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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 170 KB, 753x800, stirnermax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10615057 No.10615057 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this man ?

>> No.10615157


>> No.10615184

a god amongst men.

>> No.10616157
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I miss when stirner threads were a common occurence.

>> No.10616162

The ol "everything proof shield" kid.

>> No.10616163

Engels alter ego

>> No.10616167

Turns out muttering spooks for every argument isn't a sustainable philosophy

>> No.10616220

all is nothing to me

>> No.10616231

no hez real

>> No.10616243

More complex and subtle than people give him credit for. He's working in the shadow of Hegel and makes in-jokes on his work

>> No.10616260

shut fuck up

>> No.10616463
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>> No.10617653


>He hasn't read the better translation that came out this year which gets rid of that stupid word
>He thinks that Stirner wasn't eloquent enough to defend his refusal to be held down by the tyranny of spirit.

>> No.10617670


>> No.10617685

he's the man

>> No.10617774
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am the foremost stirner expert ama

>> No.10617777


Why didn't anyone tell me a new translation had come out.
Is it good?

>> No.10617787

its pretty good but I like having both

>> No.10617790

Don't like this drawing of him.

>> No.10617800

>its pretty good but I like having both

Thanks. I too like having multiple good translations.

>> No.10617942
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I'll be doing my MA on this meme so I'd say he's pretty cool.

>> No.10617958

How about you learn German already?

>> No.10618990

Where do I start with Stirner
Is he even worth reading

>> No.10619004
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espouses light-weight-but-not-wrong philosophy

is unfortunately mistaken for a rightist just because he accomplishes some of the things rand failed to do

>> No.10619481

Stirner is favored by misfit youths who find consolace in his egotism. And the smarter ones will argue endlessly that his watered down hegelianism is actually humanitarian, when the actual fact is that all he accomplishes is a convoluted justification of autofellatio.

>> No.10619489


>> No.10619492

The shanty shack of of 19th-century German political philosophy. "dude everything is a social construct haha like bro just associate voluntarily with equally unscrupulous people like me haha".
It sickens me seeing this meme philosopher get pushed into this boards mainstream.

>> No.10619537

He has literally two books and one is a reaction to the critics of the first book. Start with Hop on Pop, anon.

>> No.10619568

Pretty cool dude if you can into nominalism (at least with regard to the self), someone on /lit/ suggested thinking of him as "a materialist on steroids" which I think is pretty accurate. He was also kind of a cheeky fuck that was more interested in making fun of Feuerbach than really laying out a "system." Anyone who thinks he said something like "dude everything is a spook lmao" probably didn't actually read him.

>> No.10619611

Obligatory reading: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/german-ideology/ch03d.htm

>at the end of the ancient world, “spirit” “again foamed and frothed over irresistibly because gases” (spirits) “developed within it and, after the mechanical impact from outside became ineffective, chemical tension, which stimulate in the interior, began to come into wonderful play”. (Stirner)

>This sentence contains the most important data of the “unique” philosophy of nature, which on the previous page had already arrived at the conclusion that for man nature is the “unconquerable”. Earthly physics knows nothing about a mechanical impact which becomes ineffective — unique physics alone has the merit of this discovery. Earthly chemistry knows no “gases” which stimulate “chemical tensions” and, what is more, “in the interior”. Gases which enter into new combinations, into new chemical relations, do not stimulate any “tensions”, but at most lead to a fall of tension, insofar as they pass into a liquid state of aggregation and thereby their volume decreases to something less than one-thousandth of their former volume. If Saint Max feels “tensions” “in” his own “interior” due to “gases”, these are highly “mechanical impacts”, and by no means “chemical tensions”. They are produced by a chemical transformation, determined by physiological causes, of certain mixtures into others, whereby part of the constituents of the former mixture becomes gaseous, therefore, occupies a larger volume arid, in the absence of space for it, causes a “mechanical impact” or pressure towards the outside. [That] these nonexistent “chemical tensions” “come” into extremely “wonderful play” in Saint Max’s “interior”, namely, this time in his head, “we see” from the role they play in “unique” natural science. Incidentally, it is to be desired that Saint Max would no longer withhold from the profane natural scientists what nonsense he has in mind with the crazy expression “chemical tensions”, which moreover “stimulate in the interior” (as though a “mechanical impact” on the stomach does not “stimulate it in the interior” as well). (Marx)

>> No.10619643
File: 51 KB, 500x562, stirner pacman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good meme.

