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/lit/ - Literature

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1061330 No.1061330 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I've been wondering this for a while. What percentage of /lit/ plays videogames, watches anime, reads comics etc.?

I always read, but I go through phases of playing video games for a few weeks at a time.

>> No.1061339

i play pokemon often and ps3 games when i'm bored and don't feel like reading

>> No.1061345

I have an xbox but I only game for a few hours a month.
I've watched very little anime aside from Miyasaki.
I read comics fairly regularly.
All of that pales to the time I spend reading books or online.

>> No.1061349

why do people care so much about the people who browse /lit/, but not about literature itself?

>> No.1061351
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Just mixing it up, bro.

>> No.1061352

Because sometimes people want to know more about the people they're conversing with.

>> No.1061356

I play the vidya when a particuarly interesting game comes along that works on the system I have. If I had unltimited funds and time, I'd play games all the time.

I've only ever found a few anime shows that I enjoyed. Same for comics.

I really don't read as much as I used to. But I think that's because I started making myself read serious, intellectual works and it just isn't fun.

>> No.1061359

I watch only a few anime movies, just the really popular ones that are 2DEEP4U, like "Akira," "Serial Experiments Lain," "Last Exile," "Patlabor" and "Wedding Peach." That's right, Wedding Peach is 2deep4U

Also, I don't play video games, but I like to watch professional Korea Starcraft dubs on YouTube. I'm a nerd like that.

>> No.1061360 [DELETED] 

I play videogames from time to time, but mostly old genesis stuff. The newer stuff I do play is Silent Hill, for the story, but I only ever play the first four.

As for anime I grew up with Saint Seiya so I keep up with it from time to time, but nothing else. And I don't read comics, though I try to be open minded abut them. Maus was cool.

>> No.1061363

Find a happy medium between intellectual and fun.

>> No.1061378

I play competitive online videogames so I can wave my dick around. Back in the day I was in a Counter-Strike clan, and before that I was in a Quake clan. Then I moved onto console games and started playing Halo. When Halo began to suck I started playing Call of Duty and that's what I've been stuck with.

When I'm not doing that, I'm on the Internet. When I'm not on the internet, I'm reading a book. When I'm not reading a book, I'm at the gym, and if I'm not there, I'm working. My life is profoundly boring.

>> No.1061388

I'm open to suggestions, but I haven't found many books that fit the bill.

>> No.1061397

Read Jane Austen's "Northanger Abby"

>> No.1061418

/v/irgin here, firts time browsing /lit/
The only time I ever read is if my mom calls me and begs to give a book a chance"because I used to love reading whne I was younger."

>> No.1061419



>> No.1061422

I play video games more than the other two. Usually games like Fallout 3 or Bioshock besides that I don't play that many. Anime is every once in awhile and I rarely ever read comics.

>> No.1061758
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I still play videogames - though not as often as I used to - and watch anime too. Sometimes my experience with both will slightly influence how I see certain characters in my mind whilst reading. For example, based on the description of Nastasya Fillipovna's looks and demeanor I picture her as somewhat looking like Beatrice from Umineko.

>> No.1061767

Videogames: Only old PS2 and Ps1 games.
Animes: I did when I was younger, I'm not interested enough anymore to do it. I download an Anime, watch the first episode and then don't watch further wether I like or don't like the anime.
Comics: Yes I do, DMZ, Runaways, Courtney Crumrin,I like comics I'm not afraid to say it.

>> No.1061769

Typical retarded gamer

>> No.1061772

I don't really do any of those things (though I've read a few graphic novels), but I watch a LOT of movies. I watch movies more often than I read books.

>> No.1061776

I play video games occasionally, and I download a few of the recommended anime series every now and then. Bakemonogatari, Mushishi, stuff like that.

>> No.1061781

i only play videogames at friends places, and even then its pretty rare

the other two, no not at all

>> No.1061783

I check out computer games occasionally, but I don't play a lot.

I use to watch a lot of anime, but the shitty characters make me rage so I don't watch too much anymore.

I watch TV shows such as Dexter, Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, 30 Rock, Breaking Bad, Californication.

>> No.1061784

About 13% likes animés, and 32% likes comics.

