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10617430 No.10617430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, what did /lit/ think of this book?

>> No.10617443

They spoke ill of Donald Trump, so I do not like it.

t. a loyal MAGApede

>> No.10617454

Surely you can't believe that it's only BLUMPFFFH fans who are close minded?

The Bernie "East Germany Had It Right" Sanders crowd are just as retarded.

>> No.10617458

Didn’t read it, but it probably just tells me what I knew would happen

>> No.10617524

Literary equivalent of Inside the Third Reich by Speer

>> No.10617531

I think Steve Bannon did an excellent job conveying his agenda to Michael Wolff

>> No.10617540

The dust hasn't setted. Give it 50 years and it will have settled.

>> No.10617546

Way to mischaracterize the Bernie Sanders crowd. They're essentially New Deal proponents who only seem far to the left because of how far America has moved to the right economically since the 70s. The Sanders fans are nowhere near as stupid as BLUMPFFFH fans.

>> No.10617550

The average Sanders fan is like 19 years old

>> No.10617555

ha ha

>> No.10617557

All the more impressive that they manage to be so much smarter than Trump supporters.

>> No.10617559

t. Bernie Sanders supporter

>> No.10617566

You don't have to be a Sanders supporter to recognize the obvious fact that Bernie is more competent than Trump.

>> No.10617570

Bernie supporters being less retarded than Trump is definitely debatable, but Bernie being more competent than Trump? Nah senpai, I'll take the orange retard any day of the week and twice on sundays

>> No.10617578

For all his faults Bernie at least planned to confront the most pressing issues. Trump, far from planning to confront those issues, has failed even to notice them.

>> No.10617590

Oh yes the millionahs and billionahs

>What's your tax plan bernie
The millionahs and billionahs

>We have the most progressives tax system in the world bernie, how are we going to be able to afford these massive spending increases
T-t-t-the millionahs and b-b-b-b-illionahs

>> No.10617597

>he doesn't understand social democracy

>> No.10617602

Socially is the cuckoldry of political systems. I have more respect for the radicals

>> No.10617605

That's a demonstrably good plan, though. It already worked in the US in the middle of the 20th century.

>> No.10617614

You mean the system where we were the only advanced economy functioning and taxed the rich at 90% but not really because the effective tax rate is actually around 1/3rd of that and very few people even qualified for that tax bracket?

>> No.10617623
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shitty gossip rag of rumors since democrats have no real argument against Trump. They are fucking and throwing anything they can think of at him

>> No.10617627

only cuckoldry if you're a billionaire

>> No.10617642

That doesn't make any sense. It is cuckoldry. Socially you're basically a liberal with some post-structuralism, no actual unique "social democrat" ideology, and fiscally you're literally cucked out of radical change. You basically did cuck out to the billionaires because all they need to do is pay slightly higher income tax (which isn't how they get their money) and they're fine

>> No.10617668

t. classcuck

>> No.10617678

I'm literally pointing out how YOURE the classcuck.

>> No.10617702

how is normal people making more money cucked?

>> No.10617714

because social democracy was socialism that cucked out of radical change and stalinism, and instead promoted a slow transition, andthen got cucked again so they sought to promote "justice" within the system


>> No.10617732
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>> No.10617734

>he thinks billionaires pay taxes

>> No.10617744

you don't need radical change to be a happy working class human being, retard

>> No.10617747

>(which isn't how they get their money)
Are you retarded

I'm not a communist, I just have more respect towards them than the cuckoldry known as social democracy

You also can be perfectly happy in your marriage and have your wife fuck a big black bull every night


>> No.10617750

t. stalinist

>> No.10617752

prep the bull, cuck

Or should I say

clean the car, wash the dishes, mow the lawn for me

>> No.10617758

I'm no fan of Trump but desperately grasping for WOW HE'S LITERALLY INSANE GUYS WTF IMPEACH NOW makes the left look pathetic
It's poo poo pee pee dossier level, the introduction openly says it wasn't fact-checked and it from "anonymous tips" and shit like that

>> No.10617765

>Lol just tax the billionahs more XD
>The people with the best ability to move their money somewhere else or abuse loopholes

Oh and good luck getting the rich lawyers who likely uses these to actually close them and not make 5 more. haha

>> No.10617780

>slowly realizing how retarded, petty, and pathological the left is
dont worry, in about a year, you will drop them entirely

>> No.10617782

this guy is literally correct

>> No.10617797

I never understood the logic of
>lets do away with rules
>because they'll just cheat
I mean dosen't the fact that the rich have been pushing for lower tax rates mean they don't enjoy being taxed at the current rate? I also don't understand why a working/middle class/not lord of finance would advocate for taking on a larger tax burden (at the expense of 1.5 trillion in national debt) just to make the rich happy or celebrate a political "victory" that dosen't benefit you personally. haha

>> No.10617807

the middle class gets a huge tax break as well, and they dont give a shit since they dont have to rely on government assistance programs for housing or EBT cards ect.