>> No.10619714

Some German words just can't properly be translated into English.

Good thing i'm Dutch

>> No.10619720

I'm very glad this meme died

>> No.10619726

It's funny how angry Marx got from Stirner. And in the end, he couldn't even properly refute him.

>> No.10619728

The word Spooks is unironically the only reason he has any fame

>> No.10619757
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 1462400047513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying watered down hegelianism
>implying not condensed Fichte
>posting in a Stirner thread without having read Stirner
Wenn Fichte sagt: 'das Ich ist is alles', so scheint dies it meinem Aufstellungen vollkommen zu harmonieren. Allein nicht das Ich ist alles, sondern zerstört alles, und nur das sich selbst auflösende Ich, das nie seiende Ich, das -- endliche Ich ist wirklich Ich. Fichte spricht vom 'absoluten' Ich, Ich aber spreche von Mir, dem vergänglichen Ich.
>implying social construct
>mistaking hardcore nominalism for social theory
Dem Egoismis liegt das Interesse zu Grunde. Ist aber das Interesse nicht in gleicher Weise ein bloßer Name, ein inhaltsleerer und aller Begriffsentwicklung barer Begriff, wie der Einzelne?

Tl;dr: fucking pseuds fuck the fuck off.

>> No.10619765

Well done, you're unspooked.
Now what?

>> No.10619771

Dunno, probably masturbate

>> No.10619789

Awesome, that was sure worth becoming an repugnant loser

>> No.10619816

The fuck is he even saying.

>> No.10619828

Es ist nötig, noch ein Wort über den Menschen zu sagen. Wie es scheint, ist Stirners Buch gegen Menschen geschrieben. Dadurch, wie auch durch das Wort Egoist hat er sich die schlimmsten Urteile zugezogen oder die hartnäckigsten Vorurteile rege gemacht. -- Ja, es ist wirklich gegen den Menschen geschrieben, und gleichwohl hätte Stirner auf dasselbe Ziel losgehen können, ohne die Leute so arg vor den Kopf zu stoßen, wenn er die Kehrseite heraus gewendet und gesagt hätte: er schreibe gegen den Unmenschen. Nur hätte er dann selbst die schuld getragen, wenn man ihn in entgegengesetzer, nämlich in sentimentaler Weise missverstanden und in der Reihe derer gestellt hätte, welche für den 'wahren Menschen' ihre Stimme erheben.

>> No.10619840

a faggot. fuck him.

>> No.10619865

He is talking about farts. Lrn2read. There was a southpark episode in which kyles parrents joined an exclusive club of farting into wine glasses and smelling their own rectum. Stirner boils down to that

>> No.10619883

Ja, ja, Ich verstanden. Du kannst von alles macht dir frei aber was habst du dann?

Sartre was right about one thing, there's little solace in being condemned to be free

>> No.10619905

Please don't embarrass yourself. Even Google Translate is usually better than that in this day and age so I'll have to assume your English input was at least equally retarded.

>> No.10619912

How pseud do you have to be to intentionally obfuscate your post by using another language?

Uită-te la mine Sunt hao inteligent!

>> No.10619947

Not an argument

>> No.10619953
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It was the easiest way for me to assert my superiority in the face of blatantly surface-level Stirner 'critics', I also don't have any translations at hand and I'm not gonna download any just to gain imaginary points on a Nootka canoe carving board on the internet.

>> No.10619971

>Je parle Allemand donc j'ai raison

Absolute state of Stirner fags

>> No.10620002

Marx did a very thorough critique of Stirner. Calling him out on all his bullshit. Eloquently so, but from within a marxist framework (read materealistic hegelianism). Stirner fags will argue that Marx's framework is flawed by design. Marxfags will argue that Stirners framework is flawed by design. But the fact remains that Marx tried to empower people while stirner was just stroking his own cock all along. And that is his great appeal to modern youth. Nothing else

>> No.10620009


He shits on spooked plebeians.

