife, Sylvia; a novella in the form of a World War II counterintelligence officer’s diary; a "manual" of stories about Vedanta; and other new or retooled stories that illuminate the life of Holden Caulfield.
we s-still have two more years, r-right guys?

>> No.10627285
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>> No.10627297

a large number of what would now be called reactionaries are Jews who protected, as best they could, the Western canon and traditions with all their might and powers. This is why the RW needs to take inventory and figure out what it actually knows about the global techno-financial system instead of meme'ing nazism in 2018 like parrots. Jews play a large role in the degradation of the West and yet many of them, and many of their best specimens go out of their way to be as faithful to the values of the west as possible and promote them to whoever will listen. I think you should consider whether or not you have holes in your epistemology anon. Agreed that its extremely depressing Semites and Asians (and racist Spics) will have to protect the Western corpus from the hordes of unremarkables

>> No.10627334

Speak for yourself. I happen to be writing what will quite possible be the greatest movie (as opposed to 'film') of all time.