>> No.10617809

In a world where wealth is so disproportionately held it's no wonder any revolution or movement promoting social justice is just a superpac for the elite and a dead end for everyone else.

>> No.10617819

While it's true that social democracy is a capitulation that has lost all meaning (original "social democrats" were Marxists who wanted the same socialist transition as the revolutionaries), political change doesn't work the way we want it to, there will be no sudden bolshevik takeover in the United States. Even Lenin had to cooperate and build trust with reformists for years before anything could happen. The US is intensely reactionary, and any movement to the left would be something.

Though as a European, a part of me does just wish the whole country would crash and burn so somebody else can try being the imperial power.

>> No.10617830

>because social democracy was socialism that cucked out of radical change and stalinism
fugging socdemmms what do you mean you don't wandd gulags??? :DDD fugging guggs :DDDD

>> No.10617836

Shouldn't you be getting back to work, cuck? The bosses wife needs a new car!

>> No.10617837
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>Though as a European, a part of me does just wish the whole country would crash and burn so somebody else can try being the imperial power.
this is why no one likes the left btw. You guys are obsessive and suicidal, with no plan for the future other than self destruction over colonial and white guilt. Also, leftist are elitist who despise the working class and this is naturally perceived by them. Socialist ditched trying to appeal to workers anyway and instead turned to academia and now they are a meme like pic related.

>> No.10617850

Academia really needs a major rehaul. Hell I'd be for a socially funded college but they would need to really increase standards and be merrit based. But this will never happen in 1000x years cuz das rayciss. Better vocational options is also not bad

>> No.10617863
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The real solution here is Robespierre 2020.

>> No.10617870

kill yourself

>> No.10617875

Bro fuccc no
I'd vote for Drumpfh a thousand more times before a Dem or commie

>> No.10617877

stop being an internet tough guy anon. Its cringy as fuck.

>> No.10617879
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When will the leftism of Eugene V. Debs come back? That's what I want, goddammit. Leftism being hijacked as purely identity politics horseshit seems suspiciously like a deliberate attempt to quash any economic reform it may have championed.
Is the fact that elections are now all about who is allowed in what bathrooms an intentional way to shift the argument?

>> No.10617882

I honestly felt like crying while reading it. It makes me physically angry that lib scum are allowed to slander My President like this

>> No.10617888

this but unironically

>> No.10617897

Are you talking about the deductions? Because the middle-class tax break equates to a few hundred a year and that's hardly enough to change your current dependency on aid programs. They'd essentially be drastically reducing the funding of those programs they rely on for a tax break that will have little to no benefit to them. Whatever you can say of its effect on the middle-class (and there's not much to say) you can say the rates haven't changed much.

>> No.10617908

As proven by the fact that Bernie won the presidential election

>> No.10617910

The "middle class" wants their net worth to keep on rising but they don't tend to pay as much attention to their debt servicing obligations, as long as they can see their property getting more valuable now they'll be happy. They are totally reliant on government managing fiscal/monetary policy in a manner that won't make things explode down the road e.g. see cryptocurrencies and now imagine the USD fluctuating like that daily.
It's not difficult to inject a bunch of cash into the economy at any moment (it's a pure political issue) but understanding the long run consequences is what's difficult. It's best to just think of taxation as a way of getting money out of the economy to manage inflationary pressures.

>> No.10618216

>if you want anything less than a full blown Stalin- style communist revolution you're a fuck
I guess the right wing is cucked because they generally don't want to purge the untermensch and because civil rights exist.

>> No.10618229

Jesus, I hate Sanderstein more than any of you fucking Amerimutts because he killed Rosa - but he obviously didn't get a chance because of Shillary and the (((Democrats))) rigging their own election.