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/lit/ - Literature

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10617135 No.10617135 [Reply] [Original]

>fuses mnemonic traditions of cicero and llull
>turns the concept upside down
>instead of a profane crutch to store encyclopaedic knowledge, it becomes an esoteric method to discover a divine blueprint of inner and outer reality
>becomes almost incomprehensible after enlightenment, alien to scientific method and common logic
is he, dare i say, an early c.g. jung? what was jung's attitude to him?

>Philosophers are in a certain manner painters and poets, poets are painters and philosophers, painters are poets and philosophers. True poets, painters and philosophers love each other and are beloved of each other reciprocally: a philosopher is nothing if he is not one who depicts and presents images.
t. bruno

>> No.10617183

He's not exactly unknown in the academic or intellectual spheres.

>> No.10617201
File: 627 KB, 568x573, where's Bruno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10617305

they claim every single rebel for their team and downplay or omit incompatible traits. i'm more interested in parallels between jungian theory and the real bruno.

>Many intellectual historians and scholars of the philosophy of Giordano Bruno have had difficulties with the works which he wrote between 1582 and 1591 on the ars combinatoria and the ars reminiscendi. When confronted with these unfamiliar and seemingly paradoxical ideas they have tended to be dismissive and even openly antagonistic.
t. paolo rossi

>> No.10617676

>they claim every single rebel for their team and downplay or omit incompatible traits
This is what everyone should do with all thinkers—unless you're Samuel Johnson—everyone has some bad ideas.

>> No.10617737

want know bruno
read what book

>> No.10617769

Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition

>> No.10617783


I can confirm that this is a good choice.

>> No.10617795
File: 37 KB, 500x667, chiesa infame viva giordano bruno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10618911

Are his books available? Or did the church burnt them?

>> No.10618978

I've only read Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast. Where do I go next? De Umbris Idearum?

>> No.10618979

They're available

>> No.10619023

>dividing the world into goodies and badies
good luck with that anon

>> No.10619089
File: 197 KB, 1200x1099, occult groyper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michael Storch - Applied Imagination: Giordano Bruno and the Creation of Magical Images
>Paolo Rossi - Logic And the Art of Memory: The Quest for a Universal Language
to understand bruno's milieu

>> No.10619108

btw from the first one:
>Higgins and Doria seem to view Bruno as a modem or even postmodern
thinker. They appreciate in this treatise the achievement of a glorified and creative
imagination. They also down play the role of mnemonics and magic and instead highlight
the psychological and semiotic aspects of the text. They suggest that the heirs of Bruno are
Jung (who was influenced by Bruno's gods as archetypes) and Saussure (inspired by Bruno's
thoughts on signification)

>> No.10619565

Oh, i see. Thanks!

>> No.10621186

Any more mystical commentaries?

>> No.10622547
