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/lit/ - Literature

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10617645 No.10617645 [Reply] [Original]

So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of books?
Does she read too, or does she give you shit for it?

>> No.10617649

What girlfriend?

>> No.10617656

I've been single for two years

>> No.10617663

we both work in a bookstore atm, she´s going to study english and mathematics this year.
She reads more than I do recently. She's really into me reading books.

>> No.10617672

I lost both of my last two girlfriends when I hit them. The police came to my house the next day with the last one. Not going through that shit again.

The problem with women is that they deserve to be hit but it's illegal to hit them.

>> No.10617681

Yeah but what did they think about your love for reading?

>> No.10617692

I either have women or books. Cant have both at once.

And I mostly have books.

>> No.10617694

Is it true? Seems like an interesting story, please detail.

>> No.10617708

My wife and I are both prolific readers. She's obsessed with DFW and considers him her literary husbando. It's pretty cute.

>> No.10617709

She's way smarter than me. Sometimes she does shit like start talking about Husserl, or whether Ivo Andric or Louis Adamic is the better Balkan writer, and giggles and hugs me because she scared me.

>> No.10617717 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10617719

patrician answer.

i've been single for four years.

>> No.10617723

My aversion to relationships and socializing in general is also the time they can consume of ones life. Time that could be better used.

>> No.10617726

she even remembers communism

>> No.10617731

I wish I had the ego to believe this to be true about myself. Grapes very sour

>> No.10617733

I don't know yet, we've only went out 4 times.

>> No.10617738

Does she know about your love of books?

>> No.10617743
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I don’t have a girlfriend yet

>> No.10617745

Oh, anon...

>> No.10617746

How does someone find a /lit/ gf, let alone a gf?

>> No.10617759

Between the age
limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal 6 their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as “nymphets.” ...

>> No.10617767

go to coffee shops and read, go to libraries, go to bookstores. it's not terribly difficult

>> No.10617772

Yeah I've mentioned it, but I'm sure every faggot out there says they like reading (but they never have the time anymore!). I don't think she knows the extent of my love of reading.

>> No.10617776
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>reading for attention

>> No.10617778

it's more like multitasking. do you want a girlfriend who reads or not?

>> No.10617784

My bf simply doesn't read. He's a true brainlet and admits it. I don't care much for it because I love him, but sometimes I wish he'd give literature a shot.

>> No.10617789

Jealous if true

>> No.10617815

I guess the easiest way to jump to the conclusion that such things are shallow and without importance is to have at leats once your life had a period of time where you've intensely experienced human relations. Look, for exemple, at people who had a complete sexual life from adolescence. For them it wasn't even a gift, but something natural and mediocre that was supposed to happen. They are no better than you and maybe even inferior in these things that you might consider greater, and you know that. However, these little things that once experience are futile, have the power to grow dangerously in a pure mind, giving wings to the imagination of a possible life voraciously, in a way that can only be self-destructive. Just look at that Houellebecq's quote on Raphael that's daily posted here.

>> No.10617820

is to have at least once in your life*

I hate to type on my phone.

>> No.10617822

at least your coping is better worded than what you find in /r9k/

>> No.10617826

Eww. What an ugly post. The prose is just hideous, the aspect nuance is all off, the thought all cliché. Back to my books I go.

>> No.10617831

I have been single for 20 years

>> No.10617843

how old are you?
inb4 20

>> No.10617847
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My girlfriend reads as much as me, though I study literature, while she studies psychology. We are together, only because we liked each other's taste in books so much. Feels good, would not want a gf with whom I couldn't talk about books.

>> No.10617866

What even is a 'girlfriend? I do not understand the concept or how it works. What demarcation line must you cross in order for a girl to become your 'girlfriend'. Also why did no one explain to me as an adolescent how you are supposed to acquire one, they all assumed that you already knew how and everyone else just copied what they saw on movies and tv which all felt very fake and inauthentic to me.

It's all just so confusing to me, it doesnt come intuitively at all. I feel as if this world has played a trick on me.