>> No.10620017

> But the fact remains that Marx tried to empower people while stirner was just stroking his own cock all along.

This is the most important thing and comes down to Nietzsche's criticism of "truth". Maybe you're right but so fucking what if you were

>> No.10620051

Please explain to me how teaching that you should never let yourself be owned by an idea/ideology/whatever is not empowering people.

>> No.10620065

'plebian' is a spook

>> No.10620070

Will you disgusting Germans please stop speaking turkish

>> No.10620095


>> No.10620133

Because all you're left with at that point is just floating aimlessly in the void

>> No.10620148

Stirner bows to Marx

>> No.10620174

i cant believe someone used the word spook instead of spirit, stirner speaks about being possesed by spirits

i read an oldass spanish translation and words like ego or spook are nowhere to be found

>> No.10620194

Spook is funner to say

>> No.10620204

meme philosopher

>> No.10620218

Kek, this, which is why he's the GOAT.

>> No.10620222

did you read the dutch translation if stirner?

>> No.10620253

*flemish, desu.

a belgian guy translated it, the anarchist bookshop on jew broad street in amsterdam carries it

>> No.10620332

>Maybe you're right but so fucking what if you were
I dont recall Nietzche saying that. Kindly enlighten me as to where he wrote those words.
There are two kinds of empowring. One revolves around solidarity. The other relolves around your own dick.

>> No.10620339
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>Marx tried to empower people while stirner was just stroking his own cock all along
Shit point based on bourgeois privacy biopolitics. The Unique isn't limited to the person and doesn't exclude experiental transcendence.

And trying to terminally empower people is ridiculous from an egoist PoV, since everyone is already an egoist.

You're criticizing Stirner for not doing things which he isn't interested in doing. He's not a philosopher of what is to be, but of what is.

>> No.10620349

>stirner was just stroking his own cock all along
see the pic in >>10619004

>> No.10620350

>trying to terminally empower people is ridiculous from an egoist PoV, since everyone is already an egoist
Are you a social being or are you a scoiopath? Defining everything in terms of self interest leads to what? Just because stirner used lofty words dont make his ideas less crappy

>> No.10620370

>most of this board hates Evola
>most of this board likes Stirner
really gets my noggin joggin

>> No.10620378

>believes in spooks
>believes in literal ghosts

I cannot tell the difference

>> No.10620387

Yes, he acknowledged the left hegelian doctrine and tried to incorporate it in his his philosophy of self and property. That still makes him an apologetic

>> No.10620391

>Defining everything in terms of self interest leads to what?
The real world? Or are you going to say society isn't ruled by interest?

>> No.10620405

What kind of world do you want? I will take a wild guess: the one where you have a slim chance to take maximum advantage and laugh at the ones who fail. And the more you fail the more you want it. And the more you want it the more you fail. And you get blinded real fast by property. You want to own. And the more you get the more you want. And the more you want the less you have. Can we talk about different ways or are we reduced to following the way things are just because everybody is equally stupid and unable to think beyond their own hardon?

>> No.10620415

>I will take a wild guess: the one where you have a slim chance to take maximum advantage and laugh at the ones who fail.
>And you get blinded real fast by property. You want to own.
Congrats on not understanding Stirner at all.

>> No.10620436

This is not about stirner. This is about some ass telling me that trying for something better than the shitfest that is reality is stupid. Which is more stupid? Accepting shit in your face and shitting back in the same manner or trying to clean it up and prevent it from repeating itself?

>> No.10620448


>> No.10620453

Evola is a LARPer, Stirner is the anti-LARPer.

