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10617669 No.10617669 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any method of analyzing socioe-economic phenomena that has surpassed Marxism / historical materialism?
I spent some time on major sociological theories, and none of them stand up to scrutiny, or are washed up, liberal interpretations of Marxism. Therefore, I am forced to remain a Marxist unless I find something truly worthwhile.

>> No.10617689

was it autism? when it comes to sociology, you don't have to treat it like physics where you gotta test whether all your calculations adhere to the current prevailing theory of everything

>> No.10617739

What else should be the norm for testing a sociological theory, other than its adherence to conditions in the real world? So far I have found Marxism to consistently have the most accurate analysis of historical social structures. Of course I'm talking about Marxism as expanded with theories by Engels, Lenin, Bukharin, various later westerners like Althusser, contemporary work by Harvey etc.
Again and again I find that most "detractors" of Marxism simply imagine some kind of 19th century meme and conclude that it no longer applies because we aren't living in industrial capitalism, completely ignoring later writers in the tradition. While this is unfortunate, it's ultimately not the problem of Marxists themselves who have continued to analyse contemporary conditions of capitalism admirably.

>> No.10617854


I remember reading a critique of Marx that he ignored and brushed off nationalism. It wasn't long after thst it became one of the main ideologies that spanned from politics to economics to family planning.

You could argue it's another opiate... but it could be used to destroy capitalists and NWO and communists alike.

So I think there should be a writing taking nationalism into account.

>> No.10617865

Isn't basically undisputed that Post-Structuralism is considered the best socioeconomic analysis?

>> No.10617872
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Reminder that Mises perfectly dissected socialism

>> No.10617898

Tell me how there is no fucking structure and similarities within societies

>> No.10617905

Why not?

>> No.10617919

Oh. You're a fucking moron. Nevermind then.

>> No.10617928

Try Cornelius Castoriadis' The Imaginary Institution of Society. Castoriadis was the founder of French autonomist Marxism but later came to be critical of Marxism while remaining committed to the communist goal. The first few chapters are an elaborate critique of Marxism and the only one I ever came across which doesn't rely on gross oversimplifications or misreadings.

>> No.10617944

That's not what post-struturalism means, anon

>> No.10617951

[determinist misreading intensifies]

>> No.10617964

>Engels misread Marx
This is a good meme, they collaborated on most works. The shift from early-optimistic-Enlightenment Marx to late-grumpy-economist Marx was not initiated by Engels and Lenin.

>> No.10617972

Engels wrote a lot of stuff after Marx' death, you know?

>> No.10618042


>> No.10618058

You're wasting your goddamn time.

>> No.10618150

>like physics where you gotta test whether all your calculations adhere to the current prevailing theory of everything
Physics doesn't do that though, doesn't have a 'theory of everything' either. Even areas of classical physics are still developed further.

>> No.10618170

When is ecology and biology at large, going to step up and do what philosophers and the like, have failed to do or even make any progress on, for several centuries?

>> No.10618194
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>So far I have found Marxism to consistently have the most accurate analysis of historical social structures.

>> No.10619094

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