>> No.10617895

>I feel as if this world has played a trick on me.
No, it was your single mother

>> No.10617902

I have both a mother and a father. Is your father supposed to teach you how to acquire a 'girlfriend'? I'm pretty sure none of my peers had this happen to them, they just somehow immediately accepted this new concept of a 'girlfriend' which was established at around middle-school age and then naturally fell into attaining one.

>> No.10617913

Just stop

>> No.10617924

No I will not stop, I cannot be contained, just as society pulled a trick on me I will pull an even grander trick on it. Like a slight-of-hand magician, they won't even realize what has happened.

>> No.10617929

well he isn't necessarily incorrect.

>> No.10617950

My gf read a couple of books every year, mostly YA but also some classics. She say that she like me being well read but I think that sometimes my reading annoy her. She, and our mutual friends, sometimes tease me for being pretentious, but I'm hardened from spending years on /lit/ so it doesn't really bother me.

>> No.10617966

Yes your father is supposed to teach you. But not by sitting you down and giving you lessons.

>> No.10617975

She likes the fact. She doesn't read and to be honest shes not the brightest bulb but she's cute and likes to cook so I just count my blessings anyway

>> No.10617984

Then how? By writing you a letter then?

>> No.10618035

By observing how he acts towards your mother.
By encouraging you to do things.
By answering questions you ask him.

>> No.10618355

My gf likes John Greene
Is this a red flag?

>> No.10618415

>tfw /lit/
>tfw /fit/ gf
I couldn't possibly be happier

>> No.10618422

>not getting /fitlit/ for your /fit/ gf
You don't deserve her

>> No.10618456

I do go to the gym with her yet I don't desire to become a mountain of muscle, all I want is to stop running out of breath when we're in bed. I'm using it as an opportunity to try audiobooks

>> No.10618461

My last girlfriend was a fucking bitch, and she stole some of my books. Thankfully, I still have my gold-leafed copy of the Illiad/Odyssey. She has Moby Dick, some HG Wells and The Idiot. I hope she reads them.

She also has my glasses and a monopoly board

>> No.10618524

>and a monopoly board
You should thank her. But why would she want your glasses?

>> No.10618530

>can't have both at once
Nigga you for real? I'm the laziest man alive and i still manage to work at the day time, write at the evening and spend the nights with my girl. Are you reading 10 hours a day?

>> No.10618544

Post work

>> No.10618551

she's read more than me, which isn't saying much. we want to read a book together but we have never found one that entices both of us in 'that' way, so we settled for the communist manifesto because it seems like oddly aesthetical thing to read as a couple. i really wonder how that'll go because she's not into politics at all and i renounced my interest in communist activism already.

>> No.10618607

My wife scrolls facebook for 6+ hours a day and once asked me if Japan is in Europe.

I don't think she can read

>> No.10618609

not lit

>> No.10618649

She dosen't read often, but she helps and support me in my book habita, so I cant complain.
She is a angel in my life.

>> No.10618656

found the fat virgin

>> No.10618659

try 8

>> No.10618687

try 22

>> No.10618710

its not /lit/ its fucking gay socializing shit

>> No.10618713

And a weeb to boot

>> No.10619043
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>> No.10619572

gf is in an english phd program, i'm a fuckin pleb

>> No.10619578

My gf (male) likes to sit on my lap while I read to her

>> No.10619604
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>He's had a girlfriend before
>He still browses 4chan
Boggles the mind

>> No.10619737

Sad, but true. The worst is when you try to walk away (to diffuse the tension) and she follows you around. If you yell, she yells louder. If you ignore her, she yells louder. If you try to non-violently constrain her, she screams. This scenario is the final test of stoicism in praxis.

>> No.10619807

>coffee shops
nasty hos
old mothers of 3
cat ladies

looking for serious answers pls

>> No.10620251

I don't know yet, my tulpa isn't finished

>> No.10620690

I feel like I'm too immature to ever be in a relationship. Will this feeling ever stop? Is reading making me more alienated from the role which I'm supposed to play in a relationship?

>> No.10620716
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o i am laffin

>> No.10620780

probably just reading glasses

>> No.10620800

lol at people calling you pretentious for reading. Maybe they're just myopic morons.