>> No.10620460
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>thinking there is any link between the two

>> No.10620473

But if you want to bring stirner back in play, he offers no viable solution besides egoism, which is the root cause of the shitfest. He dresses it up in eloquent hegelian metaphysics and almost manages to justify it as the only means to harmony. But we all know shit aint like that. In the end, he becomes a lousy apologetic for egoistic sociopathic behavior. And he dresses it up in gassy metaphysics. Marx was wrong on many points but he was right about stirners metaphysics being nothing but farts dressed up as perfume

>> No.10620530
File: 18 KB, 300x169, Max-Stirner-Quotes-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your "reality" is nothing more than a burden created by your own repression. If you were intelligent you would see that if you wanted to "empower" people you would have to let go of such realities and replace it with one in which they have been always-already in power, in which history has always been leading to this moment which retroactively modifies it. Otherwise you'll always be fighting and if your paradise ever comes you would only know how to reject it. You can't prevent things from repeating from the future. You have to do it now.

>he becomes a lousy apologetic for egoistic sociopathic behavior
He allows it. He does not support it. There is a difference you would understand if you weren't dependent on other people's thoughts from stopping you from doing things you know you wouldn't do anyway, since you and most people aren't sociopaths.

Not that there's anything special about sociopaths anyway. They're being in this world like any other. If humanity deems them to be unacceptable or useful so it'll be. Nothing you say now will change that, and it will all be based on humanity's actions.

>> No.10620548
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And anyway, you're spooked as fuck if you think capitalism is sociopathic. It's an extremely moralistic phenomenon.

>> No.10620597

>see suffering
>muh own reality and muh propertai
>gettin rich by making other people poor be moralistic
>muh stirner
Someone say otherwise
>U spooked as fuck

>> No.10620614

>>believes in spooks
His whole point is that spooks aren't real

>> No.10620620


>> No.10620660

And now let me tell you something. Stirners metaphysics are refutable by his own methods. They are all spooks. If you embrace that idea of his and take it to its consequences you end up with Marx. Not Stirner. the only courage Stirner had was encouraging himself to play smart with demagogics.æ

>> No.10620661

His post implies Stirnee believes in the concept of spooks, not that he subscribes to those beliefs

>> No.10620708


>> No.10620711

>see suffering
That's not what I said at all.

>muh own reality and muh propertai
So I guess people should accept some reality that isn't their own and subordinate to it. Yeah, that doesn't sound like slavery at all.

>gettin rich by making other people poor be moralistic
You didn't even understand the quote.

>muh stirner
Most of my points are based on Zizek.

>Stirners metaphysics are refutable by his own methods. They are all spooks.
It's a good thing that all his metaphysics are provitional then.

>If you embrace that idea of his and take it to its consequences you end up with Marx.
Be honest, you think that about everything.

>> No.10620803

ITT People who haven't read Stirner

>> No.10620806


>> No.10620841

Why would you read a meme person so irrelevant he couldn't even afford a photograph

>> No.10620848

god you’re stupid

>> No.10620853


>> No.10621392

I think egoism and cooperation can be inclusive. Egoism should be kept in check, and cooperation must necessarily be protected from dogma (spooks).

>> No.10621402

There are three people maximum in any Stirner thread, of any length, who have actually bothered to read Stirner. The same goes for any other thread on this board that's actually related to literature

>> No.10621518
File: 2.17 MB, 4128x2322, 20171215_194744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, dear anon, is exactly what the union of egoists does.

>> No.10621545

NOPE, a union of egoists does nothing to interfere with the conscious egoistic interests of its members. They cooperate out of sheer voluntary egoism, otherwise the union has degenerated into something else, a society

>> No.10621579

Stirner is on our side anon

>> No.10621608

maybe on opposite day

>> No.10621987

I like the elegant simplicity of his system, but Nietzsche did it all better and in a way that's more compatible with actual humans

>> No.10622106

why bother reading books when i can read a few posts and conjecture

>> No.10622179

Who's Stirner?

>> No.10622340

a man or a beast?

>> No.10622534
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>> No.10622551

problematic but i can see how weaklings might find help with his work

>> No.10623582
File: 5 KB, 235x193, Mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out that that isn't the philosophy.

You're just in love with your spooks and can't get over it. God is dead and good riddance.

This isn't the philosophy either.