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10619280 No.10619280 [Reply] [Original]

How can I learn to live a satisfying life without this obsession over money.

I have a job that pays the bills. I usually have money over since I never buy studf and i so i save it. But i just wish i could stop obsessing over it. I want to reach a point where i dont have to worry, I know we all obsess over it in one way or another, but its depriving me of sleep and happiness. I wish the money worries could go away so I can start living. Im becoming suicidal over it even though im in very good physical health, have a great girlfriend and low expenditures. What is wrong with me? I hate this.

”I want be rich and live poor”

>> No.10619287

>usually have money over since I never buy studf and i so i save it.
What's the problem?

>> No.10619305



>> No.10619312

Buy books and read them

>> No.10619337

I put very little aside monthly, i just want money out of the way so i can spend my entire life on writing. I cant start living before money no longer is an object. Its so weird. Im sad over it. I feel duped.

>> No.10619354

Imagine if everyone with a hobby had this attitude rofl

>> No.10619417

Yeah I know. Its immature. And thats why im wondering what is wrong with me? Am i just greedy or spoiled or suicidal and using the lack of money as an escape route. I dont know.

>> No.10619419

I want a book for this feel as well.
Money was a huge mistake and lowers the dignity of every human being who needs to chase it.

>> No.10619423

You make more than you spend, money is taken care of.

>> No.10619515

I always seem to need more for the future where shit might happen. Should I just quit society? Go off the grid like Ted?

>> No.10619589
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Listen twinkle-toes, money is a fundamental part of life that you will never be able to ignore. Being a man means WORKING and COMPETING, it means fighting for sex and money. Playing make believe and "writing" is a waste of time that you could be directing towards making a better life for you and your loved ones. Frankly it sounds like you just aren't working hard enough. Have you thought about asking your boss if you can work weekends or something?

>> No.10619640

Sounds like you've fallen for the anglo-american protestant meme of amassing capital instead of enjoying life
I recommend a dose of continental philosophy to decompress

>> No.10619825
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Maybe try something else.

>> No.10619889


OP don't base your identity around how you amass wealth. A job is just that, a job. Not your life. If you aren't happy then quit and take your money out of America (I'm assuming you are American because your situation sounds like a very American problem).

>> No.10619909

I hope you're being ironic, if not then it's just pathetic