>> No.10620805

I'm so glad my dad wasn't around growing up. I love being alone.

>> No.10620808

just focus on the exercising or you might injure yourself

>> No.10620872

I get her books and she is too busy to read. She is working hard on her math degree and research internship so I don’t judge. Also it’s not her native language so it’s slower for her, but she’s more than bright enough for the concepts. She’s clearly intelligent because she’s very fluent in English in less than 2 years, but I still have to help her on vocabulary and some grammar at times.

>> No.10620895

She doesn't like that I ignore her text messages when I'm reading. I'm usually reading or doing something when I'm not with her so it's pretty often.

>> No.10620906
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She doesn't care either way. I usually read between classes. She's an avid reader but I don't know what she reads, I know her favorite book is The Princess Bride and she's a big Jane Austen fan so I guess that's pretty typical for a girl.

>> No.10620966

I mean, not everyone frequenting those places is going to be the cream of the crop. But for the times when you do see a qt there she's more likely to be /lit/ (or at the very least supportive of your /lit/ness)

>> No.10621027

Tell me of this trick of yours!

>> No.10621069

She loved the way I am. Called me her little intellectual like she had me all mapped out in her mind before she met me - I fit the mold; I validated her pretensions.
Sweetest memory of a journey to France when I read to her 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being'. We did not finish the novel on our way home, but later in bed I would read to her all cuddled up.

>> No.10621075

I've been single for 3 years. Is there even hope at this point? I've spent most of that time alone and isolated from the world, lost in my inner world.

>> No.10621407

anon these meaningless words hurt me

>> No.10621411

Not literature

>> No.10621414


the tism is a heavy burden anon

>> No.10621421

eugh.. iktf

>> No.10621489

She reads some so I can’t complain too much. Likes To Kill a Mockingbird and One Hundred Years of Solitude. She’s premed so not a lot of free time to read.

>> No.10621861

My girlfriend doesn't like my reading because I read books by "old white men", but we lesbians can't be too picky.

>> No.10621880

I once broke up on the spot with a gf after she raged in public for reading instead of cuddling with her. Someone whiteknighted for her in the thread saying I was an asshole.

>> No.10621884

Yes but wouldnt it be rude to go up to them and interrupt their reading?

>> No.10621926

kill you are self

>> No.10621930


>> No.10621933
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>Girl I had a slight fling with a few months ago reconnected with me last week
>She's recently gotten really into reading
>We've talked about books every day. And talking more than we ever did before
>Gone out twice to book stores. Gone to her house and read
>Last time we got to talking about past relationships and our current status on relationships
>Says her last circumstance was with a guy she was friends with then they had sex and it was weird after
>She says she hasn't cared about guys or having any relationship in months
>h-heh yeah me too
Goddamint, I have no chance. I don't get it, she just randomly talks to me again after months, am I just the only person she knows who reads books or something?
I just wanna cuddle with her while we read

>> No.10621945

I read more than my (now ex) bf, and honestly I think it was a blow to his ego that started a whole bunch of issues that snowballed and lead to our breakup.

>> No.10622016

She reads books about buddhism and self help. She’s a qtpi though, very supportive and pretends to be into the stuff i’m into for my sake, so it doesn’t bother me much. Trying to get her to read more challenging stuff and she’s coming around a bit

>> No.10622033

Just ask her out on a date.

>> No.10622038

She's just playing hard to get most likely.

>> No.10622040

small penis detected

>> No.10622045

He was average. Just didn't like me noticing him lying about reading books.

