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10613624 No.10613624 [Reply] [Original]

Your honest thoughts on this Book

>> No.10613629

bolaño liked it

>> No.10613633


>> No.10613636

It's fucking great wish there was a sequel. it's pure dopamine! Much love, deep respect, hard RIP.

>> No.10613651

on the second read through I was really able to enjoy myself and this is easily one of the funniest books I have ever read, the Miss Trixie stuff even got me to laugh out loud

>> No.10613654


>> No.10613657

Favorite book. Toole some how worked in great allusions, references, and themes into a book where the main character masturbates to a dog. I sounded like a madman defending it to all the girls in my class that hated it because it was "gross" and "crude". Fucking plebs.

>> No.10613698

Up there at the apex of humour in literature with Catch-22.

>> No.10613761

Unconventionally structured, authentically written and keenly tragic given that Toole no doubt used his struggling career in writing as a model for Ignatius's unfinished and meaningless writings.

>where the main character masturbates to a dog
I always say that as Ignatius remembering his last happy moment - or at least a very happy moment - and finding release in the positivity of it all. Ending on a high note, as it were

>> No.10613806

As a South American, I have a problem with the Negro's voice in my head. Most of times I imagine a high pitched voice, sometimes a mumbling low pitched.
Otherwise, an excellent book. The next time, it will be the fourth time I read it.

>> No.10613883

did you read it in english the first time?

>> No.10613888

kinda funny at times but a bit boring

may revisit it

>> No.10613923

>tfw can't mention him irl now as it's a meme on /lit/
The rebbit of 4chan ruining books again

>> No.10613948

It's amongst the funniest books ever written, so It's trash.

>> No.10614021

Opening section is the funniest parts but from there on out the laughs lose the intensity. But it's still a great book.
A sequel would not make sense thematically.

>> No.10614027

>Unconventionally structured
How so? Plot is linear. If you're referring to how everyone in the novel eventually becomes connected, that's not unconventional at all...

>> No.10614069

Loved it. Had some belly laughs that really shook my pyloric valve.

>> No.10614161

Yeah, it's literally based off Boethius' work and other well known works. It's not unique at all.

>> No.10614190

>based off Boethius' work
Does this mean the ultimate and most transcendental way to read Confederacy of Dunces is in a public bathroom on the toilet all day while suffering from a severe case of bronchitis/flu?