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/lit/ - Literature

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10620718 No.10620718 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about literary journals /lit/! Where have you guys been published?

I've been published by my small college's literary journal three times. Once with an excerpt from a short story, once with a full short story, and one poem.

Today I found out I placed a story in a smaller midwestern literary journal (but not related to my school) and I'm really secretly proud. What's the path to getting published in something like The New Yorker, The Paris Review, or Tin House? I mainly writer literary fiction in the dirty realism vein with a hint of southern gothic influence, but I'm young so I'm sure my stories will evolve as I go.

>> No.10620724
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>> No.10620762

that's alright anon. Just keep writing. What kind of stories do you write?

>> No.10620766

congratulations friend good luck with your work. keep on going

>> No.10620791

ty friend, feels good to be able to say I'm a published writer (and not have to qualify it by saying it's with my school).

>> No.10620910

I've had three short stories published. The most famous one was on a podcast, where I actually got to read the story out loud and talk about it when I was done. None of them have paid me.

However, I recently found out that I'm going to have a poem published in a somewhat reputable journal. It's not primarily a poetry or literary journal; it's actually a bit of a cultural and intellectual journal, with articles about all sorts of things. But they also publish poetry, and I found out at the beginning of January that they'd accepted a poem I'd sent them. They're even going to pay me, which is exciting because I've never been paid for a creative work before.

Maybe it will be the start of bigger things. We'll see.

>> No.10620944

So do any of you subscribe to/regularly read any literary journals? Looking for recs.

>> No.10620970

Insofar as I do read short fiction these days, it's usually online. I like to check out PANK's website from time to time.

>> No.10621390

Congrats anon. I am primarily shooting towards writing fiction but I read a lot of poetry and have a deep love for it. That’s so cool that you are moving up. Good luck to you!

>> No.10621396
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Thanks. I'm actually branching out into narrative poetry some, inspired by a class on the Romantics I took last semester at graduate school. I'm not sure where you get narrative poetry published in this day and age, though.

>> No.10621430

I read most of the stories that get put online for the New Yorker, but for short fiction I generally get more out of reading the classic short fiction masters (for me that’s Maupassant. Hemingway, and Chekhov) and then I read the O.Henry Prize Collection every year.

Recently I did pick up a couple mags from places that I’m hoping to submit to someday soon that are not the very top but still seem very respected (I’m not an expert on literary journals so I would welcome recs, I might be shooting too high) Alaskan Quarterly Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, and Epoch (Cornell’s literary journal) are the ones I have been reading and rereading for the past two weeks.

>> No.10621443

OP here, what places would you recommend I try to start submitting, now that I can put that I’ve been previously published? I want to try to shoot for something a little more well known, but I don’t want to waste my time going for some place that’s too elite.

>> No.10621448

How’s old are you?

>> No.10621730

29. It's funny, I took a break from writing seriously for the longest time, and I only resumed it about four years ago, but I seem to have grown exponentially with each year I've been at it some more.

>> No.10621756

Gonna get published in a magazine for experimental prose soon. I am honestly really excited to have people read my bullshit. Makes me feel like I actually have a chance eventhough I still suck at writing.

>> No.10622063

Nice. I'm 22. Hope I can write something worth reading one day.

Were you published before you took your break from writing? or did you have most of your success after you picked it up again.

>> No.10622488

>writing short stories
It's like you don't want to be a writer.

>> No.10622567

I live in such a small place I don't even have any idea where to send my stories. I have a few in various stages of progress from finished to just getting started and at this point I could probably fill a book by sorting them all out, but I just have no idea who would even publish things when I'm in such a small place with a small population.
It's been about 8 years since I published my first short story as a teenager, but I pretty much just handed that over to someone else to do for me because of my age.
What should I do?

>> No.10623086

What are you getting at?

>> No.10623214

I've had nearly all my success since resuming writing. When I was a kid, I wrote a few poems that got included in some children's anthologies. But actual, genuine success at things which are actually well-written has only come at this later date.

>> No.10624192