>> No.10622047

i will write a story while listening to fela kuti

>> No.10622055


>> No.10622070

Damn boy here you go, look into the mirror now and observe your face with meticulous eyes and palaver in your heart. you know where it's going now but and you know this and knew this there is no way back now even if you lie to your friends. You are going down the laddders of life going down deeply and sinking down the ocean till you reach the bottom and when you reach the bottom and you can breath underwaterish air oxygen into your lungs so that you do not die right there then and now but rather live on and go on with your journey of which there is no return and you knew it and you walk down the ocean line with many of the fishes accoampnying you with their goldenbred silky eyes and their o-mouths ringing you to readjust your purpose but you walk and walk walking deeper down the ocean line. Walking the line and singing the son of rararara rararara. walking the ocean line till no more sky is there mr. gentleman walking it with 2 feet firmly on the groun despite of no gravity inside the water. And why is it that you are doing this asks you a homeless man sitting on the street and having written on a pape mache that he needs some money to survive the colderness of the winter then you lock him in the eyes with your eyes and glimmers of hostility but you say Yes. You say YES to everything in live you say. "I say YES to everything in live. that is why my good friend" handing him 2 dollari for food while saying so and smiling genuinely bigly and wide open smiles on your face and in your eyes and you ears. "I'm walking the straight and narrow path" exclaiming to him but you don't know what it means. "The straight and narrow path? Do you have a conscience?" he asks you eating the 2 dollari which makes you really think. You mean that tiny nagging voice, he asks him and you say: Yes my friend. The tiny nagging voice which nobody is listening to anymore. All the people do is palaver, palaver, palaver but they go get em, they always go get em and the rat pulls the cats tail while cat sleeps but cat go get em, they always be go get em when palaver is done says the homeless man. And you laugh from the depths of your stomach into the clear blue sky just there above you like a raven, like a ra-ven: Ra Ra Ra. and walk on for you walk the straight and narrow path. Hell it's time to say good bye to this rotten city which you will leave now foreverial. Rarara. Good bye my friends you say when you reach the home of your friends and they say: You were a troublemaker but we are missing you even now that you stand before us! they say and tears are being shed. "Time to say goodbye" you whisper, time to say goodbye to you my rotten city, you ugly stinking swamp. too much palaver in this city, you think. "I will be going" you say and exchange hugs like a firm tree with those who showed kindness to your heart and said:"Yes." to your existance. Waka waka though, you think and get into the train 1 hour later. Rarara. Hello new life, you write into the toilet stall and read the

>> No.10622074


Kys you literal subhuman. You don't *need* to hit anyone unless you're a psychopath with 0 social skills

>> No.10622090

oh the people laughs hehee they laghs at the midget in the middle of delia plaza standing there with miserability in his eyes and the tears welling down the litle midget the little midget thinking: Time to say good bye to this city of the rotten hearts, you say the midget says to himself with miserability in is heart but it has been planted there by te people of the city splurging their seed of miserablity in his heart every day he who stans on delia plaza just as a midget and nothing more even without a name for midgets don't need names all they need is their height of their body and when they get cast in the movies the movie description says: ugly little midget bastard creature to be played by midget please apply for casting at this email: [email adress] and this is all you will get and your humor oh no no no shenshema my friend your humor is humor of midgets and the laughter is always even just a tiny little bit aimed at your very existance for your midget existance is a joke, my friend. And you have heard it so many times in your little midget ear exclaiming: Your very existanc is a joke to me, me who i am tal, very tal reaching upwards into the skies and talking with the low flying sparrows when the rain is coming then walking fastly on my tree trunk legs into the house which i have built with my very strong arms right then and there and being protected from the rains being sent to us by the gods, the gods who sed rain and they sed thunder, they send amore y muerto but you my little midget you will always stand in the centre of delia plaza and your heart will be rotten for the rottenness of your existance as a joke, my friend. They say to the midget who stans in delia plaza and is ready to say goodbye right then and there and walk into the deep forests and so he does. Oh so he does then and there, and says: Good bye men and woman. Saysin goodbye to them and he waders off on his miget legs, not like real person but with slow and akward steps and shufling and hufing for it is hard to be a midget that waks til he has left the city and laughter was raise in the hearts of the ppl who saw him waking but that does no longer matter, says the midget. rarara. No more palaver, says the midget who is now in the forest and wak alongside the birds who do not know what a midget is. The birds sing Ra Ra Ra Ra. And the little midget looks into their eyes testing ther sincerity and fulnes of hearts. "Trouble sleeps in this forest" says the forest to the midget. And the midget melts into a puddle right there and then, going "ah". Yes, say the midget to the fores. and gets up. Do you know who i am, asks the midget. "No, i do not know" says the bird and goes Ra Ra Ra Ra. Ah, says the midget and melts down to the ground and then gets up wiping the sweat of it's brows. Now there are dears watching and foxes too as the midget talks to the bird. "And do you know why the clouds laugh?" asks the midget. "The clouds laugh because they know time. Palaver." says the bird