>> No.1061792

Games: yes. Mostly RPGs.

Anime: not much, just the well known movies. Oh and an excellent short series called "Bartender", which I highly recommend.

Comics: again, the well known stuff: Sandman, Lucifer, Carey's run on Hellblazer, Maus, Transmetropolitan, etc.

>> No.1061795

I do all of these things. Not watched anime for at least a year though, got out of the habit after several seasons with little to no interesting shows. I think the last thing I watched from start to finish was Macross Frontier and the last show I partly watched was Tytania but I got sick of it.

>> No.1061807


>> No.1061836

Games: Occasionally. Typically DS games.

Anime: Not for quite a few years. I'll still rewatch Kon movies every now and then, though.

Comics: Not for a few years.

TV: I watch a lot of news/news commentary(MSNBC, Maddow, Reliable Sources, stuff like that). Besides that, nothing.

>> No.1061832

I was never really into comics, don't play video games in general (although I sometimes pick up a game and play it for a bit, nothing serious though).
I've been a huge weeaboo for about a year, still watched some anime but without the fucking weeaboo-attitude for another year. At this point I dropped almost all the anime I was watching/planning to watch, spending almost all of my time on reading Visual Novels.
And eventually, after reading most of the interesting VNs out there, I went back to where I originally came from, literature.

>> No.1061842

I have a 360, yet I barely play these days. In fact, I haven't gamed more than a few hours a month in several years. Not read comics for about a decade, though I have Watchmen and V for Vendetta on my shelf to read at some point. Anime? Not for ages. Can't even watch an episode now.

>> No.1061856

Videogames: once a year, maybe. I'm gonna get a Dingoo or something like that for play during long trips, but nothings more
Anime: I used to watch a lot of them 3 years ago, but now days all the things that I download are crap. There are really good animes, and every year I re-watch one or two.
Comics: Not much, enjoyed Neil Gaiman, some Batman, Predicator, Y: The Last Man, ...

Cool thread btw

>> No.1061883

I play city design games now and again. Now I'm replaying Caesar III. I used to spend a lot of time playing vidya but I don't have it in me anymore. I wish I did because Dragon Age looks cool and have only played a total of 2 hours of it in the last 4 months. I'll finish it by 2014, no worries.

I don't watch anime. All I've ever seen is a couple of Ghibli studio movies.

I don't read comics.

I spend most of my spare time either reading or buying books.

>> No.1061891

I play videogames a lot more than I read nowadays. Trying to change that now.

>> No.1061928
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Lately I've been more stimulated reading design docs, show bibles, and scripts. Something about better in one's head than actualized by another. You can't call yourself elitist if you can't read code. It's the same way in that every self-respecting hipster would rather read (and possess) the manuscript of their favorite book, complete with marginalia, drafts, and research notebooks, than any autographed first edition. Vicarious voyeurs at virginal vaginal vivisection.

>auters in
O captcha, u so sarcasm

>> No.1062039


>> No.1062044
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Yeah, I play freeware often, occasionally browse /a/ for good anime suggestions (none of that episodic series crap), and basically never read comics at all

>> No.1062046

I read webcomics daily, and occasionally watch anime. Although, the two anime that I really enjoyed were Witch Hunter Robin and FMA. Not a big fan of anything else.

I binge play video games. Maybe twice a year I'll just plop down and play through all of the Baldur's Gates in two weeks. It gets pretty bad. But doesn't last long. Beyond that I only play in social situations.

>> No.1062055

When I got it at first, it had two pubic hairs in it but some assholes stoled one.

>> No.1062059

I'll play video games once in a while. I might finish one game of Civ IV a week or so, and sometimes I'll play some halo or something at a friend's house.

Don't watch anime, don't read many comics, though I've been known to torrent Calvin & Hobbes sometimes for old time's sake.

>> No.1062081

Fallout 3 will take up a considerable chunk of my life when I get a new Xbox.

>> No.1062101

I cant stop smoking weed and watching movies, its getting in the way of me becoming a genius

>> No.1062113

i play video games more than i read.
but i read more than i watch anime.

>> No.1063084

used to be a weeaboo, i still like some anime but i rarely watch it

used to play alot of vidya, but i kinda got bored of them, i still play one once in a while, if it is different than the same shit that gets churned out every year

as i got older, i got more and more into literature and non fiction books (history, philosophy) and that has become my major past time.

i used to surf /a/ and /v/ regularly, but im glad i have /lit/ now.

>> No.1063087
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>> No.1063088

No video games, for the most part. I'm sick of telling people I like a few games and then VIDYA becomes the most interesting thing about me.

Some comics and manga, anime when I'm with one of my friends, and even then it's stuff like Ghost Hound and Gankutsuou.

>> No.1063091

I play alot of PC rpgs and jrpgs. The only anime I like is Evangelion.

>> No.1063150
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Games: Not much, nothing seems to be fun or original anymore. I've been hooked on bf:bc2 lately, I was a huge bf2 fan. I play the vidya maybe a few hours a week, usually only when friends are over. Usually only stuff like smash bros, halo, etc. I was big on ragnarok online, and I'll occasionally play other mmos.

Anime: Not as much as I used to. I LOVE the GITS franchise, .hack//, and cowboy bebop. I'll torrent a season of something everyone once and a blue moon if I heard it was good. I'm currently watching Real Drive.

Comics: I was a huge comic collector in the 90's/early 00's. I've got maybe 3000~4000 comics sitting in my closet. Mostly Marvel, was never really a fan of DC. Sometimes I'll walk into a comic shop and grab their flavor of the month. I mostly like x-men and their spinoffs.

Manga: like anime, not much anymore. I used to download mangascans left and right. I recently bought an e-reader so I've been downloading manga scans and converting them for my e-reader. I just downloaded Planates, and I plan to read that soon.

The main reason I don't do much of this stuff anymore is probably because I work 16 hours a day. I'm sure if I had more free time my powerlevel would be higher.

>> No.1063175

Video Games: Love video games, I'm learning how to program computers at college right now and eventually I'll make my own free ware game. I'm still undecided on what It'll be, either a RPG, a Beat 'em Up, or a Survival Horror Game. I came to /lit/ in the first place so I could start reading some good books for plot inspiration.

Comics: I HATE superhero stuff, it just isn't very appealing to me. I do love Alan Moore's work and I've got a whole hard drive of comics to read.

Anime: Cowboy Bebop is good, along with the occasional horror stuff. Most anime pales in comparison to manga.

Manga: Anything horror is great. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has some of the best action scenes I've ever seen.

>> No.1063199

I play fighting games competitively. SSF4. Trying to quit.

I watched a lot of anime, up until recently. The anime industries are dead. It's because there are no more good scriptwriters for anime, and because of stupid moe faggots (guys who only watch anime about bubble eyed cute girls). I loved: Bebop, GITSSAC, Texhonolyze, Serial Lain Experiments, Mushishi, Honey and Clover, Goodnight PunPun, Vagabond.

After anime has died, I started watching movies. I actually haven't seen a lot haha, so I started going for Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, the Matrix, etc...

After watching movies, I realized "the depth of the script is the most important component in all these things I love", so I jumped onto /lit/.

I'm still fairly new to literature, so I'm always open for recommendations. Anybody got some for me? I prefer books easy-to-digest but meaningful.

>> No.1063231
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Video games are probably my other major hobby besides reading. I play mostly RPG's and shooters, but lately I'm getting into RTS. I used to be into anime a lot, but that's kind of quieted down. I don't really like anything that's came out the past few seasons. And for comics, I'm still a beginner. I just own some video-game based ones.

>> No.1063239
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You're a cyberpunk.

>> No.1063244

dont read comics, watch very limited anime that i only watch because my gook friends tell me its good (death note, fma) and i play video games, but only a few on pc (competitions etc).

>> No.1063299

I have been playing vidya since I was a kid. Started out with a Texas Instruments 99/4 and moved on through 80s and 90s consoles to PC gaming, which is what I mostly do now.

I've also always read comics about as much as I read actual books. When I was a kid I read a lot of superhero stuff, but grew out of it about the same time I grew out of fantasy lit. Nowadays I mostly read srs bznz or alternative comics.

>> No.1063320

I play vidya, but almost never watch animu or read comics...

>> No.1063334
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Cowboy Bebop was pretty cool.