>> No.10622094

somebody clearly hasn't read russian literature

>> No.10622103
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She encourages it and loves and supports my passion. But, as much as I am fine with spending half an hour watching her look through clothes, I don't want her to be bored when I browse bookshops so generally shop alone. I don't like to bother or bore people in that respect and she gets annoyed at that.

Shes not a massive reader. Which is a shame because shes a monstrous speed reader too.

>> No.10622138

>tfw no gf
books for this feel?

>> No.10622171

I've had three months of that companionship in my 26 years. In the letter that came with my Christmas gift the same year she told me how much she enjoyed the autumn we had together. Whenever we were apart during that time I failed to picture a future for us, and that failure expressed itself as a wish to gently reject her and stop wasting her time. In the end she was the one who did it, the sex and intimacy was too high a price to pay for alleviating my conscience. I want her back, but I know it's just my loneliness speaking, there's still no future for us.

If I ever get a gf I like to think she'd be similar to me, that we'd read together and tease eachother for our pretensions.

>> No.10622262

> being this socially incompetent

Glad to see you voluntarily agreed to never reproduce.

>> No.10622266

> distracting people while they read

That's what we call a "dick move."

>> No.10622273

> talking about girlfriends
> is gay

Found the "no kiss zone"

>> No.10622277

What the fuck is Chuck Tingle really a doctor or what

Also never buy ebooks from humble bundle.

>> No.10622282

> likes Austen and William Goldman
> typical

Nah dude, she sounds kinda cool. All the best to you both

>> No.10622287

t. soyboy numale cuck

>> No.10622291
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>> No.10622292
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That's nothing dude, buckle up.

> college, around 2009
> meet a girl who's fun, reads a lot, helps me out of my shell quite a bit
> we hang out a lot, first girl I've ever done this with so not sure what the protocols are or whatever, that socially retarded that I can't see that she likes me
> she messages me online once and says "I really like you, anon" shortly followed afterwards with "Haha I'm kidding I joke about that with everyone t b h haha"
> pin drops and I think she likes me
> next week she's parading around how she just discovered she's a lesbian
> "o-oh ok..."
> week afterwards she gets a boyfriend

Not quite put myself out there ever since. Probably read more to compensate for lack of success with women (women have flirted with me plenty of times but I rarely have the confidence to ask them out and they're not so fond of making the first move either, so I tend to bond with a woman who clearly likes me in that way but it never goes beyond a 2 month friendship). I've found a feeling of comfort with the more I read though and I'm more comfortable with myself living quietly alone.

>> No.10622296
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>> No.10622399


>> No.10622543

ur implying a lot of things there bucko

>> No.10622548

Admitting you're interested in finding a partner won't damage your relationship to her and if she someday change her mind she'll know you're an alternative.

>> No.10622561
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lol nah dude doomed himself. she reconnected with him while single and talked about things she knew he liked as opposed to herself practically begging to be asked out romantically and our robofriends processors shut down, hope has abandoned him

>> No.10622568


>> No.10622572

Thanks brudi

>> No.10623320

Why not do both at the same time, anon?

>> No.10623360

>decide with gf to go to beach to have a picnic then read in the sun
>she has something to say every 5 minutes

>> No.10623369

that's why I read and study alone.

>> No.10623383

Who drew this?

>> No.10624166


>> No.10624174

My girlfriend always gives me shit cause she says I fill my head with a lot of random facts and research when I should be 100% dedicating my studies to my specific major

But fuck that I want to learn as much as I can about everything

>> No.10624795
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> bad boyim needs to spend less time learning about the world and needs to spend more time on his major
> goooood boyyyyy yes make loads of money for me in your STEM degree you hate
> yes boyim you can cum in me today I swear it's safe

>> No.10624811

this is gross, anon